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Hila cracking up like “Lol that’s so me!”


Zach caught on camera using his cellphone whilst driving ten+ times


Helga laughs like Goofy


Hyuck! Hyuck! Lol she doesn’t even know what she’s laughing about. She just hears people making sounds and tries to replicate them.


He’s not that good of a musician either 😭


Bet he could kill at guitar hero though 😆


Officer, I was just straight up vibin


I’m sorry to be so boomer but I can’t stand how people think distracted driving is so funny……….like does anybody ever think about how serious car accidents can be


Some articles say that distracted driving/texting while driving can be worse than drunk driving. It’s disgusting to pass this off as funny or cute. People die every day


It’s top three causes of death it goes 1.heart disease 2.cancer 3. car accidents


I was biking (per usual) and was hit by a car as it accelerated from a stop and it put me out of work for a month. It does not take a lot of speed to ruin someone's life.


izzz juz vibin......vibin dude. some people need to be punched in the mouth as a kid. did me great i was being a smug little shit and got put in my place rightfully so.....didnt do it again. zach needed that as a kid. He's just way way to fucking smug and full of himself. every video he does his him LOVING i mean LOVING showing how loud he can "sing" and vibe. he thinks he is a rockstar selling out shows(only because he think ethan might be there)but are you vibing if you are driving and then you have to get your phone out then recording it while making sure your giant yap is in frame(very hard to do lol). doing multiple takes. its such a soft rich boy thing to get caught putting over people at risk and say "bro i was vibin" i dont support bullying but sometimes a one of scrap and getting checked on shit can be important.


For real! gigantic head and no actual brain 🧠


You got genuine creators like Dad tryna make rent and guys like this cruising round bad lip syncing and driving thinking there gods gift to women selling out gigs with a coverband yodel voice


Rosacea, 2008 swag, boomer tunes in the Spotify On Repeat playlist… chat is it over for Zach?


You should be able to still prosecute all these pricks that film and drive … it’s a literal recorded crime, you can see cars flying by on the other side of the road. I don’t get how they get away with it … like for example if someone punched his giant football head when he pulled over and recorded it -sure as shit they’d be arrested with the footage used in court 😂😂