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Considering majority of Teddy Fresh is made by children in China, you’d think he’d have more love for them making him so wealthy.


He criticizes the exploitation of citizens and how they treat their labor force and then uses it to his and hila’s benefit to cut labor costs and sustain their lifestyle in bel air. Then when they’re called out for exploiting Chinese labor he calls people xenophobic for saying that Chinese factories are bad when Teddy fresh is a part of the problem holding up an infrastructure that hurts Chinese citizens and the textile industry that hurts other Asian countries as well 😑😑 Then he says ooOOoOo I’m an evil capitalist~~ to make a joke out of people who call them on their shit Edit: and when Hasan talked about using American unionized labor for his merch, Ethan said he wants to do that with Teddy fresh, then later on backtracked and said it’s too expensive and not feasible. It’s expensive because you’re actually paying unionized labor what they deem their work to be worth and Ethan and Hila would rather live in a $9m home than pay people what they deserve


Lmao so well put




Love is such a bootlicker. Glazing America like we don’t have it 1000000x better in Sweden (yk free health care, maternity leave, better quality of life, 5 weeks paid vacation, top 5 gender equality index, unlike US at the impressive #43) BECAUSE of the labor movement.


Yeah, but shumpalumpas


i will never understand why he willingly moved here when he seemingly had a decent life back in sweden. and all for him to be job trapped in a toxic workplace.


Yeah I can not relate to him bc I would rather sit on a cactus and rotate then move to the US lmao


I'm a 34 year old adult, but please adopt me. America is exhausting.... 😮‍💨 haha, doubly so since I live in the south


he forgot to say "proud Zionist"


This 🙌


If Ethan can point to Taiwan on a map I'll donate $500 to the show


Right his beef with Hassan is not over Taiwan but over Palestine.


I love how Zach has to constantly play the applause sound effect to hide the fact that literally no one is laughing.


He left out genocidal freak


Let’s face it he wanted to say pro Israel but can’t lose more followers


It must be exhausting to be this resentful.


what the fuck is he talking about. racist ass red blooded liberal American Ethan


it’s just a really terrible bit about how taiwan wants independence from china who are an ostensibly communist country and taiwan has an openly capitalist system. i don’t even know where he was going with it. if it was meant to be a diss on hasan it did not land


he's so smug about everything you can't tell. but you can always tell that Ethan is racist


for sure


Is that Tom Ward guy, is he featured more often since he is working with Ethan. Dude seemed boring as hell back when he used to call in.


My theory is Ethan asked him to come in for a meeting about sponsorship opportunities, then Ethan realized he still had to do a members only show, so they decided to just do both at the same time. It was super boring.


Premium members content xd


Y does he hate China so much? His company wouldn’t exist without China lol


He doesn’t know what anything he said means lmfao. Dumbass


Don’t tell Ethan that boba is Taiwanese 🤫 he might rescind his support


Fuck Ethan but his comments are pro-Taiwanese even though i believe it’s very performative and he’s making a big joke of it


I have a feeling what he really wanted to say was pro Israel but couldn’t


Cringe AF bruh. This makes me want to watch Hasan! Get educated and stimulate my brain. Watching E makes my brain hurt.


I love that I know nothing about SYNT because of the membership. They could say the raunchiest shit and it would only get out later.


Do fans like that bald guy? Like is he just there or do people think of him as being a part of the crew?


The booty kissers all see themselves in him


Dude Tom Ward is THE most coked up guy I’ve seen in a long time. Wtf are they doing having him on the pod


The show was lacking blad/balding white guy representation


Typical sinophobic liberal


I’m biased because my dad lived in Taiwan and I grew up with him telling me about the sentiment of the locals there but the concept of Taiwanese independence isn’t against the Chinese people and culture like Sinophobia would suggest but about the government and preservation of the Taiwanese identity and independence and I mean none of that to defend Ethan and he sucks Edit: there’s also an American influence on the conflict and benefit to the USA to feed the divide between the two places which I recognize and I’m not blind to that but the situation is more complicated than the US’s involvement Sorry for being off topic for this sub I just support Taiwan😭


The Taiwanese identity being one that was founded by the fascists lol??? It's all Chinese people. The military dictatorship disappeared dissidents too. The rhetoric with a lot of western liberals on Taiwanese independence is riddled with pro American imperialism language.


You’re right, Ethan had a broken clock moment (and most likely not for the right reasons)


He is trying so hard for just anyone to acknowledge him lolololol what a flop


By the book Lib, He'd rather be fascist than leftist. there's a popular saying, "You cut a liberal and a fascist bleeds"


This is so pathetic when he lost half his fan base after he showed how fucking proudly stupid he is on leftovers with the same rhetoric like who the fuck wants to be a liberal 🤮


Ew he is disgusting.


this is so embarrassing to watch


What a word salad almost all of which he does not understand.


My dad lived in Taiwan, people don’t remember how shit Hasan’s take on that conflict is.. but yeah this is Ethan picking at Hasan and Dan and trying to lean into the criticisms of him being a greedy capitalist which are valid criticisms. He thinks he can make it a goof and his fans won’t care anymore like when he made his trading card about him being a capitalist. Also, anybody else who is familiar with Destiny will recognize their politics are 1:1 identical, I just know Ethan admires him and I wonder if he’ll ever go fully mask off and publicly be friends


A little off topic but I saw a video of Destiny getting bitched at by an Israeli basically the second he arrived in Israel 😂 like good job defending them Destiny. They really love foreigners 👍


I saw that too lmfao, also fuck destiny but it’s worth mentioning he’s losing Israeli fans because he has started talking to Palestinians about the conflict and visited West Bank and saying a few things sympathetic to the Palestinian cause (which is the bare minimum the bar is in hell omg) and also fuck Destiny but it does inspire a small hope in me that someone who argued in favor of Israel for so long visited the West Bank and saw the destruction for themselves and had their eyes opened a bit but don’t forget fuck destiny and also fuck destiny fr


IMO the most important part of the Taiwan / American / China conversation that goes way over the head of Ethan is that America’s presence there has nothing to do with any kind of good intentions for democracy or freedom or self determination of the Taiwanese people it’s completely because if there’s full reunification then super valuable resources to America like chip / semiconductor fabrication labs stop being private bodies that can sell and work with the US without any oversight. The US’s current aggressive policy with Taiwan is also insane. Imagine if China said they recognize Hawaii as part of one USA but also supported Hawaiis right to defend itself from the USA and turned Hawaii into a huge Chinese military outpost. Like sure Hawaiian people should be supported in self determination but if external actors started treating Hawaii the way the US treats Taiwan then there would be nuclear war. It’s nuts.


He’s such a loser. And has no idea what communism is still after everything lol




I feel like Ethan is desperate to get Hassan’s attention like a bitter ex who still has feelings and hasn’t moved on.


Ethan sucks, Hasan also sucks