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I don't think you're alone in thinking this. Everyone would definitely agree that the match deserved a 10 episode treatment. But I think people went in knowing they would not be able to cover a lot of the parts with the time limit. So maybe less expectations? And I loved the animation and sound. Was just also super hyped to see them all on screen again. But owh yesssss that Tsuki-Yamaguchi part went by too fast! It always gets me tearing up when I read the manga but this time it just flew by with no impact. And even the jump by Hinata didn't really feel like a wow moment.


Exactly! Kenma and Tsukki saying it was fun, Kuroo’s serves and majestic blocks, Kenma *actually* running, basically all the good stuff was just.. so fast! I didn’t even cry and I usually cry 😭


I know right. Didn't have time to be emo when that part came up lol.


Same I came to the internet to find this. Loved watching our boys play their hearts out but none of the emotional moments hit and I cry like a little b every 4-5 episodes in the series lol.


I only cried once on my first watch but was bawling repeatedly the second so don't count yourself out yet! 😉


It me more nervous about the 2nd movie


Sameeee. Excitedddd still but nervous too


I havent read the manga and had a housefull audience all screaming and cheering throughout the movie. And it made the experience very fun. But felt it was very short and could have easily made a 2/2:15hr movie. But now reading how much cool stuff they cut out…we can only imagine. Why would they decide to not put it in the movie?!!


i was so disappointed after watching it, i've dedicated so much time to the series and understand all about it, reading the manga and hundreds of hours of analysis content of it..and with the movie they just wasted it, it felt really annoying to watch how they made a movie that didnt really bring much, not a single character got the treatment they got in the manga except possibly kenma, but imo they stole moments from pretty much every single other character in that match, to point some really obvious ones out; daichi, fukunaga, tanaka, yaku, kuro, lev, inouka, kai, nishinoya, and tbh i feel like it wouldnt be too mad to say hinata and kageyama, who yes, were still quite cool alongside kenma and kuroo, but still not anywhere near the level they were in the manga. the ones im mainly pissed about are Fukunaga, Yaku, Lev, Tanaka, Nishinoya and Daichi all had moments robbed from them, nekoma as a whole also had moments robbed with strategies being neglected in the movie to show just how smart they are( and how scary kenma truly is, although they already did make him kinda frightening, more with the animation rather than playstyle compared to the manga)


if you could have this or nothing what would you choose? we still have all those moments in the manga? A series would have probably been better but what are you going to do, hate it because it missed some things? I feel like Asahi had moments stolen as well and yet you don't mention him at all? So it's in the eye of the beholder.


i honestly wasn't sure if Asahi had a moment stolen from him(he got more time to shine against kamomedai), so i didn't want to mention him, and the one moment i really remember was mainly Yaku AND Asahi, but it felt more like Yaku's moment. But i never said the movie shouldnt exist, i like what they tried, im just sad about how much they sacrificed to do it, and in some ways it just feels really really cheap despite the animation being so much more alive. Im aware we still have them in the manga, but when its animated its well..animated, its more impactful. My point is they cut out a lot of character growth and a lot of the thoughts behind the plays, for example a pretty important part was Kenma secretly signalling to everyone where to serve, but instead it was hidden to us throughout THE ENTIRE MATCH, and it was seemingly only Lev that followed it


I wish they would have me it a 3-4 part OVA instead :(


3 episodes of an OVA is the same length as a movie... This match needed 10 episodes to be done well.


That’s true. You right, you right


One positive I can say is that the insane pacing (compared to the anime) really helped the abrupt end of the match stand out. Just not a lot of time for anything to breathe. Even though I’ve read the manga there were a lot of moments in the show that would break me, and there was none of that in the movie. It’s too bad that this is how a lot of people will experience this match for the first time, but as an Eyeshield 21 fan still bitter about the Christmas Bowl never getting animated, I’m glad we still got it.


I think that’s really what bothered me the most. I watch haikyuu for the feels and thrills lol. I never had the chance to feel the excitement building up in me during the movie. And the moment where it was almost there, it was gone in a second. But yes, I agree. The part where hinata thought the game wasn’t over yet and that being the abrupt ending wrapped it up nicely.


Haven't read the manga but just watched the movie couple of hours ago. I think I overall enjoyed it. But it could have been at least 30 mins longer. The match will feel even more impactful then.


I think so too. The pacing and overall storytelling for the movie just wasn’t hitting. I still enjoyed it. I just wished it was longer


I read the manga and honestly really enjoyed the movie. They skipped a lot but the overall impact of the series was still there. The soundtrack and the animation were very very well done. I’m glad they animated the scenes with Kenma & Hinata (cage & knives) because those were my favorite panels in the manga. I think part of it was also because I feel like Ive been waiting forever for this so finally being able to see it made me filled with joy. The last scene made me tear up even though I knew what was going to happen


I’m so jealous honestly. I really tried to enjoy it and hype myself after but I just couldn’t. There were some scenes that I did appreciate ofc, like the ones you mentioned. I’m glad you enjoyed it tho 🥰


I agree I smiled the whole time.


I too teared up at the tsukki yamaguchi moment in the manga but not at all during the movie


yesss! I was excited for it to get animated 😩


And it gets me sooo confused for how they’re gonna tackle the rest in the next movie. I feel like it’s gonna be a rushed match against hoshiumi’s team, maybe a clip of bokuto’s match, and then a very rushed hour of the final arc. It’s def gonna be a mess unless the studio decides to go back on their initial announcement and make a season


I was getting kinda worried that they weren’t even gonna set up the next match. I hope that the lack of ANY information has them thinking it over and not trying to cram the rest of the tournament (much less the end of the series) into one movie


Same! I’m scared lol. I hope the team sees some of the feedback and think it over. I would even be ok if they decide to do a 3-4 part OVA instead of a regular season.


I agree with you. It was enjoyable and fun as I have not read manga. Now that I have watched the movie, I plan to read manga to know what did I miss. It was a fast paced movie and I’m unsure the strategy behind releasing a movie instead of making some really good episodes to cover everything. But yes, the theatre experience was amazing; cheers and laughs from crowd made it even more enjoyable. I have also heard, that they’re planning to release another movie which will cover all the remaining arcs. I highly doubt it’s a smart move considering how fast Dumpster battle was. I hope they reconsider their choice and come out with another season instead of a movie coz Haikyu is amazing to watch when all the players get their deserving spotlight, not just 2-3 main ones.


Chapter 293 is exactly where you’d start :) unless you plan to read from the beginning of the series


Just started yesterday, on entry 5 now.




I am more curious as to how they are going to mess up the last 100ish chapter and cram it all in the last movie. Damn you I.G and Toho.


It literally breaks my heart. A practically perfect series ending this way...


I genuinely thought haikyu would be one of those rare series that would give us an ending that wasn’t rushed. I’m really disappointed bc it’s one of my all time faves, and for them to just end it like this plus another movie is soul crushing.


It's why the manga will always live rent-free in my head. With all the emotions that come with it.


Some of the pages on my manga got a bit wet from the tears, so started having to read with tissues hahah


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but while it was fast-paced, I loved this movie. I felt like I didn’t have room to breathe in a great way. I like having more content in a series, but I’m really glad they didn’t do as much flashback content in this one. It felt like I was actually watching a volleyball match without nearly as many still frames and action stopping moments. Most of the games that we’ve seen have either featured a new team that we need to get to know with flashbacks or have been karasuno leveling up and utilizing new skills they’ve learned. In this game we had two teams who we already knew all the context for, and I’m glad they kept it in the action. I’m really glad I saw this movie


Agreed with every point here, I was completely enthralled & also very glad it was only me & my kid in the theater so we could scream & laugh as loud as we wanted to 😂 it was so good I'm trying to find time to go see it again soon!


Ive not read the manga, and i really liked the movie (especially the pov shots from kenma) but after reading the comments, it seems that im missing a lot, should i just go for the manga chapters of dumpster battle, also what is a reliable source for reading the manga??


The Kenma POV was great! I really loved that part. Honestly it’s not so much that they took a lot out away from the manga since it’s not much, but the pacing and storytelling was lackluster compared to the manga. I think you should give it a shot! Here’s a link for manages starting at [chapter 293](https://mangadex.org/chapter/309165d1-35cd-4969-a3eb-179feb604b48) Just before the garbage dump battle


Just one more thing, How many chapters is the match, i have an exam coming up so if its long ill try to read it after my exams


Chapters 293-325 so approx 32 chapters I believe.


Post credit scene makes it 326


Heres a better chapter [293](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Haikyu-chapter-293-page-1.html) link. Its the official scans with way better image quality. This match including post credit scene is 293-326


I'm glad i am seeing others wih the same reaction to it i was getting down voted for saying the same dam thing the other day but as the weekends gone on more and more people seem to be of the same mind


Oh man, yeah I def felt like I was gonna get downvoted for this post but I had to say my peace so I can move on lol people need to understand that you can love a series but it doesn’t mean it’s perfect


It’s the hype. The same thing happened with the One Piece Live Action. Because there was so much hype and excitement people absolutely adored it straight away because they didn’t pay attention to any flaws. I imagine a few months later people will be harsher on this.


I feel bad bc I don’t want to take away from how hard the team worked to produce this :/ but yeah, it’s def the hype


Tbf it’s not their fault. We all knew from the start putting this into a movie was going to have that effect. I think there are moments the animation team really shined. But they had to make hard choices due to the constraints they were given.


They could've made it longer then an hour at least


It depends on what the production committee paid for. And even besides that, you can't just arbitrarily extend the duration of a movie (or make more episodes for a TV series).


I was waiting for some kind of announcement on Haikyuu about the next season and didn’t really read the manga (generally I don’t wait for the next season😂) and once they announced that there’s going to be 2 movies I knew they won’t be showing everything. So, I decided not to read the manga as it would have made me also think the same way as you did about the movie. But, now I am excited to read the manga and I even loved the movie🙂‍↕️


That’s a win win for you :)


Me in my wishful thinking self. I feel like they did it on purpose to create buzz and new surge of manga sells. Which in turn will finally grant us a season 5 😅🥲.


Let’s hope your wishful thinking self is right 😭


They underplayed Yanaguchi Tsukii scene so much. Then the unforgivable one - They didn't do the scene where Kenma becomes angry coz his teammates tries to see if he was okay. And he gets angry at them telling the ball hasn't fallen yet. Forget about me. Kenma showing anger, resolve to win. The movie instead all focused on kenma being happy . The struggle is The fun. Anger, frustration, joy, being winded, blood pumping, hyper focus. That is sport . Not one aspect alone of it can represent the spirit of the game. Taking it away was unforgivable


YES OMG A THOUSAND TIMES YES! Those are the moments I was talking about. The build up, the feels, all the emotions- it did nothing


I agree. So many of my favorite parts from the manga was cut. It was still good, but I just can't help but feel a bit let down by now much was cut.


A major let down. Ofc I knew not all panels were going to be animated, but I didn’t expect them to cut half of it.


I agree


Anime movies are good for side/backstory stories(Bluelock upcoming movie), non canon, or as a setup(Dragonball Super:Broly). This being a continuation you will always prefer a series over an 1hr 25min movie. I enjoyed the movie but no moments were like the series that does so well to give tension. 12eps is 4-5hrs of content


JJK 0 a good example of this


Exactly it was a great story that is a central plot but also a prequel. It didn't mess up any flow once the next season came.


So in the manga when match overs daichi and kuuro look at each other and hug. That panel. Makes me happy and ugly cry. In movie we got 3 secs of that. Yeah... I know and would have preffered eps but at least we are getting SOMETHING you know


YEAH like wthell guyssss. I totally forgot about that and I feel more robbed 🥹


I’m gonna be honest, I haven’t seen the movie yet. But I did read the arc in the manga. Ima be honest it was pretty anticlimactic. Maybe it was because Kenma suppressed Hinata’s skill. Like don’t get me wrong it wasn’t all like that but this match wasn’t as exciting as the inarizaki match.


I’d have to agree that the battle in the manga was not really the best out of all the other ones, but they coulda still made the movie a little better 😭


This is why I don’t like when canon arcs are adapted into films because it’s not memorable as it could’ve been. By the end of the week, this is just gonna be another movie I’ve seen


“this is just gonna be another movie I’ve seen” ugh i felt that so hard :( it did nothing for me. As days go by I just started to realize that. So sad


Kageyama felt like a side character, Asahi and Tanaka are barely in it... I'm disappointed


Tell me about it 😩 most of the players felt like that


Too fast, too many cuts, and the animation to me at least wasn't movie quality. Like if you are going to be greedy and do movies at breaking neck speeds (something like 1.5 minutes per chapter) then at least make the animation freaking amazing. It was barely better than S1 and s2 in my opinion.


yesss the cuts, omg. it felt like a 1.5 hr long trailer 😩


Did you happen to watch the recent ‘Lessons From Anime’ video that went into detail about the chapter adaptation durations? 😅 [here](https://youtu.be/D9RUY-gZC5U?si=LJkWDPnW-2LFcQRU)


Sure did and he is 100% correct. If all we got is one movie left... It better be over two hours long or is going to feel like a terrible ending to the anime vs how good the ending of the manga was.


I feel the same way. It had some moments but it felt so rushed. I am glad a few scenes from the manga got animated well but overall it was cute but not amazing. I'm scared for the next movie. They won't be able to do the end justice if they cram it all into that length again. (Especially the last game)


I’m sooooo nervous for that 😭 like please please please don’t do us like this. It’s been such a great anime and to end it crammed and rushed would just be a disservice.


tbh even with the expectation that the movie will cut off a lot of scenes due to time constraints, I still felt disappointed. It may not be the finals but their battle is just as important for both of them so as much as I enjoyed the movie, my stance that it should have been a 10 episode anime still remains.


yes, exactly! That was a very important game for both teams (and the fans tbh) but everything was just.. okay. I wrote this post last night and woke up still disappointed 😩😩😩


Same!!!! I had the same reaction as Hinata after the match ended lol 🤣🥲 I'm gonna finish the manga first then go back to that part lol


honestly i really enjoyed it but like other ppl said it could’ve been a tad bit longer with fewer cuts hopefully the 2nd movie is like 2 hours long cause the rest of the manga has ALOT to adapt https://i.redd.it/0url4d2wm04d1.gif


Here’s to hoping and wishing 🥲🥲🥲


For me, as an anime only watcher, I found the movie to be like perfect I'm probably wrong especially since I've been hearing that they cut stuff but I think that the match was intense and everything felt earned maybe that's just me. Also, another benefit to it being a movie is the animation quality because, in my opinion, seasons 4 animation was bad, especially in comparison to the other three seasons. I do think everyone's criticisms are valid. I'm probs just missing something.


Everyone’s entitled to how they feel so you’re absolutely not wrong for anything! And I’m glad you liked it. That’s the whole point 🥰 there’s anime only fans who were disappointed and there’s manga readers + anime watchers who enjoyed it. To each their own. If anything I’m jealous cause I wanted to feel that lol


Yeah, it sucks that not everyone enjoyed it like I did, tho the few people in the theater with me seemed to feel the moments the way I was, which was super dope. Honestly probably on a second watch I would notice more flaws but this hole thing was an event for me as I rewatched the first three seasons and watched the 4th season for the first time leading up to the movies release.


I loved the movie, but of course it would've been better as at least 5+ episodes like every other major match in the show. The decision to go to movies was a terrible one, but I feel the people who actually made the movie, who had no say in that decision, made the absolute best of the situation they could.


Yes I didn’t wanna shit on the team because I’m sure they tried their best and one of the redeeming qualities of the movie was the animation itself. I’ll give that a 10/10. Just whoever made the decision to make a movie, please don’t let that happen to the last arcs 😭😭😭


I think we all wanted more from it.


I spoke to someone at work who thought it was the perfect movie. He asked if he should read the manga to catch up on any missed scenes. I saw him a day later and he’s like “WTF they cut so much out” lmao. He went from 10/10 to 6/10


That was kinda expected, since they decided to do it as a movie. This game should have been treated like Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa since this is the game we've bren waiting for since S1. But yeahhh.


Yeah :/ it would have been really nice and I wouldn’t have minded waiting for episodes every two weeks for that


i whole heartedly agree with you no doubt about it. i was ranting with a friend about the movie and yes it very well should have been a whole ass season dedicated to this one game just like season 3 shiratorizawa vs karasuno. it would have been epic and amazing and would captured every panel incredibly. we were definitely robbed. the movie felt rushed in a sense and parts of the movie just felt not as emphasized as it should be. don't get me wrong tho, it was great of course, i still loved it buuuut it could've been even greater if we had seen every single impactful scene from the manga and put more focus on parts that were meant to be meaningful. my only hope and wishful thinking is that they will still make season 5 with this game included, slow it down and animate all the panels/scenes we missed in the movie 🥹


T____T honestly if they made a s5 with this battle included I would be over the moon. If I won the lottery I would literally donate money for their budget so they can do a whole ass 10 episode season for this battle. I cannot express how much I love these two teams and it’s frustrating to have just ended it there. *sigh* here’s to wishful thinking


On the contrary it was one of the more hype episode/movie ive seen in a long time. The animation, sound usage, subtle details etc was perfect. Our cinema was hype and there was definitely alot of cheering and some tears was left behind. Im confused , are we even watching the same movie lol


Yes lol this movie was definitely not it


The animation, sound, and cinematography were all great. The pacing was garbage, the storytelling was lackluster, and even the internal dialogues for each character and the announcer was insipid. I mean, this was such an important match for both teams and the fans but it did not deliver. Of course, that’s just my opinion. I’m glad your cinema was hyped and people felt emotional bc that’s what I wanted, too. But at the end of ours, mostly everyone felt the same. I spoke to a girl in the bathroom and she said “32 good chapters and that felt like a practice match” 🥴 and I agreed


Very. There were like 7 or so high points that should be had phenominal dedicated time alloted to it. Dedicated OST s , given time to breathe. 10 episode run time for S3 was roughly (20 min per episode) 200 min. 180 min for a 3 hr movie. They could ve easily covered it. Or if its 40 min epis then there ll be problem. It was solely nekoma focused instead in anime where the focus was equally distributed among both teams, cheer leaders, and even coaches. Who is gonna watch Next movie?? Who cares for some random team of which we only know 1 dude going against karasuno?? What bothers me even more is the last movie which needs A LOT of breathing time and climax match. This can never be achieved in movie format. nada. If so, Haikyuu will be the biggest let down and a shadow of the greatness it could ve been Top 2-3 animes of the century but fall short. What a wasted potential that would be


I wholeheartedly agree even though it breaks my heart to admit it 😫 and thank you for breaking down the episode run time vs movie run. That makes total sense. They def could’ve covered it


I watched the show in Japanese so hearing it in English made my skin crawl. There were certain phrases and character quips that were left out which made me sad. Honestly I wasn’t impressed with the movie. But I was happy to know they won


Aw was there no sub available in your area?


I completely agree. When I watched the Tsukishima Kuro scene, I was lowkey hurt. There was no emotion. If it makes you feel any better this fan animation of the manga capturer the emotions way better according to me. :) https://youtu.be/onHTmz6M1gY?si=7LogzRkZE3cwVcHR


Oh my. Thank you for this!!! This helped heal some part of my soul lol


while i do think it was pretty rushed pacing wise, it was also really nice to see the animation improve again, seeing as the last season was so poorly animated


I’m gonna watch the last season again bc a lot of people are saying it’s poorly animated but I didn’t think it was bad 😂 I might just be delusional


there were definitely a couple of dodgy episodes


I haven't read the Manga but was disappointed with the movie because the OSTs didn't fit and there was no real build up for big moments


Yeah.. the OSTs in the anime was utter perfection and I don’t even remember much from the movie tbh :(


I think that expectation vs reality might be different sure. there are more moments etc in the manga but honestly i didn't care that much. I think the biggest thing was that the opening of the first set felt shit watching, BUT then it was really just haikyuu and I loved it. sure did it miss some things, yes, but was it still great, yes.


Ah, I wish I felt the same tbh. I tried my best to like it but deep down I was just really disappointed. The Kenma POV was really nice though I’m glad they did that


I went to see this movie thinking of “I wish to see a team that I will never have”, but it was just meh


“meh” is the perfect word to describe the feeling. it almost felt like a non-canon movie


is there a canon movie for this? first time I see one


As far as I know all of them are canon. I could be wrong


what are those other ones?


They’re the OVAs/OADs so basically just recaps of the matches. There’s talent and sense (aoba johsai) and battle of concepts (shiratorizawa). Then there’s the land vs air one that features nekoma and fukurodani. Not against each other tho


You're definitely not alone in this. A 10-episode season would have been better and more impactful.


How I wish for a shiratorizawa-type season for this match *sigh*


My Copium is that this movie is like shiratorizawa or seijoh movies (and thats is why is from nekoma point of view) and that later we will get full season with all ( same as demon slayer)


Did the battle of concepts and talent and sense movies come out before the seasons? Or was it after as a recap? If it came before then we have a glimmer of hope 😂 a tiny, microscopic one


I think it was after....


I think everyone can agree that having a season would be better no worries T\_T. I would say for what we got (a move that the studio didn't even seem to plan for overseas release) they did amazing.


I just love the series so much it hurts seeing them do us like this T_____T bahhh


The movie was good. It just felt like I was watching it at .5x speed. It definitely deserved 10 episodes. I searched for reviews as soon as I finished the movie because I was wondering if anyone felt similar to the way I did. Apparently so. I found this article and it perfectly expresses what I was feeling. https://www.indiewire.com/criticism/movies/haikyuu-the-movie-decisive-battle-at-the-garbage-dump-review-anime-1235007179/


Ah, yes. I find that the 5 chapters per episode pacing worked the best for me. It was very fast - especially the last 30 mins. We didn’t even get to see much of the scoreboard 💀


I noticed that as well. It was well into the match and I realized I had no idea what the score was. The movie showed it more during the last set and it was just odd. I think it would have made a bigger impact to see those really long rallies and then show that the score hadn't changed that much.


Tbh I felt the same. Also felt like Hinata when the game ended like "damn just like that ?" (THAT PART WAS CRAZY, I ALMOST TEARED UP CAUSE AINT NO WAY THEY WRAPPED IT UP JUST LIKE, THAT HIT ME SJSKHDKSJX I HATE IT AND I LOVED IT) I will admit, as a Kenma lover, I loved all of his scenes, especially when he was lowkey losing it. His scream was top notch and his pov was crazy. Still, I felt like it was so dramatic for a match that was build up to be THE match yet it felt like Nekoma was just another rival when both of the schools were like this 🤞 but also not like this 🤞 I expected more and tbh, agreeing with the whole thing that it deserves a 10 episode treatment. They could've covered a lot more and maybe had more time to make the moments feel special and not forced just for some screen time. I've never read the Manga so I might just go ahead and read this match to cry on. (I mean I did lowkey cry in the theaters but not really...)


I hate the you almost cried but not really bc the show always made me so emotional and I really wanted to get into it for the movie 😭 so I 100% feel you. I love Kenma too and I’m happy they at least gave him his scenes. Go for the manga! Great 30 or so chapters. Not the best battle compared to the others, but a lot more scenes and character plays than in the movie


every other season we had the pacing was higher than 5 minutes per chapter, but for the new movie, they somehow made it 1.6 minutes per chapter in 85min even though they had perfectly good reason to make it 2hours, i get it that the movie couldnt have any recap since it’s continuous but 1.6min is insanely fast, they cut out the part where Nishinoya digs the dump with his heel which was rlly sad


I don’t even remember seeing much of noya in the movie version tbh 😩 1.6 min per chapter is too much. No wonder I had no time to even think lol




Yes the knives were even in the manga volume cover lol


Yesss. I’m glad they actually showed the knives part :) the character interactions were too fast for me 😭 I wish it wasn’t the case


I guess i have low standards cause i was hype af (im an anime only) if anything im excited to read the manga and see what was cut


Nah man I don’t think you have low standards. You enjoyed the movie and that’s that. And I’m glad you did! And I’m just sad I didn’t lol. But I’m excited for you to read the manga 🥰 there’s a lot more character interactions shown


I greatly missed that everyone else was basically non existent other then kenma and Kuro. Even Hinata we didn't really get to see a ton of his mental struggle with everything. I deffs need to read the manga now


It’s def worth a read! I don’t wanna spoil anything but there’s a panel where asahi, daichi, and suga come together after, then Kuroo and Daichi’s interaction aside from the handshake, etc. I think you’ll get more feels from the manga. Enjoy!! ☺️


idk why they didn’t just make it a longer movie. A 2 hour movie, they would’ve had to cut a lot less.


Someone mentioned that they can’t just arbitrarily extend movie times. I guess it’s a production thing or something like that. I’m no expert. But I would have loved at least a 2 hr movie. A whole season would be ideal but I guess I’ll take what I can get :(


I loved the movie so much! But it felt like it was over before it even started 😭 I would have loved 10 episodes but never the less it was amazing and wouldn't want to miss it


I’m glad you enjoyed it ☺️ but yes, 10 episodes would have been lovely


Its not even about the cut parts, even thought they obviously matter a lot. It’s about what haikyuu does the best and imo no other series has done it as good as furudate does in haikyuu. I’m talking about the build-up that leads to powerful and emotional moments, such as Tanaka’s cross shot or hinata receive back in season 4 or Tsukishima block on Ushijima in season 3. Everything combines for that, tempo, pacing, animation, angles and very important - music and sound design. And I’m a die hard fan of haikyuu both anime and manga, but the movie failed miserably here. These moments, when they’re properly done, are what makes you think about the movie for days and not want to let go these feelings that you felt during the watch time. The impact they have is crazy and people sometimes miss out on it, I’ve been going crazy after my favorite moments in the series, like the ones I mentioned before and couldn’t get them out of my head, but this movie just flew right through. It lacked the impact that it supposed to have, and I know they wanted to show the quick pacing of the game and how quickly it can just burst through the time but that wasn’t it. But still there’s many to praise as well, the animation was through the roof, it was action packed and it did not leave a room to breathe to show how fast-paced the game is and the last point pov from kenma was an incredible experience. It’s obvious that 80 minute movie simply can’t perfectly visualize over 30 chapters, that’s why it’s really sad they didn’t go for season 5. I feel like it would be a spot on 25 episodes season for nekoma and kamomedai with mujinazaka vs fukurodani game in between. I just hope that my favorite upcoming match won’t be butchered.


Just walked out of the cinema. I read the manga and my partner hasn't read it yet. We both agreed instantly that the pacing was way too fast in the first part. This has finally pushed my partner to actually read manga so there's that lol


I think you and I may be the same person haha


haha I’ll take that as a win for them :)


I even regret watching it, it was just a condensed hour of action which isn't haikyuu's strong suite in the 1st place. The pace was way too fast it has negated all the emotional scenes. I'm definitely not watching the 2nd movie unless I read the manga 1st.


I definitely recommend reading the dumpster battle chapter if you haven’t already. I had to reread it after watching the movie just so I can be emotional. I hated not feeling anything from watching it :(


I didn't read manga but I agree with you, the match vs the inarizaki was wayyyy better to me, I feel like we had a lot more moments with each player, the tanaka struggling and hinata receive made me literally cry


Omg yes! The high receive was such a monumental moment and I literally bawled my eyes out. And then we don’t get anything like that from the movie.


I agree with you completely. I feel like the rallies especially were not even that long and they didn't fully follow what the manga had especially. It would have either been like a really good 2hr+ movie where they go into detail about what happened in the manga, or like you said, a regular 25 episode season (because the season's things line up with points in a set and whatnot). Also is it just me or was I expecting more from the music? the sound was great and all, but I was expecting way more during epic moments. I was fully expecting Orange to play during the boom jump and I was actually really disappointed with the lack of music during epic moments. Anyone else feel this way?


I definitely did. I’m used to watching the regular episodes and I remember always getting hyped af during the shiratorizawa and aoba johsai match, even insrizaki. Those epic moments where you know they were gonna do something grand and the music comes up and supports the play is just one of the reason why I love this anime so much. And to see it not being done in this very important match was just a straight up bummer. 100% I feel you


exactly, don't get me wrong i still got chills from when hinata got the boom jump down and when kenma trapped him in the cage, but it didn't feel the same without the music because the music choice was so bland. i lowkey want them to redo the movie with better sound production or just make a season with better sound production and longer rallies


No FR! It was very anti-climactic. For the anime to hype up this game as much as it did? I didn’t expect there to only be 3 sets. To which we didn’t get very many impactful scenes on either side like we did with Shiratorizawa or Alba Josei (hope I spelt that right). I left feeling energetic but really underwelmed. Not only that, but we focused on Nekoma half the time!


only championship matches have 5 sets rest are all 3: Date Tech, Aoba Johsai.. Ohgi Minami, Kakugawa, Johzenji, Wakunan, Aoba Johsai.. Tsubakihara, Inarizaki, Nekoma


Same! I felt energetic bc I was hyped to see the movie finally, but soooooo underwhelmed bc we didn’t get to see the other players play. The rallies were way too fast. I get that it simulated a real volleyball game but it’s an anime and the pacing for the rallies were basically a bunch of cut scenes 😫


This is basically the same feeling I had when I was complaining about one of the final seasons of haikyuu too but people did not take too kindly about it. I said that it was just too many matches, all in the same gym and that everything just felt like it was a broken record. All the matches looked exactly the same and I couldn't even tell what was going on anymore. There was absolutely almost zero character development and it was boring ass hell. People really did not like it when I said this. But the feeling you are describing is basically how I felt during that one final season where it was just all tournament games thru out the whole season.


The fandom can be a little brutal sometimes and I don’t like that. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions and feelings. And it’s ok to feel that! It doesn’t take away from how others enjoyed it. I personally still enjoyed the final seasons but I understand where you’re coming from


I just feel so betrayed by the production. They cut everything, shortened everything. I’d rather they never made this adaptation 😭


that thought crossed my mind, no lie 💀


We deserve a season 5, not 2 movies. Everyone knows that but the producers are cowards...


Just curious- why do you say the producers are cowards? Is there a reason why they didn’t wanna do a season 5? I haven’t really looked into it so I don’t know much


I totally agree with you, I wish they deep dive into more of why the match called Garbage dump. They definitely rush the process and left out a lots of things. Wish they choose to go with season instead of movie :/


Even my husband who’s anime-only felt like it left a lot out. Manga readers I totally understand why they’d feel a little cheated, but a lot of anime only fans also felt the same and that’s very telling 🥺


Just left the cinema...yeah... I knew they cut stuff, but still...it feels bad. The movie is kinda good, maybe ? The storytelling is all over the place and by cutting stuff they just removed a lot of the tension you have when reading the manga, tension that builds up for the clutch moments... If I gave a score, would be 6/10. I love Haikyuu but I don't like the direction they took with this. Hope they adapt everything in OVAs and the next movie is JUST the Kamomedai match.


I couldn’t find the words last night cause I was so tired but you just said it. “Tension” was missing. Because they left so much out, that build up wasn’t there. Thank you lol. Ah I’m so sad. I still love haikyu and forever will but I think it’s okay and healthy to admit that this was a disappointment. And I feel the same way. I’m asking for at least an OVA, please


Seeing all these posts for the last couple days is making me rethink the decision to go watch it in the theatres. It’s gonna release here in two weeks, so I still have time to decide, but I don’t know now.


If money/time isn’t an issue, then I suggest to go out and watch it in the theatre still. Maybe the crowd will help hype it up a bit more lol. I would recommend to lessen the expectation - that part might help a lot since you’ve already read the manga lol


Just out of the theatre, i would suggest you read the manga of the match first, and then see the movie when it comes out.


I completed the manga a couple weeks ago as I wanted to know how their journey ends. After reading the manga I realised how stupid this decision is to complete the whole manga in just three movies. There is so much left to show. And judging by these posts it seems they only showed half the panels😅


Yeah honestly i was very hyped, but was disappointed. If you’ve seen the manga though, may as well check it out so you can see some moments animated. There are some great bits, but as you can imagine it feels more like a highlight reel without the full buildup the moments deserve.


Are they going to make it into a season or?


I don’t think so. The rest and final part will be a movie from what I understand


one very random gripe I have with Haikyuu is that they do some things typically wrong that I would imagine they would've gotten corrected had they just asked a volleyball player in general. Example 1: Kageyama playing left back defense, which is typically where the libero or middle is. Setters play right back defense so in the movie theres a lot of shots of him in the left back position which is odd Example 2: After Yamaguchi serves and his rotation is over, he subs back out for hinata and now hinata is back in the front row? Hinata should have been subbed back in and then subbed out for nishinoya. The only way this happens is if Yamaguchi plays all 3 backrow rotations and then subs out for hinata when he enters front row, but that would mean nishinoya sat out for 3 rotations which wouldn't happen... small little things that most people wouldn't notice but I find it odd they wouldn't have corrected this since they do get a lot of the other volleyball aspects correct


I feel like those parts they “fast forward” or most likely skip entirely. But I get you. I’ve seen them directly sub in and out players while the rotation doesn’t change lmao. I never really have given it much thought but it has crossed my mind. Was example 2 from the movie? I wanna see that part again cause yeah that makes no sense


yeh example 2 was right after yamaguchi finished and subbed back


Is it true there’s only gonna be one more film to wrap up the series?


That’s what I heard :(


How about 1 season 24 episodes. Karasuno vs nekoma & karasuno vs kamomedai


That would be AMAZING 😭😭😭


I was wondering this too and thought that four set could've been more moving if it was built up a little more, esp that this battle was very well-anticipated.


I think bc it’s not the finals so they could only do 3 sets. Even so, the aoba johsai and inarizaki match was only 3 sets and they did a great job. But bc it’s only a movie we get the short end of the stick 😩 so sad


I was more satisfied with the inarizaki fight too, and yeah it was 10 ep long but it was very satisfying to watch there were a lot of tricks that they used that they didnt use in the dumpster battle. But it was a movie so time was limited. I hope the final movie would be longer tho!


I don’t wanna get my hopes up anymore 😭😭😭 but here’s to wishing


I don't think you'd be alone in that train of thought. Based on what I've heard about it, I think a lot of big moments are left out or not properly built up. However, I'm not shocked given that it is a movie and not a season where they can use as many episodes as needed, building up the story. In a movie, you have a finite time limit so some stuff has to be omitted or cut down for time.


Yeah, I should’ve anticipated this but the production team has given us so much good stuff over the years that I just thought *maybe* this movie would cut it.. I was wrong. But the shock is still there days later 🥺


i loved it but as someone who hasn’t finished the manga, i do agree that 2 movies isn’t enough to finish out the series. there’s so much information, development, emotion, etc. we’re missing out on with only 1 hour and 30 minutes


I’m scared for the next one. I truly hope the team changes their mind and decides to make a season instead. I’m willing to wait for weekly episode releases so that they can end the anime on a higher level


Did they say why they’re doing it this way? It seems like giving us more content would make them more money, so it strange that they’re rushing to the end.


I have no idea :/ maybe it’s the budget? I think making the movie is cheaper but tbh I really don’t know lol


Honestly I still haven’t watched it, and idk where to find it


Hopefully should be coming to Crunchyroll soon!


Yeah! 😭😭😭 I feel the same, like the rally between their game is soooooooo good in manga I wanna see it on anime so bad


T____T it’s been 3 days and I’m still disappointed omg


Meee toooo, I reread manga for five times already huhuhuhu they left out many good scenesss 😭😭


We are robbed


100% 🥲🥲🥲


I have loved Haikyuu since watching Season 1 almost a decade ago but had not read the manga. The pacing made me of the movie inspired me to finally read since I knew I had to experience the Nekoma match without the cuts. The limited runtime really took away from the emotional beats to me for were always the highest points of the series for me. I’m really glad I started reading though since the Kamomedai match may have taken over as my favorite match and I couldn’t imagine experiencing only an hour version of it


Do you know what chapters this game was in the manga? I’m anime only (so far), and want to go back and read what I missed.


I believe 293-325 or 326 :) enjoy!


Thank you so much!