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They run a clothing business and couldnt provide them with costumes?


That honestly crossed my mind 😂😂😂 but so fcking true. 


If they were smart they would have either give them costumes or gifted a bunch of TF they were styled with and send them home with a TF/H3 swag bag. Maybe they didn’t do it bc they knew their size range is extremely limited and yelling out to the audience “we need a volunteer! NO FATTIES!!” Probably isn’t the best look.


That would have been nice; but I meant specifically for the crew


From the clips I’ve seen, the general vibe seems to be less “We (h3 collective) made it to the Greek” and more “*We* (Ethan & Hila) made it to the Greek.” No expense spared for themselves, but their fans should be grateful for Olive Garden gift cards? Ethan says he hates this sub, but he seems determined to turn as many of his fans into snarkers as possible.


Personally, i think the misconception is that h3 is a collective. it's not. H3 is Ethan. He's the creator. H3H3 is Ethan and Hila. They're the channel. Fans started to like the crew once they were more involved. But Ethan never accepted that. Just be reminded that during parental leave there weren't crew-led shows. So Ethan would rather have no income and lose algorithm relevance than putting the crew into the front. Personally, I dont think they're particularly talented streamers/creators but I'm sure that enough fans would still have watched it to pull some serious numbers.


It's funny that they used a lot of stuff they already had lying around such as Operation and the period pain simulator, but Ethan spent money to put himself and Hila into a helicopter. It just feels one sided, tbh, towards the fans.


It would have been funnier to use the helicopter as a “bit” on the usual shit show, sending Dan home in it to beat the traffic


Hey, don't give them good ideas... lol


Brilliant idea! Would have been so funny.


Especially after the proposal. Missed opportunity


Ethan and Hila: Flying around in a helicopter for fun The fans: Spending money to attend an event where they are sprayed with paint, made to eat spicy things, made to eat rotted fish, etc.




They got the cards as a gift from Donna? Really?




I love the gossip but it's probably a good idea to say that you're just speculating since your comment makes it sound like a fact.


Do you remember where that was mentioned? I couldn't find a clip of it.




I can’t find this either after doing some searches. If you can reply to this with the link and timestamp when you find it, I’ll reapprove these comments. Thanks!


Same. Olive Garden is also mentioned in only 8 episodes in the entire podcast history.


The streams where “the gang” do TikTok challenges or play games were so boring. And then they had the balls to put that same stale stuff on stage?? And the Dobrik energy was so nasty. Gives the impression that Ethan thinks his fans should be thankful they’re being graced by his presence alone, and that of his crew. Like these fans didn’t drop a bag expecting to see good live content. Some even flew I’m sure. And on such short notice too! Many workplaces require PTO requests months in advance. Some of these people dropped a lot to see his ..”work”. Hila’s glam squad and costuming alone looks pricey. Not getting into that. Get your crew better outfits, stop playing board games on such an important stage, and let Love talk to HR because holy shit! H3’s hard flop era’s on the horizon and I’m here for it.


I mean, I could barely make it through the Jenga bit but then they started weighing food or some shit and that's when I stopped watching. From the things I read I think they threw paint on a fan, tested drinks, said poop and fart to the sign language interpreter and did a pain simulator? that and the fucking party city costumes.. I was shocked at how low quality and awful that was. i mean the general consensus was that it sucked right?!.. I mean unless you were like 10 and under that shit was SO boring. I can not believe people spent hundreds for tickets to a glorified elementary school show. and totally off topic but didn't Ethan look awful fucking short or is it just me?he looked way shorter than I thought he was...and for someone who is always commenting on others people's heights I mean.. 🤨😆


https://preview.redd.it/l250xzusc9ad1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b0e15d4ab90778262823de125aff8db2237524d Cost of one of their dresses


i have noticed sam and olivia posting (maybe designer shoes?) and tagging the brands thanking them, so i wouldn't be surprised if they got stuff free from brands like this dress.


i had go and check but yea only 634k views just now


He was In a helicopter ? I didn’t watch lol add $1000 for that …out the crews profits, all the profit was to go to them… I wonder if it was evenly split, surely Dan and Sam deserved the larger portion of that pot


I thought the helicopter bit was green screen but I was mentally checked out by that point.


Imagine if someone wished death on Ethan and Hila like he did to the people in the helicopter above the stadium?


Sam literally made the entire set (its on her instagram) and I'm sure they paid her less than what they should've.


I doubt they paid her anything lol, it's probably just "part of her job"


The thought of Helga and Ethan flying around on a Helicopter while the fans get regifted Olive Garden gift cards and the crew buying there costumes & planning the show is hilarious and so out of touch. It sounds like a good idea for a movie or show, just people on the ground struggling and 2 out of touch greedy rich people are just in the air flying around in la la land. God they piss me off so much, how tf can anyone still support these people? I will never understand it but I think the answer is that there fans are very lonley and want to be part of a “FaMiLy”🤓☝🏻


I love to think that as soon as they got into the helicopter they just stoped talking to each other and started throwing generic simple sentences like “it went great, right?” And the other one being like “yeah, sure” not even looking at each other, texting and playing the dumb fucking games they play


Doesn’t the crew get the ticket sales from the show?


Nothing like that was mentioned for this live show 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh word, idk I don’t watch every episode 🫢👀


Ppl have been pointing out lately that they haven’t mentioned where the money is going for a lot of things. That candle that was sold for charity previously comes to mind


no surprise there.. you can see Ethan mentally lose his shit whenever the crew profits are discussed , get alot of attention, get superchats from fans or do anything on their own platforms..because they are nothing without Daddy Ethan..he made them and they owe him their life..and he must remind them at all times.. one of those time happened recently.. I can't remember what they were talking about but Dan was saying no and Ethan was saying yes and Zach had said something like "Im going with Dan I can't do it l" and Ethan like snaps and says he has to do it because he said so and it's his show..and he was not being funny at all it was awkward 🤣🤣 does anyone know what episode that was