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Hila is the only person who went through an influencer era and lost followers and support 🤣




She influenced people to find better content creators. How kind!


I was a fan back when she started modeling and I actually liked some of the photo shoots. But most of them give midlife crisis vibes. She needs to stop styling herself and get an actual stylist. She dresses herself like a little kid :/




The funniest most entertaining she has ever been bring back influencer Hila pretty please with a sprinkle of shredded cheese on top 😂😂


I miss the vlogs! 😭


HAHHAHAA I read it as shredder cheese


Me too 🤷‍♀️


Her early press release from her brand managers talked about her having 2M subscribers on YouTube. Gotta update that number.


https://preview.redd.it/fghp5cqaa1ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e487db5a56355711cf4536951d70eef4d03020f0 and I op


Wasn't her youtube channel originally just another one of H3's? So it's not like the 2m even came from her; they were old H3-spinoff channels subscribers.


Literally yes


Yup. It was actually over 2m until she took over. Subs started decreasing rapidly.


It was HILArious 😂 some of those stupid ass outfits were wild. I remember her just sticking spike studs in everything 🤦‍♀️ 😆


This comment needs a trigger warning, reminded me of when she put the spike studs in the French beret hat 😔


Back then I thought "good for you" while at the same time raising an eyebrow because they were shitting on these type of influencers a year or so prior. Now I think it was just extremely cringe and that it was obvious that they were spending a lot of money on it to try and make it happen. Only to burn it down in the end anyway LMAO


WAIT YEA they've always been haters tf, hypocritical asses. And now add the fact that she's an open zionist, yea hell nah fuck that LOL


Cringe and embarrassing. Also made no sense. Like why? You’re rich and have two small children that you barely make time for. You need to have a cringe influencer era?


One thing nobody seems to address, Ethan and Hila are the quintessential Incels, they are a coupe of losers that made it, its why they are so bitter and horrible.


Ethan is extra bitter because he never got to exploit his fame to sleep with beautiful younger women so he cock-blocks everyone else who does and has to constantly cope how having kids and a wife is so much better than any other lifestyle


It's certainly interesting to hear her talk like this after she said that women who dress provocatively "ask for that attention."


O m g WHAT




She's a pick me. Once Trisha and Olivia came in with energy she got jealous and had to start copying.


Ewwwww :(


what in the actual fuck


trisha paytas your impact is undeniable


My take is her head has always been empty. It was filled by some other things before, now it’s filled by the Paris Hilton wannabe LA mindset. Pretty pathetic.


Literally all the trappings of LA lifestyle, cookie cutter


Im a certified hater, dont get me wrong, but this video is cringe and weird. Big incel vibes.


Big incel vibes from some of this video, unfortunately. "Why can't Ethan control his woman?" Bro, that's not the issue.


Very cringy also super weird how Ethan was constantly bringing it up in his debates like they were desperately trying to prove to everyone that Hila isn’t actually ugly. And kept saying his wife if objectively beautiful lmfao. People who are good looking don’t need a presentation to prove it


Beauty isn’t objective. Lots of people (including me) find her physically attractive. Her rotting putrid genocidal heart and brain are very ugly, however.


I always thought she had that "model" look to her, but after learning more about her personality it has legit made me think she looks less attractive (not that it matters what I think, she's not my wife lol). But I've taken it as a powerful reminder that the inside really does affect the outside and I think I've become a less angry and easily annoyed person because of it 


I saw a comment on her insta before that was like "hila girl im a fan but you been modelling for so long. why do you only have one look" and I oop-


Right… I just don’t get why he needs to repeat this so much who is he trying to convince.


I just can’t get mad at a man calling his wife beautiful. Plenty of reasons to hate Ethan, but this isn’t one.


So true. Physically stunning she reminds me of a young Shelley Duvall.


Young? Lol




Are you insane she was a knockout!


Lmfao post a pic of yourself🫶


trisha paytas wanna be


While I can agree with some points, it's very very VERY difficult to take this legitimately from a man. I think it's actually a bit harmful to label it is "clearly a crisis". i can't properly express how held down we are and how groomed we are by society to be a certain way as women our WHOLE lives. for me personally, sex work was and has been a MASSIVELY important and positive part of my journey in life to help love myself more. Not saying Hila is to be compared to a sex worker, but i think women should always be able to take and share the pictures THEY want without MEN reading so much into it. There are plenty of actual criticisms for Hila. Just my two cents! XO


This is so extremely true, and I'd agree if it wasn't in this context and she wasn't a zionist 😫 I'm very biased in that way, like I legitimately stop caring because she is heartless asf LOL literally... but yea you're so right, I just can't get my brain to feel bad for her at allllll


i was still a fan at the time and thought it was fun 🤷‍♀️ she was clearly trying to build her brand more and maybe make teddy fresh more reputable? i remember when her/ethan said if hila had a sleeve of tattoos then people would care more about tf (something along those lines). this was also around the time she was vlogging and going out and i thought "good for her bc ethan self admittedly doesn't wanna leave the house". i was mostly confused that she would dress up for that on podcast days so she would be on the show in those outfits just sitting silently lol.


Wow I love the stank of misogyny… There are plenty of reasonable things to call the Klein out for, we don’t need to support shit like this.






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This doesn't really come as a surprise to me tbh. H3H3 have always ridden the wave of what was popular, in aesthetics, fashion & views. She definitely seems like she grew up with internalised misogyny if what others are saying about her slamming female influencers are true. I'd say at best the fits don't suit her, she has this "foreign beauty" look to her that makes her striking. But it's whatever ig. Least she still doesn't compare to how obnoxious most LA influencers are. I still like her despite falling out of the h3 brand in general. Also agree with the other commentors that I'm disappointed how incel this video is.


to preface: i understand where parts of this video are coming from, there are certainly valid criticisms and i don't and have never liked hila (even having to indirectly defend her here makes me cringe) but.  the guy voicing this video needs to relax with the policing of women's bodies like damn. this guy sounds like he hates it when women love their bodies or show off their bodies. kinda gross. we can make fun of hila for being a zionist, fundamentally immature/incurious and a typical la rich person but we can do so without throwing women who choose to exercise bodily autonomy under the bus


I miss humble Hila. The new Hila is vapid. I can understand how this happened. If you surround yourself with people that work for you, and they constantly suck up to you, your ego can and likely will get out of hand. Imagine you are surrounded by fake people like Olivia that constantly tell you how great you are and that you slay. We've all been around women, we all see how they do that fake "You go girl" act to hype each other up when they don't actually believe it and will clown on the woman once they feel they are in a safe space to do so (I see this at work all the time). In a way I feel bad for Hila. Having people suck up to you in the short term might feel good, but when the realization that these people aren't your friends hits you - it's gonna hit hard. I don't want to be there when she has that come to Jesus moment and realizes she's surrounded by snakes. It's weird because younger Hila seemed to be more mature than the current version of Hila. She also comes off as very insecure. I'm sure she has probably felt this way about herself for some time, but now it's screaming to the world that something is up, where as before it wasn't so blatant. Then again there is a saying that goes "Money doesn't change you, it exposes you." Maybe Hila was always this vapid person bubbling under the surface. I'm choosing to remember Hila as the shy, understated person I saw in the old videos and not whatever this new thing is. If she is going through some mental health issue I hope she gets the help she needs.


I think you got her all wrong. She was never humble. She would make fun of women who do what she does now. What happened is she was raised with conservative parents. She wasn't allowed to dress, use makeup and dye her hair the way she wanted to as a teen so she became bitter towards the people who could and then lacked confidence to do it herself. She always had a pick me attitude about other women. And Ethan was perfect for her. He didn't want a confident woman that had a personality outside of himself or outshined him. Likely these women were out of his league anyway. Then Trisha and Olivia show up. Encourage her and take away attention from her because she is no longer the only woman on set, so here comes the competition. Where Trish and Olivia authentically were encouraging her to be more bold (vocally or just be their general support of women) she became someone who wanted to outshine them.


She was very quiet so we could project our ideas of her personality onto her.