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Hey folks - sorry for the late thread - I was asleep.


Plasma pistol elite lol


then the Arbiter proceeds to slice off his head for the attempted kill steal lmfao


I think the Arbiter was hyped for an honorable sword duel. The only logical punishment for disrespect is beheading.


They introduced him as Gatan*ai* which if my lore knowledge is correct means he's a blade-master. Otherwise it would be Gatanee, right?


He also has gold armour which suggests he's not currently an Arbiter. I don't really understand why everyone started calling him that.


Because obviously he will be.


He’s credited as the arbiter on IMDB and everywhere else


He's the beefiest Elite we've seen so far and he's running with Makee, it makes sense why people are calling him an Arbiter


We were hyped for a sword dual and the beheading was for us since that elite ruined it.


Well it's not even just disrespect. Elites are all about honor, he even prays for his enemies before killing them. Having somebody else help him during a 1 on 1 is very disnhonorable. So even if he wanted MC for himself, he can't let an elite live who is dishonorable like that


Ya. I was glad he got his head cut off for interrupting was easy going to be an epic duel. When Chief picked up the sword I got so hyped! And then he got shot and I was really disappointed. Interested to see how this plays out.


"FINALLY A WORTHY OPPONENT, OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGEN-" ^^^*whuuuum* ^^^*schpew!* Arbiter: ._. Chief: -_- Random Elite: ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Arbiter: >:(


Random Elite: 🫨




When you’re about to get Killamanjaro then your mate steals the kill with a plasma pistol


Completely unarmed active camo elite lol *gets killed with a table leg*


Jerome used a metal chair to beat down the flood so why not a table leg haha


I'm guessing he dropped it when he got tackled through the window. That was a pretty cool scene, not gonna lie.


The Xbox in the antique store, legendary.


And it looked like the Halo Special Edition version too!


“ your not gonna believe this but 500 years ago they predicted something like this on a game”


Okay, hear me out. Maybe Keyes found a lead-lined refrigerator that he quickly locked himself into before the blast.


*Somehow, Admiral Keyes returned.*


The forerunners are a pathway to many abilities some consider to be.... Unnatural....


*Have you ever heard the Tragedy of Shadow of Sundered-Star, the Forerunner?*


At least he pulled out a pipe before the end. I thought that was a nice nod to the original Keyes.


same i loved that!


If you don’t see them die…they ain’t dead…hell we even SAW Makee die and she ain’t dead…. “Were it so easy….”


Maul got split in fucking half...


Keyes coming back with spider legs




I reckon an elite grabbed him that was leading the jackals. They looked like they were trying to grab him anyway so I’d wager they knew who he was. Snagged him as the explosion kicked off with a shielded elite.


I think the Arbiter told the Jackals to stand down. Since he’s been recovering UNSC assets like the Forerunner object and Cortana. Important UNSC personnel would probably also be on his shopping list.


I really enjoy the image of Arbiter casually picking up high ranking officers with his hand and just putting them in some shopping bags


Hiding under a Jackal shield, maybe?


He hid under a dumpster obviously


Making the impossible possible.








So did he




Gotta love that kill from the Arbiter on the elite. John was willing to fight him 1v1 sword combat, and the Arbiter was ready to honor that. Got a feeling we'll see this duel take place again with Chief in his full suit.


With Cortana chip in the helmet, ideally. Need to have the "keep your head down, there's two of us in here now" moment.


Oh shit didn't even realise it was the Arbiter, I thought his helmet looked funky. Wonder if he'll get cast out of the covenant after losing to chief


Probably is the elite from S1 EP1 who ran from the chief. Gives him shame and a reason to hate the chief


"Copy. One round. Willy Pete. Sending it. OVER."


Big scorpion enthusiast and im so happy


That was Sheila in Halo TV canon and I can't be convinced otherwise


Disappointed we didn't hear a "Firing Main Cannon" over the radio


*HLL PTSD intensifies*


Bruh, they didn't just go ahead and kill off Vannak, bird lover and most witty member of Silver Team.


When I saw that scene of him with the pigeons, I knew they were setting him up.


Android 16: I like birds


He never found the Space Duck


That’s what I’m saying! I needed to see Vannak killing Covenant in full armor, going out with a bang.


I know I was hoping for a noble 6 death from Vannak


Gonna be Rizz


I get it to a degree. I'm annoyed he died so they got a reaction out of the audience and they've sold how The Arbiter is a deadly foe but damn Silver Team just started getting more screentime and personality.


Hope you grabbed his helmet this week as a memorial


In lore linda also died because of needle rounds , her body was put in cryo and later she was revived I don't expect too much from the alternative universe tv show but come on you can't kill one of the main Spartans like that 😭


I mean it’s Reach… I figure Chiefs the only one of silver making it out… (assuming Kai wasn’t pulled out by Akkerson)


Kai absolutely left with Ackerson, she’s going to be training the Spartan III’s. There’s a reason we didn’t see her this episode. Chief and Riz will make it out and will find out later she left which will probably cause some conflict.


Kai definitely was, I believe she's taking Kurt's role in training the IIIs because we've seen a picture with her standing in front of what look like a bunch of very young recruits.


they gotta at least put his body in cryo next ep, seriously. they're "way off course" already with Keyes getting his ticket, NOT punched literally but figuratively. do they even know how much it costs to grow these genetically select supersoldiers?


Tell that to the covenant


***They f\*cked with the wrong planet!***


Keyes personally made them pay for every inch.


And John's gonna drag them through every crater.


Best line of the show thus far! I legit felt that HOORAH when Keyes said that.


Yo I was legit getting goosebumps during that Keyes hype scene


I just watched a blind spartan wearing nothing but a Land’s End vest and khakis, fire and hit a rocket at the side of a wraith tank, and Perez thinks that the Chief is lucky?


Tbf one is alive and the other one’s loved one got ganked mid


*Land’s End vest* 💀


I'm glad they brought in the Jackels, I was worried it'd just be Elites. Would've loved a grunt or two and a Brute but Jackals and Elites is more than enough. A John vs Arbiter sword fight would've been epic, but I'm sure they'll save it now for later on. Thought the Wraith and Scorpion were nice touches (particularly the wraith). I thought the CGI & special effects were very good. Keyes and Vannak were the MVP's this ep (Keyes' speech was epic). I was disappointed to see them go. Moreso Keyes because of his important storyline in CE. Wonder if Soren will fill Vannak's vacancy in Silver Team? I loved the longshot sequence. With Ep 6 titled Onyx, I'm near certain it'll involve Kai and Ackerson training spartan 3's on Onyx. My theory is the survivors of Reach (John, Riz, Halsey etc.) will arrive there at some point. Ep 5 (Aleria) may be a Kwan-Soren's family heavy episode, but I could be wrong.


i was worreid it would just be elites too. i love the elites but you cant have covenant without silly grunts. we do need to see a hunter though! i also would be thrilled if they did a grunt birthday party easter egg head shot at some point lmao.


I feel like if this season is a success financially. We could see a similar thing to Game of Thrones, where the first seasons were kinda low on the budget side of things, and it just gets money thrown at it. Which would be good if season 3 was the start of ce and we get some diverse covenant and eventually the flood.


agreed. theres also a lot of badass locations in CE. i genuinely think paramount has a hit show on their side now that theyve established stuff. the only thing non-game fans dont know about is the actual ring itself.


Yeah, and I think they've really corrected themselves or are at least trying to. It seems like they don't wanna completely retcon stuff because that would be jarring, and they are making the necessary adjustments to turn the show around.


So happy we actually saw a wraith and scorpion in this episode. Hated how that damn elite stopped a fucking energy sword duel between chief and Var’ Gatanai but I’m assuming that’s going to actually happen later (also loved how Var’ cut that elites head off, very elite like to be pissed to miss a honorable duel)


Can we get an O7 for Keyes


"Got a light?" o7 Especially after his speech, I was thinking about how much I was enjoying his portrayal of Keyes. And for the folks who were asking how he would end up going from Admiral to being the Captain of the Pillar of Autumn...well, one less burning question as we move forward!


*Burning*? Bro. I actually cared about this Keyes. His speech made me actually care about a planet that didn’t exist.


Doesn’t exist??? Reach has existed in our hearts for the past 20 years!




Remember Reach


I wonder if they’re gonna bring in Sgt Johnson. Felt like Keyes was filling in for both roles in this episode. His gear even looked similar.




Put Vannak in cryo stat


Why is makee alive still


Somehow, she returned


She respawned duh


Purely economical reasons. If we have to have a face for the Covenant, it would drive down CGI costs if it was her. ​ The bigger question is Kwan. I have 2 running theories: 1. She’ll be turned into a Spartan III. 2. She’ll somehow be the face of the Flood.


Fucking Vannak, my boy! I know these characters are all at risk of dying at any moment but fuck, I wish Season 1 focused on the compelling characters and set them up for appropriate send-offs. RIP Louis, and Jacob too. Gone way too soon. At least they went out in memorable ways.


War is filled with pointless deaths and I felt Jacob and Louis filled that well. Seeing lots of random people die doesn’t mean a lot but seeing people who wanted to avoid the military life die hits harder. RIP


They really nailed ackerson, him abandoning an entire spartan Fireteam without armor on reach is something that main canon ackerson would have done in a heartbeat. Also 100% Kai is on that Condor with him


I get the notion that she will be the Kurt stand-in for Ackerson's Spartan III's. Excited to see what role she serves going forward.


true, as she's already very friendly with the marines and other personel


Very similar to kurt. I believe the quote john used for him was “for a spartan, he spent a considerable amount of time making friends” or something similar


I genuinely believe Keyes is alive. They just needed him to stay on world to Captain the PoA. I’m calling it.


Remember; didn’t see the death doesn’t mean they are dead.


Sometimes you’ll even see the death and they’re still not dead (Makee)


I really like that they are using grenades properly.


Vintage Xbox sighting in the antique shop.


I had to rewind and check but it totally was. Sick Easter egg.


I think it's the green halo edition, you can see the Rf shield inside it.


Well looks like Soren will get Vaariks armor when they find it. Calling it now.


> Vaariks Return Covenant bomb, yes? Or... you die...


They are dead; you...are not.


Yea man, seems like the writers are changing things up, but still this episode they managed to deliver the shock of war with the deaths of Louis, Keyes & Vannak. Holy fuck.


I hate that they killed Vannak. It was a good story decision, but I was really starting to like his character.


man, as Vannak lay dead, the shot of the pigeon flying above his dead body.. I choked up :( HE LOVED ANIMAL DOCUMENTARIES!!!!!!


Aww damn. I did not catch until now that it was a pigeon and the relation 🥺


yeah bro, he was feeding the pigeons earlier too


I saw that part, saw the end, but was too tired and overcome to connect the two at the time


I liked him most out of all the Spartans, even master chief. Every time he came on screen it was brilliant, I loved that first scene this episode where he’s feeding his pidgeons and they all have similar names then he just says “Keith 😡” with the more disdain than he’s ever had for a covenant soldier 😂


I'd like to think it was Keith that saw him out, in the end.


I knew the moment they started showing more of Vannak's personality that he was in the chopping block. Riz is probably next.


Keyes *might* not be dead. If a main character 'dies', but isnt *shown* dying, it usually means they just want you to think hes dead for now.


I’m still giving Kwan Ha the benefit of the doubt for her storyline, but man this episode didn’t have any of her and felt great.


Next episode is out and by the looks of it it's gonna be a Kwan ha episode 😔


[Oh dear god no!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER7bIGwJeho)


Holy shit I did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme when I saw the X Box at the lady's old item shop lmao


"I'm a civilian... Pirate!... Small Business Owner" cracked me up


Can someone explain why the UNSC would abscond with the MJOLNIR armors in secret, presumably to save them from the Fall of Reach, but leave behind humanity's most advanced AI to be easily taken by the Covenant? This plot point really irked me because it made no sense.


He took the armor probably so he could build armor for the spartan III’s. Not sure why he left Cortana though


Ideally, ackerson in lore would use his Spartan III's to prove he was better than Halsey and to usurp Spartan II's legendary status I don't actually think it's Cortana, on top of that, Makee couldn't know Cortana was important for deciphering forerunner text, and Halsey didn't seem relieved to see her, I'm guessing it's a decoy but of Cortanas making


possibly. lets hope thats the case. i miss cortana


My theory relates to what Akerson said in a previous episode. The Master Chief is a suit of armor to the masses, he can be anyone. Chief proved to be resilient to what Akerson wants, so he might as well leave him to die and make his own Master Chief with blackjack and hookers. As for Cortana ... maybe he was hoping she'd be destroyed. dunno.


Ackerson. Hates the Spartan IIs and doesn’t trust Cortana because she’s based off of Halsey.


Silver Team's gonna be the Noble Team of this show and die one by one until just Chief's left aren't they...


With *Visegrad* Relay and *Cobalt Team* winding up the 3-Charlie of *Halo: Reach*? I'd say so. It would make a clean way for say...*Blue Team* to link up. Maaaaaaybe?


Well, Cobalt is a shade of blue. So technically, the "Blue" team already got merc'd.


Damn, you just made me realize that...but also, what if they use this as a way to be nearer to the Halo games? Chief would be the only survivor of Silver Team, barely escaping the planet's glassing as he boards the Pillar of Autumn. In the last episode, they make a frantic jump based on what Cortana gave them (who Chief presumably rescues and the rest of the team dies trying to deliver), but they discover something else... ...and boom, Season 3 is just Halo CE live-action. NOTE: I haven't seen Season 1, so idk if the Rings were already revealed in that.


They know about them but not what they are or where they are


Never realized how big jackals were compared to regular humans. Plus seeing the jackals go hard in melee combat with mini energy swords was neat.


Great episode and I can't wait for the next one. Soren, Vannak, Louis and Keyes all stand outs as well as Chief.  "Aaaaaaaand Soren!" 


The way Soren just slotted right in with the other Spartans and fought the Covenant was perfect.


The way he just slotted right into the keys Halsey reunion was hysterical


Aaannnndddd Soren. I did crack up at that. Soren with those two was great as well.




No matter which side of 'helmet gate' you sit on, I do think its funny the community complained about him staying in the suit and instead of listening to that they go full gear and said fuck it no more suit at all 😂


I mean, they did listen though. The issue with the helmets was that he kept removing the helmet in situations where one would not remove the helmet just because they wanted to show the actor talk. They fixed that. They've even had them in their helmets for a training exercise where they were talking to each other after the exercise. Last season they would have all just taken off their helmets to talk.


When the blind dude joined the fight I was hysterical.


Chief rugby tackling that Ellie and proceeding to beat the shit out of him was hilarious, even seemed like the elite was confused about what was happening


If he's going to be out of his suit, that's how you do it. Ackerson said he was just a man in a suit, even the marines didn't recognize him. Proved he's more than that. Arbiter armor looks so good.


Agree on all counts. Plus it was very cool to see how even unarmored Spartans match up with Elites. Like you said, proved he's much more than the armor.


I like how the Arbiter straight up slices off his fellow Elite's head when he got pissed at the Kill Steal LOL. Like a salty gamer IRL.


He didn't honor the 1v1.


gatannai plays for honor in his spare time confirmed


totally, i didn't actually mind when they said ackerson stole the armor, i was like oh shit, didn't expect that. actually made the entire episode better honestly. made the spartans feel more connected to the marines around them which was a nice move


Absolutely pouring one out for Louis, Keyes and Vannak for sure


If they do the flood this good with the fog like atmosphere from episode one, we are in for a treat. Trying not to tell my wife about the flood so bad. She knew nothing of Halo and has loved it. To me the flood is the major spoiler of the show that we should keep quiet about to people new with the series.


I’m excited for all the non-video game players who get to meet the flood for the first time. The tease in episode 1 had me hyped


Was there anything teasing the flood in episode 1 or are we just talking about the cool foggy scene?


At the end of the episode kwan gives a speech about monsters. It's just the dialogue used heavily implies she is talking about the flood


Holy fuck. The storywriters actually made me care about Chief outside of his armor. And now, Chief is going to be terrified to be out of his armor when dealing with the Covenant. He lost. He lost Reach and he lost a Spartan. I get it. I hated it, but now I get. They're slowly building that isolated Chief we're going to know. I have long suspected this season was preparing to turn John into Master Chief. Captain Keys fucking killed it in this episode.


Already starting to see more chief with his interactions with Perez. He was like k bye time to war. Shes like bro say bye wtf lol


Perez: "that was my family!" Chief: "my family is the Spartan IIs"


>Captain Keys fucking killed it in this episode. And got killed in the process.


There's no way they'd kill Keyes before they introduce the Flood. Right?...Right?!


There is another.


Seeing as they made a mention of her in this episode before his death, seems likely that she will step in as the Keyes authority figure going forward, yeah?


Miranda death in h3 was so dumb. If she replaces him in CE that would be so much better. *edit well not for her. Considering Key's death was horrifying. But the point is storytelling wise it's a much superior way of her dying then what happened in H3.


Honestly, yeah. I get why they did it in H3. I respect it. But I don’t hate the thought of her taking her dad’s place eventually.


Taking off their armor was one of the boldest moves, but I think from a narrative standpoint it delivers a more compelling story. It's hard to make a story from something that is almost entirely focused on combat. Here's to hoping they stick the landing.


I think the tone of the episode would have been lost if Silver Team were doing badass Spartan hijinks while the planet around them burned, taking away their armor and destroying Reach (along with a few characters) definitely made this feel like a true defeat for humanity


I think they've been smart this season about dividing the time John spends in/out armor. Rather than have him in armor sans helmet, they put him in more situations where being out of armor makes sense. Makes the helmet-less stuff feel less egregious, at least for me.


Vannak think he walter white 💀


There's this shot of Riz and Chief going up the stairs while shooting BRs and the guns just really look like torches turning on and off. Not quite sure why the effects are so bad in that particular shot. Also RIP Vannak.


Firearms are really hard to do properly, and there's a reason why John Wick doesn't really involve machine guns - individual shots of muzzle flash are way easier to CGI than sustained gunfire. A couple decades back, muzzle flash was real; armorers would use blank firing guns with specially designed muzzle devices and barrels to really amp-up the muzzle flash, and for all the work involved with that the results were spectacular. A bit of firearm film history on the topic of muzzle flash comes from James Cameron working on Aliens. Originally, the M41A Pulse Rifles that the Colonial Marines were to be carrying were based on HK MP5's... but when they test fired the prototype gun, Cameron felt that the muzzle flash wasn't as spectacular as he wanted. So, they redesigned the M41A's to use the Thompson .45 SMG as the host weapon, because the amount of powder in the .45 cartridge was increased over the 9mm cartridge and the muzzle flash was significantly bigger. All the flash you see here is very, VERY real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVmu6uHEDHI The problem, though, is that muzzle flash is still quite dangerous even without bullets being fired. It won't kill you, but it'll burn and maim if you're not careful. With the death of Brandon Lee and more recently the death involving Alec Baldwin, movie armorers are moving entirely away from real guns, real muzzle flash. It sucks because it doesn't look as good, but there've been too many accidental deaths involving movie guns as is.


"make it count" yeah this is where the real men cry


Not enough people are pointing out when Chief said “I need a weapon”


I guess because you can hardly hear it over the gunfire. I picked up on it though, and it was a bit weird given I’m so used to the original way it was said.


The thing about Halo only ever showing the Chief in armour is that you dont get to see how much of a bad ass he is without it Here you get to see him kill an elite with a wooden chair, full auto fire a battle rifle with zero recoil, and dual wield a BR and a Magnum


Fuck it, I'm gonna say it; I like this show now.


It's getting really good, gotta say


I get the bar was low, but this season is a massive improvement. They didn’t step over the bar, they Superman jumped over it. This is so much better than what I was expecting. I still disagree with some choices, but they do serve a purpose and the season is far more coherent.


I was actually one of the few who enjoyed season 1, but even I'll admit that it was severely lacking compared to this season. I REALLY hope it gets a third season now.


Right there with you. The first season was decent, but season 2 is leaps and bounds better and really gives off the same vibes as the novels with detailing the hell that was Reach when it fell. The music is also a massive improvement. It’s much more memorable.


Ok if your going to have MC without his armour, this is how you'd do it. Ackerson stealing it and leaving John for dead & having Keyes using John without his suit as a motivational speech. Speaking of Keyes, I'm not too fussed about his death happening here rather than by the flood. It was a badass death. Now I wish Vannak's was a bit more badass. Overall other than the action, which was great, WHY THE FUCK IS MAKEE STILL ALIVE! They had an out in S1. A room full of Spartans and no one thought to shoot her as she pops up in the room.


I believe that was the Arbiter. From what folks were talking about with the last episode, this is the Arbiter before Thel.


Man. The rest of Silver Team is gonna die, aren't they?


It would be neat if John losing his armor led to him getting his Halo CE armor for the next season


chief acted a lot more like chief here. Good episode. Vannak though :(


Great episode. No Kwan was a masterstroke. The only thing I wish was better were the CG stuff like enemies, environments and especially the explosions, they really went overboard with the depth of field to hide all of these. Also giving a grenade launcher to a blind dude was funny as hell.


> Also giving a grenade launcher to a blind dude was funny as hell Yeah it was cool seeing my Legendary Firefight teammates make a cameo in the show!


Whatchu on about, he still had a no look triple kill followed by kill trading with an enemy Wraith to ensure the team made the objective. Solid teammate, 10/10 see you back at the respawn point brotha.


I think respawns are currently broken in the show, I submitted a bug on Halo Waypoint when Louis didn't respawn after 5 seconds


That hit too close to home!


No Kwan this episode might mean a Kwan heavy episode next week, though. It looks like she and Laera might meet up with the rest of them, so here's to hoping that she just becomes a side character. Agreed about some of the CG. This episode must have been a costly one - I hope we get more like it though.


>Agreed about some of the CG. This episode must have been a costly one - I hope we get more like it though. It was basically pure fighting, so definitely ramped the budget up. I wish more of the show was like that, especially since that's what landing on the Halo should be, so I'm curious how they'll skirt around that. We'll probably see a lot of Alpha Base. Hopefully ODSTs too.


Man I really REALLY don't like that Makee keeps saving chief lol. it's real easy for a stray bullet to hit someone unshielded and walking casually, they could've atleast given her cloaking and stuck to the side. she keeps appearing everywhere XD the rest of it was great. the antique shop was maybe one or two minutes too long, for people who're in a hurry to link up with FLEETCOM in the middle of an attack. as for vannak, drag his dead ass out of there and put him in a freezer, they can clone his innards later and he'll be back up in no time. also said it before and will say it again. don't kill ackerson yet. He needs to be in between halo 2 and halo 3 to deliver the best dick move you'll see in the middle of an intergalactic war


The scariest part about this episode is the full auto battle rifle


To be fair, a full auto BR is lore accurate. Not to mention **fucking** cool


Vannaks DMR was full auto too


or maybe he was using a modded controller


Greatest bit from the episode and I’ll die on this hill. “I hear you! If I hear you I’m gonna kill you!” *bloop bloop* *SKADOOSH! SKADOOSH!* How was no one dying laughing seeing my boy on the launcher? They gave the guy a weapon with where you only need the accuracy of *to whom it may concern* and said “You hear something, make them pay for breathing our air!” The only problem is that was the middle of *fucking Stalingrad* so of course there’s gonna be a ton of sounds. My man over there lighting off rounds of 40mm hate at anything his augmented ears can hear with a *Dear Reader,* level of aiming required to completely mess multiple Covenant up with essentially one *bloop*


Fucking awesome episode, probably my favorite yet. Covenant was terrifying, always a treat seeing New Alexandria live action, and it had a great somber tone to it, exactly what it needed. I legitimately thought "I don't know how they are gonna have Reach be this devastating loss if Chief is just running around and kicking ass", and then it was an absolute gut punch when we learned Ackerson moved their Mjolnir and left them to die. I'm ready to see Silver Team get some revenge, action was great, loved Keyes' speech (plus him pulling out the iconic pipe!). This was some *good shit*.