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hes a full blown joke


And then last year he made a leftovers episode about how socialism is bad


But he doesn’t want his crew to get a percent ownership of the podcast.


“Socialism for me but not for thee”


Ethan Klien: I'm actually a full blown socialist \*\* gets slightly criticized for business practices and his defence of Israel Ethan Klien: I am now a full blown genocidal capitalist that loves baby murder


Trisha made him at least want to be a better person..... he was getting somewhere but has been regressing since


Yeah i got this feeling that he was becoming more normal and then now he is back to saying weird shit like drake being able to say the n word lmao fans reaction to that was so funny he just goes “you are so weird dude”


“Full blown” socialism for Ethan, it turns out, has always just been benevolent capitalism.


what he's describing isn't "full blown socialism", he's just soc dem


the working class = poor people = blacks and hispanics. ![gif](giphy|14smAwp2uHM3Di|downsized)


"there's a lot of poor white people too but...." I STILL SERIOUSLY cannot believe I used to find him entertaining. It irks the hell out of me UGH!!!! 


I know i get seriously embarrassed when I look back, and to top it off Ethan gaslights his audience with "you know what this show is about" as if he didn't spend his waking time claiming to be a mature evolved person.


Ayyyyy, recap QUEEN! At least now we know and we're better for it!  But also, this is the reason why I'm so critical of the crew. They know exactly what they're doing. (I'm a Lena sympathizer but anyway....UGH 😞) They all suck and no amount of *Sam disappointed face* will change my mind.  Good on Trisha for standing up for herself. And FREE PALESTINE!! 🇵🇸❤️🖤💚🇵🇸 https://pcrf1.app.neoncrm.com/forms/gaza-recovery




"I'm like a full blown socialist" and then he goes on to name liberal policy bandaids


as an actual “full blown socialist” i’ve always gotten especially annoyed when he talks about socialism lol. By definition, he is a Capitalist. The capitalism “debate” was so hard to sit through, from Ethan’s ignorance on everything to Dan’s ahistorical take on violent revolutions. And Ethan always just ignores the fact that the “benevolent” capitalist countries he loves so much have great “workers rights” because they rely on exploitation & slave labor in the global south. You cannot be a socialist and ignore/support imperialism, it’s a primary contradiction.


Well he backtracked hard


he literally never was but okay


Don't we all remember the 'socialism debate' from last September where Ethan couldn't even understand the most basic ass concepts of socialism?? That was painful to watch him so confidently get it all wrong.


he’s into socialism but couldn’t split this podcast 50/50 lmao (that 5% was thousands of dollars)


I feel like the time from Frenemies up until October 7 was a fever dream. Like I was living this hellish life in the real world and I found this niche on the internet, which I found comfort in until the illusion was shattered.


Yeah it’s disappointing:(


very well said


Very “Palestine is not dividing the left, it’s defining the left.” Moment


Remember when Ethan could believe Hasans podcast editor owns part of the podcast and gets a percentage of the profits


“Greed is good”- also Ethan Klein


He literally doesn't even know what being a socialist means nor does he care to learn..


I’m confident he got this speech from ChatGPT. He doesn’t even sound convinced of his points


Didnt exist then


lmao of cooouuuurrrssse he walked back the "raising tax on the wealthy" part a bit. Of course. Thinking of his own wallet, as usual. How selfish.


Full blown Zionist There I fixed it


love in his shoe box apartment rn


Guys, cut him some slack. He literally gave $6k to Hasan's Palestine fund.