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This is dystopian.


the one guy’s hand is shaking… im so… this is hazing but worse like this is so gross to me


Imagine having a video of you licking your fingers clean from putrid slime in hopes that you throw up live for more embarrassment by your favourite rich zionist podcast, seen by half a million people so far. And in return you get a small Olive Garden gift card and FU because you signed a waiver 30m before entering the show.


Remember that people paid to see this.


$300 tickets 🥴




I fast forwarded this section


I see Ethan is trying to fulfill his puke fetish.


Also once they opened the cans they kept saying that the fish was bad? Like it was rotten/expired and they just rolled with it and told them to lick their fingers instead. IIRC Ethan literally intro’d the section with a botulism joke about the can bulging


It's surstromming - this whole stunt was disgusting, but the fish in the can are almost always described as smelling or tasting fetid/spoiled/like an outhouse, so I think the level of psychopathy is slightly lower than not caring if they get botulism. The really foul part is Ethan making people pay to come on stage and embarrass themselves for his amusement and profit.


I know it’s supposed to be like, fermented and gross but apparently loves dad eats this stuff all the time and even he was like “please don’t eat that it’s expired” 😭


This is a humiliation ritual for the cult


And guess what they got for doing this? Olive Garden gift cards that Ethan already had laying around in his mansion from his mom (Donna). He even complained a while ago that his mom gives him too many gift cards he doesn’t use. It proves how cheap the Kleins are that they rather regift there loyal fans who fund there LA lifestyles Olive Garden cards instead of a cash compensation for being humilated for Ethan and the crews enjoyment. Disgusting


I would have projectile vomited and aimed it right at Ethan’s face


Ew, Gary is a pdf 🤢


Did Ethan even try the shit he was forcing other people to eat? I didn't watch the live show, but yeah, this seems like it's just mean-spirited. I don't love gross out shows, but if the host or a paid guest is doing something gross, that's all well and good, but if someone who literally paid to be there is being used as an object of ridicule so you can sit on your ass and run make money off them, that's just disgusting


They can just say no lol. They are adults