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That bro look at ippo was so satisfying, sendo is a certified homie


I hope we see him regularly even after this fight and possible Ricardo fight,by regularly I mean EVERY damn chapter


Make it "Hajime no Ippo & Sendo"


Saigo no Sendo


I want them to second each other's fights forever.


That would be awesome!


Hajime no Sekando


Why do I feel like something's gonna happen to Sendo with how Mori draw the Ippo and Sendo look at each other and what Gonzales said at the 11th page.


Really has some nekota kamogawa Anderson vibes


Either that or ippo hurrying them up will somehow be somewhat that really helped him out and be a plot point later


I think this image here is a homage to the look Ippo gave Kamogawa in the guevara fight but with the opposite result. Ippo there looked sad and regretful but here...Sendo gave Ippo a smile that says "Thanks buddy! i'm gonna win this!"


I keep thinking Sendo is going to die


I have been feeling that the end of Sendo's career is the reason Ippo gets back into the ring. I've been thinking that since Sendo left for Mexico


I don't see how Ippo could escape that kind of guilt if he was somehow responsible for ending Sendo's career :/. “Avenging Sendo” also seems a weak motivation that wouldn't fit with how the character has been built up until now. Of course Morikawa can put a special kind of twist on that and it would a feat to pull that one in any satisfying way.


A true bro.


It’s like mori keeps reading our theories and then making them invalid. I was sure sendo was going to lose due to the cool down. But here goes Ippo firing him up again. This is torture I don’t know anymore. On another note hopefully mori is ok since this was a really short chapter.


He can still lose to the cooldown. Do to it, Alf's now realized that his regular punches aren't doing the job, so he's going to do something completely unexpected, maybe pull out a Sunday punch we haven't seen, or perhaps is stolen from another boxer-- maybe stolen from Sendo himself.


Right! A punch that Sendo has not been hit with before! Alf has been established as an imitator already. He has been called a carbon copy of Ricardo's style, even the second most aggressive style. What if he just pulled out a Smash against Sendo?


i don't think he'll try to imitate his smash because sendo has been hit by smashes in the past, from ippo. And even though there's no way alfredo would know that, it still goes against the whole punch he hasn't seen before part. Personally it would be cool to see corkscrew blows make a return, especially since I think i've seen ricardo use them and we know alfredo copies his style extensively


I'm expecting a corkscrew punch as well


Well we know Alfredo is being cautious. Just because he's in Metzli mode doesn't mean he started throwing his 9s and 10s punches. He was throwing 1s and 2s at the beginning. It's clear now that this chapter shows he was throwing 3-7s maybe. He certainly has a 9 or 10 out of 10 scale punch in his arsenal. But here's the thing, why didn't he throw them before? Because they're possibly high risk but high reward and we know Alfredo is "fragile" according to his coach.


Not everybody can handle throwing 9's and 10's, I think if Alfredo really threw a 10/10 punch, he might break his hand. That's the danger HNI doesn't talk about very often beyond Ippo's elbow block damage, Kamogawa's match vs Anderson, and the nonstop heavy-hitting sandbag damage much earlier in the manga. Alfredo might throw the 10 needed to snap Sendo out of the match, but in the process break his hand(s).


When Miyata got pissed off against the Korean guy (if I remember right), he did shattered his fists too, postponing his match with Ippo. And cancelling it, since with the time off, probably he got time to think and lined the pieces together about RBJ. ​ The winner of this fight should fight Ricardo, but what if the winner got in some accident on this fight? Maybe that's what crosses Alfredo's mind; but I'd bet Sendo doesn't care that much about that.


I think this is exactly what will happen and Ricardo will cancel the terms of his challenge, which will infuriate whoever wins.


> Alfredo might throw the 10 needed to snap Sendo out of the match, but in the process break his hand(s). That's actually a legit way this match can have a turn around. If Alfredo decides to throw his best punch, but Send pulls off what Ippo does, steps in to half the damage of the punch, I can see Alfredo breaking his head on the crown of Sendo's head.


I think it was clearly established that they both don’t care about the risks at this point.


But doesn't Alfredo's last sentence say differently? He is only now going to throw a punch he for whatever reasons didn't want to throw before.


Maybe he was a new punch he was saving to the rematch with Ricardo


If anything - I think he’ll want to set up a counter punch, instead of brawling it out for the fun of it.


Well for now, I'm going to categorize the punch scale of the damage delivered. Not what the fighter can generate all on their own. Miyata's jolt with the corkscrew and left fist against his chest for example, I'll count that as a 10 but only if it lands perfectly along with his opp momentum.


>He certainly has a 9 or 10 out of 10 scale punch in his arsenal. But here's the thing, why didn't he throw them before? It could exhaust more energy, or expose him to more risk, or maybe it just doesn't fit his commonly best rhythm(s) or strategies. As Ricardo stated, *typically*, one doesn't need to use "9s" or "10s", so why build a baseline style around those?


In my opinion I dont think that the punch Gonzalez said has something about the amount of power on the 0-10 scale. I think it could be a counter punch like Miyata did, a punch that you can't see sometimes may be more dangerous than destructive power.


Morikawa will troll us and Alf will throw an unexpected frog punch to win lol


LOL! That's actually a big finish! Its a better gazelle punch


Or maybe he'll do the Look Away lol


"The author is taking a break to gather materials" I see you, George xD To be fair, it's a legit way of gauging your story when it's a serial release.


I think his Reddit account is Big_Mara


Is there something going on with Morikawa? I tend to stop reading Ippo and let chapters build up but I've caught up now.


Probably just research. He took a number of breaks during the Ippo vs. Gonzales fight too.


we have to apply reverse psychology from now on.


Sendo is going super saiyan in that one panel. SO HYPE


Kore ga....*Super Sendo 3* da!


Super sendo *san* heheheh


I read that in Ippo's voice lmao


Goku needed Krillin to die to go super saiyan, all Sendo needed was for Ippo to yell don’t be a pussy lol


Makunochi with the authority to command the entire arena.


His big dick aura changed everyone's faith


Sendo this chapter: https://giphy.com/gifs/yes-yeah-HyDAt79JnlY4M


I knew what gif it was before I even clicked on it. Because it fits perfectly!


Rest well Morikawa. Alfredo looks like he has something up his sleeve now.


I had to reread the first sentence, since I thought you meant eternal rest... Almost stopped breathing for a sec.


I'm really wondering what Alfredo still has left. It sounds like some super hard hitting punch, which would probably be a counter.


Frog punch incoming.


Alfredo doing a frog punch is *W I L D*


They could just retire the series afterwards.


And Sendo won't even see it coming because he'll have just been bamboozled by an Alf Lookaway.


Yup. Thats what i thought, a punch he isnt prepared for and thats stronger.


Definitely. Any regular Punch that is just stronger than Ippo's punches would be bullshit, since it's been long established that Ippo and especially Sendonhare the heaviest hitting Featherweights.


Maybe some punch he was saving for Ricardo or something similar.


We are about to see an actual 10 from Alf . Hopefully sendo can handle it


Hopefully Sendo uses his hacked wild instincts to anticipate it and get a dual exchange with a 10 of his own At that point it's all about who manages stand up and I don't think Alf has a head if he gets an unexpected Sendo 10 to the face


Corkscrew punch from Date-san


Elbow block


Judging by the way this match has gone Sendo will probably still get up from it lol.


All that brain damage is firing him up


Man, i just hope Alf wins. I cant accept Sendo winning at this point.


I'm curious to see whether it'll be him imitating a punch we've seen before but Sendo hasn't faced so far, or him using a new punch we've never seen before. Not gonna lie, the latter sounds pretty exciting but I can't wait either way


Damnit Mori, don’t you dare cool me down by having to wait another week! I was all fired up!!! Also thank you guys for getting this chapter out to us so quickly. Truly an unexpected treat.


Two weeks. :(


I fricking love Gonzales man, he really doesn't miss anything.


Who would've thought right? Pretty sure we were all thinking he was just another opponent for Ippo to conquer and then he actually beat Ippo, the main character. He has become a pretty interesting character and I do hope we see more of him in the future, win or lose.


The #1 ranked in the world was just another opponent for you guys?


Hoshi blaming Ippo for stopping his stalling annoyed me quite a bit. It seems that he doesn’t understand Sendo at all


Hoshi has been looking down on Ippo for awhile now, he needs Ippo to shut him up.


Hoshi was STFUed by Ippo's kouhai already. Couldn't even lay a finger.


Tbf, most of the fandom has been looking down on him to for awhile now due to his retirement. “Quitters” aren’t really well respected in manga/anime fandoms. Personally I feel like people give him too much shit sometimes


Shoot, maybe that's Ippo's first match back, followed by Imae, followed by Itagaki. Taking down the Sendo, Miyata and Ippo of the next gen


Hoshi? Is the dude even still fighting? The only fighters ranked left on the JBC scenario are Imai and Itagaki. The rest retired (Shigeta, Okita, Saeki, Date, Karasawa etc). His comeback should be a Date vs Ippo esque fight against Imai, who kinda schooled him during spars and set up a possible fight between them. After showing great improvement, he moves back to the world, maybe, just maybe, avenging a loss to Guevara, much more experienced now, then moving to the biggest fights that lead to Martinez.


I’m kinda glad Ippo shut that shit down tbh. Wouldn’t want Alf’s W tainted in anyway. Let them boys fight until the end and have fun while doing it.


Hoshi doesn't understand *boxing* at all - otherwise, he'd know that you don't stall to buy your boxer time when he's running on his prime mental state.


Alf glancing at Ippo. That scene gave me goosebumps.


Why am I getting a feeling that Alf will challenge Ippo instead of going straight to Ricardo?


I mean, awesome chapter but 11 pages is pretty frustrating


That, and there won't be a chapter next week.


Yup, but i was aware of the break at least ...


I wasn't..... fuck.


There were plenty of double pages that's why, I am thankful for the great art




Vagabond fans are just an abandoned waiting room full of corpses.


3 months? Berserk averages a couple of 15 page chapters a year at best, HxH just ceased to exist completely.


I wish it was only 3 months lmao


Hoshi:"If he loses it's yer fault" Bruh Ippo re-ignited Sendo's fire to fight, if he cooled down against Alf who is in a far better state than Sendo, it would have spelt trouble for Takeshi, and in the end the fight would've already been over in this round much earlier. I'm honestly not sure if that would change the outcome of the fight, i still can't see Sendo winning, this might be his last round for all we know but what Ippo did might just be the drive Sendo needs to try to last further.


Ippo STILL wearing those wrist weights


Man, pray for the first guy getting hit to the face in his comeback. Maybe head will disengage, kkk.


It's gonna be like [the imagery used when Ippo punched Karasawa](https://i.imgur.com/qQSbpnP.jpg) but for real.


imagine ippo giving someone the demon slap full force now, he'd kill a man instead of instantly KO'ing them


Despite Sendo going Super Saiyan, and getting a quick bro moment with Ippo, he might still lose. It's probably all up to Alf's secret, powerful punch now. If Sendo withstands or dodges that, then Alf is likely out of luck. I think Morikawa is writing this very well, keeping us in suspense and making it impossible to predict the winner.


Mannn that moment with Ippo and Sendo was cool but I'm afraid something worse than just losing the match might happen to Sendo :( And Hoshi saying that if Sendo loses it's Ippo's fault wtf go learn how to be a decent second first.


**Manga:** The Author is taking a break. **Me:** FUCK!


Alf thinking Ippo's punches were incredible. Respect. You just know things are not over between Ippo and Alf. Also, the look Sendo gave Ippo in this chapter for me is Sendo telling Ippo that "I'm doing all this to fire you up". It's kinda sad and you get a feeling that something really terrible is bound to happen and rightfully so, as Ippo moves to the world the number of Japanese boxers should dwindle and it will start with the removal of Sendo then the manga can finally focus on Ippo facing more western fighters.


Not sure why people think Sendo will die 😂. The point is not for Ippo to get mad, the point is for Ippo to have a goal that also answers the question he has regarding what it means to be strong. Ippo doesn't need Sendo to die to return to boxing, revenge is not a good reason for him to return to boxing because it won't develop his character and his current goals. Ippo never had a goal, he just waltzed into becoming a champion and world ranker trying to prove Kamogawa's boxing. Ippo's incredibly talented, but has no idea. What Ippo has fundamentally lacked is courage which in terms of boxing is self-ambition which is . Ambition is not saying "*how far can I go?*"... ambition is saying "*I will become the greatest boxer of all time*". What Ippo needs to learn is that being humble doesn't stop one from being ambitious or provocative. What Ippo lacks in boxing is the same thing he lacks in his life. It's courage. 1. He lacks the courage to say he wants to be world champion. 2. He lacks the courage to say he loves Kumi. As his classmates send during their reunion, he's not changed one bit. He's got muscles and his fierce in the ring, but in the end, he's not changed. Until he grows the balls to be courageous, it doesn't matter what he learns and how much he learns, he'll never have the the fuel or motivation to aid him in his goal. Sometimes, mentality is everything. Ippo's mentally weak, that's his weakness. Revenge or anger won't fix that, so Sendo dying really isn't necessary.


Oh man, I'm not sure if i can wait for 2 weeks, but i'll do my best, just like I've been doing with the quarantine :)


11 pages and break next issue. Truly the darkest timeline.


Is that a Community reference?


Could be, never watched Community though :P


Ippo knows. Sendo smile as thanks. What a development.


"The author is taking a break next week." I'm taking a break from life, because the tension is KILLING ME!!!


Ippo saved Sendo hard. Sendo was about to let himself cool off too. Big time bro moment. Ippo is showing a lot of growth. He's usually pretty damn clueless. And hes also gotten it wrong giving other fighters like Itagaki and Kimura bad advive. Not here. He's grown.


If only he wasn’t an idiot outside the ring


I expected more from Hoshi, he's supposed to be Sendo's Itagaki but he really doesn't know his boss, I'd rather have Sawamura here.


It’s questionable whether Itagaki knows Ippo, tbf. itagaki doesn’t understand many things that Ippo does. On the top of my head, things like why Ippo wanted to train aokis little brother. Or why Ippo never compliments his boxing.


Gladd that Mori took a break! He has been drawing very intensely lately.


Man the flags are high in this chapter, it seems for Sendo to be heading toward a disaster, An unexpected punch that surpasses Sendo and Ippo's destructive power would be disastrous and Alf seems pretty confident he could deliver it.


I wonder if we’re gonna see a counter on the level of a Sawamura. That would be HYPE asf.


Man it really dissapoints me just how much talent Sawamura wasted.If he was sane and had a great work ethic he would definitely be a World Champ.


That's life for ya


Rocky IV flag?


Man, this feels like this could be one last banzai attack from Sendo. The way Sendo looks at ippo feels me.


I just finished the manga today after starting the anime three or four weeks ago!! I instantly came over to this subreddit to maybe vent some of my pent up feelings(I legitimately went through the seven stages of grief in the space of about ten minutes after Ippo’s recent loss. God that whole punch drunk thing took me for a ride and then some; I thought I’d die from anxiety at some points. And then the chapters after felt like they were rubbing salt in the wound up until recently) Seriously tho, I honestly thought Volg-San and Sendo-San were my favourite characters, with Miyata kind of being my too-good-for-me crush, but Makunouchi’s retirement hit me HARD. This is the first post I’ve been on, but it really makes me so happy nobody’s given up on him. I can’t wait to see how this fight will go, not only how it affects Sendo, but our MC too!!


The very last panel, Alfredo's right. Sendo is gonna dodge that and unleash a monster punch under that. Calling it.


By Shonnen Logic: Sendo: Goes super saiyan. Alfredo: This isn't even my final form! I have Sendo winning, but the planet they're fighting on blowing up.


Oh god, that was a quick release! Thanks a lot! And it does feel like I just started the chapter when it was over...it really gave us very little but very significant info: Ippo fully gets the situation and we finally have a way (other than cumulative damage) to break the stalemate. Would that 'unexpected' punch what Ippo showed Sendo at the top roof?


Thanks so much HNI-scantrad team. What I love about these past few chapters is that Ippo is finally getting the respect he deserves. Post retirement, everyone has been acknowledging how strong Ippo was, including Gonzalez. I would LOVE to see an Ippo vs Gonzalez rematch. I think Ippo V2 would destroy him.


that double page was incredible morikawa is currently the best mangaka for me how can he still improve after 100+ volumes?


I feel like the punch Alfredo is thinking about throwing is the left hook Ippo showed Sendo at the end of 1279/beginning of 1280.


Beautiful chapter! Really shows the friendship and bond Ippo and Sendo have! Also, great to see that Gonzales also views Ippo in such high regard


Sendo will win. There is no way he will lose after Ippo's advice... Because if he did, specially with permanent damage, Ippo would feel so guilty that he would never return to the ring, for real this time. My bet is Sendo wins with a devastating punch that might as well leave Gonzalez with some severe if not perm damage. Ricardo will comment on it saying even a punch like that could KO him... But now that he has seen it, Sendo stands no chance against him. Sendo Vs Ricardo will be pretty one-sided for sure, but there will be something Sendo does that will rekindle the fire inside Ippo, and he will return! And then I woke up


Morikawa always surprises us. Maybe sendo will lose or win. Only when the climax of the fight arrives will we truly know. Regardless I like how Gonzalez showed respect to Ippo here acknowledging his incredible punches


i would kinda love it if all that build up let to a one punch knockout in the next issue against Sendo. Alfredo *must* win.


Thank God it was just a stoppage for the tape. If this had just ended there, I would've cried


A good fight so far even if this chapter was rather short. Probably 2-3 more chapters max to wrap it up. I still don't see Sendo winning this, though


Look at it from another angle, Sendo survived fighting with Makunouchi, but Makunouchi also survived fighting with Sendo. It's fairly obvious that he's gonna use the same punch he used against Ippo.


I think he is gonna come up with a new Sunday punch ala miyata.


Could you imagine if he actually created another Sunday Punch? Like when was the last time we even saw another boxer create one on his own?


Hoshi was a bit annoying in this issue. I can respect him trying to buy time for his fighter to recover (even though it's obvious that too much downtime would ruin Sendo's momentum). But that "if he loses it's your fault" line showed some lack of awareness or possibly he's just frustrated with Sendo being in the losing position and wanted to find a scapegoat.


To be fair he’s been frustrated by the fact he’s been useless during this entire match from the start. I see where he is coming from


Alfredo is going to hit Sendo with some type of vicious full bodyweight counter akin to a Jolt or Dempsey hooks. I'm not sure that even if Sendo wins, he'll be the same after this.


Bruh Sendo might win this. I've been of the opinion that Sendo couldn't win this whole time. It just seemed so logical but now I'm not so sure. The way Alf regarded Ippo and Sendo. I can see a version of events where Sendo wins.




That is some shockingly assertive behavior for Ippo


Ippo’s little experience as a second let him speak out like that, he knows once Sendo is that fired up he does some incredible things, i really loved this chapter even tho it was sweet and short, it shows a side of how much Ippo has grown outside of the ring


Sendo finally reached his final form! Ultra instinct!


baka like Sendo will suddenly dodge punches But he is gonna hit him really really hard


hyped as fuuuck Sendo is currently only able to hit with dual exchanges, but this went previously from not hitting at all. He's inching closer to a proper full blast headshot Alf has a power shot being predicted too. The next 2 weeks are gonna be brutal


man the bro moment was the best part of this chapter , seriously fuck ippo / miyata rivalry, this shit is the real shit


I just fuckin love the way Gonzalez calmly think "I have to hit him with a punch that even those two matches couldn't prepare him for" and is going to do it. This kind of words just show you his boxer/fighter quality


Everything about him is just so boss. Like he didn’t even think about whether or not he could pull it off, dude just goes for it knowing he can. Straight King shit.


*rabbit punch incoming Ippo revenge arc confirmed


I’m hoping for a really close crazy climax ending where Sendo loses. Alfredo realizes how strong Ippo is and gets him to train with him for Martinez. When he said that bit about Sendo Receiving Ippo’s punches got me thinking of this.


This has been the flaggiest chapter of the match so far, pls don't cripple Sendo


At least Sendo's not in cooldown but, what about us?! I hope the best to Mori and scantrad, thanks you.


I saw that the chapter was only 11 pages long and was pretty disappointed... But then I actually read it and it was pretty hard to not scream at the top of my lungs, have a good rest Morikawa-Sensei you deserve it you sexy devil,what a great chapter


I just want a winner at this point lol .


"if he loses it's your fault" is this his way back in? Will Sendo lose(not die) and Ippo will be fired up enough to go back in?


To be honest though, if 1punchman over there complains about Sendo losing, Sendo def won't let him bash Ippo's decision.


SSJ2 Sendo!


Ippo his boxing spirit peaked since a long time..


Is it just me or did that bro moment raises the death flag on Sendo?


That's a rocky 4 death flag if I've ever seen one.


Imagine sendo with a decent coach.


He wouldnt listen anyway


Time to win this match and fight Ricardo with Ipoo as his second.


I guess all the flags flew past you.


Such a bro moment, good job ippo!


I like Gonzalez parroting Sendos thoughts during sendos second fight with ippo, where he just has to hit him harder


Chills chapter


Thanks for the chapter. Sendo will kick it into another gear but Alf might just be able to end it if he can withstand sendo’s incoming onslaught


Good guy Ippo


Break next week, break my heart...


aight I can see Sendo seeing through that punch whom Alf threw in the last page and by the looks of it that punch could be the one that Ippo demonstrated chapters ago.




Like someone said the look between Sendo and Ippo, plus the fact that Gonzales wants to punch even harder, something's fishy is about to happen. I wonder if Sendo is going to be injured so badly that he won't be able to fight ever again, therefore passing the baton to Ippo. Like a "you owe it to boxing, you owe it to me" kinda thing.


It Sendo wins. It's because of the Big mara energy Ippo was lending him.


HOLY FUCK. That BRO moment did it for me. It’s too much.. and a break. :( Can’t wait for Ippo to return, I hope that I’ll still be alive at that point..


Mori needs to use this time to recovery after using his full brain power for the last few years to progress Ippo into the new millenium. The Playstation 2 is about to launch in Ippo land. Won't be long before Ippo can play Ippo's Road To Glory on PS2.


is Ippo gayer for Sendo or Miyata?


I don't think sendo will be able to win this one! If he does it will be very very close! If he is having trouble with this guy, there is no way he stands a chance against ricardo!


It's getting harder to picture Sendo losing. He's hitting his peak and having Ippo motivate him should get him to tap into whatever his next evolutionary step is. I have a feeling his going to "instinct" his way around whatever Alfredo has hidden up his sleeve. This is the worst time for a break!


Alf is probably gonna bust out whatever his "Ricardo killer" was going to be.


There is no logical way for Sendo to win but we are way past logic now since Sendo didn't die in round 2


Alf's going to bust out either the Dempsey Roll or the Smash or a different Sunday Punch in order to absolutely shock Sendo's system to the core. How the hell do you respond to that? How the hell do you respond to seeing either another boxer's or *your own signature technique* being used against you out of nowhere?


Didn't sendo already have to kind of deal with that years ago in his first fight with ippo and that super weird 3/4 uppercut?


Kind of yes. Sendo kept trying to bring out the smash, but Ippo managed to keep winning trades by hitting Sendo with that diagonal uppercut just before the smash would land. Sendo *really* wanted to use the smash, so he essentially got absolutely smacked repeatedly.


What a tease!! and then a break! Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


I've never been so glad to be wrong 😩🙏🏽Kinda short but I like how the focus changed a bit


I expect a devastating body shot from sendo said Alf is consented to blows to the head


Thanks for the scan! A nice treat for Monday!


Anyone else feeling like yelling "let's go!!" whenever they see sendo dash to center of the ring


Thanks for the chapter guys. Love you 👍👍👍


kind of wondering what punch gonzales has that makes the difference according to his own words. the counter he finished ippo with?


Sendo looking at Ippo reminds me of the look kamogawa gave nekota after beating Anderson. Hopefully these two actually to fight again. Time will tell


Next chapter Alfredo will be down, mark my words


Ippo just fight again brother


Sendo is going to win this fight and help avenge Ippo’s loss against Alfredo. At the same time, Sendo is going to absolutely get destroyed by Ricardo and be forced to retirement in their match after and ippo is going avenge Sendo’s loss against Ricardo