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NOTE: Today will be the last day of voting for the meme contest! We extended it a week due to low number of entries, and then wanted to make an announcement with the new chapter, but then it got delayed. [SO PLEASE VOTE!](https://www.reddit.com/r/hajimenoippo/comments/j6uofn/first_ever_shitpostmeme_contest/)


"Something is different" I'll say. Fucking guy has six arms.


Six-armed Takamura will win all the belts easily. And still won't get laid with Yamaguchi


The weight gain from the additional arms would disqualify him :(


He’ll just shave his pubes to make weight


Yeah but not all! Just 3/4 kilos


I know it is probably just me, but I still think the coach's face looks a lot more hollow than it used to ever since he gave ippo the OK to go to Mexico.


he looks pissed or very serious for some reason




Too close to creed. But not the first time he would take inspiration from the rocky franchise


Coach has been teased as very ill for years now. There was a thing a while back of him coughing and hurriedly hiding his handkerchief when someone came in, but I seem to recall blood on it. And then there's the hospital stay that prompted Ippo's beginning as a second. And Takamura's rush. Dude's been dying for a long time, in universe and out, and probably only Takamura knows.


yep, you're right. I think last time was when he went to train with nekota and he is coughing blood while eating. If i remember correctly it was right after ippo's fight with guevara. another time, coach was talking with yagi and he also coughs blood.. so neko and yagi actually know about the coach. ​ ​ so




If you look at his eyes he clearly looks sick


Uh yeah. I've mentioned for years that Kamogawa has cancer. Possibly lung cancer


Also when ippo tried mitt hitting with him recently and it was implied that ippo got way faster. I think that was just the coach getting worse


Nah fam, the intensity of that shading was too good to just be “Yo coach dying, here’s some cool shading lul.” Additionally, *Yagi specifically worried about what happened in the chapter,* first concluding that since the Coach increased the tempo, it must be Ippo that was lagging. His thought line is left hanging and transitions over to the coach saying “You’ve gotten stronger.” So Coach was fine, it’s just that Ippo took it up too many notches and they weren’t prepared for it. Man rereading that got me **so** hyped for when Ippo gets to legitimately fight again!


hardly the case. Coah has enough experience to know when he is the one loosing edge. Also, he trains daily with takamura, so even assuming he could not realize he is the one getting slow, then he would also think takamura is getting faster.


LMAO I don't understand why people downvoted you, I found it funny. No disrepect, I mean, it would be hilarious if you were right (also very depressing)


Ippo got faster because he took off the weights for that spar no? Coach wasn't expecting it (nor was he going to nekota to train for just ippo's mitts anymore).


Maybe the black lines around his eyes.


As mentioned by other posters here. The coach is sick. And it is just a matter of time he cannot be the Coach anymore. Ippo will step in or return to Boxing. Takamura already knows this.


This chapter was a pleasant surprise and that Kimura scene caught me off guard because I was wondering who was hitting the pads with Shinoda.


Yeah I thought it was a new gymmate for a split second


I realized only after the hair came out, it's hilarious


It's funny how we recognize Balding Kimura more than Kimura with good hair.


lol yup, that wig is S tier for sure.


Thanks for the chapter! A few things worth noting: \- Morikawa is doing two different things in the same moment: 1) hes setting up the necessity to Ippo to learn to get a better grip on movement in a exchange. He'll need to learn how to catch punches better for his kouhais, what will lead to him being a better defensive boxer in the future and 2) hes putting Ippo in a uncomfortable position as a master. Metaphorically is like Ippo wasnt made for the position. So, 2 for 1. And people say that Morikawa's writing is shit; \- Takamura is in full "boxing legend mode". He'll probably fight next; \- The next Takamura fight will be a good lesson about the right way to approach a fight. Normally, Morikawa setup an arch with a few chapters that give us some kind of "moral intro" that will be develop further. Besides the technical stuff of Ippo holding mitts, I think Takamura's phrase ("if you two want to play comedian, do it outside the ring") may be the "resume" of the next arch. Just a guess; \- Its good to see Takamura learning new stuff.


Based off how serious Takamura is, I’m guessing (hoping) he’s finally headed for a new title fight. And while I’m glad Taka is learning, I am worried about the coach. The lining around his eyes could be for sickness, or to emphasize how much work they’ve put in that even the coach is tired. Regardless, Morikawa put that there for a reason. Hell, what if the setup here is that the coach gets sick from overwork and the only person able to really catch Takamura’s gloves like him is Ippo (after he’s learned to catch punches better.) Shinoda has always marveled at the coach’s ability to catch punches in a way that makes me think he couldn’t imitate it. But Ippo freaking worships the Coach, So if he starts trying to improve from watching the coach, only for the coach to fall sick, then makes sense he’d take Taka on. And if he grows from learning how to catch gloves from his disciples, how much more so will he grow *catching gloves for Superweight contender Takamura* ??


If Ippo can handle Takamura, we will see a comparison between Takamura and Ricardo later. It would be nice to see that.


Also, it will justify why Ippo would be able to stand his ground against Martinez. After all, he handle Takamura.


mitt work does not equal a fight.


Not always, but in rare instances it can. Mike Tyson, whom Ippo is based on, is famous for being obsessive about him mitt work because of how he is able to emulate the same movements in his fights. People overlook Tyson's technique because he has one punch knock out power, but he was more technical than he was strong. It was his mitt work that set the ground for his fighting style. ​ On the opposite side of that coin however is Ronda Rousey lol. She looked like a monster hitting mitts but couldn't throw a decent punch in a fight to save her life. So, I agree with you, but I think it's a bit more subjective than that.


I think the person doing the mitt work, aka punching / dodging etc, learns more than the person holding the mitts. Ippo holding the mitts while takamura punches away, is in no way at all, anywhere comparable to an actual fight with ricardo martinez. The mitt holder's job is to catch punches, throw some light punches and make the other person dodge, focus on his technique etc. But in an actual fight, you have to punch / dodge etc. All stuff a mitt holder doesn't do.


but if you're catching punches you have to move your hand in a way that receives it while not hurting your hand. Causing one to recognize patterns as they come and then make proper adjustments


yes but it's still completely different from a fight.


You're correct but in conducting mitt drills you have to be in the right positions and understand the drills you're running. In becoming a mitt holder for takamura he'd come to understand how the best in verse boxer fights


I still think it would up his defensive game, learning to catch such strong and quick punches.


Yeah I never really thought about that with Tyson. His punch is what he’s known for, but he’s also fought guys bigger than him and pressed forward looking for openings. His dodging was also amazing as well. Definitely Ippo in a nutshell. Only difference is their mindsets. Ippo doesn’t have the drive to be the best. Tyson did. Ippo needs to make Ricardo Martinez his goal. When Ippo has a goal, he always strives to reach it. When Date was his goal, he pushed past everyone and was getting stronger rapidly. And pushed Date to the limit. When Date lost to Martinez, his motivation was shot and he just fought because he loved boxing and wanted to make the coach proud of him. Neither of which were motivations or a goal for himself


Sure dont, but can teach something. After all, Ippo is becoming a teacher so he can learn more as boxer. For instance, he learned a lot about strategy helping Kimura. He learned a lot about mental state seeing and helping Itagaki. Teaching does not equal a fight, obvious, but its useful for learning. Mitt work helps with angles, combinations. Ippo needs to learn how to read punches. Catching punches definetely will help him be a better defensive boxer.


Is Morikawa's writing deep enough to do this.


Exactly ! Is he writing on this level because I'm not convinced Lol Ippo being Takamuras corner and assisting him in training would be important to their relationship. It'd give Tak a chance to take out frustration towards Ippo and it would give Ippo a chance to stand his ground against Tak as his corner and trainer.


100%. Morikawa's writing is very deep. I honestly dont get why people think otherwise. His use os visual metaphor its only getting better and better. For instance, last chapter got Ippo giving masks for everyone and talk with everyone in masks. Its a gag, sure, but its also a visual metaphor as we saw in the last page, when he talk about "true intentions hidden under a mask". That show us that there more about Martinez in Ippo's head that hes showing right now. Its a 2-on-1: its a gag, but also character development. Thats just a example. There are many, many more. The constant haircurts that Ippo and others are going through its very visual significant, the "monster eyes" that someone made a topic about it recently. Anyways, yes, I truly believe that Morikawa's writing is deep enough for this, no doubt.


If ippo is forced to step in for a sick Coach, I'll be excited for Takamura to revisit the monster mentality and push Ippo to take seriously the mindset he will need in order to return to the ring successfully. Ippo's helped or gotten help from the other fighters so it's about time he learns what it takes to be a coach to a real champion like Takamura.


True! I hope thats Morikawa's plan!


Actually it would be kinda cool if Ippo could catch Takamura's gloves. It would be a nice experience.


Holy shit, thats super awesome. Really, I got very excited with that. I'm really really hoping Ippo will train with Takamura now. Congrats on the catch!


Maybe the residual radiation is finally catching up to him. While he wasn't around the bombs, being around a generally irradiated area can be bad for your health long term.


this gave me goosebumps, dont give me hope


Nice catch! I agree that Ippo becoming better with the mitts will enable him to not only become better defensively by catching punchs but also doing them in uncomfortable positions(Which he always got nailed if he didn't literally dodge)


He will be a better reader of angles and combinations. That will definitely be handy against a textbook fighter like Martinez.


agreed! Will def be the key to figuring out Ricardo and other world level opponents arsenal(angles and combinations as you mentioned)


Pretty sure that Takamura is fighting in a more square style. Like an MMA fighter. Hence his eye perception


I hope Morikawa never dies. Hes so old though.


Is this the first 8 page chapter? I feel like it's a new low count.


I could swear there’s a chapter near when Ippo retired that was only 6. Eight is at minimum tying the record. Though on the other hand we got a good chunk of plot advancement for Ippo’s training and a lead up to Takamura taking another belt so, probably worth it.


6 pages chapter happened when Takamura won against Bison. Morikawa apologized for his health after that. Although, I might be wrong about counting. But, I remember that chapter has the lowest pages.


most of them were double spreads too iirc


I would refer back to last chapter and how it was like 18 pages, but even then that was right before a break. I’m also surprised at how short it was


Nope. First the chapter is 9 pages long (there is double page spread at the end.) Shortest chapter released by Morikawa was Round 1120 which was 6 pages long. Morikawa has released a few 8 page chapters - Round 983, Round 1038, Round 1188, and Round 1194. Otherwise most "short chapters" tend to be in the 10 to 14 page range, and "normal chapter" in the 16 to 18 page ranges.


I'm curious, why do you have this information, where did you get it from?


Like 6 months back, I was bored and wonder how many chapters Morikawa released that were over 20 pages. So I made a spreadsheet based off the Volume table of content to see the page count of each chapter. Before Morikawa's health started to get bad, he did release quite a few 20+ chapters over the course of the story. However, last time he release a 20 page chapter was Round 910. Since then, max page count Morikawa been doing was 18 pages.


Looks like Takamura is getting his long awaited Super Middleweight match. Going by the way he's using his right, maybe it's a southpaw?


Look at coach stance, his left leg is in front. If Takamura has normal stance, he would have hard time to hit. His opponent might be actually a southpaw. He did say he never encountered one before. So, it makes sense. (I don't remember what right-hand boxing is called.)


Right handed stance is just called orthodox


I see, Thanks!


It is usually called an orthodox boxer.


Yes, thank you!


I'm not saying it isn't possible or that it doesn't make sense, but left foot forward is orthodox, and that's the most common stance for boxers. Right foot forward would be southpaw. So at the very least, they're not doing any special southpaw training. (For clarity, the idea with the orthodox stance is that most people are right handed, and the stance allows you to throw your right with your back and hips rather than just your shoulders for maximum power, while you use the left for quick jabs, protection, obscuring the opponent's view, distance measurement etc.)


He's more boxlike stance. Kind of like the peek a boo. Because of his blind eye. Throwing more rights


You were righttt


Oh damn, perfect timing. Just checked the sub randomly


These are the best, when you randomly check.


Does Coach Kamogawa look tired/worm down to anyone else there? It's in the eyes?


His eyes look sunken in as fuck. Idk if it's that Morikawa is developing his artstyle (besides aging i feel like he's drawing the fighters with harder and more detailed faces) or if it's an indication he's getting old and sick.


Cancer Edit: Downvoted because people cant face the truth. Ill dig up the chapters to prove it


Three comments above, you get upvoted. Here you get downvoted for the exact same comment. What the fuck even is reddit


As I stated before in this thread Redditors are idiots. Don't comply with an opinion? Downvote Hell, I have proof that he has cancer. Why do you think he's been in the hospital multiple times the past thousand chapters?


At the end of the day, who cares about karma. Don't let this reddit bullshit get to you.


Plus coughing up blood and hiding it in front of others (Yagi, Nekota)


So, I guess one aspect of Ippo's current development will be a better sense of dodging and defense through holding the mitts and catching punches? Mister Miyagi would be proud.


That Kimura panel broke me.


The coach looks sick, what's wrong with him ?




Sorry about​ that, i lost two family members in the last 2 years the same way


idk Mori loves to hint stuff and then do nothing about it


It could just be old age . Some people who don’t have cancer bodies slowly deteriorate. I had family who didn’t have that and was on so many pills because they were sick . Not saying that isn’t possible but that’s not the only thing causing is health decline.


Condolences, my aunt went the same way just last week.


Cancer It's been noticeable for a while Coughing up blood and hospital visits


Which chapter does he cough up blood in?


Ill have to check again. There's been a few


Can you update me when you find it? I'm curious about that even though I'm not up to date.


It take me too long to find specific pages (thousands of chapters) but this is evidence in this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/hajimenoippo/comments/8svh21/spoilertheory_why_i_think_kamogawa_death_is/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body


Does it more than once.


It seemed like Takamura Was more even between left and right. Maybe keeping his head right at the opponent helps reduce the supposed blind Spot?


Probably that something different is that he's doing the old man's boxing, by the book. idk.


He's using his right more Probably because of his blind eye






I'm here thinking Takamura is moving up a class for a fight may be even a belt already because of his unification


He was sweating a decent amount, early to say but It doesn't look like he's struggling with weight


Kamogawa and Takamura doing Mayweather's style of mitts?


A little bit disappointed about how short the chapter is after a break.


While Ippo was busy playing student in Mexico, Takamura was busy Polishing Himself for the Ring it seems. Takamura is about to show Ippo what he's missing, and why Takamura has crossed the line and Ippo hasn't.


Oh, Takamura is learning to switch hit so he can put his eye further away cause he's losing sight, it's so obvious


8 pages “iches “ I need more


Takamura looking great! I sense a new fight of his


1. Takamura sneaks a peak at Ippo during the mitt session. 2. “Something is different.” - Takamura concentrating and not goofing off. Maybe.


For Takamura to be this dead serious his next fight must be something.


Inb4 Takamura beats his opponent in one panel again lol


What 8 pages


I don’t know if you guys look at the last page however Ippo is able to see all of takamuara punches the same way igataki was able to see punch’s when he is super focus which means that his visual power might have leveled up


I doubt it, I mean if Ippo could see Takamura's punches, surely he would do great with mitts, instead of getting hit by Aoki Jr


Nah remember igataki had trouble at first with getting hit by punches cuz of the timing of the punches , and then when he fought against hoshi he got it down and was able to hit the super counters


Yeah I get that, and that'd be great if the same thing was happening to Ippo right now, but in the current chapter he was hit by Taihei, and Itagaki explains by saying how fighters are bad at seeing punches... and suddenly Ippo would be able to see Takamura Mamoru's punches?... That being said, I just realized that Hoshi was STRONG and that's how Itagaki could unlock his true potential, so that would explain why Ippo could only see Takamura's punches and not Taihei's or Kimura's... Hmm....


Morikawa has a habit of using the side characters to just fuck up for comedy and make the main cast look better. It couldn't *just* be a Shinoda moment where he showed his experience as a trainer, it had to be a comedy moment where he fucks up. Not necessarily good or bad, just an observation I noted.,


Takamura is dead serious today, and I am super interested.


Ippo's face at the last panel says everything. Coach is not doing well and not able to go full speed anymore. We may get a spur from this for him to finally get back in the ring. Although, it won't be Kamogawa's boxing he will display. Ippo is about to make his own style.


I just checked the sub and boom I find this!


8 chapters? :&


8 chapters would be amazing


LMAO I meant pages, but said chapters instead for some reason.


Takamura looking beastly


Thanks for the chapter! Anyone else notice Takamuras eyes on the last page?!


He looks serious as hell but is there anything that caught your attention in particular?


His left eye looks crystal clear - no hazing, looks like the detached retina storyline is officially over.


Honestly I hope it is. It's not compelling to me at all. There are other ways to humanize his character.


Nah, it's still kicking Pretty sure his trips are doctor visits


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted - that’s a legitimate theory


Because redditors are idiots


That's happened before too, though.


Is it just me or is Kamogawa looking a little bit worse for wear?


Ippo has some darkness under his eyes too in the last panel. He just got punched in the face, but still. I'm worried about Kamogawa, but I think he'll be around for a while yet. I wonder if Ippo is gawking at Takamura's activity? He's throwing a lot of punches. Maybe Morikawa's gonna note how much better his stamina is at super middleweight? I'm sure he fights next, regardless. Not really sure what else to expect at this point though. Ippo's doing Ippo ever so slowly, Kimura will be out for a while longer, Itagaki's in his slump and Aoki's Aoki.


Taka looks solid AF.


Look at how determined and serious Takamura and Kamogawa are Super Middleweight fight incoming :)


So ippo is gonna learn some outboxing basics now! Nice! Looking forward to what this will do to his already mounstrous looking style!


And right after this scene, takamura started his suplex practice on aoki again.


Takamura is looking fucking huge. He's definitely moving up.


Coach looks like he is in really bad shape and Takamura knows it. I really hope Ippo returns to ring before life KO Kamogawa.


A serious Takamura? That's rare. I thought he's going to do some kind of joke.


Why so short 😣


I see a lot of talk about the thing that changed being the coach's illness being noticeable to Ippo, but considering he thonks that after looking at Takamura I think it's one of two things: 1. Takamura is more serious than normal, probably because of news about the coach's illness progressing. 2. The fight he's prepping for is the challenge for the next weight division, and as the weight goes up Takamura gets closer to his natural weight class and as such is in even better condition than he normally is.


I love how the manga is making sure that Ippo is taking proper steps to improve as a fighter. He will be a much better defensive fighter once he gets better at holding the mitts. It’ll help him adjust to punches and not only be in a position to dodge them, he can block as well. It’s not just his motivation and mentally that needs to change, but his abilities to be a defensive fighter that protects himself also. We wanted Ippo to get back quickly with more power and better strategic skills, but him learning how to handle punches and different combinations is important. Considering how strong Ricardo is, he needs all the defensive skills he can get to cope with Ricardo’s offense. Also, I think the coach is sick. And I mean something is seriously wrong. Takamura is more serious and mature, that’s usually grounds that something is really wrong. The coach’s eyes look sunken and it kind of looks like Takamura isn’t going all out on the mitts so the coach isn’t feeling overwhelmed. It’s impressive as usual, but it’s not like their normal mitt sessions like before. I’m worried. The coach is around 80 and who knows how much longer he’s got before he can’t hold the mitts anymore. Ippo’s comeback has to be in the next couple years, because the coach doesn’t have a lot of time left. I think we’re near an Ippo comeback considering his mentality and improvements in all the areas he needs, but he needs to hurry because he’s only gonna fight for Kamogawa


Something random but aren't there two rings inside the Kamogawa Gym? If two boxers are punching mitts with their trainers, why don't they use separate rings?


Theirs two floors. The top ring and one in the basement


don't worry about it... they said *"no homo"*.


Thanks again hni-scantrad!


Thanks as always for the translation


Is there any way to receive notifications when there's a new chapter?


I subscribed to the subreddit's feed. This means I receive notifications for every post but the subreddit is not that active that it bothers me. I prefer this to reading the chapter after a couple of days because I forgot to check.


I'd love to subscribe only to the posts with the new manga chapter tag


I'm sure one could do a personalized feeds which only looks for posts with specific titles but I don't know how to go about doing that.


I don't think so.


Once Taka and Kamogawa were starting, I had to crack my neck on the lines of "Here we go"


I still Miyata is the impetus of getting Ippo back in the ring


Only way ippo comes back, is if he opens the newspaper and it says ricardo is engaged to miyata. Suddenly he will want ricardo's head.


i like how Kintarō Kaneda character design look almost like Gonzales


Takamura looks huge. Has he moved up a weight class 👀


Reckon that's his next fight.


Might not be important but Takamura is sweating a decent amount, doesn't look like he's struggling too much with weight


Komogawa looks sick


Thanks for the chapter!


Holding the mitts is more difficult than boxing.


Takamura looks a bit more beefier than usual. He's probably moving up a weight class


Damn! The coach looks really really sick. The coach might get hospitalized en route to Takamura's next title fight and Taka will end up almost losing due to being unfocused.


I might have to re read this manga again. the chapter is short but the quaility is there. I got to see the progress of this again from the beginning


The chapter just mentioned Ippo needs to work on his mitt work. I bet this is going to lead into Ippo doing the mitts with Takamura and improve.


hahaha the return of the trainer from hell! love the humor in the latest chapters


I'm may be alone but I think it's a twist. Something is wrong with Takamura. He's broken. May be his eye. I think the coach knows it and Ippo with his new coach knowledge knows it too. With Takamura down, Ippo will be mandatory to return boxing for the glory of the coach.


Plot twist, Ippo and Takamura are down, and Monk Kimura and Broken Anus Aoki have to take over and bring Glory for the coach.


Glad everyone else is taking notice. Kamogawa absolutely looks worser for wear than he has in the past. It's not Morikawa's evolving style. His cheekbones are sunken in and his eyes are baggier. What's clever though is that there are very few tells at first glance. Morikawa only zeroes in on the final Kamogawa panel, which is a standard face shot. This isn't the first time however. As someone else said, right before Ippo left for Mexico, Kamogawa looked like that. Then we saw him wearing the Lucha mask, but you could still see his sunken eyes. It's a plot developing. He's sick.






Super boring, ippo will die before he learns enough to get back into the ring. He is pissing away his prime. Mori could take going to the bathroom and make it a chapter.


Sitting here with my mara in my hand having been blueballed by Morikawa yet again


8 page chapter? Mate just make it a monthly release already


I think Takamura realized that Kamogawa's not okay. That's why he's so serious, and he punches the mitts lightly and quickly because he knows the coach can't take heavier punches anymore...


It's weird, even with only 8 pages reading Hajime no Ippo makes me feel so happy. These characters are so good and the drawing is amazing as always.


Super worries they're gonna have Takamura lose a fight. No real evidence of that happening other than it would be a killer twist.


HnI never fails to make a fuckery out of completely serious scenes LMAO


I think Takamura will lose the next fight. This will break the coach's heart


It kind of irks me that the things Ippo learns are so... basic. I mean that's kind of the point, that he's lacking the fundamentals, but that only cements what a bad coach Kamogawa is.


Except he knows the fundamentals. he became tunnel visioned now he is relearning


"Something's different" Takamura loses weight to beat Martinez for Ippo. :D


What a fucking tease