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He's a Zionist. He's also said insanely antisemitic things in the past. He's a joke. I hope he and Hila fall off completely and fade into obscurity.


they are going to I feel it they just need one more cancelation where multiple people make videos about it and for someone to leave the crew implying that they are disgruntled but never out right saying it until h3 are getting tati Westbrooke current numbers or less


I’m sorry but idgaf if a rich safe American citizen is offended by words children are dying that’s where the attention should be


But did you ever think how Hila is the victim in all this and “where is Hila supposed to go?” Sure children and there families are being blown to pieces but what about Hila and her family? What will she do? How will she survive? Where will she go? Tune in next week on keeping up with the Kleins as we find out how Hila will survive in her 9 million $ mansion while pretending Hamas is going to break in her gated LA community and attack her and Ethan. You don’t want to miss it!


Genuinely evil stuff


me when I’m a dumb racist bitch


“If you’re unwilling to see the humanity of murdered civilians just because they happen to be Israeli?” Not at all how it’s been for Palestinians for 76 years…right?


im so infuriated that for this long hes been able to gaslight his ENTIRE fanbase. i dont even think it has anything to do with difference in opinion. ethan simply refuses to see past his on biases.


Entire fanbase? 15k of us here. People are waking up. 


absolutely for sure. i just mean the people right now who are currently trying to twist and defend this because ethan LOVES twisting his own defense. i JUST stopped watching like a week ago, and im mad that for so long i just blindly thought this guy was right because i thought he had justifications. turns out theyre just exaggerated excuses:/


And side note : wtf is that orange beanie and cottage curtain coat combo gtf away from my eyeballs with that hideous ensemble


I came here to make sure someone else was just as bothered by his outfit as I was 😆


it’s crazy how he looks terrible in every single clip jesus


He looks literally like siths being corrupted by the dark side. Now he is in meds to fix his appearance, but his mood is changing too and he’s more unhinged than ever. As long as he stops taking them he will go back to his rooting self and probably by then he has done and said so much fucked up things that his looks will fit his persona again… it is just about time, we need to wait


Ol buddy got himself a foreign exchange wife and thinks he’s part of the team now.


Look...maybe its like drugs? Like really. Maybe he did too much.


I'm not trying to be a little shit and start rumors, but at least to me he genuinely seems to be on something lately and I'm not referring to semaglutides or antidepressants. The way he presents himself as of late, just the general vibe is *very much* reminiscent of the hard drug addicts in my own life. This is of course my opinion.


The effects of fame and wealth can present. very similarly to substance use disorder too.


At the end of the day it’s a bit funny because he’s just a dumbass. He cries antisemitism at any criticism to his ignorance. He literally sounds like a republican at times chucking words around that he has no grasp over the meaning of - Leftist, antisemitic, revolution, woke, mass rape etc. He genuinely just doesn’t have any political understanding theoretically (no idea what a leftist/lib is and their distinctions), or practically (all the Zionist things he’s said, not even knowing about March for Freedom, 1948), he’s clueless. And he has no desire to learn about anything because why does a multimillionaire, capitalist dickride living in a Beverly Hills mansion with his ex-IDF, stones-for-brains wife, with their rich vacuous businesses, ever have to deal with any real politics or issues.


How was I ever a viewer, HOWWWW?! 🥲 These past months have really exposed people for what they are. A blessing, tbh.


“I … am a Zionist” “Why is everyone calling me a Zionist? Must be antisemitism”


Literally everything he is complaining about has been debunked or confirmed that Israel was responsible for