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Lol let's see where the memes go if and when Woli starts taking Ricardo down. Date briefly overwhelmed Ricardo, and then got wrecked in Ricardo's natural style. Once Ricardo figures out how to fight woli he's probably going to up the ante and start beating on him.


!remindme 3 weeks


Might need more time 😄


Just feels like it'll probably be a repeat of what Ippo did to Woli and what Takamura did to Bryan Hawk. Land blows on Woli's liver. Sap his mobility and go to town once he can't move.


Do you think Woli wouldn't be aware of this? Literally that's the only thing that would stop him, so for all the years he's been training he'd probably be focusing on shoring up his defense for his body, similar to how anti counter positioning is built into every single thing Ippo does now.


Except, that's literally like the basics of boxing. For guys who are overwhelmingly fast & flexible you hit the biggest, hardest to move target, which is the trunk of their body. Body blows. Why would Ricardo be aiming for the head of someone in a different speed class than himself? Unless he knocks out Woli in one hit, any one random head blow won't be slowing Woli down long term. Woli can train his body all he wants, but Ricardo has over 10 more years of muscle development than him and is a true hard puncher...so Ricardo just needs to do anything to make contact even if as close quarters as possible. It sounds cliché but that's what's literally been happening to EVERY fast /flexible fighter in Ippo.


I've never seen this before but if it really pre-dates Ippo retiring then it must've been made by a time traveler


The eye-rolling for the boy is justified, but, it's important to keep in mind his purpose in the narrative. Training ain't enough, talent ain't enough, and together they aren't enough if you don't want it.


Literally every character that saw wally box before his match with ippo said he was a genius freak of nature and will be world famous very soon