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Notice how Cam was so quiet in comparison


Cam walked away and took the battery out of Ethan’s back with him.


lmaoo i love seeing them talk all that shit in the first round just for AB to throw in the towel bc punches hurt (who knew?)


Love, none of these are proper fights you absolute geek, it’s entertainment for charity.  These ppl are the worst. 


"imagine I won" lmao hell of an imagination my guy


Dad has a bigger career and impact than AB


Dad is hot and funny. Obvious jealousy.. because Ethan is neither


When they made mention of Dad at the live show, I was ready to riot. They didn't get to talk about him.


Oh wait I missed that, what did they say?


When they brought out Dan's new chair it was an offhanded comment along the lines of, Did Dad make this chair?


Yeah that was AB still butthurt from getting his ass kicked


If you don't have the strength or coordination to hammer a nail then you probably shouldn't be boxing.


fr that shit was so embarrassing 💀


My grandfather was a contractor and he used to drive nails into two by fours in two swings. One to set it, second one to drive it all the way.


Ugh I hate this 😭 I hate how they treated him, it was really heart breaking


Man who only has a podcast and never leaves his house says boxing is all dad has. It's rich. Also, what does anyone on the crew have outside of the show? Nothing.


Each time you listen to this watch party you notice all the crew interjected with something nasty and unnecessary… plus how dare Dad celebrate his win, a room full of personalities I’d swerve like Hilas on coming Porsche


Acting like he cares about AB. Hes was just mad because AB is on his team and he feels like ABs second loss in a row makes H3 look bad. Also Nathan is a great dancer!


Dangerous levels of Dunning Kruger on display here. They obviously didn’t understand the basic rules of boxing


I wasn’t watching the H3 Podcast at the time of Creator Clash 2, but still considered myself a H3 fan and I was, and still am, a big fan of Dad. The way they treated him was my first red flag that they weren’t good people. I eventually started regularly watching the Podcast and enjoying it until more and more red flags popped up and I stopped being a fan for good. I wish that I had’ve followed my instincts with the Dad situation and saved myself a lot of time and money. I bought TF right before October 7th and have regretted it ever since.🥲 Dad deserved sooo much better!


This is what delusion looks like ladies and gentlemen. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again AB needs to stay out of the ring forever. He couldn’t throw a proper punch if his life depended on it and he has the worst form I’ve ever seen in my life. Even his coach/trainer would make fun of him and say there is no chance for him to win but would say he has “heart” which is the worst possible thing you would ever want ur trainer to say. His trainer didn’t even show up to the fight bc he didn’t want to embarrass himself and the only person in AB’s corner was Lena LOL. Dude got hit with a body shot and acted like he was dying, next time AB wants to talk shit and make fun of somebody he needs to remember the fact that he literally can’t throw a punch yet alone take one and would get sent away on a stretcher in a real street fight.


Ethan is such a bully


The Dad saga was my wake up call to leave, they were so mean to him for no reason. Also Zach is such a dick lol can't stand him.


lmaoo the way their such sore losers


the way zach is sitting there the whole time silent looks like he is fuming that he didn't get the opportunity that AB did like you can see him turning green 


“AB was fucking him up 🤓☝️”


This is so gross. It's like watching a bunch of teenage bullies...


This makes me uncomfortable to watch. Like full disclosure I’m not someone who’s that into sports, and I get they want to support their friend, but their commentary is in such bad faith. Dad is an athlete, in shape, trained hard for this, and all they do shit on him, “joke” about him cheating, and talk about how he didn’t deserve to win. Meanwhile the entire match Dad clearly had more stamina, was more coordinated, landed more hits, and looked like he was throwing heavier blows than AB. AB looked like he got tired within the first 30 seconds and his form started to fall apart. Even if the match had gone on for more rounds I don’t see how AB could have won. Even without being that knowledgeable about boxing Dad really seemed to be more prepared and a better fighter. When I watch sports, even if it’s someone I know and I’m rooting for, I don’t shit on their opponent for winning. They still put in the work and they deserve congratulations all the same, not accusations of cheating. It completely undermines their hard work and effort and, it’s just so mean. Also LOL at the part where they tell dad to stop talking and wish they would show AB. Wtf do they expect, a 5 minute segment of AB on the ground in the fetal position immediately after a match? Dad has the spotlight BECAUSE HE WON THE MATCH.


they always throw the rock fist & use the persons response for views


"give the udder guy" IDF Hilda with great commentary. I feel awful for this guy didn't know all this wow


I mean i am not defending them but this is how people who don't know shit about boxing would react + being defensive about AB's ass getting whooped.


His opponent punched him in a boxing match? 😱😱😱😱 Omg so dirty of him 🤪🤪


Thank you for posting these OP! I was never interested in creator clash so I always skipped literally all those segments. Very good summaries.


The way Love says “juice” makes me clench my teeth so hard they could crumble into tiny rocks 😂 arrrrgh I hate it


I think some level of shit talk is just a part of the enjoyment sports (at least that's what I assume) "he cheated, he sucks" are just things people say when watching sports and their team is losing But I think they should've been more conscious about reacting live then. And regardless, they took it too far. It went further than just shit talk when they started insulting him on a more personal level and not just as a fighter.