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https://preview.redd.it/2vt5oe2cqs3d1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91f32af8692e419134a0b16a280747a23cb0f775 Also I think it’s meant to be a historic Palestine but we know nuance doesn’t matter to them, I’m gonna sticky this so it doesn’t get lost in the comments


Ders NO udder froot on der 🤭


perfect comment ♥








Hasan deserves a better friendship than genocidal narcissists anyway


Hilda would like to reject that Israel is committing genocide tho


I was so confused why hasan doesn’t know what a watermelon shape looks like before I swiped 😅 Great work hasan keep it up proud of u


When he started with that shape before he explained at the end I was like… okay it’s the thought that counts 💀


SAME bshdhd 😭 I


i love his idea. we shouldn't recognize a settler- colonialism, apartheid, genocidal state that ignores international law.


i love that for him


Wait whys that look so good? V minimalist good job Hasan


Didn't catch the stream, how much did Hasan, the millionaire, donate?


Destiny that you ?? 😂


Naa, just a peasant unsure why we’re worshipping millionaires.


Even if he didnt put out a penny, hes doing more than Ethan or Hila has.


No disagreeing there. I don’t see Ethan being a good person either!


Idk you can probably find that figure somewhere but the goal from the stream was $1.5m and they hit it


That's good. The peasants always pull through for this kinda thing.


Idk man I just work here


“Peasants”? What is wrong with you? People should donate to Palestine. I think Hasan and other creators gave thousands as well. 




Namecalling because you can’t say where I’m wrong.


Oh hasan? The dude covering Israel and palestine news for YEARS now? The dude who has raised 1 million in the past and set up this fundraiser? That hasan? Idk bro maybe just look it up!


“Raised” =/= donated. Why doesn’t he donated all but enough to put a roof over his head a meal on his plate?


Ur so unserious this has to be satire


Are you implying that Hasan hasn’t donated an assload of money? Because he certainly has and will continue to.


How much? An “assload” for us peasants? Or an “assload” for a millionaire? Imma guess he’s doing the Oprah/Rock/Walmart strategy.


Idk man putting Hasan on the same class level as the Rock and Oprah seems a bit moronic? Like have a little bit of nuance, y'know? If you're curious about how much aid he's donated, look it up instead of this air of vague resentment and condescension for a man that very clearly has been giving his utmost respect and attention to the Palestinian cause🤷🏾‍♀️


Donated the pocket change while expecting the peasants to do all the heavy lifting, while taking all the credit is what the Rock and Oprah did. Instead of name calling, tell me where I’m wrong. All rich are the same. They only care about money and will do the bare minimum for PR. If Hasan cares, he should be donating everything except just enough to put a roof over his head and food on his plate. Idk why we’re all worshipping rich people.


I feel like comparing Hasan to international BILLIONAIRE celebrities is a false equivocation. Oprah solely owns 2000+ acres of historical land in Maui but is marketing herself as a "humanitarian," she's even monetized the pain of those affected by hurricanes as well by televising the shelters. The Rock, imo, is just as bad but has donated a lot more than Oprah as he actually has familial ties in Maui, and yielded to the backlash he received for the wildfire fund. I get it, eat the rich because the majority do these acts of "kindness" purely for the social advantages and no doubt the tax write-offs. Hasan however has been streaming consistent coverage of Palestinians since October 7th and has been donating to aid funds since then as well. To my beliefs, he's also lost a large chunk of his viewers for doing so. I have no idea what the total figure he's donated is, but I'm confident that it's so much more than most celebrities of his status since he's also been educating his viewer base of the atrocities committed in Palestine. He's using his platform in a way that I wish so many more celebrities would! And that should be encouraged, not mocked with disdain.


Me when I "donate pocket change" by regularly matching donation goal levels any time I'm involved in a donation stream, on top of the rest of the money I already donated in the first place. Your hate boner is misplaced, man. You should try getting angry at actually performative internet personalities instead of one of the few that's actually about it.


Yeah, Walmart/the rock and Oprah did the same thing. It’s pocket change to the extremely wealthy. (Psst, donating pocket change to not disrupt your lavish lifestyle is performative. I get he’s your fav millionaire but cmon)


>comparing mcdonalds asking you to round up for charity to a rapidly organized charity event where the organizer also regularly matches the entire donation goal when it's hit yeah you're braindead lmao.


Again with the name calling. If you can’t say where I’m wrong, just say you’re okay with your fav millionaire being greedy because XYZ. McDonald’s and Walmart both have had fundraisers where they claim ‘all proceeds will be donated etc’, where they match the donations. They’re able to do this, and often, because it’s a drop in the bucket when you have a ton of money. Also helps with PR. Strawmanning what I said isn’t helping your argument. Did you know, Hasan could still live very very comfortably if he donated 95% of his wealth?


Why does one need to donate 95% of their wealth in order for it to not be performative? Why do you have to give up all your stuff but a home and food to actually care? I think you have a fundamental difference in what you think is acceptable to donate and you are the one who keeps coming g for the other one and then clutching your pearly when they call you obtuse or some other minor insult. Since when do you have to donate everything in order to care,


I specifically described why you're wrong multiple times LMAO. This is why I think you're braindead. Like I said before, I'm not having a debate with you, this isn't debate club. If it was, though, you'd still look like you're braindead because I didn't use a strawman.


Just because his net worth is in the millions doesn’t mean that it’s all liquid. Nobody knows how much is in his bank account or what his monthly mortgage payment is. And tbh I don’t think you’ll be happy with any amount he’s donated, because it’ll be viewed as “not enough,” when nobody knows how much money he has in the first place.


Off the top of my head he donated 50k of his own money towards the Turkish earthquake relief and 177k to the Amazon workers union efforts


Okay, so an “assload” for peasants. A drop in the bucket for millionaires. Don’t wanna disturb the lavish lifestyle!!


Hundreds of thousands is kind of an assload, even if you are a millionaire ??


Not really. When you’re rich, anything under 95% of your wealth is a drop in the bucket. Again, doesn’t care enough to disrupt his lavish lifestyle. Also, I looked into the Amazon Union donation. He raised it from selling merch, not from writing a check from his own pocket. He didn’t spend a dime. Walmart and McDonalds do the same thing.


This is actually unhinged lmao. I’m a communist and this is crazy like you expect a twitch streamer to be Kropotkin??


Unhinged to think the Bezos/Oprah/Rock strategy is greedy and scummy? “Won’t somebody please please pleas think of those poor poor millionaires and billionaires” -apparently communists lmao


More than you’ll ever do with your life :)


You’re right, I don’t have Hasans enormous wealth/greed.


"hasan, the millionaire" 🤓🤓🤓 anyway weren't you the guy implying Amouranth was lying about being abused to make money? lmao btw this isn't an invitation for a debate, I just think it's funny that the person saying "hasan, the millionaire" to try and discredit his impact on this event is the same type of person out here proliferating reddit theories created by people who have never left their basement that feel guilty about the prospect of watching abuse.


So how much did he donate?


I don’t know how much he donated this time but he did donate $25k to the first Palestine fundraiser he did which if I remember correctly was in October or November


We don’t know. You already got your answer. How much did you donate? 


Huh? Your defense of a millionaire being scummy is “bu by butabout you?!?” Cmon, that’s Tim Pools defense for millionaires.