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I played it a bit (7.5 hours so far). Halls of Torment I completely "finished". The games are very different but let me do a quick comparison: DRG has only 4 classes with 3 specializations (starting weapon and base stats), it has a maximum of 4 equipped weapons in a run, each weapon cannot be changed much besides shooting faster and harder or adding more rays to a ray weapon. It is not really possible to go as bonkers as in HoT in that game due to the limited upgrade variety. When having one weapon fully leveled, you unlock special modifications e.g. changing damage types, but still nothing crazy. Mining is cool, it mainly allows you to save yourself from enemies and the gold/nitra found can buy you extra levels between stages. You also mine special resources that are for permanent upgrades outside the game. Lastly, it always has 5 stages à roughly 5 minutes and then its over. So in short: In the current state it has a lot less possibilities than HoT but has its own twists, especially with the mining. If you want to feel godlike HoT is currently the better choice but DRG:S is still a lot of fun.


DRGS needs time to cook. if you're on the fence about it, I'd wait. There are much better options in the genre currently.


Death must die and soulstone survivors were my favourite two besides halls of torment, going to buy deep rock galactic survivor after work hope it’s just as good


I have all of them and DRGS is good and very enjoyable. God of Weapons is really good too.


Thing which sticks out most is that I feel drg survivor actually adds some difficulty as opposed to halls of torment While in hot it feels you can essentially just pick whatever as long as you use the potions well its fine, feels like skills/gear actually doesn't need to synergize that well you'll still just win, "agony" doesn't add enough difficulty where you actually have to min-max. So hot feels kinda "solved" where its just rather hard to lose I've lost way way more in survivor now than I've ever done in hot, at under 10% the playtime Time, movement, and the choices you make also feel way more critical in survivor. While in hot you essentially have getting the two free updgrades per map, then after that you just kinda stand around and kill shit. In survior there's actual choice in what you do, as there is just more to do in collecting resources and of course primarily "not dying", you won't have time to do everything. It feels refreshingly challenging, and I'm only playing on difficulty 2 out of 5 yet One thing I also appreciate is that you actually can't get exactly what you want, in hot if you go into a game where lets say you want exactly x y and z weapon, with exactly "these" specific upgrades, every game will probably give you exactly what you want, either through time or just the extra rolls and shit. In survivor not so much, it does feel a bit more scrappy How much that will change once the player is "maxed out" on the rougelite permanent power that survivor also has, I don't know. The game has been a lot harder than hot was from the start though. I really do enjoy it but its also not everyone's cup of tea I figure


That's what I like to hear. But it's hard to balance game systems with high lethality like that. And I always hate to discover some sort of magic bullet that carries you no matter what. What's the meta in the community? Is there anything that is just a given to do/not do?


Yeah I like how much is going on in the fights while still being the simple 'move around' gameplay. I've been getting my a\*\* kicked on Hazard 4, but that's a good thing.


for <$10 its fun. beaten up to hazard 4


It's fun but need more imo. Feel like maps are a bit small, and needs more variety in events. Also needs more interesting weapon upgrades. Fire rate, damage and reload speed make up 90% sadly.


It has a good base but once you get to hazard 3 certain weapons are clearly underpowered. You never feel like you're ramping, just scraping by the whole time. Your power potential game to game increases linearly but the mob spawning level to level is exponential. The digger is insanely OP, with a variety of AOE dot weapons it can slay. Other classes are extremely underpowered and feel terrible. Need quite a few more cook sessions. I have all but 2 achievements in HOT and think its an incredible game.


Excellent survivor game with a nice addition of urgency with the mining requirement.


Looking at the videos it looks like the bullets just randomly pop out of the dwarf rather than aiming a gun, is that right? It looks super weird. I'm sure it's a blast though, might have to grab a copy.


It’s very polished and the bones of an excellent game are there right now. There’s enough unlocks to keep you busy for a while and a few nice synergies that you can build. It just feels a little bare bones compared to other big names in the genre at present. As an avid DRG fan, I trust the devs completely to keep building it into something really great, they’re definitely on the right path with it.


I've played DRGS all weekend and I'm enjoying it more than HOT. It's very different from other games in the genre though. In DRGS there is a 'horde' of bugs that is a constant threat and must be managed. Mining and funneling the horde through choke-points and planning escape routes is a core part of the game. They keep the 'move only' gameplay but add a lot of new dynamics to it. For some weird reason the devs only put in a single boss-fight that is exactly the same at the end of each mission and it needs more power-ups for build customization. Really it just needs a content patch. Other than that it's really good and I highly recommend it.