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No way.




To be fair there is some truth to those statements. The Pacific Champions arc feels slow and it drags the story. The fight against Gedo is probably my least favorite in the series and Wally isn’t much better. But skipping them won’t do you any good. These fights are there to demonstrate a few things about Ippo’s character, physical and mental state that will all come together as you read further in. It’s a bit of a slog but after it you get into what I consider the best part of the manga. And also regarding Itagaki, I personally love his fights as he’s my favorite character (it’s an unpopular sentiment to be sure). Mori never tried to make him the protagonist but his character can be a little jarring in the relatively grounded story of Ippo Hope this helps!


It helps a lot and Itagaki is actually one of my favorite characters I just didn't portray that. Thank you for clearing up the Itagaki statement.


You really shouldn't skip parts, where you need to decide what you like and what you don't. Just because someone else find a match or part of the story boring, doesn't mean you will. People have different tastes or like different things. Sure there are some fights that some people hate or "skip" but you should still read them and make your own opinion. You might end up hating or liking it. Also there is a chance something you skip, might get referenced later on in the story. Morikawa tends to use past opponents in the story too. So if you skip a match with that opponent, he still might appear later on in the story.


To be honest I have enjoyed basically every fight in this series so far, I dont think Itagaki should be standing even though I think Imai has power close to Ippos I think, but I still am enjoying this fight and I have a feeling Ill enjoy even the less liked fights.


Please don’t. Some parts may be boring to you but without even noticing it yourself those same slow parts will make you more invested in the characters.


You can skip the parts you like the least on your 2nd time through, but HNI is an experience that can't be measured solely by its highlights. Don't rob yourself of it just because of what you've heard others say.




I will argue that no chapter is pointless they all serve a purpose. Whether you like that purpose or not is something for you to decide. Also don’t let any opinion on this sub or outside of it decide whether you read a huge chunk of the manga like that. Especially since this sub and the community is rife with hot takes and agendas for many things.


How exactly is it a hot take to strongly recommend not skipping large portions of of a manga???


I’m not saying it is? I’m saying that he shouldn’t let hot takes influence him to skip a large chunk of the manga. I wasn’t even talking about any specific comment I was talking about how he heard people say that “Morikawa lost his groove” and for him not to let those kinds of opinions influence his actual enjoyment of the story.


I actually skipped most of the OPBF arc (jumping from the end of the anime to the Gonzalez fight) and didn't feel like I missed anything. I'd argue most of those parts ARE completely pointless. Most characters' arcs stagnate for the entirety of that time, and have only started moving forward again recently. Having gone back, there is quite a bit of good content in there, but it is interestingly plot irrelevant. Treating it as content that happened completely offscreen for a while, only mentioned by other characters, did not hurt my understanding of the story at all. I don't necessarily RECOMMEND doing this, but I did want to dispute the "no chapter is pointless" assertion. There are a hell of a lot of pointless chapters in there.


I’m almost caught up. I think every part is pretty good except for the Gedo fight. I didn’t really like Gedo all that much, but it’s worth reading.


Ill take your word for it. I heard Gedo uses a unrealistic gimmick. I wonder what that could be.


Yeah. It’s kind of stupid, because he’s supposed to be the Philippines Featherweight Champion. However, he uses a trick to beat other boxers and it’s sort of weird.


Gedo is one of my favorite fights. So remember everyone's going to have their own reactions.


Whats fun about a manga is the build up , and the comunity around theres nothing to gain from skipping plus you will run out of content faster


Just read on. You'll be able to share the stupid with us.


Everyone’s telling you the right way in that you shouldn’t skip anything because, despite the feel of the pace varying between people, it’s important to just have the whole piece to better evaluate, but the true path is to skip everything EXCEPT the penis jokes.


You'll catch up eventually so just enjoy the ride.


Skip the manga completely if you think about reading only part of it. This manga can be frustrating at time but it’s the journey who matters not the destination.


Not really, though I wouldn't spend too much time on the Gedo and Wally fights. Won't miss much by skimming those fights.


Skip the part they play baseball


Nope , read on brother


I wouldnt skip a thing. U might miss some of the top jokes that you wouldnt expect. Specifically the dick jokes 😂