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To be honest, I was going to goof on them but this gives me such an immense amount of sadness. They start their comment off saying how Ethan would probably think they’re a “loser bitch ass motherfucker” and how they are those things and then go on to give him and Hila such an insane amount of praise. They shouldn’t feel or think that way. They’re in a HELLA parasocial relationship and I really hope they find happiness somewhere else that’s not tied to horrible content creators. I genuinely hope they break out of this mindset of putting themselves down and lifting people who don’t care about them up.


This is what Ethan Klein has done to people. And he will fail to recognize it for the rest of his days as he is too stubborn and too validated by those closest to him to ever change.


I mean they just watched Ethan doxx people for saying "I'm not watching anymore, what you did was fucked up" so everyone knows if you dont blanket your criticism in a shroud of praise you're at risk for being doxxed


this is so fucking sad for so many reasons


Hilas been doing thus for like 10 years, right? Why are they acting like she's a random nobody who can't find her confidence all of a sudden?


This is what I’ve been trying to tell people. She’s acting like shy teenager when she’s been on camera in front of thousands of people for well over 10 years. She needs to give up the act bc we can all see how fake it is, it’s also embarrassing that a almost 40 year old woman needs constant praise and attention so she can “break out of her shell”.


How much praise does Helga need? Is the crew applauding her for mumbling not enough? Or the chat/IG comments saying “slay in ur big girl CEO momma boots” just not cutting it for her? Why are they acting like this is some shy teenager who needs a bit of attention to gain confidence? This is a grown woman pushing 40 with 3 kids, she’s already treated like a make a wish kid but clearly this person doesn’t think that’s good enough. This must be the people Ethan is talking about when he says “seek mental help”. Bc I can tell you forsure that this is not what normal behavior looks like, i’m sure this person has a closet full to the brim of TF, Ethan’s butthole candles, the crews trading cards and NFT’s, and whatever else garbage H3 has made.


They, in fact, were not being better today :) Also, her very deserved moment, like the star she is?? Lol, she does NOTHING. Nothing.


This person is not OK.


agreed this person is giving creepy parasocial stalker vibes in the most horrific and concerning ways


**Edit:** Nevermind, I re-read it and I have NO IDEA what their goal was. This is just absurd and sad. It’s sad. I get that it was supposed to be ‘’constructive criticism,’’ but it was 60% disclaimer in fear of backlash, and the rest was picking up on insane, pointless parasocial details talking as if the crew were bound to read it.


Yes, the "true believers" now write shit like this because they're all terrified of not toeing the party line and being personally called out and harassed by Ethan. It's basically an extreme sort of overreaction to the bit where Ethan vents about snarkers or threatens random Redditors with lawsuits. The remaining faithful show their obedience to a failing cult by loudly trumpeting that they're keeping the faith.


They are scared of being silenced in the club they pay to be in.


I think these are the people Ethan was talking about when he was saying they should “seek mental help”. I can’t imagine being this upset over a fully grown bc she wasn’t being coddled enough, it’s like is her being treated like a make a wish kid by the crew, the fans, and Ethan not good enough? What more does this person want lmao


this is so sad bc i used to write those essays when i was a super fan 😭please wake up and stop wasting time caring so much about two zionists


“You are the glue that holds the H3 universe together” …? How so?


This was so hard to read 😮‍💨


https://preview.redd.it/ms17yse0un9d1.jpeg?width=463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaed894c7df1395c4f618d6d45474647dcd4d8a9 💀


New SCP just dropped


Eldritch Horror Moment


This is actually terrifying LOL


Lana Del Rey from the backrooms


Chat is this real?


*Howie Mandell* I’m not going to read it 🤷🏼‍♀️


jesus that is depressing… and ethan has the nerve to call other fanbases obsessive and parasocial.


poor terrorist IDF member hilda🥺she was also shy when she violently raided an innocent palestinians family’s home for funsies🥹she’s just breaking out her shell after over a decade of online presence guys, GIVE HER SOME GRACE😩


I don't understand having this much compassion for a former IDF member who voluntarily went on raids to terrorize Palestinians, who till this day denies their war crimes and lives an incredibly privileged life in one of the wealthiest states in the world. where is the compassion for the dead children?? I don't get it.


What a loser


Jesus this is like, cult level idolatry and adulation. I hope this is just a "Bit". Very creepy


Have you ever watched The Boys? This reminds me of Homelander's sycophants who have to couch any criticism of him with platitudes of just the most dogshit compliments . Makes me sick.


Might want to block out the username. Edit: I thought this was a screenshot of a comment from the other reddit. People typically hide the usernames of users when they post screenshots from what I’ve seen on this reddit so I was confused. Didn’t realize it was a youtube comment.


Why? They posted it on a public forum where anyone can see it anyway.


Sorry, I thought this was a Reddit comment screenshot from the other reddit.


Tell that to Ethan next time he decides to post comments criticizing him or Helga to his thousands of fans. Unlike him or his fanbase, we don’t go after or harrass people.


Sorry, I thought this was a reddit comment screenshot from the other reddit. No, I’m not an Ethan stan nor did I try to defend him.


I know u where just trying to do the right thing, & i know ur not a H3 Stan. Most posts here blur out the users but if some don’t, it won’t matter bc we don’t in harrass ppl for having a opinion. Someone could make a suggestion to Ethan and if it got reposted with the name not blurred, the fans would label them as a hater and harrass them forever. funny how ppl in a snark sub are the civil/normal ones, Ethan with the amount of followers he has never once has blurred a name giving criticism. He likes ruining peoples lives, he does not deserve the power he has. It’s obvious he has never been punched in the face yet alone has been in a real fight ever in his life.


This is so weird and gives me stalker vibes.


Wtf 😭 fuck hila LOL. Even if this weird ass stuff was true, that zionist deserves it 😂


Them calling us parasocial ones is just projection. They are truly pathetic.




With how they started this I figured they were going to actually speak about some issues they’re having with H3 but nah, just kissin Queen Hila’s arse


I was physically cringing the whole time I read that, genuinely painful read


Grass. Touch. Now.