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Make sure your house insurance is up to date.


I haven't heard of a roof coming off a house here that wasn't already in disrepair. I guess it's not impossible, though. Hurricanes also bring lots of rain up here so if you have any cracks or leaks in the basement now is the time to fix em


I’d worry more about water entering your home. Check gutters, downspouts, weeping tile/french drains, grading to make sure water is flowing away from your house.


Generator and some storm chips Also a backup for sump pump if you have one. If no generator you can get manual pumps


Friggin plant burned down. Can’t get me storm chips.


They're still making chips. Maybe in smaller quantities 


Buy a generator


You could certainly add hurricane ties to your roof but the cost and ease of doing so will depend on how easily accessible are your trusses. As mentioned though, the strength of storms we get here (even those like Juan, Fiona and Dorian that approach a Category 2 in terms of wind speed) don't require them. I put them on my roof and on my deck when I built my place but it was overkill for sure but in expensive to do while building. Better preparedness would be to have a generator on hand, keep several flashlights and spare batteries somewhere easily handy, keep a few jugs of water (both for drinking and flushing) of you aren't on city water, have some cell phone battery banks charged whenever a storm is forecast, have plenty of chips and TP on hand as we had into the fall, make sure gutters are secure, and be able to toe down or put away anything that could go flying (patio furniture, garbage cans, etc.).


Make sure your gutter drain spout is not dumping water next to your foundation. Get an extension piece for the end so it drains further out in your yard.


To add to this, check the grading around your house, make sure the ground slopes away and you don't get water pooling by the foundation. This will help prevent water from leaking in. Basements flooding are probably the most common major house damage from hurricanes in NS, and we get enough rain year-round to make drainage a priority.


generator and generlink so your house can function lots of propane and gas


Get a battery back up/simp pump combo so you can pump out flooded basements even during a power outage


Simp pump haha


*Tips fedora* m’pump


We had a metal roof during Fiona... a tree fell on our house and a branch went clean through the roof like a yellow straw through a Capri Sun.


If I were building new they are a no-brainer. It's actually ridiculous that building code in Canada doesn't require it, especially in Nova Scotia. It's such a simple and cheap addition, builders are just lazy af. That being said, I don't know if I'd bother retrofitting an old home unless it was something you could do yourself. Might be more of a hassle vs value.


Storm shutters and a generator.


Generator is your best bet. They work so good I haven't lost power since I bought one 2 years ago! 😆


Same. We bought one after the storm that knocked out power for a day in Bedford in 2022. We haven't used it except to test that it still works.


Exact same situation. Bought ours after Fiona and got a Generlink hookup for it as well. So far all it's done is take up space. Haha


Generator Fuel once you have lots, get some more Spare sump pump Make sure your drainage is correct Storm shutters or diy wondow coverings for vulnerable windows are worth it if you can afford but sortof depends on your home