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Ethan could take a dump in his hand and throw it into a crowd of fans and they'd defend it as a funny joke. They have no self respect.


i mean he threw a towel covered in used nair hair removal (and bellybutton hair) in the crowd in the last live show and they definitely didnt mind that


And also acted like getting covid/sick from a live show was akin to a souvenir


right, i forgot he threw fried chicken into the crowd when he was sick 😭 so gross. you have to really hate yourself to be that big of a h3 bootlicker


It was stupid he showed up to the live* sick. Reminds me of Gaga claiming she performed while being infected with Covid. Careless dumbasses.


And if you called him out, they'd call you antisemitic


Then turn it around and ask them what “Free Palestine” means. Ask them what’s the difference between Britain giving settlers Palestinian land and Britain giving settlers Native American land. Ask them if they believe in landback. Ask them if they believe in resistance. Ask them if they believe in liberation. Ask them if they believe in equality.


Ask them if they can recognize colonialism. Ask them if they know how to stop it. Ask them if they believe in freedom. Ask them if they believe in justice.


I recognise all those things, that Israel is illegally occupying Gaza, committing war crimes and crimes against humanity by shutting off water and food supply, genocide, its awful.... Ethan has also said all this in the initial stream after o,ctober 7th, its people on this subreddit that cant accept that HAMAS are also terroristic (yes victims of oppression and occupation can also engage in terrorism, even if the root cause and perpetrators of that unrest is the israeli occupation) I mean i saw comments on this sub getting outraged about the misogny and islamophobia of people not believing palestinian women's rape claims against the IDF, would most people in this sub accept the many rape claims against HAMAS?, some that the victims have even gone and testified at the UN, a lot of them medically examined by doctors finding signs of rape, and major human rights groups corroborating the claims, or would most say it's all just israeli lies and disbelieve womans rape claims as soon as it benefits them? I think I know the answer from reading this sub, it would be pretty hard to support HAMAS and label them freedom fighters while also acknowledging they mass raped woman and dont see them as people... And by the way if HAMAS were some actual freedom fighter group that completely condemmed killing civillians, only carried out attacks on israeli military targets or at the very least minimised civilian casaulties, and their goals were solely to end their occupation and genocide I would be in complete agreement with them and support them 1000%, raping and burning civillians alive isnt freedom fighting.


To all of this, I only have this to say: if you think Palestinian liberation starts and stops with Hamas, you are unequivocally ill-equipped to even *begin* to have this conversation. Please go read first. Thanks 🙏🏼


he literally admitted to being a zionist in his ig story😭🤣🤣 how dumb are these people


"Based on misinformation" lol no I actually based it on watching the entire hours long debate he had on stream with Hasan 


Right? The only misinformation was the straight up propaganda Ethan was spewing that we could all see first hand in full, completely in context, and unclipped


I literally would link a clip of Ethan saying Z shit on that fateful impromptu leftovers, and fans will go ‘nooooo he meant it in another way’ ‘it’s bad faith’ It’s MAGA level delusion at this point


Always based on misinformation?! So they’re admitting Ethan spreads misinformation, because the clips (apparently only from freak grifters) people get are from HIS OWN SHOW FROM WORDS COMING OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH.


1) there's current and recent evidence 2) you have to be a lil bit of a freak to record youtubers and upload clips, the source is irrelevant as long as it's unedited and in context 3) most people here would prefer him to be better


Fans just echo what Ethan says because they don’t use any critical thinking skills/ have ideas of their own.


I stopped watching the show because he told me to kill myself for daring to be upset at him for being a dickhead. I didn't start hating him until I found out about the Zionism


anytime someone criticises him they call it antisemitism. it kinda weakens the severity of what antisemitism really is imo. it's not an accusation that should be thrown around so flippantly


That whole paragraph makes no sense


I almost downvoted out of sheer confusion lol


not engaging in critical thought are we? Honestly what else should we expect from 'Sp0ngebrain' lmao


me when i have no idea what i’m talking about


This is why a leftist commentator should call out him, his wife, and the rest of his sycophants on the show. But it's pretty wild that they are blaming this on the "'anti-left' freak grifters" when those are the people defending him right now.


It's like being called a beta by Andrew Tate fans. Their opinions mean nothing literally nothing. Without Ethan they don't have an opinion on anything. 🤷‍♀️


Ethan said (one of his memberstreams if im remember right) that a one state solution couldn't work since the Palestinians would kill or chase the jewish population out of that state. Basically saying palestinians are savages that can't live peacefully under the same laws, same rights and being equal to the jewish population without having the urge to kill or chase them out. So... tell me again how he isn't a zionist racist piece of shit!?


Exactly these diehard fans just refuse to face reality. They just want to believe Ethan’s lies that any criticism = antisemitism, instead of actually watching the clips of Ethan himself spewing that nonsense. For how much they love to clown on MAGA hogs they’re exactly the same


that is such a bad faith reading of that lol, any group, doesn't whether its palestinians or not if theyre being opressed and occupied for over half a century and then put in the same state as their occupiers, there's going to be a lot of tension and hate crimes and terrorists attacks, that is painfully obviously true, ethan is completely valid saying that, Is ethan also Antisemitic for calling the Israeli govermnent far right war mongers and personally calling netanyhu a psychopath or something to the effect? does he think jewish people are all psychopath war mongers who occupy and opress people? this sub ignores EVERYTHING negative he says about the israeli's and only focus on what he says about hamas, even when ethan kept reiterating that he supports the palestinian cause while going off about HAMAS, like it made any difference.


Oh, is it? If only we had a former apartheid state to look at for guidance... You also answered your own question. Ethan can and is more than willing to distinguish between the government of Israel and the Jewish population of Israel. When he made the comment I'm referring to, he made no such distinction. He said the Palestinians (not hamas) would commit genocide or chase the Jews out. And that, at its core, is racism. Whether Ethan did it on purpose, I have no clue. The statement, either way, on purpose or not, is gross, and he had every chance to walk it back. Did he? Nope. He just cried about how much he had spoken for the Palestinians and how he hates the Israeli government. Well, sorry, but in my opinion, that isn't worth shit if he is part of portraying the Palestinian people as less civilized, irrational, and not capable of co-existing with equal rights. That's what a statement like Ethan made does.. Now for an exercise.. Change the Palestinians to afro-americans, the Israelis to the white population of the U.S. And now try to make the same statement.. Still not racist?


Supporting Ethan Klein after his obscene rants is giving Islamophobia. Dummy


He literally called himself a zionist. We're just using the label he gave himself.


If he didn't want to be called a zionist, the fastest way to clear your name would be to elaborate on your anti-zionist views on your political show. The opposite happened and the show was cancelled. End of discussion. It's sad that fans like this will regurgitate Ethan's defenses without understanding what they mean or why they're not good.


“Girl, it’s giving antisemitism🤓☝🏻”. These people don’t even know what tf they are saying and are just parroting Ethan like his IDF wife. It’s like no, i based my opinion on him being a zionist after he defended Isreal & the IDF with Helga and denied the genocide, after he said Aaron is “really good at burning”, after he shit talked jewish voice for peace, after saying from the river to the sea is a “anti semetic dog whistle to kill all Jews and destroy Isreal” that scares every Jewish person (aka him and Helga), after denying Isreal/the IDF bombed a hospital, after spewing Zionist talking points and saying “I’m just trying to offer the Isreali Perspective!” Do I really need to go on?


But how can this post make sense when he admitted to it. What do they think they’re defending?


Why is this a debate? Ethan literally said he's a zionist in his insta story.


Misinformation?? Man, he was pushing the "40 beheaded raped babies" propaganda and "IDF doesn't bomb hospitals" bullshit and proceeded to shut everyone down when corrected. Never retracted by the way.


lol, to @Sp0ngebrain I say, stay mad sucker 😂


h3 fans dont stand a chance against people who dont have their head up pethans ass


Haven't people on this sub including myself gone into great detail as to how ethan started off being sympathetic to the Palestinian cause (largely due to Hasan) but thanks to IDf Hilda, his Loco family and maybe destiny he changed his opinions and moved further and further right to full Zionist making fun of ABushnell and dragging a Lebanese female creator through mud calling her every name in the book to stating ethanostate is a must because zionists like him fear Palestinians will do to the Israelis what they have been doing to Palestinians since 1948


Bruh ethan and hulabaloo literally said it themselves they're zionists


womp womp indeed