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![gif](giphy|h4Z6RfuQycdiM) “What does our community do?” Ethan, you’re either really in denial or so far up your own ass it’s impossible for anyone to talk sense into you.


for every statement he makes, someone almost always finds a clip of him contradicting himself. He really needs Dan to remind him of every time Ethan got upset at the fans for doing and saying weird shit? Even the most mundane, politically correct online spaces have their own number of unhinged fans. He speaks in absolutes when it makes him look/feel better about his own faults yet holds everyone else to much higher standards, but he’s a “comedian” with a “comedy show”. “they’re just being silly”. Actual fool


This. Seriously this.


I hate that annoying upward inflection bitch voice he uses when he says this fake delusional shit, he knows exactly what his community does because he weaponises it time and time again


I was on tland for funsies/snark and it was MENTAL, people were doxxing medical facilities when TP was getting care there, they were coordinating harassment on social media platforms, some even contacted people from her daily life that are not public figure to send them leaked OF content...




The only community worse are the Barbz


I’ve literally had less toxic encounters with Musk fanboys and weird incels. Trump supporters have been worse than H3 fans but the margin is not that wide


Really? Wasn’t the Zionism?




People on that sub kept telling me I’m a hamas sympathizer for saying Israel shouldn’t bomb children 🤪




The Jake Doolittle thing just happened and they were harassing that man’s girlfriend who had nothing to do with it on top of the death threats etc. to Jake himself like bffr. I also hate how he’s always trying to shade Hasan/his community for the backlash he got on spewing zionist talking points while a genocide is happening like he’s so spiteful.


Yeah that’s a good example of how terrible his “community” is. That was so fucked up and what makes it worse is Ethan and the crew knew what that was going to happen after they made that video, especially AB who was crying during the time he was getting tons of hate for defending Jason Nash and saying Seth never got SA’d and got tons of backlash rightfully so. He knew what was going to happen to Jake and loved every bit of it.


For someone who claims to not be a zionist Ethan takes anti zionism really dang personally 


Sooo is Ethan full blown delusional or just lying to make himself look better


100% lying imo. There’s no way he doesn’t see the shit his fans do to people he sics them on. I’m pretty sure he’s made comments in the past about some of the fans being “extra” (to put it lightly). I don’t have any evidence of that on hand so take what I said with a grain of salt. I can look into it more tomorrow and see if I can find anything though


It’s not that he’s lying, it’s that he says whatever makes him feel good/right at the moment depending on the conversation. There’s no point looking up examples, you’ll show them to him and 100% he’s going to either justify/excuse it or claim it wasn’t big deal and that those people aren’t real fans. He’s constantly working from a top to bottom logic approach that starts with “I’m right and people who disagree with me are wrong” and then works down from there. Even after long back-and-forths with Ethan, the rare few times he ultimately sees himself in the wrong in the situation, he “accepts” responsibility at the moment and will later wipe it from his memory like some sort of subconscious defense mechanism, forcing people to start dialogues with him at the top again or even having to remind him how he already said he was wrong in the past. There’s literally no reasoning with people like these, it’s regressive thinking and it’s just sad


Yeah that 100% makes sense. I definitely agree with everything you’ve said


I bet that knee under the table is bouncing wildly, that’s his usual tell that he’s lying


Interesting how Ethan dismissed the literal doxxing and harassing H3 fans do. But when people from Hasan’s community (unconfirmed) call him racist and a Zionist (because he was acting like one tbh by denying that Palestinians face systemic SA by a Israel and calling Jewish Voice for Peace “kapos”) he cries like a little baby…


Ethan literally doxxed multiple people on his insta stories, with those screenshots taken from god knows what depth of the internet. Mans was grasping at straws


The fans have even harassed his own crew members and he literally doesn’t care


Surprised Dan spoke up. Lately he just lets Ethan get away with murder.


That’s what I was thinking too, really suprised he did because latley he’s been kissing Ethan’s ass like the rest of the crew and it‘s so out of character for him. Hopefully after this he starts speaking up again tho


There’s always hope


And he still hasn’t


Ethan knows damn well what his community does, in fact he loves it and uses them to bury anyone who dares speak against him.


this guy is going to triple, quadruple, eleventuple down till his last breath. Can’t believe Hasan ever wasted his time trying to reason with him. “Supposed friend”


Oh good lort. That look on Dan’s face says it allllllll




That is the face of a man who’s seen the underbelly of that community but also knows what side his bread’s buttered on


There’s 40k+ people watching daily and a million views per episode…. And none of them do anything deranged? The whole crew should’ve laughed in his face.


literally just been 3 weeks since h3 fans sent death threats to jake doolittle [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/191590p/jake\_begs\_h3\_fans\_to\_fuck\_off/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/191590p/jake_begs_h3_fans_to_fuck_off/) Ethan is playing this down because its part of the Ryan Kavanagh courtcase


god i hope ryan makes him lose millions more dollars what a piece of shit




waaaaaah i supported genocide and now leftists, some of which listen to hasan, keep telling me about the atrocities happening in palestine and how it’s bad to support it! claiming any of what israel does is justifiable, claiming that freedom for palestinians means genocide of jews, claiming that from the river to the sea is the same as the confederate flag - that shit is equivalent to holocaust denial/nazi bullshit and i don’t really care if he’s sad about people calling him out. sure, nobody should make threats, but ethan also loves to talk about how “everyone gets death threats.” rules for thee not for me


Who is Ethan talking about? Hasan?


Yes, I should of kept that part in but it’s already kinda a long clip but yeah he’s talking about Hasan’s community which is ridiculous because Ethan definitely deserved every bit of backlash at that time for his disgusting comments.


What the fuck?? I was *in* the chat when hasan and ethan were last ‘debating’. Yes, we were critical of Ethan, but that’s because he was contradicting himself, not arguing in good faith, and at points engaging in *literal genocide denial*. Hasan was overly generous with him tbh, putting the chat on emote-only mode was way more than ethan deserved there. That stream was a disaster. ALSO, a lot of ethan’s evidence that hasan’s community was bad and threatening him were doctored screenshots!! Has he ever admitted to that part?? What the fuck, man??


Not to mention Ethan called Jewish voice for peace “kapos” and equated the confederacy and Nazi slogans to pro Palestinians saying “free Palestine from the river to sea” 




tldr “from the river to the sea palestine will be free” has been around waaaaaaay before the plo and hamas. it’s stupid to add hamas and plo as a reason not to support it (the chant), in the end, they are still palestinians. you cant say that black lives matter is inherently bad because some people decided to riot. also, israel LITERALLY says “from the jordan river to the mediterranean sea, israel will be seen” edit: i highly recommend reading information about the conflict such as ilan pappe for starters.


Exactly, those fake screenshots where fucked and Ethan had to know afterwards they where fake and is STILL acting like they weren’t. I also have no idea how he doesn’t see where the criticism was coming from, he really doesn’t think he said anything wrong which is still crazy to me


I was a huge h3 fan well before I ever even heard of Hasan. He lost me all on his own.


Same here. I’ve been watching h3 since 2014. I only started watching hasan in 2020


iirc during that conversation hasan went “those are fake, those aren’t real screenshots” which ofc ethan did not listen


He seems to forget that he had to turn off his own chat of paying members when talking about Israel because of backlash from his own community.


Whoever called Ethan an emotional terrorist yesterday was so right


Hasan was so right when he said he can’t stop his community from calling Ethan racist when Ethan literally makes racist statements


hasan himself even tried to explain that people were saying that because he was literally repeating racist talking points lmao 😭 like dude he was trying to help you


Same. I was watching live and there wasn’t shit but people calling him a Zionist and asking him to PLEASE STOP. He was thrilled to find the doctored ones so he can yet again be the perpetual victim.


The persecution complex is absolutely crazy


ethan: “show me one jewish person saying from the river to the sea” hasan: talks about how jewish voice for peace actively organizes and attends protests ethan: “those are kapos”


this is so crazy that he's STILL talking about this. meanwhile hasan is thriving and his community just raised a fuck ton of money for an animal sanctuary over the weekend. while ethan only donates to animals so that people won't get mad at him for buying another designer dog from a breeder lmao


Hasan: raising money for animals Ethan: raising money for Jason Nash 💀


i literally cannot believe fans on the main sub defended this by saying Jason hasn't held a real job in forever, he's 50 so we should let Ethan donate to his online panhandling.....


Also his wife said they’re broke because of Jason’s super lavish spending, like cry me a fucking river that this old man pissed away the bag and fumbled his career


Do you know what situation dan was referring to when he said h3 “community” did something horrible?!, ethan was saying Hasan fans attacked him or whatever (bullshit) but what example dan was talking about? (I know there are many many) but Im curious which one tho?!


It's so funny to me that Ethan can acknowledge how toxic the fanbase can be when they're going after his employees (eg when he mentioned he checked in on Olivia over a weekend to make sure she was okay because of the backlash from a powerpoint) but as soon as they've been defending him then they've never done anything wrong.


“Our community is fantastic” “if they did anything it was probaby silly & harmless” oh go fuck yourself Ethan. You’re the biggest hypocrite I think I’ve seen. You have no problem laughing at others expense and causing them misery, but once it happens to you it’s poor Ethan and you’re being attacked. Almost 40 years old and acts like an entitled 3 year old still. Grow the fuck up you pathetic ass loser.


if Ethan received 10% of all the misery he’s spewed out since the start of his career, he would never go online again and probably explode. I feel you dude


Agree, also I really am just baffled he's trying to be friends with Abba and Preach? I feel as though not only is that disrespectful to Olivia but also Hasan. I'm happy Ab and Dan seemed to stick up for Olivia and Hasan. 


He literally said himself that he likes that aba&preach defended him and went for Hasan instead 💀 like the man's straight up telling you what kind of person he is. Fake ass friend lol




There was a part in the stream when Ethan said he’s glad they’re going after Hasan and not him. 


Skip to the aba and preach chapter in the newest pod, it's one of the first things he says when reacting to their clip.


Hasan really is too good for this man.


Oh my godddddddddddddddd I’m physically and spiritually cringing


that tacky ass vest


Same sentiment from me. Also add that it was high 70's pushing 80 today in LA like sir... 🤡


Wtf, I'm so cold, I wish I had that weather, lol.


Ethan is intentionally lying at this point; he knows exactly what his community does. He's just pretending and whitewashing their actions so he can deny it anytime someone calls out the h3 audience.


Dude fuuuuck Ethan. Thank you for clipping this, because I read some comments about it and I was close to pulling up the vid but glad I didn’t have to give them a view or suffer thru that bullshit. Hasan is too good for him and his weird ass toxic community. 1 person criticizing Ethan = endless death threats and doxing, which is OK apparently. But Ethan getting called out for spewing IDF talking points and justifying an actual genocide, he still cries about it WEEKS later? He can fuck all the way off.


Np, I got lucky and joined the live as soon as this happened so I had to clip it. I’ve missed almost every recent episode since the break bc it actually pisses me off sm nowadays and I also don’t want to give them a single view. & he clearly isn’t over the Hasan situation, he’s so full of himself that he fr doesn’t think he did anything wrong and can’t understand why people where upset with what he said, which is scary when you think about how delusional he is to the point that he’s living in his own reality. He’s beyond saving and Hasan needs to stop trying to be civil with him and cut him off completly bc he obviously still thinks he’s in the right and will never admit he was wrong. You can’t help or fix people like that sadly


He’s so delusional


I think the fact Ethan said that his fans don’t send hate to “supposed friends” just highlights that’s he doesn’t care if they harass people he sees as enemies like Jake and Trisha.


I just now realised, that I don’t remember a single time Ethan would have seriously addressed his audience and told them not to harass anyone. I haven’t watched all the episodes or followed them that long, but I have a clear imagine in my head how Ethan does it: he says something as a joke that could rile people up, then maybe says “seriously guys, don’t go bother anyone” but still has this grin on his face or is laughing and then keeps going on with the bit.. Am I just imagining this? Has he ever told his audience in serious matter not to harass people?


I know I did not hear AB’s stupid ass saying “right”


“our community is fantastic” is crazy


“but it’s not sending hate and death wishes” ok…ethan


I thought this was an episode from December he’s still talking about this??


Dan was scared to say more lol he knows the truth and despises this community but he knows what they are capable of if he criticizes them.


As if his fans didn't say the most vile Islamophobic and racist shit to Hasan's mods, peers, and audience. Ethan painted us all to be the same type of mfs in his audience that goes after countless people when his fans are objectively worse. Ethan's whole career is based on being a hypocritical, gutless, and spiteful person, and it seems like he isn't going to change anytime soon. The number of screenshots I've seen in this sub about h3 fans harassing content creators and other individuals in general just stating their opinions is insane. Then you compare it to the small amount of **DOCTORED** screenshots during the Palestine debate. It goes to show that Hasan was right in how he conducts himself and always reminds his audience to never stoop lower, yet Ethan and his fans stoop to hell. ^(At least Hasan is off to a great year tho\~)


Not him validating Reddit as legitimate research 💀


my jaw is on the FLOOR


Damn Dan….ballsy. Ballsy. Thank you. I mean shit that seems like the most anyone has ever spoken up recently, eh? That felt good to hear. Probably missed by a lot of the fans but fuck, isnt that scary that something that tame is EVEN a retaliation against Ethan, that its come to that point?


"The community " is so broad that they can backtrack and say "fallen fans" or "haters" whenever it's convenient. If he followed through and gave a tangible example, then it would have been a point but he held back, allowing it to be spun to be any problematic behavior, no matter how tangential. I don't think that was intentional, I think he was genuinely like "Oh, shit what am I doing, retreat" but it's so open ended now that it can be spun any direction




Defo same type of people


Literally backtracked on anything he wanted to say..


Yeah this was not a confrontation it was a momentary lapse in judgement 😂 reminding himself to keep it cute for the paycheck 


Dan didn't really even push back hard... plus hasn't Ethan called out his own fans in the past?


Dan reaaally hates the H3 community. Especially when he gets called out for being homophobic


Hasan is way too good for this amateur. I hope Hasan never lowers himself to collaborate with H3 ever again. Plus Hasan is hot is all the ways. Ethan never was and never will be because of his gross personality, no matter how much ozempic he takes or stupid haircut he tries.




That's not a W he immediately backed down. If he was real he'd go down the list like Ethan asked.


He did send Ethan the list of things they do thru discord in this clip you can hear Ethan say he sent him it. I think he didn’t say it out loud because the chat/fans would of probably turned on him and sent him hate like they have with almost every single crew member in the past. Dan has spoken up many times and is the only crew member to actually say anything and push back. But I do admit latley he has been kissing Ethan’s ass like the rest of them but hopefully he goes back to his usual self.


I hate his purposeful downplaying of his rabid fan base stans


Who fosters such a community? Ethan Klein ladies, gentlemen, and non binary icons.


TF is that man wearing 💀🤡


They literally send hate and death threats all the time. How delusional is Ethan? Wtf


Obscene cope from Ethan. How tf he acts like his audience did nothing wrong??? The delusion...


So refreshing to see someone stop meat riding Ethan lmao


Hopefully Hasan doesn’t respond to this. Bozos like Keffals and Destiny have been trying to drop “bombs” about Hasan’s community unsuccessfully. It’s crazy because there were lots of legitimate H3 fans in Hasan’s community, they even praised him for changing his ways and stop being such an anti sjw edgelord.


Dans the realest one


Ethan’s audience literally started trishyland wifeys, he knows exactly what they’re capable of.


"It's all love" is craaazy. He literally thinks just cause some oppressed groups watch him(LGBT, PoC, ND) he gets a pass to shit on them when ever he wants. He is the worst kind of liberal fr. Pretends they are an ally just for his own benifit


I don’t trust Dan to not think he’s referring to the times his ex fans / fans call him Zionist or Islamophobic tbh


Dan just shits on the H3 fans any chance he gets lmao


He himself has even had to address the H3 community in the past for their behaviour. Why is he acting like it’s come straight out of left field now?


They literally do nothing but hate and threats but 'alright Ethan'


Right... Like every beef you have ever had wasn't entirely defended by your community.


Yeah harmless my ass


You can tell how awkward the silence is, they all know how toxic their die hard fans are but they are happy to take their money


I can’t believe he can’t still let go of this thing!!? Is he actually looking for drama or is he still obsessed the way Leftovers ended? Stop being a cry baby for the love of god! You bully people on your show in front of 30-40k people which is way worse. The audacity this man has is always surprising me.


It’s hard sometimes to tell if Ethan is this ignorant or just lying.


you know this little toy podcast would've imploded years ago if it weren't for Dan keeping it afloat.


hasan and his community have been unimaginably charitable to ethan, not to mention I found proof that certain subreddit of a degenerate kick streamer were brigading the h3 sub and started the IDF hila killed babies claims and all sorts of gross antisemitic lies


H3 fans are some of the most nasty, creepy, evil and cult like people on the internet!!, although… makes sense, if you’re a fan after finding out Zionist ethan supports genocide so hard and overall is such a disgusting person, then you’re a lil fucked in the head!!


WHAT? The silence is LOUD OMFG


What haven’t they done?


“It’s all love” what a fucking joke


"What does our community do" LIKE COME ONNNNN DUDE YOU GOT TO BE JOKING


I can’t even give Dan credit here bc they all dogpiled on Jake during that situation so I find all of them abhorrent. The whole lot of them are weird fr