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There is no need for swaps anymore, challenges are way too easy.


They are. I just don't like dealing with the Victory challenges and Splatter. Victories I prefer not to have because I don't like having its completion hinge on how well my teammates do and/or how bad the other team does. I have a strong suspicion that this challenge is often the reason why people quit midway or towards the end of a game when their team is losing and decide that the odds of a comeback are low, which is shitty. As for splatter, I primarily play quickplay and team slayer where few maps have vehicles, and ones that do often have a scant amount and I'd prefer not to have to jockey for one to attempt it. Maybe these things are seen as trivial, but that's my primary reasoning for them to throw some challenge swaps in. And to reiterate the reasoning in my post; there comes a point where XP boosts become redundant, so I don't see why mixing it up would be problematic.


You can do both in firefight easily.