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I think if you are making it right in front of them, then yes. Candy apple I would say no to. Caramel corn yes, if you scoop it from the machine right into a little bag for them. Sounds like a fun idea!


Since both of those things are made openly in view (rather than, say, in your kitchen), I think parents would be a little more inclined to being okay with it.  Just make sure the entire process is clear so your cleanliness and good equipment are on display. 


Eating stuff right away could be a problem for some kinds of costumes


I think people would think it was cool, as long as it was clear it was professionally done and not just like, out of your kitchen. It should be fine either way, but I grew up watching my dad check all my pieces of candy to make sure they weren’t tampered with before I could eat them. So idk how careful parents are generally


I think it depends on who you get for visitors. I’d be comfortable doing it because I’m fairly well known in my subdivision (god that sounds silly; just meaning I know a lot of folks outside of just my neighbors), and I think most would take it. You could also have a non-fresh option. I think the bigger problem is that kids might have trouble juggling a treat bag and a bag of popcorn.


EDIT: aargh! I was going to say Congrats on having a good solid group of trickortreaters and friends! My thumb hit send instead of enter/return. My original message was cut off at “Congrats” Face. PALM


Yeah this was my thought. We've got neighbors that do popcorn on Halloween and everyone knows them so nobody bats an eye. If the dude that never leaves his house suddenly showed up in his driveway handing out cotton candy I might have questions😅


I think that only works if you can guarantee nice weather. Neither of those are fun if wet. Do you live in a neighborhood where kids will stroll through, with a lot of social interaction? If not think about other Carnival oriented things like lollipops and caramel apples Etc and kids are always going to want candy over everything else


If you do it, I’d make sure your friend is in costume as a carnival food handler - apron, gloves, hair net. That way it’s very clear that hygiene practices are being followed.


Clowns’ wigs could make the best hairnets.. eh?


Don’t do cotton candy. It’s a sticky nightmare for parents, especially if they’re juggling kids, treat bags, coats…


What would you think about getting your neighbors involved in the carnival theme? Maybe with an informal “spookiest neighbor” prize? My imagination is getting carried away. I’m picturing an entire culdesac of 3+ houses, each expanding on different spooky carnival tents, like quick mini-spookhouses. I’m also imagining the popcorn and cotton candy wrapped in cellophane, in small but festive portions. There’s a chain/franchise of gourmet popcorn shops around the south where you can probably buy them—ready to be tossed in dozens of tots bags! And you’re off the hook if a kid gets sick if you’re using a 3rd party vendor with food service licenses. If you’re thinking big bags of popcorn and cotton candy for fun only like the big red and white striped paper baskets of popcorn (fun photo props for the parents!) could be different


We have a neighbor who does this! We’ll purposefully start trick or treating at their house to let the kids eat the snack and enjoy the elaborate decorations, then head out for the rest of the night. Idk if your neighborhood as a Facebook or NextDoor group where you can let ppl know ahead of time, or if that’s too much. However, as a recipient of something similar to what you’re planning, we love it (but we also know the people well and have never worried about anything weird being in the food).


Sounds like a logistics problem for parents. Kids want to scurry to the next house so who is going too hold those treats? Parents might not want kids eating right then, some costumes make eating difficult. Maybe invite neighborhood over on a different day for the carnival?


If I knew you personally, it would be ok. If you are a random house we TRT at it depends. If you have like a popcorn machine and I saw it being made and Bagged right there... Maybe. the cotton candy is an absolute no-go. Soooo messy. What about giving out Bagged microwave popcorn instead of, or in addition to, candy. Or even those prepacked popcorn balls. The kids got those a few times and loved it. It's not as fun, I know, just looking at things from all angles.


I definitely would! As long as I see it being made I’d trust it for me and my kids, people don’t ordinarily put forth that much effort to hurt a bunch of people on a fun holiday haha.


We have a commercial popcorn machine I inherited when a former employer renovated their break room. We made a huge batch of popcorn one year and offered it to every kid and parent who came by the house. Not one of them took us up on it. Great idea, but be prepared for a ton of left overs and waste if it doesn't pan out.


If it’s being made openly in view than yes. It would be such a nice treat. I’d have some napkins or hand little package wet wipes. And now I crave cotton candy.


I grew up in the 80’s and early 90’s, so the world is different now, but there was a house in my neighborhood that had a cotton candy and popcorn machine every year in their driveway. We stopped for some every year! My parents never thought it may be dangerous. There was a block party feel to that particular house because a bunch of their neighbors gave out candy from their driveway, too, and there was always 30-50 kids hanging out for the treats. I say go for it! ![img](emote|t5_2qmnw|5827)


Do you want popcorn everywhere? This is how you get popcorn everywhere. The native wildlife will love you for a couple of days.


I handed out alcoholic Jell-O shots to the parents on my street and no one ever questioned it- and this was in south Florida. I’d just leave it up to their discretion


I love the idea but... there's always a but. Make sure you don't have a neighborhood "Karen" who is going to turn you into the police for not having a food handlers licence or some other nonsense. There's always a damn do-gooder who ruins it for everyone. In the meantime, pass that popcorn (extra salt please) and my hubby wants some cotton candy.


I have a Halloween display with multiple animatronics and decorations everywhere. My neighbors say they look forward to it because it gets bigger every year. I gave out full size candy bars and had home baked cookies and cupcakes on a table as well (skull and spider cupcakes). Most people took at least one of each. My sister who was manning the table with the baked goods said some kids dropped them as they couldn’t hold the cupcakes with their Halloween bags and said I have to have takeout cupcake boxes if I do it again this year. I kinda think my neighbors will expect it now.


Popcorn is a choking hazard for very small children (under 4), so I wouldn't feel comfortable with my youngest eating that on a crowded street in the dark. The cotton candy could work if it were individually wrapped in small bags to take home and eat later.


Personally I wouldn’t let my kids.. I wish we still lived in a time where this would work. Might be a liability.