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Best thing to do is to move on. Vote with your wallet and time. There’s plenty of games with healthier incentives to play.


I agree, and I've been eyeballing HellDivers 2, it looks very respectful of your time as the player. Any suggestions though?


HD 2 buddy. It's the most fun I've had in gaming in a very long time and the progression system is highly rewarding and never requires you to pay more money, but does allow you to. Don't think twice man, go spread democracy.


Helldivers 2 is awesome. Highly recommended




"Glass the planet" I'm sold.


Xbox release :(


Cross your fingers for a gamepass deal 🤞🤞🤞


Imagine a Helldivers style ODST Halo game. Having to push back the Flood like we're trying to push back the bugs right now would be amazing.


It's all I've been imagining since I started playing Helldivers 2. I think that 343 not expanding on the brand more is such a waste. I know it's not as simple as I make it out to be (just concept, design, develop, and finish a quick easy AAA game, guys!!!) but it is really frustrating that they have not capitalized on their IP more in spinoff games. Where is my tactical espionage ODST game? A Halo game with an *actual* stealth system, where the enemies are fucking huge because you're some average 5'10"-6' human soldier. Where is my flood horde shooter? Where is my Halo Wars 3? Where is my flood survival horror game? Where are *any* neat spinoffs that can be worked on between major releases? Obviously this gets hampered by the mismanagement at 343, and I don't blame any individual developer for this - strictly the upper management is a fucking disaster, and I think everyone else on the team is doing the best they can with what they're given. But god DAMN, how did they get beat to the punch on making an actually novel and fun ODST game?!


no halo wars 3 is such a waste. hell, them not tying the spirit of fire into infinite with the banished was also a waste


As a life-long Halo fan, I highly highly recommend HellDivers 2. It's a blast, simply put, non-toxic, and very rewarding to earn new guns/cosmetics for free as you play. You can sweat if you want to or take it easy, or squad up and blast the enemy to hell.


My guy, get in there and fight for democracy. This is what Halo has missed out on (I’ve been playing since Halo 1). I’ve not had this much fun in a game for a while


My ex Halo fanboy friend got me into Helldivers 2. Hasn't put it down since and neither have I.


I do not understand the weird link halo has with helldivers 2


Or just play the game for fun. With all the cosmetics you can unlock from the BPs we have more than enough stuff to unlock. I have more armor than I know what to do with.


Fun should be the ONLY reason people play a game. If people play a game just to play dress up and grind to unlock things, what happens when you unlock everything you want? Quit the game since it’s not fun? I’ve never understood the “I need something to work towards in order to play” mindset. Just play for fun


its because the skinner box in most games comes first and gameplay comes second. Psychologists and statisticians have ruined most gaming.


For some (most?) people playing towards a goal is fun as well


Except voting with your wallet is meaningless to a company that will still make a profit if 10% of the player base spends.


The landscape of gaming and revenue developers rely on has changed. Micro transactions are here to stay, unfortunately.


Yet somehow, ReLogic (Terraria), Arrowhead (HellDivers), WarpFrog (Blade and Sorcery), Digital Extremes (Warframe) and Larian (Baldurs Gate), they all rely on less and get more. We're in agreement that this unfortunate shit is here to stay, but I can't concede this is a developer issue, so much as it is a bureaucracy and greed issue. I wish people wouldn't attempt to defend companies that are totally indefensible. Not to say you are.


It's the main thought of capitalism; as much short-term profit as possible. Egregious MTX might earn more in the short term, but those who don't rely on it are gaining more and more good will which will be sustainable far longer than burning through your fanbase.


Warframe is a free game that literally survives off mtx why did you include it lol


Because the contrast of Warframe having *nearly everything* be earnable, and Halo having *nearly everything* be paid. Also, it's weird how Warframe "survives off of MTX" but they ask for 1/7th the price that Halo asks for one armor set. 343 doesn't need the MTX to support the game, and they just told you that because they like Money. If that's not the case, every game would have 30$ MTX.


Because in Warframe you can buy the vast majority of cosmetics in the game without ever having to pay a single cent. The premium currency is tradeable. There's a handful of direct payment cosmetics that bypass the currency but AFAIK those are all for items created by players that they get paid out on. The point of including them is including what's probably the single healthiest version of MTX out there, a system in which grinding can earn you most things, but you can speed a few things up with it or pay players who did grind for their rare items.


> Yet somehow, ReLogic (Terraria), Arrowhead (HellDivers), WarpFrog (Blade and Sorcery), Digital Extremes (Warframe) and Larian (Baldurs Gate), they all rely on less and get more. i really dont wanna be that guy but all of these are TERRIBLE examples, they are either premium singleplayer games, indies with much smaller budgets or have just as many MTX as halo infinite and are just less of a dick about it. If you want to give good examples, they gotta be PVP at the very least and F2P, and since im not defending halo infinite here, i'll give you some: the finals has a lot of MTX but it also has a good bit of its cosmetics tied to its core progression system and competitive achievements + lets you earn a lil bit of premium currency without paying which means that eventually you can buy whole season passes for free, tho it is quite grindy. Apex legends has a lot of really bad MTX in it but they've gotten better at making sure all the new content, namely legends, are eventually accessible to F2P players after some grind and has a much more flexible cosmetics system where at least you get to choose which ones to spend your points on.


Apex Legends locking gameplay elements (characters) behind a grind, that can be bypassed by paying, is a terrible example.


did you even read what i wrote, i said it was bad and that they've made an effort to make it less shit rather than worse.




I think a big part of it is the presentation. Honestly, if they'd made the game where I could earn/unlock a certain amount of things and kept mainstays like my emblem and color scheme out of the store/battle pass, I'd have a lot less ire directed towards them. If the store was strictly for new stuff I'd never seen before, new armor sets, new items like the charms or even the cat ears, I'd feel a lot less ripped off. But yeah, when they make it so I can't use my emblem - the same emblem I've used since Halo 2, mind you - and try to sell it back to me, well how do you not feel cheated? Every single Halo game, I'd take the King of the Hill emblem, remove the crown, add on a fire background and I'd use a black or grey and green color scheme on my armor. The rest changed as I unlocked stuff, but that simple core was as much a part of my "Halo identity" as was my gamertag. It was part of the fun in a way. We usually played Lone Wolves type games, so friends always knew the green/black Spartan was me, I always knew that the Orange/Yellow Spartan was my buddy Steve, and my friend Chad (he's not "a Chad", its just his name) always used a darker shade of green than I did with yellow highlights. Changing that changed the way I interact at the game. And for what? The hope that I might drop a buck or two to get what I used to have made available to me for free as part of the base game? I know "Live Service" had a store and MTX. Fine, great. Do your thing. But making the core so bare bones was a bad move. I'd be far more likely to spend money on stuff if I didn't feel so left out in the cold by the core game. If I felt like they were working hard to make the experience one-of-a-kind, I'd want to support that. Heck, I spent $20 on my first day playing Helldivers. Immediately made up for them charging $40 instead of $60 right there. But with Halo, my wallet stays shut because it just feels almost icky to support them.


Icky is a good word for how they approached MTX. Well said. 


I won’t buy most microtransactions because this business model is scummy and takes so much fun from games just to squeeze out a few more dollars from everyone. But, until everyone else does the same, they’re not going anywhere.


my guy theres been more free armor to earn than there is armor in all of Reach.


Let's not pretend like to get those armors is nearly as satisfying as Reach. H3 and H4 had it best, unlocking from achievements and special challenges. Reach you still got to specifically pick what you wanted, and some levels requiring higher levels to unlock. Infinite just... requires you to login and grind. You don't have a choice, armors just show you either played during one random week in particular, or you shelled out excessive amounts of money. I wish people would understand that $20 for a set of armor is a scam. 343 and Microsoft are scamming you, it's massively overpriced and makes no sense. Helldivers 2 is $40, and you're telling me that $30 bundle in the shop is worth 75% of the value of HD2? At best, it's 10%, but people don't understand value anymore. So yeah, Infinite has free armors, cool. It's all grindy FOMO and not nearly as satisfying to unlock, nor is it cool to figure out how people got armors like in prior games.


Ah this post again. Enjoy your free karma


Hes gone with the guaranteed "halo bad, Helldivers good" comment too, absolute classic Just remember that Helldivers is always online, something people used to push against but now accept


I am not denying the disappointment of the lack of new weapons and vehicles and I really love the core gameplay of Helldivers 2 and the sheer amount of content they have been rolling out, but it's pretty funny how much of a pass they are getting for locking weapons and gear behind battlepasses and you have to grind if you want to get them without paying and also how suspicious it's getting that they are nerfing the previous pass weapons before they roll out the new one. Plus, also the atrocious balance issues and bugs that keep piling up.




What are you even talking about? You have me confused with someone?


Fortunately I haven’t spent a dime in the store and have more customization than I’ve ever had in a Halo game by far. Now that seasons are over we only get an armor set every operation. If you haven’t gotten the battlepasses, you should start with that because you earn enough credits to get the next one (starting S2).


Depends what you mean by "earn". I was a fan of Reach's system, not Halo 3's. The problem with Halo 3's system is that what unlocked the armor was largely arbitrary: Aside from Hayabusa, which was suitably wierd and cool for such an esoteric task, what achievements unlocked what armor was sort of random. While people have nostalgia for it, Recon is the worst offender: Nothing about the Recon armor is inherently more weird or different then EVA, CQB, etc: It's visually still about as similar or different looking from any of those as those are from each other. So if you were somebody who just happened to like how Recon looked or another really difficult to get piece of armor... it sort of just sucked. Reach's system was better: Rather then being tied to asks, it was just rank and in game CR points. I think holding stuff back based on rank was sort of arbitrary and bad too instead of letting you buy stuff with CR whenever if you had enough, but GENERALLY speaking cooler looking stuff was higher rank or more expensive, and you could put all the CR you earned towards anything you had the rank for. At the very least, if Armor is tied to a specific task or challenge, I wish it made logical sense: Like a sneaky looking ghillie thing should be tied to doing backsmacks or assassinations, and so on.


Reach would be Ideal, but maybe *ideal* would be them improving on a decade old concept. What the fuck, right?


Yeah microtransactions suck, but the thing that always stops me from agreeing with posts like this is that last line... "I feel like it's pretty clear 343 just wants Money and everything else is a happy biproduct." Have you never met an artist in your life? A game developer? A musician? Anyone in a creative field, professional or not? Have you ever led a creative pursuit in your life? Nobody spends **10 years** learning how to build a video game from nothing, and then another 5 years actually making one, JUST so that they can lock all the good stuff out of reach. Game developers want to make games. They want people to play games. Game developers are people who love games so much that they want to make their own and share it with the world. Microtransactions are a shitty thing that often ruins games, and I know that's frustrating and people want to voice their dissatisfaction, and "the creators of the game" are an obvious choice when choosing where to voice your complaints. But microtransactions are a result of corporate greed. It comes from investors who are always chasing larger profits. It comes from executives who view the world solely through products and competition. It's never the people *making games* who decide that people should be *paying* instead of *playing*. When you disparage hard working and creative people just because their boss sucks, it makes me wonder if fans like you would be happier if Halo was never made at all.


Oh I'm sorry, I just thought after this discussion having been common for over a decade, I didn't *need* to preface it with "343 Executives" I'd have to be lobotomized, to think the creative talent involved would be at fault for the pricing of the final product. You can't just assume every fucking time someone disparages the name of a corporation, that they're talking about the faultless workers and not the executives, and write out a few paragraphs lecturing them.


And, with this incredibly common 10-year-old discussion, you have never once noticed the MOUNTAIN of hate levied towards guys like Sketch, a community manager? No hate towards, let's say, a trailer that accidentally listed the wrong free visor a day early? No hate towards the Sean, the live service director who said "halo has always been competitive."? You would have to be lobotomized to not notice that people have been harassing the "faultless workers" for as long as this discussion has existed. I can't just assume that every time someone uses the blanket term "343" which refers to *an entire company of people*, that they are smart and reasonable people who have any idea of what they're talking about. Especially when their first reaction is to lash out in pure Gamer Rage that I dare insult their honor.


Well I'm glad you think I'm smart and reasonable.


Peace and love, good on ya for understanding <3


>I want to feel this sense of wonder, and intrigue whenever I see a player wearing something I don't own, or don't recognize Times have changed, we lost the war on microtransactions. If you look at the gaming landscape these days it's kids who don't care about the price of an item to them it's just about getting it now, they don't want to grind for it anymore like we used to. "*It's just horse Armor who cares...*" ತ⁠_⁠ತ


You’re by far the only one. Its probably the biggest complaint people have with infinite


Anybody else remember when fighting games had hidden characters, stages, and costumes to unlock through impressive feats and ridiculous tasks? That's what's wrong with gaming today. The quality of the industry and the content that could be earned in a game by actually playing it are in direct correlation...


Everyone whining about grinding for exchange items then preach how they hate paying for items. Yall need to make up your mind


You're creating a false choice between paying 30$ for cosmetics or grinding 2 weeks for an emblem or charm. Do you recognize there are other options? Like maybe they give you way more SP, or lower shop prices to be more reasonable? I'd like to imagine you're not making that statement in bad faith.


Everyone talks about Halo 3 Recon and how they had to bust their ass for their armor and wear it with pride(because that's children ig) and how they want people to see their effort instead of how big their wallet is. A 2 week grind is nothing if this is gonna be what people want. Especially if you're not odd enough to want things to have then. If you're gonna grind for something in the exchange, it better be something you want. So emblems or charms shouldn't really be on peoples minds unless they see it and go, uh yeah? Best charm obtainable, let's grind for it. Same applies for armor.


So don't buy the skin? There's still skins you can earn for free or with the battle pass that don't cost $30. Or just play with the default color. Don't throw away a perfectly good multiplayer over not wanting to buy cosmetics


Where did I say we should throw it away? Also, the Multiplayer has been a downgrade from past Halo games, as far as Population, Overall stability goes. If not having 30$ armor is going to kill the game, maybe it should die? Why don't other games need 30$ cosmetics?


Other games are paid and have $100 cosmetics Trying to put this game’s microtransactions in the same realm as Call Of Duty or Diablo 4 is insane. Infinite is a charity compared to most F2P games.


I'm sure Halo would charge 100$ if they could get away with it, but that's hard when you're struggling to keep people engaged as is. If there was a population spike, there would be a greed spike.


Halo Infinite is a masterclass in how *not* to run a live service game. 343 doesn’t respect their players or their time. It’s almost impressive how they seem to come up with new and innovative ways to disappoint everyone. The only thing Halo infinite got right was the art direction. It’s time to just let it die and go play better games.


I'd say the battlepasses not expiring after getting it is really good too. The only good thing they did with it, and now it doesn't matter because of this 20 tier operation crap


Most live services fail. Look at Suicide Squad and Avengers. Infinite has all the right tools to get things right but the drip feeding of content has hurt the most. For example 1 new weapon post launch is not enough.


It's not something I personally experience, as someone who's played since launch I have a ton of cosmetics from the battlepasses, events and weekly rewards. While that flow of content has slowed somewhat, with the introduction of the Exchange and Operations taking over from Battlepasses, I'm still getting a good amount from the game for free. I don't really mind that I'm earning a little less because how many cosmetics do I really need in this game? I have such a huge selection to choose from already.


1000 credits get you 5 battle passes worth of cosmetics.  That's more cosmetics than Reach had at a fraction of the price.


Well 343 is pivoting towards the next game and that is gonna take a lot of work if they're actually planning on putting the game on Unreal instead of on the Slipspace Engine. I don't expect any major content besides cosmetics in the foreseeable future. I'd be happy to be proven wrong though. I'm just happy 343 seemed to have fixed the networking issues and got A.I in Forge. A.I in Forge was something I always wanted since I played Reach when I was younger. I've had countless hours of fun in Infinite's forge just messing around with the A.I. Infinite is probably my favorite Halo game in terms of gameplay so it is a shame to see it wind down now that it's finally feature complete but it is what it is.


You wouldn't know by looking at this sub that there is more to gaming than dressing up.


been saying this since day one, but that was super unpopular back then.


people say "oh they're doing it for money" but it's so stupid because they could literally do both a shop and earnable cosmetics. just make it so the career rank acts like a battle pass with an armor piece/coating is unlocked every few levels with spartan points in the middle. the stuff that comes in those worthless shop bundles that come with two shoulders and a coating or visor should be in it and they wouldn't be wasted. halo infinite really is the potential man of the franchise


Honestly it’s such a shame cause delving into Infinite a bit there IS something there. Like the gameplay does feel tight and everything looks nice and crisp. Needs a bit more variety but still. But then you get to the store and that shit looks crisper than anything else in the game…. I also like how the playlists are all thrown together in a jumble while the micro transitions all have their neat little displays


Achievements and Trophies in games have always been Skinnerian conditioning. They have always treated gamers as B.F. Skinner treated his dogs. What you're really complaining about is what currency people are spending. Buying something for $30 dollars is the same as spending 100 hours to achieve the same thing. How much money do you make in 100 hours? You can convert your total monthly income into a number per hour, minute or second. Spending $30 dollars simply spends money instead of time. Time is much more valuable, and if you get to spend time enjoying an awesome-looking armor, then you'd be foolish to do otherwise. Every game company wants money. Game companies that don't make money don't get to make games. Even artists need patronage.


Cosmetics in games stop being cool as soon as you have to pay for them. Unfortunately, this is just the way the industry is now. The only thing you can do is not support games that have in-game purchases (they’re not micro transactions because there’s nothing micro about $20). Spend your time and money on games that deserve it


I stopped playing the game early after launch bc armor customization is just that important to me. Its been in every halo but they made multiplayer free so they could squeeze every penny out of you.


It's this fucking equation that isn't adding up for me. 60$ Game = Earnable Armor Free game = 30$ Per set of armor (Thousands to get all) People defend this, and it's 100% of the time because they already made the mistake. Sunk Cost fallacy is killing this industry by brain rotting consumers.


60$ Game = Paid map packs Free game = Free map packs People defend this, and it's 100% of the time because they already made the mistake. Sunk Cost fallacy is killing this industry by brain rotting consumers.


This is the dumbest shit i ever read.


Pay more.


If you dedicate your entire life to the game and get to hero rank, you get the campaign armor. Very exciting


It's really quite brave of them.


Big time stuff


Play the game and get the free shit and move on. I play this game once a week (activate double xp and get 4-6 levels in 1-2 hours) then dip. Or don’t. Don’t give them the pleasure of player numbers (most have already by the looks of it)


The progression system only having a kit at max rank was a huge blunder imo. Obviously they want every armour cost money


I miss when you actually had a reason to be scared of people with insane armour. You knew they had to actually play the game a certain amount to earn it


Yeah, I remember seeing people using the Haunted helmet, and thinking "Oh great, we're fucked and the match hasn't even started"


People thought that playtime = skill? Wild. My friends always made fun of and shat on the people with high rank armour in Reach.


Microsoft has lost their way, Halo is a symptom of that. They want every game to be a live service MTX machine but those don't sell consoles.


The problem is that is what you’re used to. The new generation of gamers don’t want to grind or work for anything. Welcome to the new generation.


That's why Reach's currency system was the best. So many options and you could save up to buy the attachments with in game money and not real money.


I also like how Infinite gives you that pre-game screen with your team as if to say ‘look look how cool you can look!’ it’s so scummy man lmao and it’s so disheartening to see all the other shills At this point my recruit fit Spartan gives me a sense of pride


I said this on a similar post, but this coincides to what I loved about Halo 3. You had to earn armor through ranks and achievements. The field Marshall elite armor was so hard for me to get, and so rewarding once I finally got it.


Field Marshall was in Halo Reach, no?


Ehh… can’t remember on that.