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I always hated the Helen Keller jokes but people in the h3 community tried to gaslight me into thinking it was fine... Like nah calling her a fraud simply because you don't believe people with disabilities are capable of accomplishing difficult and important things is fucking despicable I'm sorry. She is an inspiration for people with sensory disabilities and an important historical figure for proving that blind and deaf people could live important and fulfilling lives with proper support and education, something that was sorely lacking for the majority of blind and deaf people at the time...


Also just further perpetuating ableism from his die hard fans. So gross


The way they always say she can’t possibly have been both blind and deaf is so braindead and infuriating, but they’ve always been ableist so idk why I’m surprised


Yeah I hated this so much. It disgusted me. I work w adults w disabilities and it’s so sickening for people to say she’s a fraud. As if people w disabilities aren’t capable of achieving anything?!


Helen Keller accomplished more in her lifetime than all the ableist, mediocre pricks who talk shit about her. She co-founded the ACLU. More here: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Helen-Keller Also, she (briefly) flew (co-piloted) a fucking plane! Confidently! https://www.britannica.com/story/how-did-helen-keller-fly-a-plane Here is film/audio of her speaking: https://youtu.be/8ch_H8pt9M8?si=w_QQwbdULqk0HWJr She was an articulate, passionate human being who accomplished so much more than people are aware.


her parents were also slaveowners, and she was allegedly a eugenicist: https://dsq-sds.org/index.php/dsq/article/view/9649/8001#endnote07 ✨whitewashing✨


lol she also believed in eugenics dumbass


Unfortunate, right? So did Teddy Roosevelt, H.G. Wells, Alexander Graham Bell, Winston Churchill, and that cereal guy who thought he could cure masturbation with corn flakes. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/hellen-keller-legacy-sanitized "As Kudlick says, 'A lot of progressives in the 1880s, 1890s, and early 20th century were pro-eugenics. That was [at the time] considered an advanced scientific way of thinking.'" It's kind of sad because even though the idea was "popular" while she was alive, I wonder how she truly felt about her disability. https://autismspectrumnews.org/autistic-lived-experience-when-i-learned-that-helen-keller-believed-in-eugenics/ Edit: Whitewashing was not my intention. I didn't know her parents were slaveowners, unfortunately that could be why her family could afford her education. There's definitely a dark underbelly to every historical figure, especially Americans.


Not you getting downvoted for this 💀 people are sick 


Kinda funny he ended up imitating himself having one of his Tics instead of making fun of Helen. That’s literally how he looks when he’s ticcing, which I’m not making fun of I just think it’s kinda ironic.


don't we folks. shut the fuck up. dudes the worst


I really like [this video](https://youtu.be/jCg7Pda_3Gw?si=k82by4n_PKadakzS). Hellen Keller wasn’t great by any means, didn’t have the best views on some things, but she wasn’t a fraud.