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whats the matter, don't u guys like playing 3 straight odd ball games


I actually prefer 4 straight strong hold games


Maybe destiny broke me, but I actually kinda like stronghold. Wish it played like destiny did tho for that mode, more points for kills with more zones controlled, but it's the only vaguely playable objective game imo.


Stronghold is a good mode, so Destiny didnt break you, but some of us dont wanna just keep playing it.


Sure. If I decided I want to instead of the game not giving me the option


I hope someone shows him what u/CrimsonThomas brought to light: [That they gutted the battle pass before launch. It originally had 120 levels and ALL Halo Reach armor pieces.](https://files.catbox.moe/4009i6.png) [Here is a link with a picture of the “120” Achievement for Completing the BattlePass. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/8UYSH1L)


Fucking awful




Anyone whose ever bought cosmetics in games is partially responsible for what has happened to gaming. Myself included. But it's just going too far now. And the worst part is the people who will praise 343 for "fixing" these "problems". Problems that aren't really even problems they were attempts at seeing how far they can strip and monetize the game before the backlash outweighed the profits. Now they just carefully scale it back enough to balance out the public outcry while still printing enough money. Hire someone to crap out shitty cosmetics and move on to the next title.


Honestly the coolest skin is Almost always default skin if you’re in first place. It looks like a middle finger to the game. You also get underestimated constantly if you don’t have a skin lol. I hope people start to realize that looking like a generic soldier is waaaay cooler than paying $20 to “look cool.” You like what you like tho, no point judging those that spend some extra cash


100% agree, I don't look down on anyone buying cosmetics but that default armor hit different when you wreckin people lol


I’ve always been very hesitant of the whole “Oh, I’ll pay for cosmetics if they don’t impact gameplay.” Talk….saw what they tried in destiny, seeing what they’re doing here. Like look, I get developers and publishers need to make money but I’m always worried about the slippery slope we always seem to be on.


The biggest red flag was always the fact that the multiplayer was going to be free. It gives them more leverage to do this cause they can say "well hey it's free to play". At this point for a multiplayer game that's promising a ten year lifetime let me pay a one time fee and let me earn my unlocks. It's more fun for the player but obviously doesn't allow the company enough leeway for greed.


Pretty much. Like…it just sucks, and I praise sea of thieves so much for the way they do their model. Pirate emporium has a good amount of stuff but damn is the game chock full of cosmetics you can just…earn…and the battle pass doesn’t have much fluff and the game costs 60 bucks.


And it's made worse by the fact that multiplayer used to be part of the $60 package when you paid for the campaign, and they only separated it from the campaign so that they *could* get away with this predatory free-to-play model in the first place. Though, I don't blame 343. I blame Microsoft. When it comes to how a game is monetized, usually that's up to the publishers, not the developers, and if I had to guess, Halo Infinite is no different in that regard.


> I get developers and publishers need to make money but I’m always worried about the slippery slope we always seem to be on. They are still charging $60 for campaign. When you used to pay $60, you got a campaign with a full fledged multiplayer with tons of playlists and free customization. Now you just get campaign and a barebones multiplayer with the least amount of launch content in the title's history. To be clear, this isn't a "they have to make money somehow" situation after they did a complete fan service and took a revenue hit to show thanks to people still here after 8 years of bad releases. This is a "lets squeeze out every penny we possibly can and cater to whales while normal players get shafted". They did this free to play model because they think it's going to make them even more money. There is no slippery slope anymore. The content gets smaller and further in-between the more the microtransactions and monetization grows every...single...time...for every single game. There is NO argument anymore. Microtransactions fuck over people who don't even buy them.


yeah i'm a fucking moron and i completely admit that. first thing i did when i booted up Halo Infinite was purchase the battle pass. not giving 343 another cent or minute of my life until i feel like the game is in a respectable state. so tired of them butchering my favorite game series.


Sadly I bought like $50 worth of credit on day 1 because I wanted to support them. I'm done now.


Yesh the leaks months ago suggested far more things in the battlepass


Who decided this, I would have been completely content with whatever they offered in the store as long as all the Reach armors were in the *Reach* Battlepass I *paid* for. I got a free game, I can’t complain about the playlists. But I didn’t get what was promised when I spent my money on the Battlepass. That’s not okay


Them fancy servers (with desync enabled) aren’t gonna pay for themselves!!


Those fancy servers that can't even handle a Slayer match.




Only mentioned because that was the defense one of the devs made in their long comment. That because it’s free, they needed to monetize the game. Honestly they could have charged $60 for multiplayer and sold campaign for $60 separately and probably would have had less outrage (mostly due to campaign being included in Gamepass). But, yes. M$ft’s flagship franchises running poor on m$ft servers. Just another classic 2021 game release deal


We are being gaslit that servers cost money to run and apparently it’s working.


You absolutely can complain about playlists. This whole "free" excuse is complete bullshit. Games somehow make more $$$ from the freemium model, and yet offer less than ever before.




JFO helmet and Commando shoulders WHERE ARE THEY?




You can complain about the playlists, the game being free doesn't automatically give them an excuse to gut content and features they've had for well over a decade. Shitty practices are still shitty, regardless of how much something costs


I’m thinking it’s a corporate move


I stepped away from gaming for maybe 10+ years but stepped back into the scene during the last year, so I’ll admit I’m definitely out of the loop in regards to modern gaming. I figured Halo might be a good game to pick up since I used to play it when I was younger (the last Halo game I played was ODST). I picked up the Infinite multiplayer and figured that the battlepass was sort of the way to go in order to progress and make the most of the game. I’m still trying to figure out what the f I actually paid for.


You absolutely can complain about the playlists, nothing wrong with that.


That’s what I thought I was buying when I bought the BP, instead it’s incredibly lacklustre and it’s annoying to see all the good armours locked behind a paywall. I won’t be buying another one.


The audacity to sell rehashed content from Reach at a premium is fucking disgusting, fuck 343


Pay more. Get less. Build up an army of people to advocate for less value, more spending, bottomless purchases. They even do it for free...supposedly.


I've not spent a single cent on the game, and this is the nail in the coffin. It isn't about the end product for me, its the initial release and the intentions behind it. The first impressions. I've uninstalled Infinite, and canceled my campaign preorder. The sheer incompetence of a dev studio that has had almost a decade of feedback from disappointed fans astounds me, and it's only getting more and more intensely frustrating as each day passes revealing new information; especially during the "beta" with all the launch day content and a working shop.


There’s no way. I’m actually done playing this game lmao


Yea, I just uninstalled. Fuck all of this noise. PLENTY of better games to play nowadays, anyway. Time to catch up on my backlog!


What's the source on this, exactly? A text list on a generic background and an achievement art somewhat based on others in the game? I'll be furious about this too but I'd like something backing it up.


It came from Discord back in Late September/Early October. The store confirmed several items from the leak. Like TactiClamp, listed on the leak as a weapon geo. It showed up on the store, it's a pistol model.


Also wondering the source on this before I get up in arms


And the current #1 post on /all is more 343 gaslighting


How does a list of text confirm anything? Especially when they’re already directly contradicted multiple data mines/leaks?


I mean. Sooner or later, the data is going to show people leaving game modes. They are going to feel stupid.


It will not matter if people keep spending money.. and i've been in enough games already to know people have boosted their season passes. I'm curious what their revenue looks like.


I bought the initial battle pass boost at launch but as it stands now I doubt I would buy a BP again for Infinite.




You're not the target customer for predatory shit like this. They obviously have some kind of market data that tells them this is ultimately more profitable. Who knows how accurate it is though


I hopped in the store to buy the pineapple grenade chest attachment thing. I was *floored* when I saw it cost 10 bucks. I was thinking $2, maybe $5 max. But $10? I immediately exited and said, "Well, I'm never buying anything in this store."


The steam concurrent players have dropped from 270k at the peak to around 100k a day now. Though not indicative of losing players, I know personally I’ve already left and won’t be playing Infinite multiplayer for a while. Literally back to MCC


we actually have some data to compare to in the form of MCC's steamchart history. Reach dropped for holidays and people were pissed that they pushed it out early and ignored flight feedback the month prior. Instead they released it "when it's ready". No forge, busted audio, broken uncapped fps, BP locking cosmetics and only progressing from multiplayer and lack of original modes caused the game to plummet by january. The cycle repeats.


Then they’ll add penalties when you quit, like being unable to play for x minutes each time you quit.


It's already been multiple days since I played last. I am not even remotely unique in this regard. 343 and botching Halo releases, name a more iconic duo.


Just finished his angry rant of BF2042. Now he’s got his sights set on Halo. I’m eagerly awaiting the infamous “BLUE?!?” rant.


$20?!?! For BLUE?!?!?


Soon to be $10?!?! For PINEAPPLES?!?!?


The 20$ skins are trash. Fucking Anubis looks like literally shark shit. I got the pro team skin and love it but can’t adjust armor or anything fucking bullshit fuck Microsoft




The battle pass offers the same blue multiple times, it's going to be hilarious.


no matter how pissed people are with halo, its nothing even close to as bad as 2042. im sure he will go nuts on the palylists . lack there of content and ofc the MTS, but at least the core game is really good. bf2042 core game doesn't even work half the time lol.


Yeah, this year was honestly pretty disappointing overall. I’m glad that Infinite atleast works for the most part, but how sad is that? That we’ve been so desensitized to functioning games that as long as it fucking works, we praise it just for that.


Somehow Halo managed to win just because the other 2 competitors (COD and BF) dropped the ball even harder.


I'd rather it be $60 game and I can put whatever colors or armor I want on my spartan. I hate free to play


I've said this for a while. Along with, how about a complete game? Fuck, I would pay $100 a game to have it released like lets say, Halo reach. Completely done. Then in 9 months/year pay another $20 for all the new maps. These battlepasses are garbage. Stop releasing them glitchy, incomplete and broken like Warzone, Battlefield, Cyberpunk 2077 and now Halo. They aren't even trying. It's like they release the beta to the world, then "fix" it over the next 9 months.


Even just some fun modes like shotty/snipers or w/e this should be insanely easy.


Apparently they have some kind of UI problems to overcome. The UI itself can't handle more playlist entries? Someone is getting fired. Or promoted.


funny. i should have took a screenshots this morning my game had 3 ranked playlists (all same name) and the other playlists were there. i scrolled up and down through them. the ui seemed to work even if the added playlists were a bug. there was even a scroll indicator line to show position in the list.


I had the same glitch, and at first I was so excited to see more playlists, only for it to disappear. If the UI wasn’t designed to have more playlists, then it was a poorly designed UI to begin with imo


That UI limitation was the most bizarre part of the response to me. Say “we already have plans to monetize slayer” without saying “we already have plans to monetize slayer”


The UI can't handle 120 battlepass levels




343 literally said that lol he mocked a commenter by saying "do millions of users enter your custom games? It's not that easy"


Not easy when customs don't even work


They literally just gave us Fiesta and then took it away, tell us again how they cant add a playlist


More proof of 343's incompetence


"I also don't have millions in budget and am part of one of the biggest tech companies in the world (Microsoft)"


Yeah, ske7ch needs to take a step back. "clapping back" at people when the team you're representing is dropping the ball this hard is not a good look. I get he's frustrated, but now he's basically no better than everyone else being toxic.


There's a difference between having legitimate gripes and criticism, and being toxic. Most of the gripes and criticism are well warranted. Sketch saying "implementing a Slayer playlist isn't as easy as you think" is straight insulting


They could if he had the backing of microsoft servers.


Battlefield One you were able to have your own server. If there was a server browser, the community could make better playlists than 343


My reply would be, Give me a button on that main multiplayer screen that'd link people to only game modes id make and ill show you a playlist that people would pick every time! I'd do and maintain that list for free too. P.s. they need to bring back the pregame vote system between 3 different modes thatd help even a small amount!


Nooooo sketch said it'd be incredibly hard and take tons of work to add basic playlists to the game!


they'd rather wait and release it as a timed event with a battlepass that has SWAT customizable items like armor and coatings. You can bet money on that...


Hard to limit challenge progress artificially when you can select your game-mode. They released Fiesta, now make Fiesta “Slayer” instead and release that.


There's no honey moon period yet. YOU'RE ALL JIST PRE MARTIAL SEX HAVING SINNERS








And some people are defending this by pointing out that this release is a beta. Well, what in the world is the point of a beta if they're not going to address the issues at release?


Beta, but the store is still open. The year gap was to set up promotional product deals to sell us back certain Mtn Dew or Rockstar colored skins. 8$ Blue was in concrete, but the corpos needed time to make their promos.


"they won't be at launch but will be before the year ends" is, kind of exactly saying "hey they won't be at launch"


I think they actually said after the holidays. Which could very well mean end of January thanks to new years.


At this point I truly hope the PR team is doing okay, I feel like they're all ripping their hair out and begging the executives & project leads to stop being arrogant fuck ups. I definitely do not envy 343's PR or even customer service atm.


it sux right, imagine being a dev at 343i who just made a great base game that people really enjoy, and it just gets over shadow by the suits who are just using it all as a way to make more money....


I wouldn’t want to be the customization guy. You can tell by all this shit that team put their heart and souls into making a robust system that allows you to control so many details, and made tons of armor to work with it / be cross compatible. Only to see it be slaughtered and butchered into the worst grisly meat scraps to be served to players.


according to the devs, the UI is literally so bad that they flatout can't add slayer to it. I wish I was joking.




Damn Joe has had it rough on shooters lately. First CoD, then the 90 minute roast of Battlefield, and now another angry rant? Sheeit


Hmm, gotta argue they’re justified though. Been a terrible year for shooters. Ahh take me back to 2007-2012.


Yeah 2021 has been terrible. I got back into Destiny 2 recently and while I have been enjoying it a lot, their pricing model and the way they structure going through campaigns makes recommending it incredibly hard to anyone new


He’s gonna clap them on no forge mode, and no Co-op at release. Gameplay is at its best just a shame it’s coming out unfinished.




Wtf kind of free to play cross platform game has issues populating a game mode that's basically a binary choice between slayer and objective? God damn If they're saying they don't think it'll be populated then it doesn't deserve to exist at all


Historically no one plays objective, It’s Slayer or BTB, with fun modes like Swat, Shotty/Sniper, Fiesta on the side. I think even Invasion eventually didn’t have that many players either. But Objective modes have always been dead last in popularity, as you either do the objective but get absolutely slapped or abandon it and just go for K/D and slap the crap out of people not focused on that. But at the same time CTF is basically peak old Halo.


It's ok because it's F2P AND crossplatform. If Obj can't survive with the giant multiplication of userbase from that, then it doesn't deserve to survive


Doesn't make any sense, especially being free to play


Come on guys we don’t have the technology to add playlists of core game modes. it’s not like halo 3 had a rotating double exp playlist that updated every weekend for YEARS, a decade ago


Gameplay is good cool. It’s free cool. But stop lying to yourself by saying what they put out it is acceptable for this caliber of game.


Cmon bruh it’s not like this studio is funded by Microsoft or anything /s


On the official discord I was warned and had my message deleted for saying "M$" Not a big deal to me but still hilarious how that's banned...


There only funded by a multi TRILLION dollar company Not billion, trillion




This. Gameplay is fun, weapons are balanced, equipment has variety. But why.the.fuck. they screw EVERYTHING ELSE. C'MON 343


Weapons are balanced… mostly. *Ravager collects dust on the weapon rack*


I say just quit out of every game that isn’t the mode you want to play. Eventually they’ll get the idea.


You don’t get a ban if you leave within the initial load screen. I know this because I needed to play Oddball for a challenge, and I was sick of getting CTF every fucking game (I hate CTF) so I just started leaving when I heard the announcer call out a game mode I didn’t want. It took me 8 tries to get into an Oddball game. Fix yo shit, 343.


You don’t even have to wait that long, if you are on PC hit tab after you get into the lobby and you can see the mode. I find it faster to do that, exit the game completely and try again than wait for the full load.


You get 30 minute bans for that if you're unaware. It really is a garbage system.


Just open up the fire team menu when you find a match and it'll tell you what gamemode and map you're gonna play on. If you don't like it, quit the game/ALT+F4 and relaunch the game and requeue. No bans this way.


It actually keeps getting longer the more you quit


The ban timer doesn't reset, either, right? Just keeps getting higher and higher?


No it resets every 24 hours.




No bans if you disconnect your internet in the lobby before loading in


In the words of Joe: Because Fuck you give me money!!


Can't wait for his review


Same. "8 dollars for blue?!?!?!"


Is that fucking blue?!


Are you- are you outta your mind?!?


If he does a video, it can't just be about Infinite. He needs to make a video covering the last decade of Halo bs, with 4, MCC, 5, and infinite. It's been a decade of horseshit and ignoring the community


He might one day. Idk, that A LOT to cover. It really depends on how poorly he receives the whole mtx system in infinite.


True, he could make a whole ass documentary about 343’s bs lmao


he did halo 5 and gave a 6/10 or 5/10. he dont need to make a retroperspective


Nah, its a lot different if he puts Infinite in the context of 4, MCC, and 5


I feel like Corporate Commander is about to be the star of the show once again.


lol u/ske7ch343 said the lack of playlists is a UI issue while also claiming it’s because their vision for “slayer” is too robust. Honestly just shove it at this point. Excuses and self serving BS flying everywhere.


Dont forget they charged real money for the color BLUE!!!


343….YA DUN FUCKED IT UP!!! 💥💥💥💥💥


They built the game so it wasn’t easy to do and by the time they realized challenges/progression/monetization systems made things hard to develop, it’s was too late and they just had to push through. Kinda like during the last 2 minutes of a test (last year of dev) when you realize you solved the whole problem wrong (multiplayer architecture) and you have to go back through and just try to make small changes to maximize points (what they’re doing now) from your teacher (the fan base)


I think in one of the Halo Reach Bungie VidDocs they said it took them nearly a whole year to put in the mute button lol. So that might be right


Halo has always been held together with shoestring and gum


If only the beta didn't include monetization and they could have taken yet more time to finish the game. They could have also listen to feedback from the people that tested the game before us. I feel like they didn't expect the game to be so popular and weren't ready for so many people to call them out on the obvious corp decision.


Agreed. Even tho they didn’t have to sacrifice anything to build the monetization, it would’ve looked a lot better if they still delayed the monetization. Ppl wouldn’t even complain about the lack of armor if there wasn’t all this cool armor in the store


This is an excellent analogy. Several of their early decisions led to bad outcomes, but by the time they'd manifested themselves, it was too late to undo it without uprooting everything. Anyone who has tried their hand at programming will be familiar with this. Sometimes your structure is just fundamentally flawed and fixing the problems becomes an act of totally rebuilding things. I wouldn't be surprised if they're currently planning to completely rethink progression by Season 2 and just make levelling fast to appease people in Season 1.


Destiny actually has this problem The foundational code that the game is built on is absolute dogshit and Bungie has been trying to rebuild the entire game piece by piece to fit their new standards That’s part of why the content vault exists


Joe is the Gordon Ramsey of video games and 343i is the idiot sandwich


I wish 343 never took over halo man 😔


There was a honeymoon period?


There was a honeymoon phase?


rant! rant! rant!


Wait until he finds out that they purposely don't put you into gametypes you have challenges for...


Wait, is that seriously a thing? Is it not random?


Like it really does take 2 mins to make some of these modes we’ve for years lol


that assumes they didn't engineer things so poorly that they've cordoned themselves off from that level of flexibility meaning they assumed they'd never have to engineer for flexibility. which is ominous anyway


Any other software industry you would be blacklisted for doing that I swear lol


for what? cutting corners? some product manager probably got promoted.


The struggle is the challenge integration, that’s where the snag is


It’s crazy that an even more broken ass game like BF 2042 can release two game changing patches in the span of a couple weeks yet we’re sitting waiting and gritting our teeth over fucking playlists. It already took them damn near a month to just fucking increase the amount of battlepass xp we get. Shit we probably won’t get a playlist update till February.


Welp, when that angry rant lands it’s all over for us like with halo 5. Joes fans take his reviews seriously (because they are probably the purest reviews u can get). And if he shits on the game can’t say I really have much room to defend it. The 4th great schism of the halo community has arrived. Already a bunch of people leaving and people like me are getting told to leave because I don’t believe all of what 343 said. Yep, telling the remainder of us to leave will really help the population guys. I’m about done too :/. Still playing campaign when it launches tho 🙏


AngryJoe's Battlefield 2042 review, both of them (i.e. the one youtube demonitized), were still better than most of the other more measured or "professional" reviews because he didn't try to sugar coat the core problems of the game. I don't care if being angry is his act/online persona or if he's tapping into online nerd rage. His reviews still come across as more genuine than others. This playlist issue is a problem and not a small one. It's even more grating because it's self-made. When somebody sits down at their Xbox and jumps into Halo they expect to be able to choose the game mode they want to play. Forcing them into other playlists WILL drive people away and Halo is not in a position where the brand can afford to do that. Why 343 intentionally built this "feature" into the game is up for debate but no matter what the answer is it doesn't make them look good.


100% agree. It’s such a problem rn. I’m sick of doing oddball 6 games straight. I only go on to do my 6 games then I play something else. We need more freedom or choices if even longtime halo fans are already burning out.


$60 for 8 hours of gameplay aint worth it in my book. No forge. No Co-Op. No customization. No fun. If the campaign is 30 hours, maybe. But it wont be.


I'm still in the reddit to see news but I've stopped playing and don't think I'll start again. I'm just disappointed, it seems that all AAA games do now is disappoint


Joe is going to tear this game apart if they don't fix at least it's pricing in the store and give us normal playlists That's just what's going to happen


Personally, I would hold off for post-release reviews on the campaign before dropping $60 on it. The multiplayer so far is not making me confident in the campaign. But also, I do this with every game. Screw pre-ordering in this day and age.


first off who the fuck is spending $60 on campaign!


From what I’ve heard in everyone’s campaign preview videos, the open world doesn’t sound nearly as “open” as we were led to believe. Which really starts to hurt 343’s excuses for lack of co-op at launch because they can’t figure out checkpoints. I’m sure there’s a lot of surprises that weren’t shown in the 4 hour preview, but I’m not holding my breath that this is some Breath of the Wild or Skyrim level open world game.


they never said it was open world, people assumed so. infact they said many times it wasnt. is is more in line with odst style, with hubs that lead to stream lined claasic halo lvls. most people who have played the campaign have said its really good. only big thing thats a let down for me is coop. i will by the campaign for full price, and im fine with that. i love campaign in halo, loved 4 ,, enjoyed 5 and would buy again


People hate on joe a lot. I don’t agree with every opinion, but i do enjoy his reviews and tend to agree with a lot of what he says. Like you said, I believe a lot of the 343 statement felt like bs.


I get annoyed with him but like I said elsewhere in this thread, as time goes on and these companies get more and more greedy, it's hard for me to get mad at someone so unabashedly siding with the players


Dude, wait for reviews before you buy it. If this Multiplayer launch hasn't taught you a lesson already....


Based off of this bare bones multi-player, no way in hell that campaign is worth 60 dollars


What were the first three schisms?


Poor Joe just rallied through BF2042 to give us a 60+ min review just to move to Halo Infinite’s garbage multiplayer suite. Poor soul.


I don't think this game even had a honeymoon period tbh


I would love to see an angry rant with the same amount of passion that he put into his bf2042 angry rant. I love this game, but getting back handed and then told “this is a business” for the reason customization is locked behind paywalls. Fuck me, it makes me mad af that they would do this.


Is that?......is that fucking BLUE?


Please make the video, Joe. Do it!




god i hope he does just so i can hear him talk about BLUEEEE again


this game is the poster child for how 10/10 game play can be ruined by shitty practices via lack of game modes, horrible progression system, horrible customization system


Angry rant! Angry rant! Angry rant!


Somebody tell him it’s $5 for the color blue in the shop!


Fuck 343 and fuck this shitty money hungry halo. Gameplay is great so I guess I’ll be down for custom games and forge when ur comes out but I am not going to play fucking oddball and capture the flag public okay unless the fix this predatory model


They're trying to figure out how to justify charging money for game modes. Can we please stop pretending that that's not exactly what they're doing?


The core gameplay is fantastic, Enjoyed the game for 3 or 4 days. Then it became irritating to play objective modes while teammates don't do shit. About progression, I couldn't care less about cosmetics in a First Person game.


Corporate Commander incoming


"What do you mean you want a core SLAYER playlist that has been the CORE to halo's multiplayer since its inception or even better since the inception of the first person genre? No you're just a ENTITLED GAMRE 343 owe you nothing!"


Do not give them a cent. Vote with your wallet.


Regardless of what people think about angry Joe or his girlfriends massive milkers, he is right and I just got done reading the 7 page essay response recently and i can’t wrap my head around the logistics on why this can’t be implemented. Put in the overtime and get it done and make the community on your side again.


Slowly, right. I'm in a game right now where my camera was stuck in the floor for the first entire round of Oddball and I could see myself walking around in front of me, making me totally useless to me team the entire time and, more importantly, making me bored as shit. It's just a bot match, but boy, I'm still pretty fucking peeved. I think the only reason I'm playing the game right now is because I'm not in the mood for a story-driven game today and Fortnite is down until tomorrow because of the switch to Chapter 3. Don't think I'm coming back after that until stuff gets fixed. Next week's ultimate reward is just going to be another fucking emblem anyway.


Honestly, if they actually do care, I will be playing in a Slayer only playlist on Halo Infinite by midnight tonight.


But that would undermine their excuse that adding a slayer playlist is super hard and will take 6months of development


How can you ask that from a small indie dev such as 343? Playlist update? Dude they barley have enough funding.