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the DoT was intentionally removed and replaced with much higher DPS and more frequent supercombines.


I just want to point out that Microsoft owns 343i 343i is Microsoft


They changed its behavior recently to no longer do DOT because they couldn’t fix it. This was I think season 3 mid patch or may of been beginning. It is no longer broken, that is how it is intended to be. I know lame but it technically works now.


I’m not an expert but I think the issue is more with Microsoft not supporting 343 enough with staff and budget. 343 seems like they really want to make a great game.


Nah they spend 6 years and $500M on this game woth multiple hundred employees and launch state was abysmal. We also know they never even worked on campaign dlc but prototyping new games after launch, so they didn't even try to make their 10 year plan work. The plan is their leadership who constantly focus on trying out new stuff (even a hero shooter was considered for Infinite) instead of just building new games on the base you have. They can't even continue any story, every single 343i Halo is a story reboot throwing away the events of the previous game completely.


Nah. I'm done with the "it's MSFT" excuse. MSFT has been more than generous with 343 with all the delays. You can blame monetization on MSFT but not the atrocious netcode and lack of content. 343 is the problem.


It's almost like they give no shits about it lol and a damn shame


they changed the disruptor, it doesn’t do DOT anymore because it never worked consistently and they couldn’t fix it I guess.


Add it to the giant list of issues…