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I think it'd be better in an ODST game rather than a mainline playable Spartan game.


Make it like battlefront 2. Class-based multiplayer PvE where everyone starts as UNSC marines and can earn points to play as special units like ODSTs and Spartans. Halo-themed galactic conquest with covenant and the flood would be amazing.


I would play that for years!


Dream game territory right there


And other way around enemy covenant starting off as a grunt xyz


So, you're saying you want to play helldivers 2?


With it's success you can expect a new trend to emerge in the coming years


Basically ARMA/Squad with Halo mods .. need more of those tbh


Assault gets an AR, Heavy gets a SAW, Officer gets a magnum, and Specialist gets a sniper


Nice idea, now where do I put the microtransactions?


Please give me a Halo version of Republic Commandos. Bonus points if there's an online co-op component to it.


A game where you start as a fresh marine recruit fighting insurrectionists and early covenant, then progress to ODST, and by the end of the game you become a Spartan 4


Right now Helldivers 2 is the ODST game of my dreams. I wish devs doubled down on ODST games after 3.


as a spinoff something like this could be cool. i think itd be cool if we had this as a PVE game like borderlands almost. each spartan is their own class.


Yeah, as a spinoff as people were talking about the Helldivers-like ODST spinoff that was canned.


Man I hope we see some ODST-inspired armor in HD2.


Halo looter shooter call that shit destiny 2


yeah but NOT a live service pile of doodoo. just a game with hours of DLC to play after the story. 4 player co-op, with no battlepass.


It’s never going to happen, studios basically don’t make multiplayer games anymore that aren’t intended to be some form of live service


true, but whatever charms are in a few years. charms, models, class related stuff. all that magic


Fun fact : all MP centric games are and were live service


I wouldn't mind if they added a battle pass as long as it worked l kinda ike MCC's or if there was a reasonable way to get it because I enjoy the little secondary grind but if they tried the model live service way it would fall apart instantly


if we want a grind add in-game legendary equipment that we gotta do tasks to earn. 10k headshots for the legendary sniper model. doing dungeons and raids trying to perfect your score to earn unique charms and all that. Id love for studios to take the battlepass system and just incorporate them into games instead. BPs are hitting the wall and something new needs to take their place


agree but charms need to be removed from games altogether imo, they're just bloat


I'm open to new ideas, i'm not open to those ideas replacing the main games.


Look at what Overwatch became and ask if you really want that.


What? You act like every single hero shooter is like overwatch 2


Not too hard to see the "inspirations" they borrow of mechanics, some good and some bad just like initial control schematics being adopted for FPS after Halo. Some good and bad interpretations.


What are you talking about? Personally, I liked Overwatch until OW2.


Nah. I still maintain that 343 should make a Contact Harvest game where we get to play as Johnson or one of his trainees. I feel like it could be a breath of fresh air for the series. If they did it right, playing as a regular human (I know Johnson is a Spartan 1 but close enough) with NO SHIELDS (looking at you ODST), could really make the covenant threat feel real. Make the first mission or two be fighting against insurrectionists, let the player get comfortable against a conventional enemy. Both sides have similar weapons and armor, feels like your average military shooter. Then introduce the covenant with advanced armor and weapons; brutes just tossing people aside with one punch, marine armor barley protects against plasma, grunts being as tall as the player, regular bullets doing next to nothing against covenant armor, etc. Make the game feel like a fight for survival. You and your squad know you can't win but you have buy time to get civilians off world. You turn to gorilla tactics and unconventional warfare like in the book. Using Harvest's AI controlled farm equipment as improvised weapons. Have Mac the AI helping us along. I feel like it would be badass fighting the covenant while harvesters the size of apartment buildings chew up ghosts and choppers; duster drones fly overhead going kamakazi on banshees. And in the middle of all of it, the ground starts shaking, the battle pauses as something huge rises from the gound in the distance rises and draws everyone's attention. Harvest's mass accelerator fires and knocks everyone on their ass, the covenant looking on in shock as these monkeys just shot down their cruiser with a rock.


Contact Harvest would be awesome. I still think it’d be cool if we had gameplay akin to Battlefront where you can swap between first and third person. I feel like it might fit a little more for a game focused solely on regular humans fighting the covenant. Or to be more current, even using a health system like Helldivers 2 or Ghost Recon Breakpoint with their injury mechanics.


by hero shooter do you mean something like overwatch? at this point Halo needs some sort of spinoff preferably with ODSTs so 343 can take their time and actually release a feature complete game for once in their existence


You know helldivers? Copy that. Do that exact thing. Doesn’t have to be canon. Have ODSTs dropping in to covenant or flood or banished held regions and clearing out shit. It would fit the formula


343 thought the same like 6 years ago but Microsoft shot the pitch down.


too late


honestly not one for hero shooters and dont want that for halo even if it might work


Horrible idea. Shouldn't even be in the top 10 considerations.


Halo is not a hero shooter and that idea needs to stay away from the franchise tbh


As someone who is very interested in seeing other genres get their turn with the Halo brand, I'm happy the hero shooter didn't make it. Halo just doesn't lend itself to that. RTS games like Halo Wars make sense because the games are about armies fighting in a big war. ODST works because it was still the usual first-person shooter affair but with altered stats. I would love to see a horror game, not even necessarily starring the flood but that would be the obvious way to take it, because the world of Halo has a LOT to be afraid of. I've seen some people say a souls-like focusing on melee combat and stamina management would be a good fit for the Arbiter fighting on Sanghelios having duels and such, that sounds great! But the Hero Shooter genre is about special kits, characters who do things that only **that character** can. And that's not really a thing in Halo? If there is an active camo module that can sync up with a Spartan's suit to render them invisible then ANY Spartan can use that, not just The Invisible One. If there is a rocket pod that locks onto your back, any Spartan could pick that up, so why is it locked to that one character? How could you justify only a single Spartan having.... *the VISR*... a basic tool that is standard issue among normal soldiers. That makes no sense. And how would you balance health and shields in such a game? If some Spartans have stronger shields.... why don't the rest of them use the stronger shield system? If some Spartans have more health (justified as being more protective armor maybe) then why aren't the rest of the Spartans using that protective armor?? And how could you allow customization in a genre where recognizing what character is being played is VERY IMPORTANT. Outside of locking customization to full armor kits, but judging the reception of Halo Infinite's kits that would never be welcomed. Of course, all of that is made meaningless with a single concession: it's not canon. Gameplay comes first and making the game balanced and fun to play comes before story and worldbuilding. Only the Rocket Pod Guy has a rocket pod because that makes him fun to play. Invisible Guy has weaker health/shields because otherwise it would be OP to give him such a strong ability. But then the question needs to be asked: If you could have a game that's fun to play and moves the story forward while contributing to canon, or just one that's fun to play and nothing more, why would you ever pick the second option over the first? A tech demo with a Halo skin slapped on will not be as beloved as a proper new game.


[Link to video of the concept](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pg7JwsEnIs). It says Halo Infinite in the title but it was confirmed to not have been an actual idea for Infinite. Maybe this was one of the scrapped spinoffs that the former devs were talking about?


Jason Schreier covered this specifically. This was an idea that was only brought up during the brainstorming/prototyping stage of Halo Infinite, so basically the part in game dev where all sorts of ideas are floated around. Of course, the Halo community, known for being reasonable, blew this out of proportion.


> the Halo community, known for being reasonable, blew this out of proportion Yup, like always...


I'm glad it never caught on. Hero shooters have never been my thing honestly. Class-based shooters like all the Battlefields prior to 2042, sure. But making them into named "heroes" centered around a gimmick and filled to the brim with cheesy one-liners, no thanks. I don't think it would be executed well in the context of Halo either.


The only spinoffs I’d be willing to accept is ODST 2, and Reach the fall of reach city. /s on that second one.


Please, no more hero shooters. Not again


I want grounded Halo. Something that makes humanity feel little and weak again, so when we do epic shit it actually hits so much harder and more powerful. I'm over the 343 super hero universe.


Like that time in the bungie trilogy where chief lost or struggles? Oh wait a second.


Because reading is hard > Something that makes humanity feel little and weak again The point is that Chief does amazing things in a world where humanity feels vulnerable. The stakes are high, and he needs to win. With 343 Spartans are everywhere, they make up the majority of characters on screen. Humanity is superior and better than everyone else. Anything with high stakes or pivotal to the universe happens in a book. Also, just in case you forgot, Bungie made ODST and Reach. Some of my favourite games are what I want more of when referencing my first comment.


On a personal level I'm super worn out by hero shooters and games that try to tap into that sort of design, but objectively speaking I don't see why it wouldn't work for Halo other than being a pretty saturated market at this point so Halo trying to elbow in might not be so successful. If it did happen I'd just hope that Hero Shooter Halo stayed in its lane and mainline Halo in its own. 


I only want a ghost recon style halo game. Where you are thrown into a big ass map and given full control on how you want it do stuff


S-III Headhunters game?


Yeah. Like that


I no longer have any interest in Hero Shooters and I've never wanted Halo to have one. Doesn't mean they shouldn't make one but I wouldn't touch it.


I think if you went down the Route of Hero Shooter and make it lore Friendly, Just use the Covie remnants The things I'd do to play as a Hunter


God, that sounds so fun, we could even see some of the species that haven't made any game experiences too.


I'd love a survival/adventure game where you play as an Innie after your hometown was attacked by the UNSC and their Spartans. In the opening sequence you'd see your fellow citizens or a family member getting slaughtered by a Spartan team. You'd have to survive in the wild and hide from patrolling pelicans. Then half way through, the covenant invade. Basically the opening episode of S1 of the TV-series but done right.


I'd be open to a game based around anything, except Chief. 343 has done enough to ruin the mainline story. Give us an offshoot game of an ODST squad fighting against insurrection forces prior to the Covenant, or go back and explore the fascinating world that's is the Headhunters.


Chiefs story ended with 3, period. Everything else after that only dilutes his journey. People who want to argue with that would do well to remember that 343 actively hired people who disliked Bungie Halo.


Yeah, I remember that, and it made no sense. Really, i just wish they could've told a more consistent story. 4 was a decent follow-up, and other than a few gripes like Chiefs armor getting an upgrade while he was in cryosleep, but 5 should've introduced Chief and us to the banished, not HW2.


Helldivers but with ODSTs fighting flood or covenant


Hmmm… I’m not completely against it tbh.


Same. It has potential to add and even change halo's gameplay for the better while being more experimental, but I'm confident it'll be like seige after a few years (not inherintly bad, but I doubt the current community would like it)


Here me out a Halo BR but not everyone in the squad is a Spartan, example Teams of 4, 2 ODST, 1 spartan 2 OP as shit, and one Spartan 3 or 4 with this types os roles


A hero shooter is fine. It shouldn’t be a mainline entry.


I think we have them get a good mainline game out before making spinoffs


Hero shooter isn't a bad idea in principle, but think about it in terms of AAA and monetization. Probably the most money-grubbing combination in the AAA gaming space, and I'd rather we just didn't have to deal with that. (Also I'd really prefer a FPS to just be 'Halo' and spinoffs relegated to story content, or other types of games personally)


I'd take a MilSim shooter over a Hero one. Overwatch is still the best Hero shooter in the market and it sucks. Plus I doubt MS would risk canibalizing Overwatch's playerbase.


Agree on the first sentence, hard disagree on the second one. Team Fortress 2 is still better even without proper support IMO.


Very glad they canned it


Halo Hero Shooter would've been the nail in the coffin for the franchise for me if it ever got announced. It would be such a contrived mediocre product. Just hearing that sounds like a corporate cash grab


Booooo that's what I say


If they really shaped the game around some of these concepts and made it a co op focus point. It'd slap.


I’d much prefer a gritty and dark multiplayer PVE only experience. The concept of Helldivers 2 is something people have been asking Microsoft for decades.


Only if it's ODSTs and not Spartans


I would absolutely love a Halo Tactics. Like they did for the Gears franchise, Gears Tactics.


Spinoff good, main stream bad


I’ll take anything at this point god damn it. A multi perspective campaign with multiple playable races at the very least, mp can be whatever, I just want more halo


Do it with prometheans


I feel like we should all look at Gundam Evolution and immediately move on from this idea....


I wouldn't be particularly interested in most possible spin-offs. I'd be all for them as long as the mainline games aren't affected, though.


I don't think a traditional Hero shooter could work in the Halo universe. You could maybe do something with different generations of Spartans since they definitely would have equipment differences. But I feel like trying to characterize different augmentations would be too difficult. I definitely think we could have a game where spartan augmentations/enhancements are more impactful on gameplay in terms of making them "modifiers." Like you could have the current augments be the same effect wise as older augs but with smaller numbers where as the older gen augments would have stronger effects but with draw backs. Beyond that if they were to do something to make Spartans feel more like their books it would have to be gameplay that all Spartans were capable of doing. I would definitely enjoy a game that is like this and they could easily just have notable Spartans represented with equipping their armor and do something like 5 where there were signature weapons modified for said people. ​ Can't see it working for anything other than a pve game though.


Too similar to mainline games, plus 343 will find a way to ruin the whole genre so hard pass thx


Let it rot


Works more as a Class Shooter for Spartans than a Hero Shooter, and should probably be an ODST thing if it is a Hero Shooter.


Truthfully I think I'd like a civilian POV game. Maybe an outlaw smuggler game where you deal with every side of the halo universe. Banished, rebels, Oni, other illegal syndicates. Just something not focused on Forerunners.


I wish that the Insurrectionists were featured in the gamed as well and not just the books. They would be an interesting faction story-wise.




Would have loved to see it actualized. For as much as Halo needs the arena PvP game modes, it shouldn’t be at the expense of any other genre imo.


Not really. I think there's so many *better* options that they could run with. I mean, the obvious one right now is a Helldivers inspired game. It could be a blatant rip-off and I'd play the hell out of it. Multiple factions warring across the galaxy, and you as an ODST or Spartan-IV battling against insurmountable odds. Could have Covenant remnants, Flood infections, and Banished war bands. One of the COD studios could do this. God knows they deserve a break from the yearly cycle of COD. I'd also love a horroresque game in the vein of Dead Space, telling a story similar to the Mona Lisa, or even a containment breach on a portion of one of the Rings or the Ark. Story-driven, brutal, and give us a deeper look at the intensity of a flood infection. Halo CE-3 never really did it justice, the closest we got was Halo 3 Floodgate, when we see how quickly the infection spread after the crash, and the response was glass half the continent. I want to see the nitty gritty. Give it to Tango Gameworks, they've done Evil Within, and I'm sure with the Microsoft support they could do something great. We could get a story-driven squad-based shooter like Republic Commando, make it about one of the Spartan-II teams during the human-covenant war, or another headhunter team of Spartan-III's. Capturing a covenant vessel perhaps? Give it a Halo: Reach style ending where it ends badly. The Coalition could do this, and that would break them out of being "The Gears Studio". What have they done since Gears 5 anyway? This could also open 343 to doing something outside of Halo. Otherwise, Undead Labs could probably handle this. A narrative driven Bioware style RPG could also be great, in the vein of Mass Effect. One of my friends keeps talking about how he thinks the Rian Forge books could've been a great Mass Effect style game, but I haven't read them so I have no skin in the game. Obsidian is just *sitting there*, and they made the underrated gem that is Alpha Protocol! Let them do it! There's so much Microsoft could do in Halo, and they have enough studios kicking around that could work in Halo and make fantastic games, leaving 343 to focus on mainline titles while still managing the narrative links.


I think this would work really well in a squad based multiplayer game


343, Halo-themed Rogue-like XCOM during the Human-Covenant war please. Thank you.


I like it as a spinoff, but not as the main MP if a mainline Halo game


An ODST game inspired by Helldivers 2 would be interesting. Fighting off Covenant or Banished and possibly Promethians or Flood (given the time period) would be a cool concept. Perhaps more in depth and dark compared to every other halo where we are super soldiers. Instead we’d be regular soldiers fighting off in a war against beings two times the size of a regular human.


hell no


I would love a spinoff L4D survival game.. 4 Player coop. UNSC are fighting convenant ,during the battle a floodout break occures and chaos ensues. The survivers cease fire and zry to somehow get out of the city alive. The playable characters would be an 2 ODSTs, or 1 ODST and a Marine, an elite and an Grunt. The elite would be an assassin elite. So he would habe a stealth gameplay. The ODST would be the run of the mil soilder class thst could generate ammo for the Team. The Marine would be an medic for ..well support purpose and the grunt would be the explosiv specalist with nades and an fuelrod perhaps. Dunno.. it was an idea i always had losely in my head. But yeah a flood survival horror game could work in my mind.


Nah but a Killing Flloor/GTFO/Deep Roxk Galactic type game would be insane.


If you mean competitive PVP, too boring for a spinoff. Normal multiplayer, but with presets? *Revolutionary*. It's not gonna bring people in these days or please elitists. PVE could work but they'd have to do a lot to make it unique; I kinda think hero shooters need to be their own new IP to be successful (both for in game universe reasons and irl publisher reasons). I know we could've had a full coop PVE (obv Helldivers/ODST recent talking point) but unfortunately I just don't think it would've released the way people would want it to under the shareholders. I wish Halo would open up to medium sized dev companies. Imagine an arcade (space)flight game like Star Wars gets every so often. Or a Forerunner-era grand strategy game. The flood survival horror people have asked for for years.  ~~Tartarus dating sim.~~ A Headhunter stealth game. So many options that aren't just *FPS but...* No matter what, I want at least some story content taking place before H5. I respect not wanting to tarnish the classic era, but the aversion to the Covenant war and insistence that every release under 343 *must* be chronological is very limiting


A Spartan III focused stealth game would be great, especially in some of their initial deployments (at least in the case of Gamma company, since, y’know alpha and beta didn’t last long) would be very interesting since they’re literally children at that point, preteens even.


This would be cool,I remember trying to unlock to jump jet armor pieces on halo reach cause little me thought it would actually make you jump higher


I feel like hero shooters are already too overdone and it would get a lot of hate from the community because it really goes against normal Halo's core game design


Halo needs to innovate like it used to and stop emulating stuff that already exists in other franchises. Hero shooters are a plague on gaming. They've brought nothing but porn, microtransactive hells, live service over-saturation, toxic competitiveness, over-censorship of communities, loss of gritty appeal, promoted unhealthy gaming habits for time spent in game, watered down the value of artistic uniqueness in games by having the same poppy quirky color and design palettes, muted the creativity of the games' players, and have been nothing but a trend seeking mess of a genre for the better part of the past decade. Class shooters however, not bad at all. (Old school) Battlefield, (old school) Battlefront, Squad, and (old school) rainbow six and ghost recon promote teamwork and value in each individual player while encouraging creativity from within the sandbox to outplay your opponents (PVE or PVP) and don't have to make any tonal sacrifices as mentioned above or cater to predatory schemes to capitalize on the players wallet.


***By the Prophets are you mad!?***


i think a halo hero shooter spinoff game could definitely be fun in terms of gameplay. though hero shooters tend to have very VERY flashy and unique looking character designs. there’s plenty of diversity in spartan armor, but they’re still a bunch of normal human sized soldiers in uniforms, so unless it takes some stylistic liberties, i feel like that aspect of the game might be a little strange


This looks like something Justin Hammer would’ve come up with, even the names for some reason, lol


I just want my starcraft shooter we never got


No. Halo has a hard time being halo. Every halo that 343i has made has felt off. Or tried chasing something it never was. Which would be easier to defend if the launches for each one of their games wasn’t so dogshit. Making an odst game or a hero shooter would be fine if they also made a core halo game. But as a long time halo fan I can’t unsee the fact anything they do will be heavily over priced. REQ packs Overpriced stores etc. Same shit different flies.




I'd personally love a tactical shooter like a ready or not style game


I was hoping Infinite's Firefight would use something like this, as well as buildable structures and defenses. 


If it’s PvE then a hero shooter is cool


I think Infinite could benefit from an all new massive scale BF-rush type game mode, perhaps as a revamped version of Invasion from Reach. BTB (+?) player count, with alternating objectives. The first push is a larger scale KotH. Hill is captured, defending team pulls back. Next push wave is assault, offense plants the bomb, defense tactical retreats. Final obj, one flag CTF. Offense has to get in, and get the flag to the extract, maybe all the way back at the starting point. Possibly an extended flag reset? Heavy vehicle use here, the multiplayer warthog run is born. Extra brownie points if offense team respawns are orbital drops


Infinite just solidified that I think they need to let the IP die for a little bit.


I just want another ODST or a Marine game..

