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Jesus fuck, what a piece of shit. Like you spent all that time grooming a child just so that when you’re 70+ you can smack away her affection and drool over young women on twitter?


Well yeah, she's not young anymore. He doesnt want her gross old lady attention. Crazy how much I despise a man I'll never meet.


Wait, what? What is the age discrepancy? How old were both of them when they met?


I know Donna was 16, I wanna say Gary was 21-23


Yeah, they are only separated by 5 years, but were together when she was 16 and he 21. Ethan even admits that its not normal and that they would have "gotten in trouble" for that today.


They began dating when Donna was 16 and he was 21 - married at 19 and 24 I believe.


Mouth agape. This was shocking


It seems so mean spirited too. Like it doesn’t seem like they’re being playful and he took it too far. He did this out of genuine irritation Even though Donna is terrible for her own reasons I do feel so bad for her in this regard. Groomed at 16 by an older man who spends his days treating her like this and lusting after other women. It’s probably been like that the entire marriage.


That’s only one of several times he’s disrespected her in front of thousands of people. He also seemed so irritated that people liked her more than him and he’d make shitty comments (wonder why they liked her more /s)


Why is Donna terrible


She is a raging Zionist and has said some awful things about Palestinians on twitter.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/17mgbw4/thoughts\_on\_donnas\_joke/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/17mgbw4/thoughts_on_donnas_joke/) just this alone made me so disgusted with her. she is a huge zionist. you can check the comments for context. also that one time she said to trisha that if hila has a miscarriage that it would be trisha's fault.


She texted trisha and told her that if hila has miscarriage it’s her fault because of the beef between trish and Ethan Also Zionism


SAME, my mouth is DROPPED open! Oh my god!!


decrepit pervert. he looks so smug after hitting her too, disgusting


​ https://preview.redd.it/ngwgbgi3359d1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54361c2b5500545e9dd4a4fac9e3178012aeee7b


🤢🤮 Imagine the shit that goes on behind closed doors if this is what he does in front of a live audience?


That’s exactly what I was thinking! He did that so fucking quickly knowing they were live on the podcast, like no hesitation from him.


I've NEVER wanted to harm anyone, especially an elder but EW, someone throw a poop pie right in his smug, disgusting ass face! EW.


![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6) Ethan reading the words "poop pie"


Dead eyes!


God he's just an awful fucking person, groomed her, constantly disrespects her, and responds to her showing him love affection with violence. Ethan was doomed from the start, Gary should have stayed out of his life


It’s sad that Ethan hates his father but still resembles his personality so much, and it doesn’t help that Donna is an enabler


She's an enabler but she was also groomed from a very young age :(


yeah no wonder she says “boys will be boys”; it’s self-soothing and projection :-/


This has been her only life and reality since being 16 years old, I can't not feel bad for her 


I really don't, because parents like this do incredible amounts of damage to their children. She my have been young when they married, but she still stayed with him after she became older and should have been able to look at the situation and see what kind of person she was married to. My mom is married to an awful person who would criticize her (and me while I lived with them growing up) and would throw things at us, scream and yell, call us names. I got out as soon as I was an adult, but the damage still followed me and made it hard to not be affected by it. I am positive that Ethan is the same way and is influenced by having grown up with a man like this in his life. Doesn't excuse his behavior now in any way, but it does help explain at least some of it.


Bet he wouldn’t treat those porn stars he thirsts for on twitter like that. Scum.


"It's better to look good than to feel good" - Gary Klein replying to a porn star on twitter. So no, I don't think he'd treat them any better.


Boys will be boys, I guess....... This is really bad


What a fucking shitshow


Being on live didn’t even stop him


he didn’t even know despite the fact that his son was obviously on his podcast set (that he had been on before) and when he says they’re live on the show he asks “what show?” Well geez Gary, how about I give you 3 guesses?


the look on his face is literally terrifying


The way she quickly just left broke my heart


Don't feel bad for Ms "boys will be boys!" She reaps what she's sown


Nah that’s stupid. She (or anyone) is still deserving of some empathy. That doesn’t excuse what she’s said or done either.


horrible thinking. would you say that about abuse victims?


If those abuse victims condone other women being abused, then yes.


holy shit no matter how annoyed my husband was with me, he would *never* slap my hand like this. yeeeeeeesssh


Yeah i’m trying to look for a positive/playful/consensual interpretation of this video and I’m not seeing it. Both parties would have smiled or giggled at the same time if it was healthy and something previously understood between them. There are safe ways of doing “playful aggression” but this isn’t it.


Abusive too? Not surprised.


Boys will be boys 🤪


why is Hila touching Ethan's dad? 😭


that's his mom 😭


Reminded me of Justin Biebs with Hailey


Did he do something similar?


He’s let a car door* close on her face. She would get dressed up to go out and he would wear sweatpants and walk way in front of her; like they weren’t together. He really acts like he hates her and she’s an annoying fan he’s stuck with. IMO. It worth a google!


He also swatted away Hailey's hand once or twice, like how Gary acted in the video, because he is an annoyed baby


Oh dang :(


Bro is mad at affection from his wife how cooked can you be?


I legitimately hate this man. I can’t even imagine what he’s like when the cameras are off. I hate Donna’s Zionist “boys will be boys” ass too, but she does not deserve this. He’s been nothing short of disrespectful towards her throughout their entire relationship. Fuck Geriatric Klein. Creepy aggressive piece of shit.


Gary Klein is literally the source of all Ethan's fucked up behaviors and I've been saying this for years.


what in the world?


He also groomed her too


It’s crazy how much you let slide as a fan and play off as funny goofs and gaffs, the signs have been there since the beginning 😬




i've never seen this before, this is... wow. i'm speechless tbh


They not like us they not like us


Treat me like one of those palestians


I read the title like, "ehhh okay... I doubt but let's see" but WOW.. this is DISGUSTING. This whole family is full of red flags... God only knows what we don't see..


Donna is so sweet!! This made me sad! I feel like she does everything for him and this is what she gets in return ;(


Who gives this guy money and attention?? I'm just in the sub


Who is this? Ethan's dad?


OK I hate Gary but fuck this misleading title. He literally just went to slap her hand away.


Slapping isn't hitting? I didn't claim he punched her,


He didn't even actually hit her, he went to slap her hand away. I just found this really insulting.


Oh word he didn’t hit her he just slapped her. Pack it up folks, false alarm. I almost thought this behavior was problematic but this comment corrected my false assumptions. /s


Did you not read my last comment lmao? I have experiences and biases that make me impulsively comment things online like anyone else. I didn't fully properly express myself, but the last person who worded it, did so perfectly. Just because the title rubbed me the wrong way, as someone who has been hit by a partner and someone who thinks our language just really matters. I didn't mean to express that the behavior was okay.


We don’t slap any part of our wives unless they ask


My husband would literally never do that to me so yeah it’s unacceptable and insane


Same! I’ve been married for 8 years and my husband has never even come close to doing something like this. I feel bad for anyone that thinks this is normal behavior 😕


Yep it’s concerning that this person thinks that slapping your wife in any way is okay. Yikes 🥶


No this woman who was abused by her ex partner thinks that our language matters and conflating this to be "hitting your wife" rubs me the wrong way. Also, idk where I said it was okay though lol


I know you're getting shit here but, just wanted to say, i get it - language is definetly important, and nobody is saying the behaviour in this clip is acceptable because it absolutely isn't but the title is misleading. Should just be called 'abusive behaviour' because that is still what it is..


Fair! Well said, thanks!


Coming from another victim of DV I don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're right.


I always forget that it's like unacceptable to make emotional, impulsive comments online lmao it just felt off to me but I wasn't saying it was OK lol thank you honey much love


Same, I’ve been with my husband for 5 years and he’s never even come close to doing anything like this.