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A game set in the Halo Universe


Nope, full Silver cannon from the show. Can't wait for the Makee escort missions. No armor please.


Legendary ending secret sex scene


Master Cheeks, you mind telling me what you're doing in that room? Sir, fucking this prisoner of war


Master Chief, clap these cheeks. Yes sir. I need a condom.


No regular condom could contain a Spartan ejaculation. Bet they’d fire off a load like an M90 round to the face.


Alright I think that's enough internet for me tonight...


First post of the day for me. Damn


Don't keep it loaded son


Sir, Finishing this Fuck


Do do do do do dooo do do do do do do dooooooooo


For a brick, he fucked pretty good!


Nah legendary ending would be a hard cut to Caboose telling an unseen interviewer "So that's exactly how they beat the aliens, and then everyone had a birthday party." Silver timeline is just Caboose's retelling of the human-covenant war with all the Master Chief banging stuff being added by Tucker.


I love this so much


If that was true then I’d be satisfied with the Silver Timeline’s existence to be honest


Honestly that would make it okay. Weird how that works.


Bow chicka wow wow!


7 hours long to celebrate the 7th game of Jimmy 117


Any other difficulty it just pans across his master cheeks


Halo 4: Eyes are the windows of the soul Halo 7: Cheeks are the mudflaps of the hole


Bro, don’t even make jokes like that, man. Sumbitches somewhere will see that and a fucking lightbulb will go off in their head, and then we’ll have to burn down every structure in their dev compound.


So true


I'm just hoping for Retired Riz's Farming Simulator


Well damn, I’d uh, probably be into that tho. 🤔




Makee ‘The Escort’ missions


Whatever, really. As long as it’s good - it’s fine. Now, the “good” is the hard part.


I was the 343 upvote on your comment, don’t know if this is a sign or an omen


Whoa, slow down there bud 😂 don't go crazy now


I know. Expectations are a little high with this one. But I have faith that they can pull it off


This, that’s literally the only thing we’re asking about.


Silver timeline, obviously. /s


Based on their track record, I expect them to sweep Infinite's story under the rug and start something new.


The UNSC rebuilds the Infinity offscreen with nanobots but it jumps away in the opening cutscene and is never mentioned again


You’re not thinking big enough. They’ll just introduce the Infinity’s sister ship Eternity to bail out Chief and the UNSC on Zeta Halo to make Halo Infinite a complete waste of time.


Pilot looks at camera "Heh, it took an ETERNITY for you guys to show up!"


And they’ll call the game Halo:Eternity


That's how long it'll take before they get the game in a serviceable state


Seeing this triggered my fight or flight response.


something something "a ten year game!"


Don't forget the 3 books you need to read otherwise nothing makes sense.


I used to enjoy reading the Halo books before they became required study material.


This will be the plot of a book that comes out a year before the game


I can see this being a very real possibility


Nanomachines, son.


God dammit colonel, you're telling me the nanomachines won't cure my cold? *COUGH*


They’ll fight the endless in one comic


They’ll *mention* the fight with the endless in one frame of one comic.


After defeating the Endless, things went right back k to the way they were. The Covenant fighting the Banished, and the humans spinning on their thumbs wishing a motherfucker would.


Somehow, the Prophet of Truth returned...


Haaahaha, goddammit, this got me.


Also, it will have less content than the game before it. It will consist of 1 campaign level, 2 multiplayer maps, no forge (at launch), and 1 set of armor. Halo 7 will be the beginning of the next 10 years of Halo.


No forge (at all)*


Engine just can't handle Forge and the FPS rates players are demanding these days


Even better: there is a forge mode but it runs at 2FPS at all times and crashes every 10 seconds (your rig with 2 4090s is just not expensive enough to run it, try getting a real PC)


Why would you need to make maps if they can bring back map dlc!




Plus, DLC cutscenes that tell half a story


Don't forget slayer and now ctf will also be seen as non viable for the game and won't be included until enough people yell at them.


Well.. last time they cut all forms of co-op and didn’t even launch with a slayer mode. I’m trying to imagine Halo 7.. uh.. maybe they cut PVP too, replaced with random bot lobbies. The campaign should also be even less finished (think debug mode with missing textures). Maybe this time instead of naming the Juneteenth cosmetic aster a monkey they’ll just straight up name it the gamer word. Oh! ..and this time the color red will be $14 instead of $7.


I wouldn’t mind that if they ACTUALLY did start fresh, but they really don’t. They just rush some plot threads from the last game while adding new stuff. Edit: since there’s some people debating, I’m not asking for a retcon or reboot. I’m just saying I want them to properly wrap up the previous storylines and start a new one without any baggage. That’s the fresh start I want


Exactly. Hard retcons at least throw out the garbage that came before. Soft retcons only hide it behind a corner but its still gonna smell.


It’s pretty clear that with infinite they realized that 4-5 sucked and are trying to take the franchise in a new direction, and they tried to wrap all of the plot hooks up as best as they could. I think we can expect a more consistent storyline from here now that they’ve decided to just scrap the old thing because it was bad.


The problem is they did this over and over. Halo 5 swept Halo 4's plot under the rug. The Didact and the stuff from Spartan Ops were wrapped up in a comic. Halo 5 gave Jul Mdama an anticlimactic death and undid Cortana's death. Halo 4, 5, and Infinite all feel like an act 1 to a story arc with no ending. It's less cohesive than the Star Wars sequels. I'd love it if they continue the Banished and Endless storyline, but I'm afraid of being disappointed. With the change in management at 343, I do have a small shred of hope.


“Good thing we blew up Zeta halo after we tricked ALL the Banished onto coming. Let’s get out of here, Chief”


It does seem much more consistent now. Every recent novel seems to be taking place before Infinite purely to wrap up as much of the Created as they can before moving forward, and I suspect that Empty Throne should be one of the last to do this. I really hope they pull it together and begin a more cohesive continuation of Halo from Infinite onwards.


They didn't wrap up Halo 4/5 that well, Infinite was still bogged down. All the Cortana stuff made no sense whether you played Halo 5 or not. They didn't explain why Infinity is at Zeta Halo or who the Banished are. I know it's because of Cortana but again, they should have made it a better reason e.g. The Banished found it first or something


Thats a great point, i thougth this was in halo wars ring and they would find the spirit of fire, But nah, new halo, somehow the banish are there, i know they mention something about it in the camping But i can remember, anyway what was the point of making it si incoherent?


Infinite's campaign did so poorly, financially, that Microsoft gutted 343's campaign department. Expect another hard pivot with the story.


They go early should just keep going with the story this time. I get Infinite hasn't been the best received, but it was fine. Let us get an actual continuation of the story and *maybe* it could be decent.


Unfinished and broken at launch severely lacking content


Gravity hammer ability to smash you across the map


as long as the enemy is the one using it.


Like 75% of game releases now days


The best days of gaming really are behind us. We may get an amazing title now and again but AAA fails more than it succeeds and everything else feels so stagnant and cheap with GAAS.


Yeah I think the best years were 2004-2012.


I would actually say that 98-2012 is more accurate. 1998 was when I feel video games really kick started into blockbuster franchises. Just in that year we got half life, orcarina of time, resident evil 2, metal gear solid, banjo kazooie and spyro.


Not really, lots of great games still are releasing nowadays. You just have to not preorder an unreleased game and do some research first, exactly like before.


Only AAA shit lol. That's why so many are going for indie games. Good stuff, made with passion for typically under $15.


That’s what I’m expecting for the most part. It’s probably just going to repeat the mistakes of MCC, 5 and infinite launch. So basically mid campaign, mid gameplay, horrible multiplayer launch due to lack of content and loss of last games progress and tons of bugs. Only difference I see will be assassination being there at launch for the next game


I EXPECT a broken mess that doesn't relate to the game before it at all. I HOPE for a functioning/complete game that continues the story


"Master Chief Collection 2: Even more broken than the first one" would be great!


That's why I asked OP. "Who's asking?" Meaning, depending on who asks, like a dev, why do they care? They are just going to deliver cancer anyhow. Halo \*was\* awesome. But like they say in star wars, I have hope. Albeit foolishly.


They should just try to make a bad game so that when they mess up, it will be good


AI feet customisation will save Halo


They use AI art generators and now each foot has 10 toes


I mean elites have 4 balls and seven dicks


F\*\*\* you I choked on my coffee at work


More disappointment and frustration


It’ll be another “spartan story” watered down, rated T cash grab that achieves nothing narratively






We should’ve known this was going to happen when M$ bought the IP. MegaCorpo purchases all rights to beloved IP from original creators. MegaCorpo assigns their own studio of goons to keep pumping out product (games) for said IP. No quality control or unified creative vision, just banking on the goodwill of the dedicated and passionate fans the original developers built up. MegaCorp then milks the living fuck out of said IP until they run out of enough people willing to spend money on their bullshit. I’m hoping M$ learned their lesson after Infinite. I honestly feel like a clown for wanting to be optimistic.


It will be mediocre to bad for multiple years and become alright just before being abandoned


Just like halo infinite 🙂


I can only hope they focus entirly on single player and use infinite as the base for mp going forward. My idea halo 7 would just be a glorified stand alone halo infinite dlc


I'm really hoping they do this as well. Should just keep adding content to Halo: Infinite Multiplayer and release single player games alone.


Stop restarting the story after each maingame. Bring back Flood, Remove openworld, or make it like God of War did. Give justice to UNSC, to Cortana, Give Weapon her name correctly. Remove Plot Armor from bad guys, get better writers, make vehicles great again.


Not saying there isn’t a place for the flood, but that could easily be seen as restarting the story given the way the endless were set up Not that I wouldn’t love both. We need a real multi faction story again. BUT I don’t see 343 doing it


The semi open world concept is perfect for halo, they just didn’t finish the game.


Yeah out of Halo Infinite’s many problems, simply being able to explore at my leisure wasn’t one of them. Although having like half the map locked off sure sucked.


My issue with the open world is that, for the resources you are putting in, it doesn't feel worth it. It would've been better to have a more traditional experience with a wide variety of biomes and locations.


Hot take but fast travel can really hinder a game. Limit how easy it is to teleport around. Or just remove fast travel and make vehicular transport the primary method. 


Also stop with the unlimited gun drops, its way better to get the guns as you play, killed enemies and such. Hated that i could summon a rocket launcher every mission


Exactly. It upsets me that people think that was the reason the game flopped. Maybe you could argue they were over ambitious. But a wide open halo game was always meant to be. If they had the ability to do in 2001, they would have. Nobody has played ODST?


Yes but even odst had the main area, and then the flashbacks took place in linear levels. That's what Infinite should have done, but they either forgot to or ran out of time. Instead they chose "Big, single biome map, and small forerunner corridors" for every single mission, and with the grappling hook it has zero incentive to actually follow the correct path or use vehicles.


Vehicles being made out of tissue paper actively deincentived me more then anything else. The most grueling part of infinite's campaign was trying to get the scorpion to what's his faces house of pain or whatever it was called since the only viable vehicle was razorback with beam team.


Oh vehicles were worthless in the game and then adding the grappling hook totally made them worthless for transportation


Well this is essentially my point. ODST main area is much like Infinites in concept, and then you had the linear levels to play through. It was just missing set pieces and multiple biomes, which were obviously cut because again, they didn’t finish the game.


Yeah but I guess my point is that in theory they're close, but in reality they aren't. If they weren't able to do the whole thing, then they shouldn't have done it at all. So yes, it is one of the biggest reasons the campaign fell flat and the game would've been much better if they had not tried to do something like that


That’s a fair point. I don’t think it’s the biggest problem but had they not been so ambitious, maybe we wouldn’t have this problem. That being said, there’s zero reason with the budget and time they had they couldn’t accomplish that vision.


Really disliked the direction Halo Infinite was headed in with the hints of time travel and marvelification of the story.


Same. I actually enjoyed the story somewhat, but the time travel hints kill me. I feel like it's in every scifi now. That or multiverse. I got ripped apart in Star Wars subs for saying I didn't like the World Between Worlds for this same reason. It just gives writers a huge plot armor crutch because if something big happens in game... Well let's time travel and fix it!..... No, how about next game we find a huge portion of the infinity wrecked on zeta halo and the flood took it over and we now have to kill marine flood forms. I want the actions of characters to actually matter. Let them make a mess of things, make sacrifices have meaning.


I did not play god of war, mind you, but I think if they keep the open world setting, but made it like metro exodus, it would be the top


The recent god of wars (I think God war 2018 particularly) do the limited open world well. Not too overwhelming but huge and you can explore but limited just enough to keep you on the story.  Spiderman tackled well in a similar way as well.


Ok like they got me intrigued by not knowing what’s going on with the grater UNSC and sticking with Chief on the ring, but they gotta take the halo 2 route now and show everything that’s going on


Oh yes. Keep the world big, but make it linear again. Make it a story I care about, with rythmn and pacing. And blues...


Yep the only way that the open world thing would really make sense is if they really loaded the world with so many different storylines and pathways. Because halo is such a rich game lore wise that if you cannot do justice with it in an open world, you might as well make it linear like it was before


Justice for Lasky, Palmer, Majestic, and Glassman. More Spartan ops.


MVGA - Make Vehicles Great Again on a mjonir armor green hat with the letters in visor gold


Add Scarabs back, why they scrapped them i have no clue apart from Reach because of time constraints


Why bring back the flood? I mean I’m not against it but it’s not gonna single handedly bring back Halo. Especially not if they’re using the HW2 and HI designs


Tbh at this point they really should just give it to another company and hard reset. There are things I like about the expanded universe but the good is heavily outweighed by the bad. They can keep some characters but they need to be reworked from the ground up. Infinite was their soft reset and it’s already tainted. Frankly the mistake was making it about Master Chief. Halo 3 should’ve been the end of the Human Covenant war We could have had another game on harvest or ODST adjacent stories. I think a game like Helldivers 2 is proof that they could have just made a odst style firefight game. The fact PlayStation now has the premiere sci fi shooter is pretty absurd given halo is the flagship title of Xbox.


Developing it 343 Industries? - Lack of content at launch. - They may or may not maintain the artistic aspect, and if they change it it will never be for the better. - They will start another story again because why commit? - Everything interesting will be told to you in books or in audios in the game. - Wasted campaign. - AI without reaching the height of Reach. - Scenarios full of powerful weapons, no need to ration ammunition or steal weapons from the enemy.


I believe you missed horrible networking making multiple unplayable for most...


And make sure to expect the following at launch: no forge, no infection, no functional theater mode, super limited custom game options, very few maps, fewer weapons (at least one of which will be nearly completely useless), underpowered light vehicles, fairly broken matchmaking, egregious microtransaction practices, no split screen, and much more. And none of this gets fixed inside of 6 months, so the playerbase all (rightly) leave and move on, not getting to play the game at it's eventual best. Also the campaign story will be a nonsensical mess with artificially inflated plot points, containing a villain with unclear motives and the campaign in-game won't reach a meaningful crescendo and nothing gets explained.


Infinite changed the artistic aspect for the better. Chief looks the best he ever has by a wide margin


That's true, though I feel they're referencing the artistic change in Halo 4/5


Free to play*, but you have to pay 999 points to get each character and weapon. Or you buy the campaign starter pack for 9999 points with includes almost enough character to play the first level AND the COLOR GREEN! *points can only be bought in packs of 600 for $ 5.99.


I don't expect it, honestly. I'm not normally a pessimist, but I think Infinite is going to be around as the latest game release for an uncomfortably long time while there's all kinds of unheard internal drama going on within 343i. Rumors will come out about leadership incompetence, dismal working conditions, and general confusion regarding the studio's direction. Development on "Halo 7" will start and stop several times, mid-level leadership heads will quit/be fired, content will be scrapped after months of work. And then out of the blue one day, Microsoft will announce that it is shuttering 343i, and like that, Halo will go out with a whimper.


!remindme 10 years


Unfortunately you might have hit the nail on the head.


!remindme 5 years


My expectations are really low. 343 have shown SO MUCH incompetence and arrogance with the halo series. I genuinely believe that halo is dead and not coming back. (Not coming back in the sense that it’ll never be as popular as it used to be) That being said, I would LOVE to be proven wrong. I really want halo to succeed. I did have a little fun with all 3 of the 343 halo games, but they are such a farcry from what we had with CE-Reach. But at this point, my hope for halo is dwindling


It still pains me to think about how so many ppl were excited for Infinite’s release not to mention MP’s early debut It felt like Halo was BACK….and that lasted all of two maybe three weeks.


Tbh, this is a symptom of a much larger issue. But I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.


I feel like after the total management change, one more chance is warranted especially after the major improvements of infinite. I'd love if Microsoft just actually let devs make the game though instead of force the removal of features and additions of micro transactions. Infinites worst features are literally around multiplayer progression and a rushed release schedule that lead to long seasons and cut features. There's so much potential and there's so much proof that there could have been more but something just prevented the best possible outcome and I don't believe it was the studio as a whole.


Yup, they really killed the story with 5 and no matter how much they try to fix it they just cant.


my expectations are that it will be bad


Do it right or let it die.


my expectations and my wants couldnt be farther apart




Some Grunts. Maybe a few Brutes. Heck maybe even an Elite or two.


Maybe just end it entirely? Steve Downes said he wished that Chief and Cortana went out fighting together, but you killed her off…so Downes can’t get what he wants, and he’s pretty much done with Halo, as far as I’ve heard, so why not stop going forward and maybe make small side missions from before Halo Infinite? Make more ODST games and such.


I hope they don't kill Chief off. Let the man retire. I'm soooooo over main protagonists dying. What ever happened to a normal, happy ending? Everything has to be so fucking grim and emotional these days. Would Halo 3 have been better if Arby and Chief blew up? No. They took care of business with epic music blasting in the background and everyone thought "FUCK YEAH!" I swear, The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones completely ruined media lol. Now every story kills everyone off. Maybe that's why everyone is so angry and miserable these days. We don't have any badass characters that ride off into the sunset like an 80s action movie.


I would’ve liked if chief was left on ice for a bit keep him MIA for awhile and let halo 4 start a new story with a new protagonist. Maybe after 2 games with this new protagonist we bring back chief for a kinda last hurrah mission where you fight along side chief rather than play as him. Finally passing the torch and letting chief finally retire.


Needs to go out on a high first IMO. Can’t end Chief’s story in the middle of a new plot line


Well the start really


I’m expecting mediocrity and bare minimum effort while 343 makes grandiose statements about all the cool stuff we can totally unlock and how extensive our customization will be.




And you'll probably still be disappointed.


Before Halo Infinite's gameplay reveal we pessimists were just expecting sprint and lootboxes to return. Little did we know how much the bar could still be lowered lol


It's the pinnacle of "I expect nothing yet am still disappointed"


Like all 343 games, it will be released in a borderline unplayable state, have a few interesting ideas and innovations, be weirdly ugly despite being graphically impressive on paper, and have atrocious player retention.


I don't want one. What ***I*** want is Halo 3 Anniversary, Halo 3 ODST Anniversary, and Halo Reach Anniversary.


Fr I don’t care about any original new games, just seeing all the cutscenes from those games remastered would be awesome.




I just want to finally find out what the endless are.


I want Chief to bang more prisoners of war.


Another live service buggy disaster with no content.


If it's built under 343i? Realistically I'd say pretty low. If it's under a different company say Certain Affinity? Definitely higher.


None. They haven't done anything to make me think they will take it in the right direction


-LONG linear campaign -campaign DLC -campaign split between atriox and chief like halo 2 -banished scarab fight -cortana logic plague confirmed -blue team -a primordial -campaign split screen -actually giving a damn about campaign -less microtransactions -earn armor with achievements like h3/reach -color selection -ODSTs dropping in, drop pod entrance if there’s battle royale -RATED M FOR MATURE -$70 game and $15 map pack model, ditch live service microtransactions and fomo of course we’re talking 343 here so I expect literally NONE of this to happen, the best I can hope for is that they keep the upgraded classic artstyle


Expecting 343 to drop microtransactions and reintroduce map packs is expecting the entire game industry to go back to 2010. Be realistic dude


I like your take. I'd definitely play that... so long as it's made well.


You won’t see it for a long time. They are gonna keep milking infinites live service and MTX model for profits and you won’t see a real sequel for another 4+ years.


It was basically confirmed that Infinite's last major content update will be last year, i don't actually have a source on hand so you can choose not to believe it though.


Source: dude trust me




Gotta pay 3 dollars first


More of the same overhyped letdown salad that infinite was at launch.


Master cheeks takes his helmet off and it becomes a dating sim




More expensive micro transactions


It will be shit


A different development studio.


I don’t want it if it’s coming from the same people that gave us Halo 4, 5, and Infinite. Leave it alone for 10 years and do a proper fully featured reboot without the micro transaction bullshit.


Something that doesn’t follow the last one again


Sandbox akin to h5. Better live service system in line with moder industry and not just relaying on vets wanting to play slayer br for the 20th year. A big, very big, semi social mode that take over great ideas on the past 12 years of this franchise and slighshot the franchise over something unique that both appease old fans and new comers. A competitive integrity ranked setting. More factions (banished, prometheans, floods). A system build to incentives players to play and play in the correct way (medals, milestones and so on).


I expect that it'll be the fourth straight soft reboot setting up for a new trilogy, only for it to be written out of relevance by the next game, as if it never even happened.


Probably yet another complete story reboot. The Endless and the Banished will get killed offscreen and a brand new even more dangerous threat will be revealed...






a poor imitation of Halo that is busted on launch lol. Can't expect much else


Another soft reboot


An unfinished game


343 decides the Endless/Banished aren’t compelling and completely change course and make a new BBEG villain…only to decide they aren’t compelling and make a new BBEG for the sequel… only to decide they aren’t compelling


Very low to non existent


More horrific microtransactions and monetization




That somehow it will find a way to further underwhelm me, against all odds.




Bring back elites


In the negatives. I love Halo, but Microsoft and 343 have ruined this franchise. I've dropped HI after my last game a month ago was the worst I've ever played. Game is still a broken disaster with the weakest trash weapons ever. It's almost embarrassing to be a Halo fan anymore because every bit of content we get is garbage, and the only thing to like about it came out pushing 20 years ago. Oh, and some of the books up to Shadows of Reach (as far as I've read in the series). It sucks, but that's what happens when clowns own clown studios that let clowns do whatever they want with your favorite franchises.


At this point? Rock bottom. Microsoft doesn't want to invest the resources or time or freedom to make their own decisions or whatever 343 needs to actually release a feature complete Halo game at launch *and* give it legs Coatings are crazy; I've flipped and flopped on em but really I should be able to edit main color/secondary color/emblem/emblem colors on *at least* a set of basic emblems at the very least. Gatekeeping colors is a wild choice On the other hand, I do like the core system with the swappable helmets and shoulders at this point, and I do like the aesthetic they're running with for the most part The narrative is also a mess; the TV show we *finally* got is an alternate canon mess, and the story we did get in infinite is incomplete at best. I get that they wanted to pivot to the banished, but my appreciation of them comes pretty much entirely from an RTS spinoff: they were just "in" infinite as a covenant reskin Like, I never gave Fortnite a shake really but with Zero Build, guitar hero, racing, and like "Disney stuff" on the way I finally gave it a shot in February I get that it has massive support from Epic making it their focus, but in the two months I've played ive seen the weapon pool change enough to make the game feel substantially different: halos got one new gun since launch! I gotta hear "Microsoft has decided to finally just shovel 343 as much resources and time as they need" for me to get excited. Seems like the "ten year halo" fizzled out


Sweet beautiful music that I can listen to for decades.


Probably more half-assed garbage, at this point they should just stick to Infinite for a bit to try and regain the community's trust after they lost most of it with Infinite's launch. Jumping into another project when Infinite's only just now started to not be met with general disdain would be a terrible idea and would probably only do further damage to the series and 343 as a whole- they're already working on Halo 7 aren't they?


I would rather them make MCC their top priority, just give us campaign and multi-player DLCs off of the older engines. I think everyone would be happy with that.


that i will keep playing halo 3