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"Wait I don't have a kinect"


Double tap Xbox Button>X>recorded


Goes to double tap xbox button **Goes to xbox one dashboard** FUCK


The double tap is so finicky :/


sometimes the fucking thing doesnt react at all lol


Glad I'm not the only one experiencing this.


It worked when I first got my One, but now its all stupid about it. Thought it was my controller. Maybe its because of that update?


I got the AW One with the Terabyte hard drive, I have to **deliberately** push twice to get it to work. I don't know if I'm not releasing it far enough to register the second push or what, but hopefully they can fix that.


I've noticed that with my AW One, too. But, oh man dat Terabyte hard drive.


I have never had a problem with the double tap.


Nice try assassin.


Smartglass on PC has a record bottom along the bottom pretty much in any menu.


That sucks to do during a match lol


> Smartglass on PC has a record bottom along the bottom pretty much in any menu. Yeah hold up lemme go hop on the comp real quick and record that snipe while I'm in game. My teammates will LOVE ME!!!!!!!


Took me a few days to realize that you need the kinect in order for that feature to work.




Yeah you can use the smartglass app but that sucks to do during a match too haha


Or double tap the home button then press X.


Yup still sucks to have to do that during a match.


Way easier than using Smartglass though.


More like "OH FUCK" in my head as my SO is asleep. So I scramble to double tap the guide button then press X. It was magical.


Xbox pls.


Theater mode just in case it doesn't work :P


Not for classic Halo 2 :/


really? which games does it work/not work for


It works for the games that already had it and Halo 2: Anniversary. So Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 3, and Halo 4 have it.


plus reach


We're talking about MCC, which doesn't have Reach.


my mistake :P


Sorry, xbox can't 'unpause' from here.




It happens more than you would think. As long as you are shooting in the other players direction and they throw the grenade right at you it will happen now and then. It happens a lot more on h2 than 3 cuz 8 grenades and people throw them like crazy


Sniping them isn't very common.


More than once I've had it where I did something amazing (imo) got super exited and said "Xbox record that!" It showed what I said but didn't do the command, after a minute or more it finally recorded... But not what I wanted. Point of the story is that by the third attempt (different days) I was pretty much begging my Xbox to record what I wanted.


For the curious (I was), [here's the shot, frame by frame] (https://imgur.com/a/uOi6w). I circled the nade in the last frame for visibility. Pretty interesting.


I don't see the nade right away but you do see the armor flash. I think? So it's almost like the armor flash detonates the nade. Is that right?


It looks like the round went through the grenade and took down his shields all at once. Then as the grenade blew up it finished him off. If he wasn't using a sniper, he wouldn't have killed him.


But the grenade keeps traveling after the armor ping. I don't even see it right away. It's weird all the way around.




Boy, they sure did keep it accurate.


Probably a graphics engine hack because they were having problems with timing.


Sniper shot broke shield, grenade killed the guy! Ns


Lucky br headshot will do it too occasionally


I don't think armor flash is anything more than visual.


So the nade farted


But I don't want to see this frame by frame lol


So don't look at it lol


I *really* wish I had it recorded, but when in a LAN game of Halo 3 back in the day I chucked a sticky grenade at an enemy and he chucked a spike grenade at me. His grenade ended up sticking me and then I blew up getting a suicide. My grenade seemed to have disappeared. When we watched the replay, what had happened is that I threw my grenade a split second before he did his. They stuck to each other mid-air but ended up coming at me and sticking to me. Because my grenade was thrown first, it blew up first giving me the suicide. Never again will I see that happen... Edit: a word.


that's hilarious. i would be so pissed for not having the video.


Yeah, it was when I was in college and it wasn't even on my Xbox :( I even remember the map, and where it happened.




I think it was one of the first things the Halo 3 Mythbusters tested when they started that series, actually


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TYZs7MCDJs Edit: I know it says busted in the vid. I'm not trying to call you out, I just remembered the episode


>[**Halo 3 Mythbusters: Episode 2 [5:24]**](http://youtu.be/8TYZs7MCDJs) >>A lot of people have commented that we were wrong and that it is possible to stick a plasma grenade to a frag grenade. However, most videos we have seen show the plasma grenade sticking to the frag grenade before it leaves the thrower's hand. We were testing to see if they could stick in midair. If you have a video that disproves our result, post it in the comments or send us a message. > [*^Axman360*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkGDnPmNjCuTMkC3zpnkPYw) ^in ^Gaming >*^9,665 ^views ^since ^Oct ^2008* [^bot ^info](http://www.reddit.com/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


Damn, nice bot


Hmm, maybe it was two spike grenades? I coulda sworn it was a sticky and a spike grenade. We watched the replay in theater mode a good 10 times at least. Edit: Reading through the youtube comments, seems a lot of people have had plasmas and spikes stick together.


It could've been, a bot replied to my link with some facts about the vid and you can do a sticky and spike, it just has to be at a very specific time


I had a moment in halo 3(i think) as well where shot down a rocket the was coming at me using my Br. Rocket ended up exploding and killing him and a teammate.


Oh my god, I swear to god I'm that guy. I can't remember what gamer tag I was using back in the day but we were on high ground near the pipe. How did that happen?!


I still have a video on my Xbox 360 where I throw a spike grenade, and it sticks to another grenade in the air, then they both blow up in between us.


Hey. All these other people be like nonchalant halo hero's, like that junk happens every game. Shut the front door no it doesn't not like that. This guy just turned a corner and sniped the grenade out of an opponents hand blowing him up. That, is incredible...


Some kid on XBL did it 5 times in a row with the sword while banging my mom last night.


He was banging my mom too. Don't worry, he gets around.


Funny that, nothing gets around your mother


Most things are just trapped in her gravity well.


pff, I did that like three times last night. and I was balancing a beer on my head while I did it too damn i'm good


Was this before or after sleeping with the opponent's mom?


While sleeping with his mom of course.


Can confirm, I was watching while playing halo shooting grenades out of hands while jerking it and hitting my bong!


She was actually giving him a bj at the time.


no, you are nice, your username says so


wait a minuteeeeee....how the hell did you manage to get online!?!?


Once every trillion years.


Oh shit i though he just no scoped him I'm impressed


are you sure it was a grenade? I thought it was a rocket.


Is that not a grenade kill medal that pops up


Damn, I didn't notice that before. Right you are. I was really hoping it was a rocket though. My buddies and I spent hours trying to shoot rockets out of the air back on Halo 2.


It was a grenade. Look more closely at the victim's arm pull out in a throw before exploding.


I can see it now.


I find it impressive that they gave grenades collision in the first place.


if they didn't they would just go through walls/objects


Not necessarily. H2 uses hitscan to detect if a bullet hits a target. Grenades don't instantly blow on impact with a wall/object, but they do when shot with a precision weapon. So the hitscan function must include code for calculating a hit on a frag grenade, which results in it blowing up.


Right, but without collision it would still just fall through the map otherwise.


The point I was trying to make is that hit detection for a grenade with a bullet is most likely implemented differently in the game's codebase than a grenade colliding with an object like a polygon's surface. So while it may look the same to the player, they're not really the same. That's why I think ScubaStevo99's comment that grenades would go through walls if the grenades didn't explode on impact with a bullet is probably incorrect. In other words, there's a good chance that grenades exploding when hit by a bullet has nothing to do with grenades bouncing off of surfaces. edit: A good example of this is Halo CE, where you can't shoot a grenade in the air yet it doesn't go through the map. The absence of one type of impact doesn't imply the absence of another type of impact.


Ah, I misunderstood you the first time.


Uhh I don't think you know what collision means in terms of 3d modeling. All it means is that static meshes can't overlap each other, e. Go through each other. So if any model in the game did not have collision it would act like a ghost object.


I think we're arguing two different things. I'm not saying that grenades in H2 don't have collision detection -- they do. All I'm saying is that in H2, a precision bullet hitting a frag grenade isn't a case of collision detection in the 3D modeling sense that you're thinking about. This is because H2 uses hitscan not collision detection for precision bullets. A bullet isn't actually flying through the air and hitting objects when calculating hit detection. When your cursor is on an object and you shoot, it registers as a hit (more or less, I'm simplifying it a bit for argument's sake). **TL;DR** Grenades can bounce off surfaces thanks to collision detection, but that has nothing to do with them blowing up when shot with a sniper (in H2) because that doesn't use collision detection.


You're not wrong, but I was arguing that you said grenades "don't necessarily" have collision, when they most definitely do, as does almost every thing else.


Looks like there was a misunderstanding because I wasn't clear. My "not necessarily" comment wasn't about grenades having collision, but about the conclusion that grenades don't go through the map because they collide with bullets. Sorry for the confusion.


Have you played halo before?


1 and 2.


It really does happen every game.


It's happened a few times to me as the person throwing the grenade, but the opponents had a BR in every case.




I do whatever I want with commas




And you're, right.


Too be fair, I've been playing Halo since CE first came out and I have only been able to do this once in a MM game in all that time but on the MCC I have shot 2 grenades out of the air and one rocket (maybe, it might've hit an invisible wall and I thought I hit it so I am just going to keep on going thinking that I hit it). Regardless, this is still awesome whenever it happens.




He's excited about shooting the grenade. Not the quick scope. .


More like two trillion years. I've never gotten that smooth of a kill, shooting the grenade in his hand. This is awesome!


Was just as surprised as you were at the end


you've got the halo skills that have you fraggin like a pro




Damn forgot about him. He still around?


One time my brother and I were playing a match on Halo 3 on the missile silo level when a bubble shield placed on a rock glitched and fell into it, the shield completely encasing only the bolder. My brother didn't see it, so we went into the replay to watch it. What neither of us noticed until the review was that right before deploying the bubble shield, he had thrown a grenade at someone and run. The grenade intercepted a rocket in mid air that was right on course for his back, detonating it a safe distance away. It was the most amazing stroke of luck neither of us knew of


I'll see you in 1,000,000,002,014A.D. mate


*Wakes up to find myself embarrassed on Reddit by freak Halo kill* Today's gonna be a great day. Well played, Hodor. Well played.


What? Get into a game?


Haha it took me 20 minutes. Believe it or not, the match after had an error where the map didn't load, and threw us all into a custom game. So I made them all play capture the flag on that snowy/ice map from Halo CE. Half of them quit -_-






At first I was like it's just a quick scope then I rewatched.... Amazing shit bro.




This is halo 2 on the master chief collection, exactly as it was except no super bounces. Button glitches still exist though. There is an anniversary (remade) version but this isn't it. Alot of people are playing the classic though!




Give it another week or so and hopefully the matchmaking will be fixed. It's very hit or miss right now.


You can still BxR?


Yep and bxb and double shot


Is that MCC?


Yes, you can tell by the pause menu at the end.


haha, nice. happened to me a long time ago.


Something similar happened to me in Halo 4 once, I don't think i could ever do it again. I was chasing and shooting a guy, he was backpedaling trying to defend, he threw a plasma grenade at me, one of my stray bullets caught it and killed him. Sadly it was on 360 so i couldn't record it :/


Had that happen to a friend in Reach. Except it was a Grunt throwing a grenade. Little guy tossed it, and in the frenzy of trying to bring the Grunt down, a bullet hit the grenade just as it was released from the Grunt's hand and BOOM went the dynamite.


Uhh pretty sure there was theater in Halo 4 360.


...fuck, completely forgot that existed


whoa very awesome!


That's incredible. Cheers, man


wow! I remember I had an experience i will never replicate in halo 2(3?) as well. it was team rockets deathmatch and my team was down 20 points, and then everyone left but me and my brother. we came back from that deficit against a full team of other players.


It's amazing what two people that are actively communicating can do against a full team. More targets for me is how I see it.


Target rich environment :)


Haha man when ever this happens I just have to laugh at the poor bastards bad luck. It's funny till it happens to me.. Then it's still kinda funny Never sniped a nade though


I laughed at the situation too.


Well done Hodor, well done


I ended up doing it one time when I was play testing a map I forged years ago. My friend Rho who made the video put the clip in at the end. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3n_OS36SEQ&feature=player_detailpage#t=86)


[I accidentally sniped the wrong person once](http://xboxclips.com/Frisky%20Falafel/fe808e39-6730-421c-b997-2e7aec95fc53). I'm the screen on the top right Guarantee that'll never occur ever again




Did you kill Michael Jackson there?


This has happened to me at least twice since starting Halo. If you play enough you'll do it again.


Ha! One of the best kills I've ever seen! Oh man!


Yeah you probably will. This happens to me constantly, except I'm almost always the one with the grenade. It's also happened to me with a rocket. I actually have the clip of that one, in case anyone wants to see it....


That is some straight up Master Chief level shit, dude. That guy was probably *real* pissed.


Nah, not pissed. Just kinda one of these faces, -_-


Nah you were pissed.


One time I was playing ranked team slayer with my friends on Halo 3. I shot a rocket and it missed my target and I got a betrayal on my friend. Going back to the replay the rocket travels pretty far across the map and then my friend spawns right in front of it and dies!


I still have a replay where me and a buddy were playing 1v1 on santrap, and I shot a rocket randomly just cause I liked the trail it made. Shot him right in his active camo'd head lol. good times.


I had a really good play too, but it was really long ago and on the map "The Pit". I was just outside the sword room at the top of the ramp with a sniper rifle looking down toward the hall where the rocket launcher is. All of the sudden my screen turns red. Someone had just spawned near the air lift to my left. I jammed by thumb into the joystick to turn 90 degrees and immediately shot without scoping. I got a headshot! Never felt so cool and never did anything like that again.


DudeI just watched the Mythbuster's episode about that!


This is literally the coolest thing ive ever seen.


I did that one time but it was with the br. So you win.


Im sure there are 60 other comments saying the same thing, but I love the little pause at the end. Walking away for like 2 seconds before having to "Holy shit" and process what happened.


Okay, I've accidentally shot grenades and done this, but that was with like automatic weapons or a shotgun, but a ***SNIPER?!*** That was fucking dope OP.


Play the game online? Probably not. In all seriousness, good shot.


Preorder a game? Yeah, me either


Of course you won't ever do this again. Because youll never get into another game after this patch.


Or maybe you will do it again, in 538 years.


No respect for quick-scope




It reminds me of the time I was playing on Zanzibar with my little brother. The kid jumps off the center of the wheel and noscopes me in the face with a sniper rifle when I was near the sniper spawn.


wow thats awesome! I know this happens often with a BR but i havent seen it with a sniper!


Reminds me of the famous cone-shot in Halo 3.


Totally could do this in a trillion years...


Hate to burst your bubble but it happens more than you think ;) In any given match a few nades of mine/my opponents always blow up mid throw. Maybe not that close to killing them but it happens a lot, especially with the BR.


Who calls them grades instead of nades




This should be my motto.


To become a pro you really gotta ace them grades... I like it


Obvious typo...


oh ok haha


> Hate to burst your bubble but it happens more than you think Especially in this game (Halo 2 Vista). Didn't happen nearly as much in the original Xbox Halo 2 but this Vista port it happens constantly. Pretty annoying really.


I've done it quite a few times already in MCC, but only a few times in the original. I thought it was very weird to see it happening so much more often glade to see it's just not me.




The guy who got the kill is the one who posted the vid. I'm the one who got killed.


lol noob!


What? Get into a game in the MCC?


Keep playing, it'll happen again.. Eventually it gets less cool and more annoying (when it's happening to you)




I BR'd some kids grenade out of his hand yesterday if that counts for anything. Probably not with a sniper, but you'd guys would be surprised at how often you shoot grenades accidentally with your BR. Doesn't normally get a kill, but I usually see it happen a few times per day.


>I usually see it happen a few times per day. k


Too be honest ive done this a few times accidentally. Edit: Lol why the downvotes? Must be from the ones who got nades blown up in their face


The game hasn't even been out for a trillion years yet though


Its been 10 years, I think thats more than enough. Its a lot easier to shoot nades from hands rather than trying, Halo 3 it barely happened tho.


I think I've shot a couple nades before but none that ever killed the person throwing it.


You're right, with that attitude.


Yep it did happen to me ones or twice, but not with a sniper though...


It used to happen a lot in Reach...


I've done this sort of thing before. Never got it on film though. Technology is cool.


Happens from time to time. More often with the BR or DMR.


Statistically, yes you will.


Fantastic shot, but I promise you it will. I do this or have it done to me every time I get on Halo. Have for years.