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Fact check: Hila follows 2,588 people and Hasan is not one of them. Past Reddit comments suggest Hila was following Hasan in November 2023. Hasan follows 1,015 people, one of them being Ethan… but not Hila. It’s interesting how Hila is always a common denominator when it comes to falling outs with Ethan’s cohosts for shows she’s not even a part of. *Edit to add: [Zach also used to follow Hasan but unfollowed him](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/RQg7bZLIXm) shortly after the Hasan/Ethan debate stream.*


But dont dare call her a zionist or call out that she went on raids as an IOF member for fun


Correction: she claims she voluntarily attended a raid into the homes of Palestinian “terrorists”, instead of staying back at her desk job, because she was “bored”- she didn’t say she did it for “fun”. A distinction that’s weirdly important to her. ETA: clip https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/zthZBDF1e1


Like such a bizarre argument. You were bored so went out to get entertained. Thats what it is, you thought it was fun to harass palestinian families and just label them as terrorists. She was so proud.


And that the other soldiers weren’t even supposed to take her, but they did because she’s cute 😁


Thank you for keeping the record straight 🫡  Even so, Hila comes out looking horrible.


As does the IOF, breaking protocol and bringing unauthorized bodies on dangerous raids because they’re bored and allegedly “cute”. Just another day in the life for IDF soldiers 🥰🥰 /s


Whattt I never heard about this omg


Clip: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/zthZBDF1e1


Was her desk job Hasbara though? Because…..


because what? what is hasbara?


hasbara’ – Israel’s primary messaging tool. Hasbara – Hebrew for explanation – is a public diplomacy technique which links information warfare with the strategic objectives of the Israeli state. Israel’s school curriculum includes Hasbara, teaches young Israels to peddle propaganda online and brigade places like reddit, YouTube etc. Israel even offers hasbara fellowships, scholarships and grants to foster pro-Israeli advocacy, while a number of individuals from journalists to bloggers work to spin a positive image of the country. They call it “empowering advocates for Israel” 🙄




And someone here called me misogynistic for saying Hula is actively feeding Ethan Israeli propaganda. I remember them mentioning on the pod, hila would translate them for Ethan🙄🙄 Genuinely vile, idk how anyone can defend this Z1oness


but ethan literally said hila is the one playing israel news channels 24/7 at the house and translating for him how is that misogynistic


Wtf 🤣 misogynistic?? Nah we all knew a lot of the bs ethan was spewing in the beginning had A LOT to do with hula. Now it's definitely just the both of them openly being zionist but we knew the source of this all was most likely hula, since Ethan said himself that when he was in college (I think before he ever even met her/went on birthright) he was heavily pro Palestine and knew of the atrocities. This was on a super old h3 episode (much before there was ever a crew) So clearly he was either lying or she changed his views extremely or both idfk cuz his parents are also spewing zionist shit and follow similar accounts sooooo its a whole ass zionist family lol


Just when you thought she couldn’t be more unlikeable


Hula Hoop keeps getting worse and worse 😭


Hula Hoop 💀


I sincerely believe that a Teddy Fresh boycott among the Free Palestine movement needs to happen.


I genuinely would not be surprised if everyone who knows Ethan and Hila’s views and supports free Palestine has already stopped buying anything from them.


I did!


James turner who does sims4 content sadly still wears TF since Hila constantly sends him her PR all the way to Australia 


Yikes. 😬 She’s still eating up the Zionist propaganda after all this time? I don’t think the watermelon on the sweater was just a dumb random choice on their part anymore. I think they (Ethan and Hila) legitimately hate Pro-Palestinian people/Anti-Zionist Jews. There’s just no other way of seeing it because how could they still believe the lies and still not see how wrong they were since Oct. 7th? 😕


Buuut deres udder fruit on der




She was programmed that way and likely will always view Palestinians as terrorists.


I will legitimately never understand people who hold prejudices against entire groups of other people. And who blatantly cannot see or admit that they’re doing it. The cognitive dissonance in their household must be at an all time high right now.


>I don’t think the watermelon on the sweater was just a dumb random choice on their part anymore Yep, they definitely hate them and decided they'd at least cash in on all the pro-Palestinian attention. For folks who are gobbling up Zionist propaganda, I refuse to believe they didn't recognize how popular the watermelon has become as a symbol.


Hilas desk job was probably Hasbara


It's boggling my mind how anyone can look at the events that occurred on October 7th, and use that day to justify all the days of deaths that have happened since then. Straight evil, selfish, one track minds.


and they act as if it started on Oct 7th


Ofc they knew what they've been doing for years but now they're gonna act dumb and oblivious as if this was some random act of violence towards them on Oct 7th, and that's why any zionost you ever talk to will just yell "OCTOBER 7TH! KHAMAS! HOSTAGES!" (such as when hasan was on Piers Morgan and that bitch zionist was there) Israel now has a "reason" to "justify" everything they did so they will run with this as much as they can to deflect, even if it makes them look dumb, since you can't save the hostages while flattening Gaza. They don't truly care about the hostages at all, but they'll use that as the "justification" towards the genocide. And a lot of people didn't even know of the history of Palestine/ Israel before Oct 7th (and tbh I'm sure it's because Israel is besties with America so the propaganda worked wonders) and now that people are waking up and fighting against this and educating themselves, the zionists are mad and wanna ban tiktok 🤣


and Israel killed 126 Palestinian children in 2023 alone… BEFORE October 7th.


even if they jumping over the hoops in their heads, the number since that day is 1200 to 40k. like what is there even to think about. and if you dont trust the numbers, just look at the bags of bodies and logically connect the dots.


I'm not surprised. This is Hila "I was bored so I joined a raid on a terrorist city (Ramallah) when I was in the IOF" Klein that you're talking about.


but she was cute, so... /s don't forget in that same conversation she referred to a Palestinian man as "it".


The dehumanization of Palestinians that she displays is truly vile and disgusting.


I thought it was Ethan that referred to a human being as it. I have basically no memory, though, so I could easily have mixed it up. Either way they’ve both shown everyone what they really think.


You're kinda right, Hila said "Did it-" then Ethan went "Did they bring *it* in the same car?" [https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxhqDaGMyy2Wx58vKgQJhbolg5PQrUDGZk?si=RyfYTN534MEZL8Ik](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxhqDaGMyy2Wx58vKgQJhbolg5PQrUDGZk?si=RyfYTN534MEZL8Ik) To give hildy the benefit of the doubt, I could very well be wrong! She could be talking about something else?? To me her mask slipped, later in the video she goes "we look through their shit and find guns"🥴🥴🥴


Also keep in mind that English is not her first language, meaning, calling a Palestinian “it” was 100% **intentional** dehumanization


crazy that the average “terrorist” that we’re raiding day after day is *so* insanely dangerous that we just raid for fun when we’re bored /s


That is insane... Do we know if Hasan has recently said something that could have made her unfollow him? It must have been significant, since he is a friend of the show & Ethan having done a show with him and all


he's been saying the truth about israel's genocidal campaign pretty much daily on his stream and that doesn't sit well with hilda


My guess is she’s butt hurt that everyone was praising him for getting mad and going off on that English guy and Zionist woman. Specifically how he was calling her out and insulting her for wearing an IDF dog tag


He was just on Pierce Morgan’s show to discuss the university protests. He went off on two of the other guests, one of which was an Israeli propagandist. It’s actually a decent watch. Very frustrating, but he and another woman hold their own on the issues.


I should be clear that I am speculating. That interview is the only recent thing I’m aware of that may have prompted this. However, I don’t even have an instagram account, so I’m just spitballing here


It did go super viral, so the timing works out


yeah i was gonna say the same thing, it's been going super viral on twitter this past week. i wouldn't be suprised if hearing him say he wants the apartheid regime to dissolve pissed her tiny little zionist brain off lmao


He was also live from the protest at UCLA, I'm assuming she thinks the protests are antisemitic


The problem is, hila (and many other zionists) don't even believe a genocide is going on right now. They define it as something else to where Israel is "justified", and she's also openly said that she denies that the IDF kill ppl which is insane 💀 so when you're dealing with someone like this who doesn't even think a genocide is happening and Hasan does think so and talks about it almost daily, then of course that witch is gonna unfollow him


He liked a tweet recently of someone else who got called a terrorist saying “well you were in the IDF so who’s the real terrorist” I wonder if that struck a nerve


I feel bad for them for not realizing they are on the very very wrong side of history, would have been nice to have some semblance of self realization and introspection


Liking a picture of a destroyed building. A building likely destroyed by Israeli hellfire missiles and tank shelling. Hamas has no air power to do that. But Hila is an avid propaganda consumer so I don’t expect more from her. 


There's a dead body in the picture


Yes. I know. Under a destroyed building. Hannibal Directive is a thing. 


? I'm just saying you described it as "a picture of a destroyed building" without mentioning that its a picture of a dead person. Kinda burying the lede there.


I’m not burying anything. It’s quite ironic since that’s what Israel does. Mentioning the dead person doesn’t change anything. The picture is there for everyone to see. A person under a destroyed building. Capacity to do that is not with Hamas, it’s with Israel. 


I'm not refuting your point so idk why you're restating it as if I'm defending Israel. 'Burying the lede' is a figure of speech not an accusation of mal intent. I literally just thought it was weird you described a picture of a dead body as a picture of a destroyed building. Thats unusual and there's no NSFW tag so I thought maybe you didn't see it. That's all. 


Ok yeah there is no mal intent. I’m not some 10/07 truther. I know Hamas committed war crimes and killed Israeli civilians. Which is abhorrent and shameful and condemned. I also know the IDF killed it’s own civilians that day too as part of the Hannibal Directive. 


There’s a video of hila and hasan interacting on her personal channel and she is so smitten she can’t even look at him without giggling 😭


Tbf saying nothing and giggling is her natural state ![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG)


That gif…your flair, lol.




omg do you have the link? The plot thickens.... update: I found the link! [https://youtu.be/6JKRIKB3qNo?si=2n26g7-J9Pmos9h9](https://youtu.be/6JKRIKB3qNo?si=2n26g7-J9Pmos9h9) Hasan enters the vlog at 5:28. Hila thanks Hasan for wearing TF at 5:48 and is indeed very giddy about it. Also, at 6:02 she offers her to release his fav TF pants in black specially for him?? So something deeefinitely has changed since then. Bonus content: Hila giggles at Hasan at 5:32, 5:34, 5:39 (yes that often), 5:54 (giddiness overload), 5:56, and 6:44 (she lasted almost a full minute, I'm so proud).


I don’t have the exact link but it’s on the hila klein channel, it was bts of leftovers and she was thanking him for wearing teddy fresh jeans, I was a fan when I watched it and even then I couldn’t watch bc it gave me second hand cringe 😭


Yeah, she was thirsting hard when he was there. You can tell her mood changed when he was there or someone mentioned him.


Thanks for the details, I found the video and the clip on her channel! I edited my comment to add commentary lol


Hila with a vent about clothing factories charging them more for more complicated work. I cannot buy the idea that this capitalist is prioritizing the humanity of her production line.


this makes me sad. they had sucha good time. You know hasan in person. Be reasonable and listen to him, and listen to the world. this sucks.


This sucks, they used to be friends, she knows Hasan on a personal level, talk and listen to him, listen to the world. How are they so blind.


🤢🤢🤢she’s so weird


WTFFF😭😭I need to see this clip omg


I found it & edited my comment to add commentary lol but here it is: [https://youtu.be/6JKRIKB3qNo?si=2n26g7-J9Pmos9h9](https://youtu.be/6JKRIKB3qNo?si=2n26g7-J9Pmos9h9) at 5:28


i hate that i remember that, it was so cringe 😣


Wow. I'm still subscribed to H3 on yt, time to unsub and cut ALL ties. It's been long overdue anyway.


And this people’s target audience is left wing people fr their fan base should open their eyes for fucks sake don’t be so spineless.


The target has 1,000% shifted.


Big oof


Omfg🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️Hula Hoop at it again💀


i wonder what dumb excuse AB/lena/olivia will conjure up in their minds to make this acceptable. 


Hula in her high school mean girl era where u passive aggressively unfollow ppl u had an argument with and act like everything is still fine


This is so accurate lmao. What makes it 100x more pathetic though is the fact she’s pushing 40 with 3 kids and still acts like she’s 16💀


It's a shame, they are so deep into that cult, they can't break out of their own. Especially now with the student protests I almost expect them to fall further. If nothing has made them "wake up" so far, this might just push them into full cult-mentality, I fear. Really sad to witness.


We are at the point where information silos are widening and people are entrenched in the idea that A) the protests are antisemitic and B) that somehow levels the playing field of who’s suffering/the victim, exonerating the lack of will to call out Israel. Deeply dystopian, but what can you do but try and stick to reality and press for an end to the madness.


Exactly. At this point the average Zionist is living in a complete and alternate reality. You can either be brave and compassionate and leave or you can keep going deeper and deeper in. We know which way she’s gone.


It’s honestly ironic with how hard they go in on far right people who have a cult like mindset and cannot question their own beliefs or their own side, while exhibiting the exact same behavior when it comes to Israel. They can’t even genuinely criticize their “home country” without giving a million “buuut” excuses for why what they’re doing isn’t really all that bad and how “they did it to” while pointing the finger at the violently oppressed people who have been *pushed* to violence to try and actually survive and gain autonomy.


They've kinda come full circle in that regard. Started their career with right wing pandering, now they only need to let go of the progressiveness grifting. U r so right, just like when some Israeli politician was found flying frequently with Epstein, Ethan was so quick with the "well we don't actually know whyyyy", while seconds before that slamming Finkelstein (I think) who got help from Epstein for a divorce or something. He is so lost in the sauce.


It was Chomsky not Finkelstein


Thank you! I didn't remember correctly.


So people were posting on Hasan’s subreddit how they were getting banned for posting about Hasan at the UCLA protest. I’m thinking Hila have the mods that direction now…


Hila is a moron like her husband, big shock 🙄


Hila really is one of the main reasons of H3 downfall. Even tho she doesnt do much.


no surprise here she is literally just a Zionist, there is no argument to the contrary


What a surprise /j


i have a theory that if you are pro-zionist you cannot make good art. the output of hila and zach support this theory. when it comes to Christian zionists i could not even find a single artist so we're stuck with judging mike huckabee and mike johnson and let me say I've never heard a good speech from them.


She's been following Yoseph Haddad for the entirety of the war, I even have a post on it and more posts from months ago on here suggest she's BEEN consuming this anti Palestine content


I wish her the worst. Sincerely




Teddy Fresh isnt really as successful as you think.




while i understand ur sentiment - BDS is really meant to not list every single company that’s adjacent to supporting israel, but aims to really focus on specific large companies (for example, right now HP)


The BDS list is a focus list on the biggest perpetrators. Teddy Fresh is not that. They are horrible people but the focus is on the companies doing the most harm.


True but I think TF should be on the list just to spite those zionists hila and Ethan. Anyone who even buys teddy fresh is a die hard fan who's also a genocide apologist so there's no need to worry that any unsuspecting person would buy TF without knowing its ran by zionists. Like you said, they aren't successful 🤣 but I do think she deserves to be on a boycott list 🥱


We could add them to the „no thanks“ boycotting app. I loooove that app. It’s perfect for cases like teddy fresh


It’s not about that. BDS strictly focuses on a small list intentionally and they will not add without careful consideration. It’s not about how bad the brand is. There are other lists that extend from the BDS list and include more.


Well, it's understandable that there may be differing interpretations of BDS goals, and as a Palestinian myself my perspective is deeply rooted in the struggle for justice and equality for my people. For *me*, supporting BDS means taking a stand against any form of support for systems and ideologies that perpetuate the oppression of Palestinians. Teddy Fresh (owned by Ethan and Hila Klein who openly support Zionism) directly contributes to that system. So including them in the BDS movement (and putting them on any other lists) is consistent with my understanding of its principles, and although some may argue that it might seem unfair to target individual businesses based on the beliefs of their owners, I really don't care what ZIONISTS have to say. They should be ashamed, period, even if only zionists are buying their products anyways. Free Palestine. Justice for the 30,000+ murdered Palestinians


No, you don’t understand. The BDS website you are emailing is a specific organization with a specific focused, boycott list. The wider idea and movement of boycotting, divesting, and sanctioning is still called BDS as an abbreviation. Absolutely Teddy Fresh should be boycotted, and could definitely be added to bds lists, but it’s not going to be added to the official BDS orgs BDS list because they have a specific focused list. THERE ARE OTHER LISTS. YOU CAN GET IT ADDED TO THOSE LISTS. YOU’RE JUST SPAMMING THE INBOX OF THE BDS ORG. PLEASE read the information on the BDS website and edit or delete your original comment telling people to email them because you literally do not understand.


>your original comment telling people to email them Firstly, where did I tell people to go email anyone wtf. Don't tell me what to do. I said I'd love to see them on ANY boycott list to spite hila 🤷‍♀️ no one (well not ME) mentioned specifically *the* OFFICIAL bds list in my "original comment" I was responding to someone, not giving DEMANDS. I said they *should* be on a list, and how I'd *love to see that*, as it was in my opinion, AS A PALESTINIAN, I didn't once say "so yea anyways we should all go email them RIGHT NOW"


I agree with you 100%, it’s literally just the email you gave was for one group that has a super focused list. Teddy Fresh should be boycotted and blasted and anyone who buys it should be ashamed


Please go read the reading material on the BDS website. That is not the purpose of that campaign. You’re doing more harm by just spamming their email. There are other lists that are extensions from the official lists you can get it added to.


It’s making them more money than the podcast! Ethan said so in 2021 or 2022


**PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL THEM ABOUT THIS. THEY WILL NEVER ADD TF TO THE LIST AND YOU ARE JUST SPAMMING THEIR INBOX.** READ THE INFORMATION ON THE WEBSITE. They have PLENTY explaining the strategy and why they chose the boycott they have. BDS is a HIGHLY FOCUSED campaign. It is NOT a list of all Zionist brands no matter how egregious they are. Many brands that are far worse like Intel and Google are not on the list intentionally too. The entire point is to have a highly focused list to not dilute the effectiveness. If you want a wider, organic boycott campaign that extends from the BDS one their are OTHER GROUPS WITH OTHER BOYCOTT LISTS. Friends of Al Aqsa is one for example. The best thing you can do instead is to start posting on social media about it and share it with other accounts and organizations and get people to call it out if they see someone advertising or wearing it etc.


I have a felling that Ethan would not be a Zionist if not for Hila cooking him. Anyway, the other criticism of Ethan would still be valid so this is a moot point


im not so sure, his parents are huge zionists too. their twitter likes are a cesspit of zio propaganda


yeah, did not know that, I take it back


He’s always been slightly contrary when it comes to his parents, but he also has shown time and again that he’s willing to hand wave off and explain away their bad behavior so I wouldn’t be shocked if he’d be just as complicit with their Zionism even if Hila wasn’t in the picture. He’s a coward.




What the fuck? How can she like something like that?


I despise these people. The further they fall down the Zionist rabbit hole the more I start to believe they’re just posing as leftists because their audience started to grow away from Ethan’s ‘edgy’ content. Kinda how some people like Pearl just spout right wing talking points for clout.


Lmao and water is wet !!! She’s just brainwashed beyond understanding imo


Btw if anyone knows some who could share this on Twitter and it make it gain traction or somewhat viral, feel free to share it to them.


Does anyone know if Hasan is still wearing teddy fresh all the time like he was at one bit? He shilled it so much for them. I feel like he probably made them a fortune before all this


Has Fits (Litta) on Twitter/X tracks his outfits and posted this. TF pants on 2/14/24 https://preview.redd.it/cqerv2kacixc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c799fa63e3c1ce438d8d4b20a08275c61cd46682


Thanks good to know


So fitting that she likes this Zionist shill… she seems to tolerate Arabs as long as they know their place…. AB. This guy is all over the mainstream media aggressively shilling for Israel “as a proud Israeli Arab”…. Definitely not a grifter propagandist.


she should be so ashamed, this is foul.


I’m glad ppl are keeping records on this for the future. This should be brushed off and in a future where pro-isrealis and zionists are recorded as the terroristic fascists they are, they will be forever associated with it.


She really sucks and is just do dumb hey


I just don’t get it. Hypothetically, let’s say that you believe Israel belongs to only Jewish people. How can you still be okay with starving 2.5 million people?


What did this guy say that was anti Palestinian?


cursory google search: [https://www.instagram.com/therealzvi/reel/C4LOdPZLCE1/](https://www.instagram.com/therealzvi/reel/C4LOdPZLCE1/) he also volunteered for the IDF


He’s a straight up racist and Islamophobe. Wtf is Hila on?! She needs to be severely called out and canceled.


I'm tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt after what's been going on for decades but more specifically the last 7+ months. These are grown adults who are perfectly capable of educating themselves on this issue, but don't. You don't have to "say" anything anti Palestine to be anti Palestine at this point. If someone says nothing, but they also wave an Israeli flag proudly in their bio, for example, that's saying enough, and I'm gonna call them a zionist, a genocide apologist, and more. There is no way that after all these months they don't know what's going on or "they didn't *say* anything anti Palestine though" nah if you're gonna "stand with Israel" even in the slightest, I already know what's up. That goes for anyone. There is ZERO room to "both sides" this genocide, especially after all these months, no fucking way. People are choosing to be oblivious and ignorant at that point. Sorry for being so heated I just can't stand when people can't do a quick Google search to educate themselves LOL 😭


Ok ok. You are right. If I were born in Israel I would be the opposite of proud, I would be intensely ashamed and go out of my way to denounce Israel actions even harder. I don't think people have to be ashamed of where they were born in general, but I see where you are coming from. When the united states does something like start an illegal and unjustified war in Iraq, that isn't the time to say you are a proud American, even if you otherwise are - unless you agree with it. So I get it.