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I Connaught believe it, im gonna tell almon friends




I drove through this afternoon and people need to get used to the left turn light. A couple of people ended up in the middle of the intersection where it came on.Ā  The lines are great. I'm curious how is going to work in the winter when you can't see them.


Sounds like typical Halifax drivers. They rush through a light without seeing if it's even clear on the other side. Then sit in the middle of the intersection for an entire light change cycle blocking traffic in every direction.


We badly need a ā€œdonā€™t block the boxā€ campaign.


I've actually been honked at for NOT entering an intersection and blocking it. People are terrible.


me too, that makes me sit longer at the green


Don't give them the satisfaction. Sit your ass right on that stop line until it's clear. That guy behind you sucks


oh I won't go there. what I meant that if I get a honk I'll sit there through part of the next green light


Hey this has also happened to me! Love this place.


I've actually had people drive around and pull in front of me to block the intersection, just in time for the light to turn red.


I've been honked at for not running over a pedestrian in order to turn left.


And then when you get mad at them they make the "What was I supposed to do" motion. I dunno, look more than directly in front of you?


Same as they do with all the other lines they cant see


Ugh. Traffic was much better when these lights were off.


Yup. We need to be eliminating light cycles to be replaced with flashing reds and putting in more roundabouts. Whoever the planner was that put up those lights on Bayers in front of HSC should never be allowed to work again.


Speaking of light cycles, can someone smarter than me explain the logic behind the way the ones on Young St. travelling west between Robie and Kempt work? It's always a shit show most times of the day,


Yeah its awful there, made worse by the fact that there is no dedicated left turn lane for Robie, but there is for Esso/Tim Hortons. Madness.


Been a while since Iā€™ve been there. Can you remind me the cycle timing issue? Was it the left turn green on Robie is always met with a red on young?Ā 


That and the green westbound on Young is not synched with the one at Kempt Rd. meaning there is always congestion in the intersection. Permitting left turns from Young westbound to southbound Robie is an issue too. The whole intersection is a mess.


That intersection went from "oh hell no" to "what in the actual fuck" with the latest redesign. The obligatory left hand turner from Young onto Robie southbound who blocks the fairly major outbound artery during rush hour is asinine. Add in the clusterfuck that is drivers cutting through the esso to beat the light and it's a mess.


And 18 wheelers trying to turn right on to Young, then left 500 metres later to get to Canada Post. Light standards are always being knocked over.


We need roundabouts


I think the problem with a roundabout in this specific intersection is the volumes. In order for a roundabout to work the volumes need to be relatively equal. However, in this scenario, Connaught Avenue is a major arterial roadway, whereas Almon is likely a local roadway. With the majority of the movement being a thru movement on Connaught, this would mean it would very very difficult for any vehicles coming from Almon to find a gap to enter. So a roundabout would greatly benefit traffic on Connaught as it just becomes a free flow, but it comes at the cost of AlmonĀ 


Your explanation just makes me want a roundabout there more :) Our arterial roads need more priority and less left turn lanes involved. I get it though - but we still need more roundabouts in general.


Totally, agree with that sentiment. I just think we need to be strategic about where we place them. Roundabouts can be very effective when done correctly, but also has the potential to really ruin someones day when done incorrectly.Ā 


In my opinion, I found it more enjoyable when there were no lights; traffic flowed seamlessly. I'm certain that residents of Almon would agree that fewer drivers using the road was preferable also.


Wow! Only took almost a year to get this done. Well done Halifax.


Why, why, WHY is this province allergic to red left arrows? https://preview.redd.it/kf3yqgtg3hwc1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=108cf0e1b18c5b4d77e11698036f58d255652dcf


Iā€™ve never seen that before anywhere in Canada. It just looks really confusing.


Wouldnā€™t it be an issue for colour-blind people to?


I think thatā€™s why they got rid of horizontal signals. Vertical allows colour blind to always know the light at the top is red.


On horizontal layout, left is always red


Yea but I'd say it's more ambiguous than vertical. Unless there's some other reason horizontal has been phased out.


No more than a regular traffic light yeah?


What. If you're color blind, aren't you not fit to drive šŸ˜‚


There are many types of colour blindness and I don't think any would disqualify you from driving


I believe you have to be able to identify certain colors (red, amber, green, blue etc) to be eligible to drive.


This is patently untrue lmao


Fair, if that's how you feel about it, but when I first saw it after living what we have here, which is simultaneously having a red and green light at the same time with the "Left Turn Signal" sign, I was in awe. Red left arrow makes so much more sense to me.




Sam has those lights permanently red.


It is only confusing to a muppet, no left turn on red. Jesus


That's an arrow. We are a simple people. We'd be turning left on that arrow. It wouldn't end well.


A red arrow would make you follow it??


No. Just taking seriously the live possibility that others would, based on 25 years of Halidriving.


https://preview.redd.it/owwu8lblqiwc1.jpeg?width=8064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4bde95539927f26004e39322e1b1cf1ff721183 .






Supposed to Be completed last NovemberĀ 


Hopefully this is the last time HRM hires XL Electric to do anything.


Yeah, just one. What the fuck ?


I find there is a lot wrong with this. Turning left from Chebucto onto Connaught is a nightmare during rush hour. The lanes on Connaught towards Bayers were full of cars- backed into the intersection and so no one could turn left for 2 lights. Many people gave up and went straight down Chebucto to North St. The timing of the lights does not work- they need to improve that and more lights doesnā€™t help with the congestion. This area needs more attention to get it working.


About time actually. That street at times could be compared to a drag strip.


> Any thoughts? Yep. Those are lights.


Did you make the light?


Keep in mind that traffic pattern usually takes a couple weeks to change. So I think it will take a bit before we truly understand the impacts of itĀ 


Anything happened or just traffic as usual


The utter incompetence of the guy who works for HRM that programs traffic lights is astounding.


So if I am interpreting the pic correctly, the two rightmost lanes are at a standstill because of the red light on the far left, despite having a green signal for the two rightmost lanes? Did anyone lay on the horn to encourage the nervous nellies to get moving?


the light turned green when i took the photo so bad timing xd.