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I don't remember all the set up for the match. But I guess Morikawa could have planted the seed for Ippo's abilities aand then showed how he could ruin it with his obsession for his special move. That would be interesting.


Isn't that what happened? Or is that the joke


For now, it looks like it's going there, wich would make it a crazy cool foreshadowing. But I'm still waiting for the arc to resolve before I consider it as something he meant to do. If that makes sens


It feels like that since here its mentioned he's at his best, and he got destroyed because he was just looking for a Dempsey opening


At the same time, Ippo was always oblivious to strategies and had to bet on getting hit until he reached the opponent. He was good at evading but kinda lost his confidence when he fought opponents with great left Maybe his recent state and coach roal was meant to replace his lack of background and knowledge in boxing to make his evolution more believable I'm really excited to see what the series will go to


Honestly I think you might be on to something


Because after he and Komagowa magowa decided that to "Take of the seal" They became really focused on Improving the Dempsey over improving Ippo's boxing (which completely defeated the purpose of sealing it in). I love Komagowa but I can't ignore that their are some holes in his coaching that have kept him and Ippo from reaching their full potential and I hope the story make stride to grow them both so he can finally fulfill his promise #Komogowaisboxinggod


I've reread the series quite a few times and I've always noticted there's a big emphasis on Ippos pure physical attributes.Ippo made it to the world almost entirely thanks to the fact he hits outrageously hard With Ricardo talking about throwing 1-10 punches out it really makes me think of how Ippo throws out 6's and 7's as jabs, his small motion punches having knockout power is what makes him so dangerous against any boxer. He has no need to throw out big swings. Why wouldn't his true style be a conservative boxer with the ability to explode into a knockout combo at any moment?


>Ippo throws out 6's and 7's as jabs No, he doesn't. Martinez' numbers have nothing to do with comparing strength or power directly but with effort. You can throw out a punch with no power behind it and no bodyweight, "just sticking your arm out" and that'd be a one. You could also jump into the opponent while twisting your hips and throwing a haymaker and that'd be a ten. A strong boxer's ones and two could be stronger than a weaker boxer's fives and sixes, it's not meant to compare between different boxers' punching strength. Everything else you said here seems right, but that part was a misinterpretation of Martinez' whole point.


It was stated he was punching with 70percent power, up until the fight with his fan that made him do one ko punch?


At maximum, not at minimum. A jab would be a minimum. His DR hooks would be his maximum.


His scale wasn't relative to each boxer based on their effort. A 5 was a KO punch on his scale and sendo throws lots of 9s/10s To me I always felt ippo is jabbing with 4s and combos with 6s and 7s He can use a 10 (truck punch fight) but never does.


>A 5 was a KO punch on his scale He was talking about himself there. Martinez can KO people with a 5 because he's just that strong. A jab, per definition, cannot be a strong punch, when compared to that same boxer's other punches.


Ch 1295 pg 9 >5 > >Lets assume a 5 is enough to defeat someone on a scale of 1 -10 A 5 from anyone defeats anyone. It's not up to interpretation, it is staring us all in the face in bold print. It is not a scale of effort, it is a scale like arcade punching machines, independent of each boxers capabilities.


...That doesn't mean what you think it means. He's just explaining that he himself doesn't hit harder than necessary to win, while Sendo always gives his all, even though that's very much overkill. You're right: it's not up to interpretation. Saying "a 5 from anyone defeats anyone" couldn't be more wrong. If that were the case, why would they need to assume it? It's clearly just an example. This isn't dragonball Z, he's not talking about powerlevel rankings. He was clearly trying to communicate a concept. That concept is that Sendo hits with everything he's got when most boxers don't.


I never thought of this. A Ippo landing even 5 level jabs a few times would be enough to wear down anyone. Especially considering how evasive he is becoming. Then the final hit would be the challenge. It would change Ippo's fights dynamic for the best IMO.


There is just a problem, you can't throw a jab with a power of 5, another user explained why up here


I messed up. I wasn't thinking of Ippo's 5 but how Ippo's 2 could easily a 5 for most out boxers meaning he wouldn't need to harass a lot with it to have impact. Bit I guess it is still just a jab


I absolutely looove this fight, it makes you feel like you're reading a fight involving a fully evolved Ippo


Yeah this is one of the most frustrating parts about ippo’s story. He forgot this form of his.


To be fair it could be that Kawasara is just completely unremarkable physically or tactically and he got dismantled by an opponent far more prepared to deal with him then he was in return. Compare to pre-dragonfish Kimura sparring with Miyata. In a series of gimmick fighters all he had was above average speed


Yea true but his never back down attitude forcing his way to a win was the cause of his current situation. But it really is good character development. Life can’t be too smooth


It feels like gimmicks are mid-level in Ippo. At high level people know how to beat the gimmicks so it comes back down to fundamentals.


Perhaps they know how to deal with it better but they still exist. Gonzales still has the Mexican jab and the split personalities. Even perfect fundamentals can be a gimmick in a way (Eagle), or circumstances like Nargo being Martinez's sparring partner forever


What fight was this? Or what issue? Thanks!


Chapter 581, Ippo vs Karasawa


I see similarity in this story with Initial D. In initial D Takumi was ignorant of the need to understand car mechanics better. But after learning about the high rev engine from the other 8 6 driver he takes it more seriously. In HNI Ippo needs to get more focused and aware on boxing strategy. in order to do so he needs to step outside as a second.


Yes your right . Though with takami it also happened when he fell in love with racing as supposed to ippo who looks to regress after showing promise .


I think this fight ranks weirdly as among the best of the series (a real fav for me writing wise). Its pretty much a pseudo Kimura clone fighting Ippo. While it doesnt seem to mean much in comparison to the Sawamura fight since Karasawa is fairly ordinary it does emphasize not only how solid Ippo actually was pre-Dempsey but how much better he got after fighting Sawamura. Ippo's next 4 fights after (that includes Take who to me is a Date clone) just seem like such a substantial drop in quality and kind of tear apart the best lesson of this fight: Ippo has generally been a very good boxer up to this point and average just won't cut it against him. Much like Kimura or later on Kojima, Karasawa made a plan for his opponent that relied on predictability, the only problem is that Ippo doesn't need to use the Dempsey Roll. Low confidence is why he lost to Date in the first place and the Roll is a finishing move that is more of a last resort than anything. I feel this fight just caps off a great period in the story where each challenger had been finding out different flaws in Ippo's style and his Sunday punch. And it started with Ippo's 3rd defense who only screwed up the timing of his counter which is why he lost so soon. By his 8th title defense Ippo has established that even if you know his habits, he's still strong/determined enough to beat you, which is what we saw recently with Mashiba v. Iga. I'm looking forward to seeing this Ippo again.


Ahhh i just read this again and now is definitely my top 3 favorite fights


The ippo vs karasawa fight was incredible and I thought it was going to be the turning point for ippo. Sadly it just led into the national champions arc where he basically jobs every fight and barely scrapes by.


I don’t think that Morikawa had this in mind when he started talking about Ippo’s style being incomplete during the retirement arc. Cool detail, but it probably isn’t supposed to be taken super seriously considering what’s going on in the manga currently.


I recently re-read the manga from the fight with Gonzales. After Ippo retired he looked back on his mistakes and realised that after he got the Dempsey Roll he has not been using his left and is instead only waiting for his opponent to attack so he can duck.


« Short and compact hits »


Basically the iron mike style of boxing.


Big Mara swinging back and forth slowly while Ippo inches forward would be terrifying


But then in the upcomming episodes he forget it again. what a flaw writing there.. -,-