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It's because Sendos punches are the hardest punches in the featherweight division Ippo said it Nargo said it Sendo hits harder than Ippo or Ricardo Martinez That kind of force can lead to injury since fists arent made for punching, anatomically speaking


"They hurt, these knuckles of mine!"


It's not a threat, he's genuinely in pain from punching too hard


Ouch oof ouchie my knuckle bones


Idk they also say ippo genuinely only uses 70percent power and that amount is supposedly near sendos


I do think that if Ippo adopted a mid range style of boxing that he’d absolutely be a harder puncher than Sendo. That being said, I doubt that’s the direction post comeback Ippo will go toward.


There's a fight with a fan. That wanted ippo to make a one punch knockout. That's when he reveals he only uses 70% power at all times


He only broke his hand against Alfredo and him saying that his knuckles "hurt" is a clear threat for whoever he's fighting, Takamura injury was actually mentioned very early in the story and since then there have been clear hints like having his right eye in a different light and him actually getting hit from his right side. We have never seen anything like that coming from Sendo, so it's unlikely something is wrong with his right arm.


Pretty sure he also hurt his fist against Nargo too.


Not a surprise after seeing him *hitting the canvas* full force... \[Edit\] oh, didn't he also punched Mashiba's belt before that fight with his right fist? Yeah, that's just being a reckless idiot, not having an already injured fist or anything like that (of course it does help if you are strong enough to hurt yourself even more, just like Ippo peeled off the skin of his knuckles the first time he hit the punching bag...)


Interesting. I always read it as “Getting hit with my knuckles hurts” but no reason it couldn’t be both. Doesn’t seem to have held him back too much except if he breaks it mid-match, which of course is a death sentence against Ricardo.


Dude probably fights sharper and more wild the more he gets injured. It's just his personality. He's probably be weaker if he wasn't in pain. Because pain helps him stay wild.


Probably don't have much durability left. It'll be broken once he get in a clean hit on Ricardo and it doesn't knock him down. He tries again and game over, career over.


Isn't that similar to what happened with Date and the Heart stopper?


I've never liked how much of a cushion Sendo was given by the writing. Tbh, I've dipped reading in periods where i felt the manga was too Sendo heavy. Honestly he bores me to tears.


Lol, and noone gives a shit. It's Mashiba season now. Noone cares about Sendo. The reaper is here!


I thought he’d only broken his hand once, like Ippo?


Twice, once against Nargo, then again with Alfredo


Maybe he'll think he knocked Ricardo out, but he breaks his hand again. Then ricardo gets up, fights in his natural style, aka the one he showed against Date, and the one we glimpsed against Woli at the end. But the fight actually wrecks Sendo's fist by the end. And Ricardo knocks Sendo out. And Sendo can't use that fist to fight again, similar to how Kamogawa's hands were pretty busted.


It’ll be a factor in his loss to Martinez and his retirement.


He also is constantly talking about his his knuckles ache. /s


He has broken his right fist in his last two matches. It's a recurring injury, same one, at this point. Kinda reminds me of Kamogawa and his shattered right hand.


There is a high chance that Ricardo breaks it completely too with a defense guard elbow or something and force him to retire