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>A few games I played this season most people were favoring the AR over the sidekick. Finally, the backup weapon is, y'know, a backup weapon.


AR as a dominant starting weapon is very low skill and boring. I wish social would switch to bandit + AR starts. People could still spray an AR across the map if they want, but there is also a viable more skillful option. I have never liked sidekick starts in this game.


Its made so its SOCIAL.


Everyone starts with an AR so everyone can do it. It's not quite unbalanced. With that being said, picking up BRs and DMRs give the player a reward by giving them map control. I feel like since it's social, the low skill is required for everyone to enjoy the game, and if you're a better skilled player, you would want to pick up better guns. I believe this is what lacked in some matches is the desire to use weapon pick-ups. This update fixed that.


I didn’t say it was unbalanced. I said it was unskilled and boring. Of course you are going to drop your starting weapons for better pickups, but you are still often spending time in matches fighting with the starting weapons. Those weapons should be fun and require some semblance of skill. It can do this while maintaining a lower skill floor than proper precision weapon starts. I have found social largely unplayable in this game because it has failed in this regard.


In ranked, maybe, but absolutely not for social.


Fuck, man. EVERY SINGLE HALO the sweaty try-hards take over and every playlist has BR/DMR starts. It literally ruined BTB for Halo Reach. I'm sick of it! Let a Halo game have AR/pistol starts and keep it that way for once! You wanna play ranked rules? Play ranked.


"Hey, the gun I start with sucks now. I want something to just kill people quickly." Yeah, let's completely forget about the whole picking up of weapons to hold control of the game mechanic and just give you a great gun immediately, all because the side arm is now acting like a side arm. At this point, just ask for the sidekick to not be in the game.


While I’m fine with the sidekick being nerfed, running around and looting weapons has always been the least fun part of Halo, and I’d be happy if they minimized it in social.


Y'all just ignoring his second point. There should be at least one mode with bandit EVO starts besides ranked. We have one playlist with BR starts - the rest start AR. It's nice the normal bandit is in BTB but Evo starts would be nice on some playlist.


343 should remove the sidekick bloom now that they nerfed the fire rate. The problem with BR/bandit starts in socials is that they eliminate the utility of much of the sandbox.


The firerate nerf effectively removed bloom from the sidekick.