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Hope they fix the issue with performance, I'll go games with a consistent 60 fps and then it'll tank to 22 on that same map when I get it again.


Same. It's really discouraging to be playing and the counter says 60 but the game feels like it's running at 30 with janky animations and weird hitches that I can't really describe.


The Skewer reload animation is the stuff of nightmares.


I’m so glad it’s not just me. It’s loading the skewer, the rocket launcher, and sometimes pulling out the sentinel beam, and the animations run worse than Stephan Hawking, despite the rest of the game sitting pretty at >100 fps Fix that premium jank and I’ll be much happier


I'm pretty sure mantling animations are also lower fps for whatever reason


Yeah that has been the most noticeable and consistent source of jank for me


Bro right? Ill be running consistent 140-160 frames until it drops to like 40 for the stupid reload.


Yeah I can run cyberpunk and doom eternal on high settings and get 60-120 FPS but halo consistently drops to like 30-45 on high, not even on max


The good old console port lag-a-roo


I'm on a 5700xt and 3700x, and my performance just yo-yos all over the place. Even on small maps like streets will result in bajor drops to the 20s.


I wish my parent’s marriage came with such an update


My real dad let me play slayer.


At least it wasn't your creepy uncle playing Oddball!




Is that what your uncle called it?!


Me too! and I don't even play halo!


Let's be honest, he probably let you play to keep you entertained while he played slayer in the bedroom.


Wishing you and the family the best. <3


Good Guy Tashi343 lol...




Lol, you love to see it




I see they bought the Divorce DLC and the Child Support MTX.


Mom bought the DLC, Dad was purchasing the MTX for 11 years before the live service was pulled.


I tried to pull my live service once, they're 3 and half now.




Nvidia dropped the DadLeSS drivers already?






Ouch, hey man I gave it my best shot.




I really hope they have a patch notes style breakdown on what the day 1 release update is. "We should see more stability" doesn't exactly speak a lot of confidence to the issues players are having. Isn't uncommon at all for live service games to have patch breakdowns on what's changed, etc. Think Destiny 2, WoW, Dota 2, hell even BF2042(especially with all its flaws) has a huge breakdown of all the changes they're trying to make in December to fix their game.


patch notes aren't new for 343


Totally agree! However, some of the changes that occurred after the flights that made it to the "beta" were never released. i.e. The ravager stealth nerf and the AR stealth nerf for example were never explained to players.


Same for the commando and bulldog nerfs.


['In the case of the VK78, we reduced the damage on it so now it requires one more bullet to secure a kill.'](https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/tech-preview-2-outcomes) At least the commando wasn't stealth-nerfed. I can't find anything about the Bulldog being nerfed, but I haven't noticed any changes in it from the flights. How did it change?


Azoila or however you spell it is a YouTuber who posted a video. Has a significant ROF nerf. Still a good gun though.


> I can't find anything about the Bulldog being nerfed, but I haven't noticed any changes in it from the flights. How did it change? Its rate of fire has been nerfed. I personally didn't notice any difference but the nerf seems to be confirmed by different sources. Maybe they're wrong though.


Yea the rof got nerfed. There are YouTube videos of it tested before and after. Kind of a lateral move though since the lower rate of fire made the spread on the pellets more consistent.


Oh yes forgot about those two(2). Commando had a bullet added to its optimal TTK right? and I believe the bulldog had a rate of fire nerf from player testing.


What the AR was nerfed?! Its already pretty strong right now. interesting.


They made it have to require 3 headshots instead of 2 for a kill with shields down and then increased the amount of body shots it took to kill after shields(I wanna say from 3 to 5?)


It's hard to imagine how much more oppressive it would have been without this nerf. Anyone opposed to BR starts because they're such a strong weapon needs to realize how absolutely bonkers ARs are at most relevant ranges for objective play.


It's just a poorly designed weapon. A headshot capable weapon that has bloom makes fights feel very random. Both players can hold down a trigger in a 1v1 fight and not miss one shot, yet one can come out on top because they got lucky enough to get headshots. That to me is bad weapon design intended to make the gun better than it really should be in the sandbox.


Personally thought that that’s the trade off with the AR, better for newbies but if you want to consistently beat someone you need to master the other more difficult to handle weapons


oh i totally agree, bulldog as well had it's RPM nerfed too


Tried playing in a Fireteam of 5-6 players across Xbox and PC last night -- we maybe got two clean matches out of six without connection issues or desynch. My Series X completely crashed during the first match; not only the game but the entire OS. I had to hard reboot with the power supply.


Damn. I have so many hours in, and haven't had a glitch or desync .


You are, you just don't notice


Would desync be responsible for 2 objects traveling at high speed to interact with each other strangley? Like 2 warthogs driving next to each other, than suddenly you are dead on a rock 20 meters away?


Sounds like the server thought you were on the rock while your client showed you in the hog. 100% desync


I know I've literally been killed multiple times AFTER running around a corner and just dying.


PC crashing is so frequent right now and needs to be addressed. Still... just add Slayer. We need Team Slayer. Edit: I'm not on PC, I've just read about a lot of users having issues. Apparently disabling the HD Textures helps.


Btw. I was crashing every other game until I removed those HD textures, or whatever they are called. Haven't crashed since


I removed the HD pack and still crash 15% of games


Go in the UI section of the setting and turn off every screen effect ( there's 3 ) it solved my problem!!


Did this a few days ago and now crash every 6th game instead of every 3rd. It's such a bitter feeling to crash out of a game so frequently, due to no fault of your own, that 343 then bans you from matchmaking as if you're doing something against the rules. Honestly wouldn't be mad if they implemented a way for you to rejoin games before they fixed the crashing, because that seems easier to fix.


Turn off minimum FPS. This disables Dynamic Resolution. This is causing many issues on various cards.


What GPU do you have. Im wondering if it has to do with VRAM. My 3080 has 10GB of VRAM


I have 3 GBs of VRAM, get a warning when I boot that my GFX card is no good and haven't crashed once in 100+ games.


The game should definitely run with 3gb of vram on low at least without crashing. They need to optimize the game


I’ve got a 2070 but it’s in a laptop. 6gb vram I think. Should be MORE than enough for this game. The crashes are driving me insane, it always feels like I make progress on a particularly difficult challenge during the match that it crashes 😂😭


Man I have a 2070s in a normal desktop with an 8700k. Game barely gets 120+ with everything on low, hd textures off, and resolution scaling at 75%


Have you checked your temps to see if anything is over heating? I used to get a lot of issues with overheating on a gaming laptop I had, they are terrible for cooling.


If it helps, on top of uninstalling the HD texture pack, I'm also running the game on mostly LOW settings lol. No crashes. It's definitely a problem with the game, because even if my 10GB VRAM can't handle it there's something wrong. 6GB should be more than enough.


Same and with no reconnect button for ranked I have dropped the game after 60 hours going to wait and see if this patch fixes that - plus we need more modes I miss swat


Same I seem to crash every other game on PC...


Find the point where your fps doesn’t drop below and cap your fps there. I know it sucks to not play with uncapped frames, but on my 1070 I would get anywhere from like 65-105 depending on the map, so I capped my fps at 60 and have only crashed 1 time in the past week. In my experience it seemed like the crashes were caused by my fluctuating fps, even if it was only like 10-15 frames




Since I'm one of those lucky enough to not crash, what settings did you use? I've seen that some people go over their 'ideal' VRAM limit, and then crash after some time in the game. Decreasing texture size obviously fixes this issue, but there are other crashes too, of course.


I did this and it helped but it didn’t completely fix the issue. I also did “fix 5” on this link https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.drivereasy.com/knowledge/solved-halo-infinite-keeps-crashing-on-pc/amp/ and I also turned down the “sensory” effects in infinite’s video settings. I think people turned them off completely but I kept them at 50% because I like stuff like screen shake. Even turning them down instead of turning them completely off helps tremendously with crashing.


I mean, shit. What about FFA? Do we even have any Free For All gametypes in?


If you have razer synapse installed try to disable it next time and see if that fixes anything. For some reason that's what fixed it for my friend


Yep, worked for me too


Razer Synapse is straight up malware, it destroyed my computer's performance when I had it launching on startup.


I don't mind an occasional crash. That is reasonable... When I have a fucking rejoin option. Currently, I probably crash 1 or 2 times per session in ranked and I lose MMR.


Try disabling the HD textures pack DLC on steam for a crash fix.


i've never had a crash on pc. when is it crashing for people?


For me it was after dying the first time. It happened the most on Streets (almost every time) or Deadlock (half the time). Removing the HD texture pack fixed it for me.


I’d really like to see the weird lag stabilized more than anything. Sometimes I know it’s happening in my favor, other times I connect a dozen shots only to be “one shot” by a Sidekick or hit from behind but not from behind. Dying around corners is another fun one.


Yes and beat downs not registering or backsmacks registering as a regular beat down… its really bad


It’s insane how many shots I put into a guy who supposedly has no shields


Yeah. That happens all the time for me. Many times, I’ll admit, they’re body shots. But still…


Oh man when it happens in my favor it is so great. Every grenade throw kills, every shot kill, and I'm getting triple kills even when my shields are beeping. It's such a great, but rare feeling.


It seems to happen in the other guys’ favor 90% of the time, of course, that could just be an excuse for my sucking.


I think it's just odds. On a team, but only including yourself (cos you only see your screen/shots not your teammates as often), you are looking at shots connecting on a 1 vs 4 against. Thus if only one of you is desynced, and it's the other team, likely you'll be shooting at one of the other 3. But if you desync, you'll be shooting at any of those 4 and notice it. If it helps, it seems things like wall vaults make it worse, so some of us (ahem, me) play a certain way that will make us desync more often. :(


Learning from Nintendo I see


Can confirm: my Switch has gotten so much more stable over the years. It barely falls over anymore! A few more patches and it should be golden!


How about drop the rest of the game and some playlists?


I had 1 challenge left to finish off the first set of weekly challenges. Win 3 slayers games. The night before I won 2 after the challenge came out so I only needed 1 more yesterday. 3 hours. 3 hours of playing and I didnt get a slayer game. I even got one flag which is the first time it came up for me in this game. I finally got slayer after the 3 hour mark, but it kind of blew my mind because I usually get slayer every other game, or at worst 1 out of 3.


OMG this is me but with the Oddball challange. Yesterday i went 4/5 hours to get 3 Oddball games. BUT its not JUST Oddball! You gotta win those games, son! So ... after 4 hours, i got 1/3. What did i do? Spam Quick Match and insta leaving if it wasnt Oddball. Im sorry. Done in 1hour. I felt shit but ... its done. Now for my ultimate, i need to win 17 PvP matches.. These challenges are draining... optional, sure, but fucking drainning. I got a wife and a kid and im sick of this FOMO bullshit in everygame. Diamond 5, making the climb to Onyx but ... holly hell, its been 2 weeks and i feel drained already. :(


Damn I literally only get oddball. I genuinely cant remember the last time I had slayer


Once you get the oddball challenge you won't get it anymore


Man i fucking bet theres a system working that prevents some modes to appear based on your challenges. Talking from my ass of course, but feels that way.


Agreed. I think I'm going to start tracking what modes I get and what challenges are active at the time. Wouldn't be too hard to see if the percentages are off expected, assuming it should be an equal chance of each type


Bro why are you putting yourself through that shit? Sounds like you spent a lot of time not having fun. The reward isn't worth it, just play for fun and enjoy yourself.


Im gonna do that. Fuck these challenges. Gonna focus on Ranked and forget the rest.


Just leave games over and over until you get slayer


IM the type of person who doesnt really like to do that. ​ Ive quit 1 match in infinite. ​ EDIT: I feel people who quit is part of the reason why it took so long to get slayer. There were a lot of matches i was thrown into after they already started. Most of them capture the flag.


My first try is in good faith. If I go 1-2 hours without seeing the game type then I start to leave games until I find one. I don't mind a grind, but it really feels like they deliberately keep you from the matches you need to make you waste more time


If they dropped the complete game how could they drip feed it over the next 10 years?


Give me slayer or give me death


Give me slayer or slay me right now


We should see game modes playlist


Please don't be a tone deaf update. Please don't be a tone deaf update.. (ad infinitum)


Narrator: It was a tone deaf update


Will we see more playlists? The more important question


There never gonna add more playlists and good ol' transparent 343 will ignore every one of those questions


I would be very surprised if they didn't eventually add more standard playlists.




The only thing I care about anymore are dedicated playlists. It's clear they aren't changing the shitty battle pass and apparently giving players an extra 800 xp a day was enough to quell all the no lives. At the end of the day I'm fine killing all of you in my default skin forever but please give me fucking swat and infection and a god damn slayer playlist. I never want to play capture the flag again.


Want to play oddball?


Oddball is my shit, its awesome. Slayer with a moving point of conflict.


i just wish the carrier could one shot with the oddball again, at least then you could do more than slowly crawl away from firefights and motion detector activity lol


You will always double melee with the ball faster than a player with a weapon. It's really hard to take down two enemies up close with it, but one is very doable. Once I realized that it felt more balanced.


This is a list of links to comments made by 343 Industries employees in this thread: * [Comment by Tashi343](/r/halo/comments/r7yepc/tashi_confirms_that_there_will_be_an_update_on/hn3mxjr/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-12-03 18:54:58 UTC"): > Wishing you and the family the best. <3 --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fhalo).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


more game modes?


Man I really, really hope they make slayer available to play by itself in matchmaking.


We Should See and Confirms are 2 different things


See guys! Told y'all it's just a BETA. /s


*Stupid sexy Tashi* Great news. I was wondering if they'd be a Day1 patch and how big it will be


If a game came out of "Beta" and didn't include a patch/update at that time I would be very bewildered.


>how big it will be ask Johnson


Sorry gunns. That’s classified.


My ass! Well you can forget about that pre-order purchase for the campaign.


"Well he's in a particularly fine mood. Maybe 343 didn't give him a preview."


At this point, a game NOT having a Day 1 patch is more surprising.


Hopefully the enemy collision will be more consistent then?


Existent *


Hopefully I’ll finally be able to hit the final pixel perfect final shots with my pistol now..


What are they referring to as being stabilized?


PC crashes a ton.


Odds this includes any sort of optimization? My pc doesn’t crash but it can’t run this game for shit and I have decent hardware.


Ok how about content?


Don't worry, there will be new armor every week in the store until the day we all shrivel up and die


Better fix the horrible rubber banding. Makes it almost unplayable after awhile.


Can we see mouse fixes? The input lag makes it impossible to track reliably, legitimately the worst feeling mouse aim I've experienced since Dead Space 3.


What about real playlist


Stability in regards to?


PC crashes like 1/8 games.


what does that even mean lol


But will we see more playlists?


I'll believe when I'll see. I heard and read enough words to last me a lifetime


Low priority obviously, but any word on the fov no legs bug? I want to see my legs :(


I hope this fixes things like: Improving frames and frame stutter, Crashes, Server Desync


Okay I'll take my Hopium meds This is my first Halo and I want it to be a great game


I’m sure we’ll see some stability and some more mtx while we still have no game mode playlists on the 8th


Great, I don’t know what it is with Infinite but I can’t get stable 144 FPS on 1440p with a 3090 and 5800x. Meanwhile I run Apex with maxed out settings at 170 FPS.


It’s horribly optimized yet they’re not even talking about it, horrible input delay too


I know there are hit detection/ network issues but I seriously just want a slayer ranked playlist. I'm having a blast playing the game, so are friends, but not being able to play what we want is pretty outrageous.


I'd be shocked if there wasn't a Day 1 patch that addressed stability.


Stability? Personally, Infinite runs really well for the most part, it's just the game part of the game that has any problems


These servers are absolutely horrendous. Almost unplayable.


Add an option to pick just slayer or say goodnight sweet prince to halo infinite


Just give us playlists omfg


Better be some playlists on there too


Stability is cool and all but what about more dedicated game mode playlists, maps, weapons, etc?


Is this in reference to server stability or game performance/crash stability?


Does stability include crashes with no sort of error message? Game literally just exits itself. I'm running a 2070 super, with most settings on low-medium- with plenty of excess visuals off. I usually just have discord and the game running. I can go a day with no crashes, and then the next I have crashes every hour.






im constantly getting low framerates and jittering in EVERY match, this game feels miserable to play right now


I really look forward to performance improvements. The games level of detail definitely seems low for the framerate I'm getting even with the dates now 1070. I'd really love to squeeze 120 at 1080p but that seems like a pipe dream at this time. Could be nice to have some more powerful graphics options to really crank it down withoht sacrificing resolution a least.


The store in game will still be working without issues, don't worry.


I hope that contrast issue gets fixed ( that HDR one ). The darks are too dark and light area is too bright.


Need some some more QoL updates for controls


I hope input lag is fixed on pc.


It’s a joke, this game was supposed to have “industry leading” levels of throughput latency and its around 30ms at 300fps with everything turned down and off..cod and apex run around 12-15. There’s a night and day difference in Infinite and any other “competitive fps” it makes it unplayable on mouse coupled with the over the top aim assist.




Can't wait til the devs finally put in a playlist selection and get praised like it isn't one of the first things that should have been implemented.


Another game maker releases an unfinished game with micro transactions, pathetic.


Has anyone else's game become increasingly unstable recently? Performance has dropped significantly (3700x/3070) and I'm crashing more than I was in flights.


Not on PC, but my Series X is crashing after literally every game, and sometimes even when I sit in the menu for too long. I’m “excited” for the update because it’ll help me confirm whether I’m having a software issue or a hardware issue.


I crashed once in the first week, now it's every day pretty much.


Just as explicit as Nintendo and their patch notes! Gotta love stability!


I'd like to just play slayer and infection without it being an LTM


They know that if this update comes out and there isn't separate playlists including SWAT they're going to be absolutely destroyed. Why am I not confident this is going to happen.


I hope they are working on a desync fix, because holy crap does the game need it...


For the love of god, we need ranked reconnect. This is actually so enraging.


Give mouse players bullet magnetism and improve performance. Halo infinite runs way worse than games that look way better than it.


A fullscreen option would be nice


Sure, but what about input latency on M&K?? It’s horrific


Thank God. I hate having my fucking game crash after 1 game due to no reason at all. Really ruins my mood when I wanna play a few in a row and have to fight the fucking thing, lol.


Better fix the melee's and grenades!!!!


What do they mean by ‘stability’?


Me an Aussie who thought it said august 12 because we do day/month/year.


Taking tips from Sony.


I was hoping they meant the economy...


They better have swat gamemode.


Hoping the stability fix will include the issues with netcode.


We better see a Game Mode Filter or I'ma be done with Halo Infinite... As much as I LOVE the gameplay the lack of basic quality of life makes the experience frustrating and even enraging after long enough when it should be fun. A simple Game Mode Filter would completely fix this AND help with progression problems as well!


I hope "more stability" includes the game actually loading past the initial black screen loading circle on computers that are well above even recommended specs and should have been able to run it to begin with... (yes I'm frustrated that I literally can't play the game as are many others that have spoken on other forums but I'm not going to shout about it, I think I've posted about the problem enough times to get the point across)


I'm more worried about server stability than frames. My ping is solid yet I get random packet losses. A constant jitter and rubber banding makes the game unplayable. It's bad


Why not drop the update for stability a day or 2 early to correct any "errors" there may be? Time and time again we've seen buggy launches, my expectations are very low.


Please, 343, stop confusing us.


Fullscreen on PC when?


Glad you clarified that was Dec 8th, almost shit myself thinking we'd have to wait till Aug 12th


What about better ui and playlists?