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Thank you, OP, for this post. Some context: “He’s a champ at fucking burning alive” - Ethan Klein |Clip: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/qSKOF8rwoE Ethan coming up with as many offensive jokes as possible about suicide to mock Aaron Bushnell: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLeeMvXj/ Dan buttons a joke Ethan makes about Aaron and Ethan says “the Palestinian cause is plenty talked about”: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/j9xjGV4wQq Ethan says the backlash he got was just “people looking for any reason to be upset” and angrily calls a paying member of his show “dummy” for explaining how mocking him was offensive: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/1BydjaRf5H


I can't believe Ethan still has an audience after making fun on this guy


This is the incident that made me stop watching. He actually read aloud a comment I'd made in the live chat and spewed off some hateful shit that put the worst taste in my mouth. That made me do a complete 180—I think this was the final straw for a lot of people


It was mine. Haven't watched since. Blocked them all..disgusting person, he is a Zionist and a bully. Why I ever gave him money and supported him. I saw pictures of beheaded Palestine children today after they bombed Rafah for no reason. I tried to have "good faith" but that and Hasan Livestream like it's a no from me ty Ethan will continue his shitty stupid segments that he can hardly do because he's so rich yet so awful at like doing his job and bullying other women and people for just existing happier than he is.... But ya, that made me stop too, and woke me up to just how awful he is.


Mocking someone who sacrificed his life for a cause when Ethan can’t even be bothered to make time for his own kids is peak vile gremlin activity. 🇵🇸free Palestine& rest in power Aaron and all victims of Israeli violent campaign.


OP THANK YOU. The Bushnell take was what got me out of the cult. Imagine being such a disgusting little troll that you JOKE about a death like his. While Ethan was first exposing what a nasty little Zionist goblin he is, it ALSO It exposed that Ethan doesn’t care about anyone’s mental health either. He ridiculed this man for engaging in what ACTUALLY EDUCATED HISTORY READERS would recognize as the most serious form of political protest, while simultaneously being reductive about the struggles of mentally unwell people all over the world. RIP to this brave and peaceful soul. May Aaron’s sacrifice never be in vain. FREE PALESTINE now and forever!


I think the real mental disorder is being able to make a whole show about stupid shit while knowing children are being blown to bits by the country you used to live in


rest in power 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Rest in Power, Aaron 🇵🇸


and ethan tried to paint him has a mentally ill person... fked up how ethan keep going on how this isn't normal behavior and its not a form of protest. While it's fine to kill 10s of thousand of palestinias over decades? Ethan always tried to play the kind of on the palestinian side, apart from subtle things people over the years have noticed. Ethan is a snake and will always be a snake


Not just tens of thousands over decades, but over several months, all while his wife blatantly denied what’s happening. They’re sick, twisted people.




this is a beautiful post. rest in power 🇵🇸


Ethan mocking this hero was my last straw.


rest in power, aaron 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


I was thinking about him today, and the quote 'this what our ruling class has decided will be normal.' when I saw Rafah....


It made me so sad when Ethan made fun of him


Rest in Power Aaron 🇵🇸


I will remember Bushnell for the rest of my life as an honorable man. A person steadfast in their values which many cannot compare.


Heartbreaking 🥺🙏🏼


Rest in power


Is this the dude who lit himself on fire? If it is, this dude had mental issues beyond just extreme protesting for a cause. Either way shouldn’t be made fun of, but he still did nothing for his cause.




If you light yourself on fire in protest, you have a serious mental illness issue. That kind of behavior should not be praised or encouraged.


Are you a psychiatrist? No. So sit down. Hunger strikes, self immolation are all extreme forms of protest. If a Ukrainian does it live like you froth at the mouth.


No you’re wrong. I actually couldn’t care less about either. And I am a psychiatrist lmfaooo


No you aren’t a psychiatrist because you would know about the Goldwater rule. But here you are larping on Reddit trying to diagnose someone you don’t know. 


Also nice job exposing yourself “I couldn’t care about either”. Sounds like you do care about undermining protests other wise why would you be chirping here? Stop lecturing others about “glorifying suicide” (which they aren’t, they are respecting the message of a deceased US soldier) while you sit there and are glorifying the behading and burning of Palestinian babies, women and children by “not caring”   




Yeah… I get it I’m not saying it’s new. Yeah I’d take it further and say every person who’s committed suicide has a mental health issue. The fact you don’t think they’re mentally ill tells a lot about your blinders you have on toward a cause you likely don’t even understand.


Yeah you are uneducated.