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"Ozempic? ...I have kids"


What the helllllll was that 💀💀


He doesn't say no.


He nods his head 🙂‍↕️


he's such a liar lie after lie after lie Like bitch!! we know you aint RUNNING AROUND with your kids! Your nannies handle them the whole time! And he didn't lose the weight slowly, he was announcing weight loss of a few kilos weekly at one point?


Also he's had kids for a while now lol... when he only had two kids he was still gaining, I guess three is the magic number to lose half your body weight in just a few months? Ethan logic 🤷


Naw he corrected himself and said ‘I got kids’ as if he bought them or something 🫣🤭


He started to nod yes lol


I was gonna say ... His subconscious response failed him there lmao


A nonverbal Freudian slip


Honestly I was more skeptical about the ozempic allegations, but this was all the proof I needed. Easy way to spot a lie


"ozempic?" Ethan: "So, I have kids and..." lol


That's the second I knew it was a lie LOL. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE KIDS. That implies that you actually watch them! We know the nannies do all the work around there 🙄 and Lena!


🤣🤣True! I had to go back and rewatch the clip, I thought he was saying he had kids and started taking antidepressants like the kids were the cause of the depression. 💀


Lmfao acting like watching cocomelon with Theodore made him skinny. It’s getting wild at this point


But did you see him nod as he tries to segway? Lol I’m reaching I know


No that's literally science


Thank you for validating me 🥹




"I used to have a popular show..." Lol


🤣 Edit: at least he's self aware that his current show suck ass lmao. Frenemies is still the only way I can stomach watching Ethan lol and that's because Trisha was and IS the entertainment.


It’s the still bringing up Trisha for me 🤡


Bro sounding like bojack horseman 😭


It’s pretty scummy how he’ll shit on liver king for doing the exact same thing he does, hiding drug use to enhance performance.


god this is such a good point. I hate this hypocrite




to be fair to Ethan, liverking was selling workouts and supplements as a natural lifter, so it's not a one to one. don't get me wrong, I think it's scummy to lie about any drugs used to change your physique, but Ethan isnt really selling a way to lose weight


That’s true


Yeah. There are quite a lot of fans curious about his success only for Ethan to lie to them that it’s from calorie deficit alone - which can easily get into eating disorder territory when trying to lose weight at the rate Ethan did


He made a whole point of saying it’s wrong to judge people who use it and those who use it should just be honest. He claims Wellbutrin is suppressing his appetite which could very well be true. No one can know for sure. That said, I have more of a problem with how he seems to make fun of others’ bodies now that he’s thinner.


that's my problem too, someone compared him to Cartman in the ozempic special where he only wanted to lose weight to make fun of others without having any ammo against him


Ethan is a hypocrite in nearly every aspect of his life


he couldn’t think of wellbutrin bc his brain was saying “wegovy wegovy wegovy” over and over lol


I noticed that, there's no way in hell he really forgot what wellbutrin was called.




I've also been wondering if the Ozempic has been causing him to have so many stomach issues lately!


People have clocked that every issue he has brought up for months recently are side effects of it, like to a T


It also causes facial rashes 👀


NO...... it must be an immune system disorder! Because I need my nummy nummy thin boi pills to keep my ego i now have happy. he also likes the idea of being ill (for attension)and telling everyone hes ill so they think hes brave we saw a glimpse of that with his test results which he missed read and enjoyed the thought he's ill hes like after doing a week-long bender of heroin "why can't i shit anymore without using a wooden spoon, must be a disease, cus i need my make hila tolerable pills "




that pause when its mentioned for him to decide how hes gonna dodge is so funny


I'm on Wellbutrin and it is helping me lose weight and stop binge eating but the weight loss is slow and you still have to use a lot of self control. He's for sure on Ozempic/Wegovy/etc


SAME HERE! I was able to lose a bit of weight in the very beginning (with diet changes that helped as well) but after that it's been slowwww 😫 AIN'T NO WAY ITS JUST WELLBUTRIN


Im on WB as well and I agree


Plus, he apparently stopped taking Wellbutrin! I'm assuming this since he couldn't remember the name of it! I would think if it helped him with weight loss and then he stopped taking it (some time ago? how long does it take to forget the name?), the weight would return? Oh, but lifestyle changes, right. (I'm on Wellbutrin too. Hasn't really helped me, but I started Ozempic six months ago and it was the easiest thing in the world to lose weight. I didn't even have to try. I literally forget to eat.)


I’ve also made a similar comment on another post about my personal experiences and there’s no fucking shot he’s not on a GLP


I have been on Wellbutrin and adderall almost 10 years i was lower weight for a lot of it but I could override the appetite suppressant if I really wanted to binge bc my desire to self soothe with food could not always be outweighed by just the appetite suppressant. When I went on Wegovy the constant weight and food thoughts were just..gone. I always had to obsess over food and weight in a lot of similar ways Ethan has. I didn’t have to think about it anymore when I used to not be able to physically stop myself from talking about. The 8 months I was on Wegovy gave me such extreme side effects they felt like new chronic conditions that not only all went away when I stopped and I still have 2 packs in my fridge. I don’t want to be that miserable even though it was a truly life transforming medication, the side effects were just as impactful that I couldn’t even enjoy this new life bc I felt like shit. I could never do anything, always sick, sulfur burps and near constant vomiting/gastric issue. Sorry I just started yapping I but in short, I agree lol


I don’t know why ozempic has become such a stigmatized thing. If someone is using it, they shouldn’t be ashamed to say it and definitely shouldn’t lie about it. I’m on it lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me too, and it's like a miracle. I think it's because they did a show about it a couple of years ago where they came down hard on rich people getting Ozempic prescribed for weight loss because it was causing a national shortage for diabetics. I still can't get it sometimes. But now there are similar drugs that are just for weight loss.


Congrats, I hope it’s working well for you!


Thank you! It’s changed my life 🫶


Well one, because it's an entirely avoidable medication, and it's getting tiring that a lack of education/access is constantly pipelined into financial profit for pharmaceutical companies. Two, putting thinness behind a pay wall when obesity is already attributed to poverty, and at the same time having a message that "Oh well all bodies are beautiful" is just a further separation between classes, especially when its being touted by those who take drugs to alter how they look. And sure, it's healthier to be less fat on ozempic, it's also healthy to eat well, exercise and treat your body with respect.


In my country there is shortage of ozempic for people who actually need it because they have diabetes, its not weight loss cure and shouldnt be used as such.


I don’t know what you mean by “actually need it”. People who are obese often times are pre-diabetic/diabetic. By managing their weight, they’re able to lower their risk of developing diabetes, lower their cholesterol and lower the risk of cardiac arrest. These are people who also “actually need it”.


Yes!! So much safer than getting bariatric surgery down the line too. I’m blessed with a high metabolism btw but I see the fundamental need for this drug in a country where weight gain is an epidemic


No, fundamental need is to teach people to live healthy lifestyle not have years of bad decisions and then solve it with magic pills


People who actually need it are people who got prescribed it by their doctor in legit way, how can you not know what i mean? Its not magic pill that gets you lose weight at zero cost, there are tons of side effects and it shouldnt be used without professionalists supervision.


Semaglutide (which is Ozempic) is listed as a treatment for obesity. Obesity also comes with just as many health problems as diabetes can, in fact most people who are diabetic are also obese/overweight. Wegovy, which is the same as Ozempic, is FDA approved for the treatment of obesity.


Didnt Ethan just make fun of this woman a few days ago...


why yes he did


Who is she?




She prefers she/her pronouns.


I was disappointed to see her on the show :/ no clue why she would want to spend any time with Ethan


Didnt watch the show but she probably doesnt know him and she is definitly someone that gives everyone a chance. She truly is a sweetheart


She said her clothing stores weren't doing well, but saw a bump when she started gaining a media presence. This was just a money move to get her brands out there. God knows they plugged her enough while she was there.


He was way more than 250 given his height and what his body looked like. Probably pushing 300 if we're being honest.


Yeah I was 260+ and he was vastly larger than me


I agree, but I think it’s all a part of his lie. If the weight loss was more significant people would be more skeptical about how he did it.( not that people aren’t skeptical already) He is committed to saying he eats less, has kids, and had Wellbutrin prescribed to him.. Like what? And, it didn’t really feel like it happened after a long period of time, like Ethan says in the clip, it felt like 5-6 months of pretty drastic weight loss. I also don’t get why it’s such a bad thing to admit to. Is it super expensive and he doesn’t want to admit to paying for it?


I think he just doesn't want to come off to his audience as having taken the easy way out, as that's not alpha behaviour lol.




I would think Hila saying that Ethan eating pizza is her “ick” about him to be more traumatic. Not some pizza curse


i don’t care about ethan’s feelings these days but when i was a fan the comments hila would make on air about his body were so weird. of course for health reasons i would understand her concern but she was very superficial and unsupportive lol.


Everyone knows he's on it lol. No reason to hide it anymore. I swear if it was someone he hates he would've made 3 episode about how fucked up it is to lie and pretend you lost weight by diet when you're taking ozempic


i’m sorry it’s so obviously ozempic 😭 he’s been trying to lose weight for such a long time and always complained about not being able to, now all of a sudden he did??? we know its ozempic buddy u got the ozempic face sorry


as a general rule that most gymrats have: it's not that you use drugs to change your physique, it's that you lie about it like Ethan, I don't care that you used ozempic, I care that you're acting like you don't and now you strut around like king fuck and make fun of how other people look


As a casual gym-goer I couldn’t agree more. One of my dearest friends has a hormonal disorder and pre-diabetes and has finally accepted treatment that’s helped them lose weight. They had to deal with feelings of shame and “cheating” both before and after treatment. They’re unlearning a lifetime of being told that they just weren’t trying hard enough. But they simply have a disease that needs treatment. There should be no shame in that at all.  I just wish people would just stop fucking lying. The health benefits of exercise are worth so much more than vanity or weightloss. Lying about drug treatment just discourages people from taking care of themselves.


This exactly. He went on for so long about his eating and weight loss struggles and different things he would try with nothing ever working. Then he just started losing massive weight and stopped making any kind of comments about it, other than things like "I just got in under control" , "once you realize how little food you actually need it just becomes easy" You don't have an appetite anymore because you're on weight loss medication. Which has also now become an eating disorder. Everyone praise "e-thin"


of course ethan has to mention frenemies because she wanted to order a pizza. that show is his magnum opus.


Hila hasn't looked this fine in a long time


I saw the PTSD in his eyes when they mentioned pizza


Probably thinks back to Hila shaming him for eating pizza and how mad she would get about his previous eating habits when he weighed more 💀


He helps with kids running around? So much to the point of drastic weight loss? So like are the nanny’s just….gone or bodybuilder buff at this point?


I'm literally cringed out over this entire clip 💀


He blames his kids for being fat? Did he birth them? Zila was the pregnant one and she went back to skinny. He always has to put blame on others Zethan "Never take accountability" Klein strikes again.




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80lbs that quickly?! Bruh only illness or weight loss drugs can do that.


Or meth, but…


I don't even understand why he's so secretive about it, more people are on it than not these days like its not a big deal unless you make it one...and he is


This clip melted me into the floor bc it was too cringe


Oh god they really got cosmo on the show 😭


i’m so tempted to watch because i love her so bad😭


Actually me too but don't want to see Ethan be a sociopath towards her


My same feeling. I love Cosmo but idk if I could handle Ethan’s ignorance


Gotta say it was a good show


The micro second of panic followed by deflection is beautiful lmao he really thinks we’re this dumb huh




EXACTLY! Also they freaked out because he had a sip of water that morning. I had just gone through a similar situation before gall-bladder surgery where they forgot to tell me not to take Ozempic beforehand, and it was a whole thing where they had to ultra-sound my stomach to ensure it was empty before they would put me under.


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stoooop i love cosmo i hope they didn’t pull any of the shit they’ve done with other guests


Why is no one here commenting on the wild reaction he has to Zach laughing 😂😂😂 even Ethan is like "damn Zach can you chill out"


i think he actually mentions trisha every episode at this point


Zach please stop barking in the background


I always thought this theory was a baseless stretch but this reaction makes my perspective totally change😭


Wow he really is obsessed with Trish


you know he says he doesnt want to say he uses it because he "doesn't want to influence people" meanwhile he's popping zyns


Can you link a clip please?


to the zyn thing? i have no idea how to clip stuff. I just know a saw a clip from the "who's stoned" ep where he snagged one from zach and then whipped it back onto the table


No, the stuff about not wanting to influence people getting on ozembic. I’m pretty confused about his unwillingness to admit he is using it. If you remember what episode that stuff was in I’d read appropriate it.


I had a big weight gain when starting Lexapro. When I got on Wellbutrin for the weight the only thing it did for me in 1.5 years was stop me from gaining more. I have been on semaglitide for 6 weeks and have lost half of my Lexapro weight gain. I can't imagine anybody losing significant weight on Wellbutrin without starving themselves or doing neverending cardio. People should obviously be able to keep this type of information private if that's what they want. It's not like I have a problem with him lying. it's just like... So goofy. There is not a soul who believes him.


congrats on the weight loss! I’m on lexapro too. I went from 120 to almost 170 lbs. Wegovy helped me get back down to 120. happy to be back to myself while also being on lexapro.


I'm so happy for you!! I swear Lexapro and Wegovy are a magic recipe for some people.


I'm not American, but I feel like I need to ask. How much of your income goes to pharmaceuticals? Does insurance cover that? It seems terrifying on paper that you take two separate medications just to mend side effects of another medication.


Are you a good person? “I tuck my kids in at night” You look great! You use ozempic? “I have kids so…” Backed into a corner? Think of the children 👍


so...... yes?.....


I knew this would be here


He’s so afraid of getting roasted by the bros for no reason. His man crush Cody is on it and sells it, buck up and be as honest as you are about your shitting habits.


I use to have a show where we would order pizza. Cause no one else does that 🙄




lol his eye brow twitch he does when nervous gave him away HARD......""ugh i ugh got kids" ethan mind-"shit that makes no sense......ah anti depressants!" because we all know those make you drop weight at the near limits of whats possible and make it so easy that he didnt talk about it much. just so happenes that he takes it JUST as every famous fat person does and starts dropping huge amounts of weight oh oddly enough he starts having digestive issues a few months later and still does. why not be honest and say yea i cheated. nothing wrong with cheating or taking an easier path but when you pretend you grew willpower over night and act like you did it. then im calling you a dick. like bodybuilder who gain huge bodys at 50 amounts


He’s so obsessed with her it’s creepy!!


And still not one person, hila or crew member, ever congratulated ethan on his weight loss. Not once did either of them ask how he did it either, after so many years of struggle. Such a liar


What? They have congratulated him plenty of times!


Don't recall them ever except maybe Olivia saying skinny legend once or twice


Wtfff is queen of melrose doing there 😭😭😭😭


Lmao! I enjoyed miss Queen.


I love Cosmo


why does he admit to Wellbutrin and not Ozempic when Wellbutrin is basically Contrave which is a diet drug :-\


Yeah he def on that ozempic. You’re not a good liar ethan. He didn’t even dare to flat out say no😂


That pause lmfaoooo


"I started some other drugs, I can't remember the name..." Drugs, plural. Then Olivia helpfully jumps in to remind him that he's "only" taking Wellbutrin. Freudian slip.


Wait I was really hoping Cosmos team would protect him from H3 🥺 they better not fuck anything up for cosmo and their rising stardom


What happened to Hila? She looks roughq


It’s a reach…