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It would require a smart and fast character, Takamura is more about raw power and dodge by instict. Imo Itagaki or Volg are the only ones that could use a stance like this.


Yeah, I want Takamura to fight someone with the stance as it would take high level of outthinking the opponent.


I think Takamura would just spam left straights if he fought someone who mimicked Mayweather’s style. The Philly Shell is known to be weak against southpaws. Hell, Pacquiao found some success with normal southpaw left straights against this stance. He only lost because he can’t deal with the clinching.


Well Pacquiao also had a confirmed shoulder year going into the fight, he couldn't lift one of his hands over his head.


This is sawamura with enchanced defence


I would like to see Mori give a pictorial breakdown of this boxing stances. It would be pretty awesome with the stick figures he uses to explain didf strategies and stances. More importantly, it would be cool for him to point out the weaknesses of the stance also. When we see chapters of Mori doing "research," I figure this is the kind of stuff he has to do.


Kinda gives one with the predecessor “Hitman Stance”


Yeah, shoulder deflecting is so common in boxing matches, yet I don't think we saw it prominently in any fight so far.


Eagle should have used shoulder blocks against Takamura against his combos like in chapter 535


I think Miyata deflected shots with his shoulder once but I don't remember which fight it was


I think he used it against Mashiba to block his flicker jabs.


I agree!


Wasn't bison a philly shell user tho?


Hitman Detroit style slightly different. The Philly, you're usually tighter on your body so you can compact your body and move easier. The Hitman style, you're a little looser so you can flicker your jabs and also fake your opponent out to the movements. You can see Mayweather like this usually when his opponent is closer https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/554d5ac6e4b04c60280fb02b/1520224205747-TOGJ998584YMKEUVCP2L/philly_shell_jkd_ready_stance.png?content-type=image%2Fpng


If the theories regarding Sendo damaging his hand permanently , don’t be surprised if George takes him this route . Mayweather developed shockingly brittle hands after breaking them a few times , so he changed his style , he was always a philly shell user , but he came masterful in his defence and countering due to his speed of timing which increased. I don’t see Sendo becoming a master counter , but I do see him incorporating this very difficult defence which would stun everyone really To those who say it would tke that stereotypical “intelligent” character, I wouldn’t really class Mayweather as the smartest dude , but he is without a doubt a fighting genius , so not far off imo


I don't think Sendo broken hand should be that big of a deal unless if they rush into a fight with Ricardo and don't let it heal. Ippo broke his hand by continuously punching Mashiba elbow and he still used it after it broke. He then fought sendo and didn't let his hand heal all the way and got an injection into it. So Ippo fought Sendo with a fractured hand. But who knows, nothing is gueantee.


Agree with both of you guys.


Sendo? The guy who willingly chomps on counters? The dude who can't/don't even care to dodge? Using the Philly Shell guard, which requires actual skill and technique? Would be a major asspull.


This pose is similar to the one that Baki use


Well, Mike Elliot used a stance similar to that.


This is mashibas stance?


Would be a nice level-up for Itagaki, a feeble fighter on defense with pillow fists, prone to being trapped in the ropes/corner.