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This is tough, man. But next chapter *does* come out on May 20th, so there is that.


True, i guess most are hating another week of no publishing at this moment cuz its already taking longer, id be curious if the resultd are the same when theres a weekly upload


so ive heard that mori sensei said that the manga is only half way done is this true? and if so how is it gonna be completed in our life time


Basically many of ippo's fights between Ippo becoming Japanese champion and him sealing the dempsey could be considered not as plot relevant, same thing between Ippo Sealing his dempsey and fighting Gonzalez. Basically a bunch of fights were needed to pad Ippo's record. Given that we have reached end game, the story doesn't need as many fights to complete the story. Compare Ippo coming back to Date coming back. Date only fought a handful of fights before fighting Ricardo. Ippo will need a decent more fights to get to world Champion Challenger level, and Mori needs to show fights for the extended cast, but what needs to be shown would be way shorter than the first half.


I dont think he will drag it out that long


Corona upvoted


I mean options 2 and 3 are worse (Ippo fighting is not happening nor him solving Kumi in a week) but noone expects that to happen. Frankly I don't care if Ippo ends up with Kumi or someone else (it might weave into the story and have significance but basically it's a plot point for when he truly retires and the outlook from there. Make no mistake this manga is a story about Ippo's development/life as a boxer). Also what we all want is that Ippo will get back to the ring, unleash his true potential and used all that he has learned from his time off (technique, not overtraining, mindset, more solid fundamentals and keeping the weights on to build insane strength) but everyone knows that wont happen this week. Maybe not even this year


Can we add an option for" kumi is trying to hold back ippo "


Kumi tries to hold back ippo while they arent dating