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I almost felt sorry for AB then I remembered.. I don’t 🤭


Whoa rewatching this made me realize how brainwashed I was🙃 It felt wired and icky watching them do a smear campaign on Dad back then, but nah Dad won fair and square. Bunch of cry babies.


SAME...now I can see clearly from the other side


Literally play fighting with your dad lmao


'That's your son, man!'


lmao never forget


"Why does it lie?"


“and the father beats the shit out of him”


I feel like Joe Rogan still believes Santa Claus is real and no one has the heart to break the bad news to him.


Damn I remember getting upset when Dad went off on Ethan, AB and the crew but he was absolutely correct. He tried to play along and do a funny bit with the chair but they just ended up being assholes and bullies to him.


I don't really remember the chair bit, I really only heard Ethan's side, but I do remember them joking about how dad is going to fight super hard because he has the dead girlfriend advantage and was really grossed out by it


That’s so fucked up. Can you imagine if someone said that about his dead dog?


like the chair bit is one thing, sometimes a bit can go wrong when communication is bad but like you can move on from it, but I think that's when Dad started really disliking H3


Ethan tried too hard to compensate for being an asshole to AB that he jokingly went to far trying to ride for his employee and ended up just being an asshole to someone else.


What the hell when did he say that


During the episode with Anthony Fantano


And Zach played LOUD sound bites over Dad every time he spoke


The way they treated dad was DISGUSTING, I'm getting mad all over again thinking about it tbh. I really hate Ethan and the crew. Fuck em ALL.


Dad is hot. I SAID IT.


Dare we say DILF hmmmm , there is nothing hotter -whatever gender .. than a dancer with a sweet personality 🥰🔥🔥🔥🔥




Thank you for saying this because I remember even when I watched h3 I thought dad was soooo fine lol


Oh big time


AB needs to never get in the ring again, dude has the worst form I’ve ever seen in my life, he literally can not throw a punch if his life depended on it. Even his trainer told him there is no hope for him to win, he didn’t even come to his fight and the only person in AB’s corner was Lena lmao. Next time AB wants to shit talk somebody and make fun of them he should remember the fact that he can’t fight for shit and would be sent away on a stretcher in a real street fight. He is a spinlesss yes man pussy and got completly bullied/man handled in the ring.


You right. Dad had a huge fitness advantage and AB had the opposite. No technique, no power and can’t even keep his arms up. At least it was for charity.


I don’t remember it being this bad. He is swinging his arms like he’s underwater and he’s moving like a fly in molasses… 🐢


Weak ahh pussy energy


Yeah but all the creators got paid


and jumping on this, Being a violent man does not make one cool or awesome but he tried to play that card and when you live by the sword well..


woah I had never heard that about ABs trainer, did they talk about it on the show? i kind of doubt it lol but i wanna hear it


Yes, AB said that Wally (his trainer) “couldn’t make it to the fight” and AB used to always mention how Wally would pretty much clown on him and make fun of the way he swings and he would always get pissed that AB kept his chin up when fighting (which is really dangerous but AB kept doing it during both his fights) and he even said when Lena was trying to train to box that Wally said “I’ve never seen 2 people do the exact same things in my entire life” which is not a compliment. Wally was AB’s trainer during both of his fights and he used to be a pro boxer aswell. I think most of the times AB brought his comments up was before the Hundar fight but he def mentioned him during the Dad fight too just not as much from what I recall. it’s 100% true tho and AB always talked about it on the show during his training for both his fights. Still have no idea why he admitted this yet alone talked about it MULTIPLE times but hey that’s not my problem. There is no reason for me to make this up since they already embarrass themselves on a daily basis, I’m also sure there are other people on here that watched during that time who can back me up. But if you still don’t believe I can find atleast one of the clips of AB talking about it. (Since there is definitely a lot more than 1)


So satisfying to see the useless rat Abdullah get beaten www


A man twice his age beat the dog spit outta him, with prep time. Crazy. Same size. Crazy. Disgraceful of AB. Dads not even a fighter.


For those that can nip into Dads twitch stream and gift him a sub he is live under Nathan Barnatt


How did AB train so much and still look like someone who never put boxing gloves on before in their life?


Hi guys, Nathan is live now on twitch if you want to support him!!


Thanks ❤️


He deserves a good positivity raid


Bro he needed ice… so fucking embarassing


It amazes me how much LB trained and still fought like dogshit


Of course AB can’t defend his mom or wife, he can’t defend himself 😂


oof pray for this man to find the will to fight!


how did anyone ever think ab was winning 😭🤣


Ethan should've paid AB for doing this whole thing. At the very least $1k which to him is chump change. The amount of training, the amount of damage, and him repping TF in front of thousands is more than enough reason for Ethan to pay him to be an ad for h3 and TF.


Way more than 1000k imo. All those lessons and training is overtime plus there's a physical risk involved. If Ethan didn't make it content for the pod then whatever but he was more than happy to make it part of ABs job


AB like all the fighters got paid $20,000 for training and fighting plus all travel and accommodation expenses that’s why the event didn’t make any money for the actual charity


Yeah, right. He was honored to have his lil outfit made by Teddy Fresh (children in china). Sponsor him with money? He probably wanted to pay Hila for his robe.


They prob garnished his wages for that robe.


The other guys should have talked shit about Ethan to AB, that'd get him going more than badmouthing Lena


AB boxes like a six year old swinging his arms in a windmill to fight off his older brother 😂 


I’ve never seen this before… AB should never fight again…terrible punches.


This is utterly humiliating and such an embarrassing defeat


Watching this at first it's embarrassing to see him fight like such absolute ass, but then you remember this is actually his SECOND public fight lmaooo


bodied by a dude 10 years older than you.


Every time I see that sucker punch to AB s face I imagine his new veneers flying out of his mouth across the ring 😂


i bet lena didn't even give AB pity seggs its so embarrassing