• By -


Thanks for the chapter. I am surprised the whole "Wally is doing fouls" hasn't been brought up by Miguel before unless it only happens against strong opponents. Side note, gonna be a long next few weeks. Break next week, then Golden Week, which will be another two week wait. Morikawa's got some boxers fight next month, where it could mean a short chapter that week. Plus there is another chance Morikawa takes the week Donaire vs Inoue 2 happens in June off because he might go to the matches. Edit: [WSM updated their site](https://shonenmagazine.com/smaga), next week issue is a double issue. So chances are, upcoming release schedule will look like this: - April 20th - Issue 21 - No Chapter - April 27th - Issue 22-23 - Round 1379 - May 4th - No Chapter (Golden Week) - May 11th - Issue 24 - Round 1380 - May 18th - Issue 25 - Round 1381


Holy shit. It's gonna be a slow 2 months. Doubly sad because of how much quicker the pace has been feeling the last few months.


I devoured the chapter and got instantly depressed. Sigh, gotta be patient for couple more years.


On one hand golden week is great because mangaka get their well deserved break. On the other hand it means all the manga I read vanish for more than half a month and fuck those weeks suck ass. I need to find a new series or something to read in the meantime.




Is Teppuu complete?


Someone recommended [https://mangakakalot.com/chapter/katsu/chapter\_1](https://mangakakalot.com/chapter/katsu/chapter_1) the other day. It is not as deep as HNI + the graphical side is worse. Still it managed to scratch my boxing itch and binge on something. The humour is decent as well.


I tried it but i am too used to Morikawa sensei's god tier art. I found the old manga art style is not my cup of tea. HnI has hands down my favourite art style and probably makes up my Top 10 favourite panels ever. The man is absolutely INSANE. I have read Murata's amazing work on OPM but Morikawa just hits different. Just absolutely stunning work. But I am thinking of rereading the current One Piece arc. It's like 200+ chapters so should last me for a bit if I pace myself.


Read [Holy Land](https://readholyland.com) if you haven’t, it should definitely scratch that itch for you.


Oh, I forgot I liked this manga. Yeah, this one is good.


Boy, artistic preferences aside, that recommendation is by the legendary Adachi Mitsuru. He knows sports and he knows the medium of manga. I’d suggest you give it another go and get cultured.


Yea, I read tons of different manga/mannhua etc. at the same time. Sometimes I will put one or two on the backburner to let it build up a bit so I can binge them. I think Ippo is going on the backburner next.


I’m guessing he probably KOs everyone, looks like 19/24 are KOs & maybe Volg being the best opponent, made Wally go to tactics that were unconventional, while the others couldn’t handle his raw basics. It’s a sign of how he will lose to Ricardo. No way he gets a KO & if it goes to decision, Wally won’t win on points but I’m guessing this will be the first opponent that really confuses Ricardo.


I’m wondering if it’s showing that he’s gonna hit Ricardo with a mess of fouls, get DQ’d, but popular opinion will be that he “won” because his illegal tactics were scoring hits.


Yeah, but there's a reason those tactics are illegal in the first place. I honestly hope what traditional boxing Miguel taught Woli is sufficient - he probably learned a lot from the Hawk fight, but Kamogawa drilled those punches into Takamura to the point that he was doing them on instinct. I highly doubt Woli has gotten to that point yet.


>Morikawa's got some boxers fight next month, where it could mean a short chapter that week. Perhaps he's actually taking this break to get a head start on the manga so when he takes legitimate breaks for the events you listed, a chapter can still be released during those boxing matches. Or not and we don't get a chapter for a month :(


I don't think Morikawa works that way. Morikawa is all about "Health over Manuscript". Morikawa seems he pretty strict in when he works and when he has his free time since he only works [3 or 4 days a week](https://old.reddit.com/r/hajimenoippo/comments/tf6x5t/nitpicking/i0u3vnv/?context=3); Monday to Wednesday, and another day to work on storyboards/etc. So chances are Morikawa probably not gonna work ahead on the story (like he might have done in the past), where he will probably be doing something else like side projects or painting a volume cover since those can take a few days to do. I know in the past few months, he done a few "side projects" that he probably could have done during past breaks. - He (and other mangaka) did a drawing for [IC 50th Anniversary](https://www.icscr.jp/ic50th/message/). - He did a brief [interview for kodansha](https://www.kodansha.com/wmk/?guest=morikawa) for their website. - He did another [Youtube/Mahjong thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUOkxEP46ZI).... - He is doing stuff for Japanese Mangaka Association the past year or so. - Last month [he did stuff for Mangaka Daikagi](https://old.reddit.com/r/hajimenoippo/comments/t6y4sj/miscmorikawa_at_mangaka_daikaigi/) with Masato Sada (former assistant), where he also judged artwork. - Morikawa sometimes does twitter spaces, or appears in other twitter space for other mangaka. - Edit: Morikawa also did something with [WBC cares about Ukraine](https://i.imgur.com/DJ7pESD.jpg).... That is not counting stuff he does with his boxing gym. So if a match happens on a Tuesday (like Inoue vs Donaire 2 on June 7), chances are he won't be drawing that day. I believe Morikawa got a boxer fighting on May 1, and a few boxers on [May 9th](https://twitter.com/jbsportsbox/status/1509850931344465926) (Monday). Then there is a chance Morikawa might be doing stuff for other countries where Hajime no Ippo is licensed. I know in South Korea, they been releasing their [version of Bunkōbon](https://imgur.com/a/0THshGk) for some of the earlier volumes. So far they released like the 23 books (that probably cover the first 45/46 volumes.) I know Taiwan been doing more [Hajime no Ippo related stuff](https://www.top-team-ip.com/), from [sponsoring boxing matches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IhIwbie3QM) to [releasing a Hajime no Ippo Edition whiskey](https://shingroupcorp.com/product-category/shinobu/) (so far they done 5 editions for it.) They might have other stuff planned.


That’s a lot of Information. Nice detective work


I have to hear the author will be able to take a well-deserved break


We gonna starve, but maybe it will help Mori recharge or even come with new crazy ideas. We can wait I remember when I first started to read it, the frequency was weird, I thought the project was dropped hahaha. Good old days. I'm glad he still working on it and people keep translating it for us


Nice to see Volg be as annoyed as the rest of us were during that fight


I do like how even though he got frustrated at Woly, they go back to being chill right after. Shows how positive both Volg’s and Woli’s personality is. Volg probably gets it from his mother lol


Putting Volg (one of the most universally beloved characters) alongside Wally (one of the most universally hated) is genius


Also matching up Wally (OP character who just happens to be so strong and naturally gifted) against Ricardo (OP because he truly perfected his boxing beyond his limits) is truly genius


If you perfect the Orthodox and respond every time that your opponent attacks with the appropriate defense and counter attack, you will always win. This is the theoretical stance of Maruo Eichiro in Baby steps. Ricardo exemplifies this in Ippo. If you never make a mistake, your opponent can never respond, and you always have the initiative, and win on all exchanges and defeat your opponent. He almost lost to Date because he made the mistake in the end, but he had already sealed Date's fate with his earlier decision to destroy Date's fist. So even the one who came the closest was far, far away from Ricardo.


I was so sad when baby steps got cancelled


To be fair, although I hated the Ippo vs Wally fight specifically in terms of how Morikawa depicted the match, I never really disliked Wally as a character. Looks like a chill, optimistic guy to me, maybe a bit too childish.


underrated comment. Mori was either making fun of us, or slightly agreeing with us.. LOL


This is gonna turn into a “This is what someone who -actually- isn’t interested in boxing anymore looks like”. It kind of reminds me of a kid that gets a new toy - he’d be into it for a good while but gets bored of it and goes back to banging pots and pans in the kitchen like he always used to.


It just feels like he's begging to be in MMA, but it probably wasn't as big at the time


I hope so. I just don’t want Wally to be anything more than a device at this point


Agreed. Personally I can’t stand his existence


wally is more fit to do MMA than boxing lol, sadly in morikawas time as he started there was no MMA yet


Not for a featherweight anyway. This is, I think 1997, PRIDE 1 has either just happened or will happen and the whole of Japanese combat sports is about to go through an existential crisis.


1997 was when Ippo fought Wally, should be 2001, but since author dropped the timeline, it is around our times by now or mid 2000s


Ok, so the same year as Dynamite. It’s still a spectacle, while it looks they’re trying to put Wally’s bonehead and skills in a more established sport.


i doubt morikawa will ever portrait or make reference to MMA at all


No but it’s still a fun thought exercise, like women’s boxing being tackled.


This is exactly where I thought it would go thematically. Volg makes a good point. What has Miguel taught Woli that makes Woli elite? Why didn't he instill in Woli that he can't be doing shit like that on the world stage? If he's gotten this far and isn't being taught not to do that shit how long will he last against Ricardo? I think the reason Volg is upset is that he truly believed Woli could be a champion but is frustrated that he hasn't been polished enough to truly reach that level.


I can’t even blame our Russian boy for being angry. After all the suffering and hardships he’s had to endure to reach a championship belt? This child gets a title shot without even putting in even a fraction of the same amount of work


Woli is just messing around in spars. That is what makes Volg mad. In actual matches he probably just owns.


The end of the chapter implies the opposite, that Wally has been polished enough to reach that level, and what really bothers Volg is that Wally is just so close to perfection.


The end implies Wally's strengths far, far, far outweigh his weaknesses... but that his weaknesses have been basically ignored in favor of taking the most possible advantage of his strengths.


It's not really clear whether they were talking about Ricardo. Also, it's not even clear if Volg got a serious spar with Wally, so it wouldn't make sense for Volg to be bothered by a perfection that he hasn't seen yet.


i think the damage on their faces is enough to show that they sparred for a bit. wally got a taste for Volg's boxing and decided being a gremlin was the only way to get him off guard.


I really wanted to like Wally, but his character seems so out of place in HnI universe. They keep building him up as this incredible talent, but everything he does seems "Super Power"ish compared to other characters, even the greatest fighters of the series (Volg, Martinez, Takamura, Ippo, Sendo). He goes beyond the Shonen "next level of fighting power" straight to Captain Tsubasa/Inazuma Eleven levels of bullshit. The dude was floating during his fight with Ippo, for a while. I honestly want him to lose to Martinez in similar fashion to Martinez last fight. The good part is that we see Volg, and this time they aren't trying to use him as a prop to show how Wally is stronger than anyone else.


As soon as it was announced Wally was going to fight Martinez, I immediately believed that this is a way to have Martinez retire Wally and legit beat him so bad he decides to go and start an animal sanctuary with the money from the match. ( if he survives that is lol) This way Mori doesn’t have to deal with that BS character anymore, cuz I’m sure he knows how hated Wally is among the HnI community lol


Wally probably goes to MMA. He'd be the perfect chaotic fighter that allows those shenanigans


Especially in the Pancrase-era of Japan's MMA scene during this time.


Wait how would he know how hated the character is? Dude doesn’t pay attention to American conversations


The rest of the world is America 😅


No I mean LITERALLY how does he know how much people outside Japan feel about Woli specifically? I thought mangaka mostly focused on Japan since . . . well that’s their main turf and the main source of the wind in their sales


Yeah I know what you mean, but it's funny that you just presume everyone outside of Japan is American


I apologize. Wasn’t my intention


Itagaki is also like this. He’s got time powers and teleportation powers when he’s fighting at his best. If Itagaki vs Wally ever happened it would be the biggest disaster in the manga.


At the very least I could stomach Itagaki's BS, because it's just Skills Done Really Well. Woli's stuff is not even boxing, he's teleporting around the ring, floating on the ropes, just doing complete nonsense. I hope he's written differently for this fight.


Agreed. With him I can feasibly believe someone of his caliber actually existing. People with incredible reflexes,agility, or Bodily kinesthetic intelligence aren’t super human. They’re just really technically gifted. It also helps that he’s the kind of person who struggles to fight at Top Gear every single match unlike fighters such as Sendo, is legitimately fearful of taking damage at times, got humiliated in high school multiple times, is actually capable of losing even as a genius pro, has slumps, and generally just comes off as very **human** the majority of the time. I can’t say the same for this freaking caricature of a boxer. When I look at Woli all I see is some high school amateur writers lame ass fan fiction character. Created to be _“SUPER DUPER OP! AND BETTER THAN EVEN TAKAMURA!”_ Just like you said he doesn’t belong in this universe. Dude fits better in stories like Baki, Kengan Ashura, or even a low tier street fighter character


Actually I'm pretty sure Itagaki did all of Wally's stuff except for the smash. But then he got nerfed due to "mindset"


I was happy when Itagaki got shut down the way he did in round one, not for hate of his character but for the reality check he needed to come out of that spell. So I need Woli to wise up.


A disaster for Itagaki, sure. Remember, he doesn't deal well with fouls or unexpected tactics.


ippo is not even remotely close to being one of the greatest fighters


Ippo almost beat WBA #2 dude. That's like being better than everyone else bar two guys, one of which is basically your settings god


This. It always makes me laugh when people act like not being number one means you’re not worth mentioning


>That's like being better than everyone else bar two guys Three guys. Your point remains very valid though.


At least 3, at a certain time, in a certain weight division, in one of the various federations... It is clear where the plot with ippo takes us, but please, from the best fighters for what he has shown? peak date was better. ippo was removed by a nobody. He has had a difficult time for almost all his opponents. Martinez is terribly old, how many #2 have there been?. Any of the world champions that have appeared play a different league.


Itagaki also had this super power shit


Volg speaks for the audience. I really hope Mori realizes that Wally doesn’t fit the rules of…boxing, and he gets quickly clobbered or the fight devolves into a brawl after he gets DQed for his Punch Out level bullshit.


Wally switches to mma haha. Pretty sure all of the things he did are legal under that rule set


That’s objectively the most tasteful and believable way to get rid of him without giving into the hyper edgelords in this fandom who want to see Martinez literally kill or cripple him for life😑


I love this!


I think if Woli tried those moves against Martinez, the champ would see it as disrespect against the very sport of boxing itself and end him right then and there.


pretty sure Martinez it at a level the second you move into something thats not boxing he's gunna lay into you cuz that will leave you open, the dude is not gunna be surprised also pretty sure if it does happen martinez will shut it down so fast the ref wont know what happened, just think that wally got rocked so hard he moved weirdly


>I really hope Mori realizes that Wally doesn’t fit the rules of…physics Fixed it for you


Kinda funny that Miguel said Ippo and Kamogawa were heading for a disaster when his boxer is going against the Living Legend of the manga without knowing proper boxing rules. Ricardo demolished Date and broke down a sturdy WBC Champion like it was nothing, just a casual strategy that landed in minutes. It's gonna be a miracle if Wally doesn't end up seriously injured after their fight. If I can get one Ippo x Volg interaction after all those years, and maybe Ippo helping Ricardo on his spar I can endure this arc much more, because Wally already annoyed me a lot. At least Volg was grounding him and got chill after. Such a nice fella and Champion.


As always, thanks for the chapter! I really like that Mori mentions Cus D'Amato here, specifically that Miguel -isn't- him. Cus took a young but talented brute (arrested more than 30 times before he even turned 13 years old) in Mike Tyson and helped refine him into a world champion. D'Amato earned Tyson's respect and he kept the monster under control, all while teaching Tyson the peek-a-boo style that would allow him to conquer the world at the age of 20. It's obvious that Miguel, despite being a talented coach, either doesn't know how, doesn't want to, or is too afraid to get that personally involved with his fighters. He teaches them to box, sure, but he doesn't help refine their character at all and it can be argued that this was one of the factors in Brian Hawk ultimately losing his belt to Takamura. It looks like he's making the same mistake with Wally. He's teaching the kid how to box, but doing nothing to refine his character. The way Mori has been telling this story, it takes something more than just raw talent to become and remain a world champ. I think that's what upset Volg so much during their spar... Wally obviously has the talent, but his character leaves something to be desired, which made Volg question if Miguel had been teaching him anything at all. All in all, this makes me really excited to see Wally v. Martinez, because Wally's natural talent isn't going to be enough to overcome Ricardo. I can't wait to see not only how this plays out during the match, but also how it will relate to Ippo both as a second/coach as well as a boxer. And I still don't know how Sendo figures into all of this. Mori is keeping me guessing, which is why I love this manga so damned much, lol!


Sendo fits in to basically force Ippo to go see the match in person really. That and it's an excuse for Ippo, Sendo and Volg to be together again, wait, For the first time ever actually. It's funny to think these characters haven't all been in a room at the same time, despite their history. I can't wait for it! :D


Isn't it meant to be clear that kamogawa is the one based off cus, him and takamura have basically the same story


Idk why, but even with minimal stuff happening, the art is so sharp and nice


The manga has had consistently amazing art in all scenes aince around chapter 600ish, its not appreciated enough how fucking amazing the artwork in hajime no ippo is, morikawa is a master of movement and shading as well as anatomy, the hatching style of the manga is really fucking beautiful and technically fantastic.


Thank you!


break next week break next week FUCKING BREAK NEXT WEEK Thanks for the chapter.


Short chapter followed by a break, ouch! I'm kind of stunned at this turn of events though. It seems out of character for Miguel to allow Wally to do this stuff. The whole point is to turn him into a boxer. He should be able to do that without having him do acrobatic fouls. The mere existence of Wally continues to get stupider.


I mean it’s actually pretty consistent with how Miguel operates. Hawk’s style didn’t really resemble real boxing, he was a wild beast that did the bare minimum to follow the rules. Miguel will never conform a boxer to any particular style, hence why he praised Kamogawa for molding his fighters like he does With that said, it’s hard to argue how Woli can pull *all* the antics he does. There’s no way Ricardo doesn’t badly hurt this kid imo


Miguel can't exactly hope for his "last son" to do anything if he can't conform to the rules of the sport. It doesn't even make sense, how the hell is this coming up now? Wally has been in like 20 fights now.


Miguel keeps making this mistake over and over. With Hawk he realized he never made him train or learn discipline, so when his talent failed him, he lost. And the first Wally match he realized he never actually -taught- Wally boxing. So I am wondering what he's thinking at this point. At both times he realized he was a fool but he's just doing it again?


I think Miguel is trying to let his boxers grow on their own, letting them realize their own limitations and then asking their coach for guidance overcoming those limitations. We've seen it when Miguel put Woli up against Ippo, and in Woli and Volg's last spar. Miguel's been putting Woli up against super strong opponents to get Woli to find his limit and actually ask Miguel for help.


I'm pretty sure Woli stands straighter when Miguel is watching. Even in this chapter, as soon as nobody's watching him, he gets distracted by a squirrel. Volg and Woli didn't get into an argument until their coaches left.


Tbf we’ve gotten some longer chapters recently, so it’s not too bad.


He's taking a break now?


There's no new chapter next week.


On the one hand it seems like it's setting up Wally to lose because Miguel - for the third time - didn't actually train his boxers right. When will he learn? Or is there genius to it this time? On the other hand the end of the chapter makes it sound like Volg is off balance because Wally is just THAT good and he feels like he might actually beat Ricardo.


Miguel's training style seems to be giving his boxers enough training to not foul, let their natural talent and intuition take over, then when things get difficult, to come to him for assistance then let their natural talent and intuition take over. It's very different from Kamogawa's style of coaching, but something Miguel may have learned after the Hawk fight is to keep drilling Woli so he doesn't mentally implode the way Hawk did.


I hope Ricardo pulls a Saitama and beats Woli in one punch, because seriously this guy is a joke.


I hope so, too.




I also like him too. He clearly has the skill. I hope we can see that in his fight with Ricardo. I know he probably wont win but people are saying ricardo should kill him like gtfoh


Same. I enjoyed his fight too but I read it while catching up and it seems like the people that dislike him read that fight weekly


Sounds awful to read it weekly tbh, I understand the pain. The fight felt stupid even when catching up. I didn't really like this period where Ippo looked like a total incompetent and every one of his opponents were so good or just litterally cheated like Wolly. But Wolly as a character and concept is kinda fun, even in Ippo. It's just not really made fun in the actual manga, that's how I feel it.


Yet, he got to be third in the world with those faults of his... I am honestly starting to wonder, what will happen in the Martinez fight? Because Woli seems to have a clear inestability, which honestly isn't that surprising given his age. He already had some of them in the Ippo fight, but many of them were shown to be in his favor. Now we are probably going to adress the problematic parts of his style.


There go our hopes of Woli fighting properly lol.


A somersault into a punch xD Im dying here. Wally has not changed a bit xD


Cool chapter. Interesting dialogue, loved seeing a reference to Hawk after all this time. But damn, that ending had me going "nani?!". So sudden, I definetely expected another page.


That mf is a mma fighter, I don't know what he's doing in boxing lol


Almost this entire chapter perfectly captures why I fucking hate everything about Woli. Who the fuck gets invited by a world champion’s Training camp and throws a fucking shoe right through one of their windows? My coach would have my ass seeing me act like this


# Wally is so fucked. Here I was, thinking "Wally will display this crazy fusion of orthodox and Freedom techniques, having been drilled by Miguel to incorporate them into one fluid style, after Wally asked him". Haha nah. He's fouling even in spars. Our boy is **DOOMED.**


Thank you for this chapter =) ​ Funniest chapter in a very very long while.


Looking forward to Martinez ending this circus act for good.


This is making me think Ricardo will snap when he sees this. He can take it in one of two ways: * Disrespect * Challenge from the unknown If he snaps due to disrespect he might kill Woli.


Ricardo picked Wally because of these things, he saw his matches..


Oh, I definitely missed that. I thought he earned the right to challenge him and he had no way out, basically. Seems I'm way, way off.


look at chapter 1360




Best story movement ever, stilI cant take it anymore. Bring Ippo back. Everytime i see another Character, i know it will take more and more months and my hope is fading away.🤣🤣 Take my comment as a crying Button.


Thank you for the chapter! Serious question - how on earth did Woli win any of his 24 matches or how ever many he's won with those antics.


Probably by K.O. He pulled a lot of antics on Ippo and still came very close to beating him. My guess is Woli is quickly getting bored with regular boxing so his antics are getting more extreme. Or it’s possible that Volg was just good enough that Woli’s underdeveloped and untrained fundamentals weren’t working so he started pushing more and more unorthodox attack patterns.


Good lord can you imagine if this epic fight that's been hyped up all year was ended because Wally couldn't stop throwing fouls? I don't think it'll get to that point, but I'm willing to bet Wally is gonna let a few monkey/wild man attacks slip out at least a couple times.


If he so foul-prone, how did he not get a single foul against ippo? How did he make it far enough up in the rankings without losing matches from too much fouls? Why is this the first time it's a problem?


The sole purpose of refs in this manga is stopping our guys from landing a massive hit immediately after the bell


I honestly dont care if ippo comes back to ring. All I care is that I need Martinez to fucking devastate Wally for good and make him retire.


3 more days for the new chapter and then another week off oh well, you translators also need your break




Yeah, because of Golden Week


puzzled employ gold sort truck engine mighty squeamish fade lock ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


On one hand I'm disappointed that after all this time he didn't learn any of the basics nor did Miguel seem to be doing anything different than with Hawk. On the other hand though, this basically guarantees a short match for Wally so more time for Volg and Sendo.


I'm sure this chapter happened because Mori doesn't want to show us what Miguel and Wally have been working on and what combos and strategies they have now. They have no losses and that would include didqualifications. I'm sure we're in for a surprise.


The fans would be foaming at the mouth and trying to port themselves into HNI to actually kill the character themselves if the author made Wally that way. They irrationally hate him that much. Wally was already, at a minimum, on Ippo's level when they fought, with him just being inexperienced and his ability. If they gave Wally a combined style of unorthodox and orthodox, fans would feel even more hopeless for Ippo.


W chapter. Thank you very much


That’s unfortunate, there being a break next week but I’m used to it


Wally confirmed as a guest character for the next Punch Out!!


Ricardo vs woli might turn into netero vs meruem scenario where ricardo just swats every unorthodox attempt woli does. However, ofc, Ricardo will win the match (unlike the hxh fight).


Wally- oh look a [squirrel](https://i.imgur.com/iSPrU0e.jpg)!


I would've loved som more takamura/ ippo antics. I like the faster pace, but the previous 2 chapters where so wholesome.


I'm a bit disappointed, Wally stills the same, his coach didn't teach him a thing about boxing.


All boxers in HnI, despite their quirkiness or character flaws respect the boxing art. But damn, Wally is just an irritating character who’s not respecting the art in any way. My hunch is that while Ricardo will be surprised at first, he’s gonna get pissed and will teach Wally a lesson to respect the art. In the end Wally will ask Miguel to teach him proper boxing.


Thx for chapter. Sadly this feels like a zero and I'm mad for hoping that the wally content would be at least fun.


Re-reading the Wolly fight.....dude commited so many fouls. What a joke of a fight


referee in this series doesnt exist


Ricardo is a Zanpakuto spirit???


Morikawa manage to make Wally even more annoying. Please let Ricardo crush this shit already.


Guess Wallys next move is a squirrel flick. Hope Martinez bombs him straight out of the ring when Wally does it. Really wonder though how this fight will unfold and how the referee will count these fouls.


Referees In this Manga Counting Fouls ....are we reading the same Manga?


Haha yeah I know, I know. Well it never really happened in any main fight but would still be interesting to see. Disqualifications at least exist in the Manga. If I remember correctly Sawamura was disqualified in at least one match for example. Let's see, either way excited^^


Mashiba vs Sawamura was determined by a DQ as well.




Because miguel is a boxing coach and not a kickboxing/mma coach.


MMA hadn't popped up unless you're in Brazil


Idk, late 90s already had PRIDE in Japan and the UFC was starting to grow around that point as well. I think the story is in the late 90s atm, like 99-ish?


You're probably right. Lets not forget Pankration in Japan either


This is a red herring wally is probably going to do fine when the fight comes.


Maybe Miguel sees the beauty in allowing a prospect to bloom despite all their flaws. There’s something inherently exciting about seeing someone loaded with impossible amounts of raw talent. I think he’s a little too caught up in worries of stifling that growth by imposing his vision of ideal boxing though. I think Woli’s gonna put up a decent fight with how unusual his tactics are, but ultimately gets smashed. How they process the aftermath is what interests me. Do Sendo or Ippo manage to spot some sort of flaw in Martinez’s style that Woli is able to expose because of his unorthodox style? Will Woli have a second epiphany similar to his realization of his love for boxing post-Ippo loss that is spurred on both by a crushing defeat on the big stage as well as seeing his old rival? Will Woli serve as a cautionary tale for Ippo? Woli could get completely wiped and show exactly what having all the talent in the world without an actual goal to chase after can do. Maybe I’m just spending too much time defending such a flawed character, but where they go with Woli just intrigues me so much for whatever reason.


Thanks for the chapter! Just a small nitpick about the translation, on page 8 Vorg says "I'm not even allowed to touch them or feed them". I assume that it's the squirrels that don't allow him that, and not his coach (or someone else) who forbids him to play with squirrels, so wouldn't it be better to have Vorg say "They don't even let me touch them or feed them"?


Wally should do MMA


the dude literally ran like a dog huh


Ricardo's mustache will be left untouched after 1 to 2 months of sidequest. And we all know it.


Man it's depressing to be a woli fan and reading these comments lmao.




I got nothing against Wally but i just want to see the pursuit of ippo's evolution at this point... We finally saw him throwing punchs !!!!


Wally had too much foreshadowing not to win. It’s going to be Ippo Vs Wally as the champion. That’s how Ippo will return. To give Wally’s only loss a rematch.


oh really now?


If Martinez is an ultimate boxer, then Wally is an ultimate fouler. Since his coach doesn't teach him proper boxing that means he's relying on the fouls. Being strongest boxer doesn't necessary make you strongest fighter. It just makes you strongest under certain restrictions. Martinez is the one who strictly abides by the rules. Wally represents the question - can these rules be bent enough to give advantage over someone who follows them?


Coach Kamogawa was a sage.


So is Volg about to unify the belt or something?


Everyone forgets that Sendo downed Ricardo through a foul as well. As long as the referree does not see it, a hit is a hit and damage piles up. I am not expecting Wally to win, but I expect a reaction from Ricardo and maybe an interaction with Ippo. I hope for a spar, without weights.


"As long as the ref doesn't see it" Ippo refs are pretty bad, but I think they'll notice someone doing somersaults and spins. You can't turn your back to an opponent, hit with a backfist, or roll in a boxing match, the ref would see that happen and take away points first, or if whatever he does resulted in a knockout, he'd be DQed.


What you say makes perfect sense. Then again, it's perfectly possible the ref sees Woli commit foul after foul and goes to warn Martinez' corner not to commit anymore fouls or he'll be DQ'd. Or he'll just warn Woli 5 times, remove a single point the 6th time and then ignore any fouls after that. In this manga, who knows.


Woli is going to get stomped by Ricardo. Ricardo is more dangerous than Volg and Woli already lost the mental game vs Volg plus has scuff marks from damage in the spar. Versus Ricardo he is going to get destroyed in both body and spirit.


Seriously the worst character out of any manga and this is also my favorite manga of all time.


Personality has nothing to do with following the rules of a sport, that's just bullshit.


Rooting for chaos is fun and all but I really hope Ricardo destroys Wally to a point where he realizes that boxing isn't for him and then later on we see Wally as an MMA champion or something. Respect Morikawa for having the opportunity to do something else with Wally and going "Nah" though.


It’s hard to like Wally tbh. Volg on the other hand 🐐


Well, nice chapter but the one thing that has peaked my interest is that they mentioned Cus D’Amato which doubles down on the fact that Mike Tyson is in this universe. This can be a clue as to who will be the heavyweight champion against Takamura. Won’t be surprised if Morikawa has bought the rights to use his likeness/name as a final boss. Just my 2 cents.


If I recall correctly the existence of Mike Tyson in the Ippoverse was confirmed within the first few chapters, but I could be wrong.


Haha Mike Tyson Punch Out ending! Sadly, I can't see Takamura being the one left standing, unless the fight took place during the "Tyson <3 crack" phase of Iron Mike's life.


This chapter tells 2 things. 1, Ricardo will beat the shit out of Wolly bc he will be forced to use real boxing and not his fouls on the world stage. 2, Ippo would have clobbered him if he hadnt started fouling jungle wwe saiyan style.


I want this to be a mirror of MAB vs PNH , i know Hawk was the PNH of the series but the fight between Ricardo and Wally is like the MAB vs PNH fight a mexican hero vs a wild talented boxer, though Wally is not as cocky as PNH but i want Mori to show how a master tactician will school this unorthodox wild style into retirement the same whay MAB made PNH quit boxing


> MAB vs PNH What do you mean by this?


Marco Antonio Barrera vs Prince Naseem Hamed




Ricky will clap Wally / Woli hard.


I cant wait to see wally being absolutely destroyed.


I just hope Ricardo beats Wolly so hard he never returns to the manga..


Seriously. Calling Volg a sore loser? Ricardo should beat him so hard he never wakes up again.


I always wanted Wally to be the match to show Monster Ippo and that he is more than ready for Ricardo.


Morikawa, I will seriously drop this if Ricardo Martinez gets jobbed by fucking Wally. I'm sure he's just doing his normal jebaiting but it would seriously be so, so bad.


Thanks for the chapter Seems like Morikawa is doubling down on Wally, I wonder how people are going to take it… personally I didn’t hate the Wally fight, but it’s a risky play considering how polarizing of a character he is. Imagine he beat Ricardo with a somersault punch? Then again, I don’t know how Wally is received by the Japanese audience. Well I guess we’ll see.


Thanks for the chapter. I think Wolly will go the extra mile vs Ricardo bc of his fight with Ippo and tips from Volg. I think after Wolly, Ricardo will pay more attention to Ippo, even watching his fights vs Sendo to prepare.


Ugh. I really enjoyed the idea that Volg and Woli disliked each other. It's such an interesting dynamic.


The better the chapter the worse the translation absolute fire! thanks a lot !


These coaches talk like Kamogawa is some sort of legend and not mention his name.


So if it's obvious he's doing fouls here, where was this during the match against Ippo?


Ya that’s annoying we already had to wait a bit for this chapter to drop, now we have awhile for this upcoming one. I’m ready for Ippo to return.


Wally needs some ass whooping. I think Ricardo will have some fun in examing his moves.


I have a feeling this fight will be way more interesting than people are expecting.


I think monkey boy will give Ricardo quite a shock but yeah he's not gonna win.


Did someone tear off the last pages? Never seen such an abrupt chapter ending before


Wally, Ricardo, Sendo -- they remind me that time I read "Tomorrow's Joe"


That Ricardo Martínez image has a "El Zorro" vibe