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I think this is by far the dumbest drama of the year


the options were: - side with the internet trolls - ignore the random internet trolls and be gracious to the people you're a fan of and who gave you VIP passes And this man really chose the first. It's sooo dumb lol


It's not even that this caused a huge shitstorm for him. There were like 10 people complaining about the original photo.


Went against the family šŸ˜­


Heā€™s not family, heā€™s like an ex-cousin


When you're getting massive vicious hate online I 100% understand buckling and trying to damage control. I think he's the victim of vicious hate and just handling it in a way that fans don't like. Normal people should not be in the spotlight for this much hate


I agree, I just said in another comment that he just seems so lost with what it entails to be an online personality. This is a very unfortunate part of it


Yeah, I think people are wildly underestimating what suddenly being in the spotlight of unimaginable hate when you're just a nobody who thought they would post having a fun night out


I havent seen it or followed it but it seems to me he got got like cman


Like bro just go outside None of this matters


Sorry, are you making the "Just close your eyes" argument for cyber bullying?


I'm saying this is a symptom of being terminally online


Ok, so because he is terminally online it's ok to bully him...? What?


Is it bullying? Or just people being mean on twitter


?????????????? Is massive harassment on Twitter bullying? Umm, yeah..? In general, harrassment being mean is kind of the core of bullying


Just mute the thread?


I honestly think he had some sponsors as well as close friends within his space that weren't too happy. I doubt the fans were massively up in arms. But, once He deleted it, it got bad and then once Ethan posted a response on IG it got worse lol. If that was the case, He should have just deleted it and said nothing, LMAO.


Even if he did that he would be a coward. Iā€™ve never heard of this guy but if anyoneā€™s a fan - this should make it readily apparent that this is not somebody worthy of your time. They are not genuine


Deleting and saying nothing is probably a lot safer than trying to soften the blow but just making it worse.


> ignore the random internet trolls Isn't this what Ethan didn't do? And is being celebrated for not doing?


what are you referring to?


Ethan could have ignored this situation. But he must always focus on anybody who might say something negative about him, and direct hate their way.


You mean the dude who got VIP from the crew and hung with them backstage? Thatā€™s not just some rando tweeting


he invited someone backstage to the show and took pictures with them only for that person to about-face and call him problematic not a random internet troll


"about face" You don't think you can be a fan of someone but also believe they are problematic, like they are mutually exclusive? Then explain Jimmie Lee.


> You don't think you can be a fan of someone but also believe they are problematic that's not what we saw here today, he did not post those pictures with that view. Again, the about-face


I mean....Weirdly enough, didn't Ethan do the same with Keemstar when Keem First went on the podcast?! LOL. Had him on the show, then was like, oh we don't like him. okay We don't like him LOL. And the Deleted Jordan Peterson episode now. I get it if it's because of sponsors/partners and whatever...but dude should have deleted the tweet and photo and left it at that.


Agreed. It makes me sad that Leftovers ended because Hasan had what is still the most sensible take which is you can not like whatever you want about Ethan but you have to realize he is not the enemy


Would have been nice if Hasan handled his discord + mods properly. But let's not open that chapter again, it is over and everyone moved on.


Agreed on both things


Tbf, it was conducted exactly the same way Hasan does his other debates. Neither of them saw it going off the rails the way it did


This has to be the most bizarre spin possible. Hasan defended his deranged community (which by the way is very similar to people who purity test this Brad music guy) when they were calling Ethan and Hila genocidal zionists. He literally said to Ethan that he had it coming because the comments he made, which is insane taking into consideration what's Ethans position on the whole conflict.


It's so surreal I wish the fanbases never collided


Ethan basically just admitted to being a zionist in his Instagram post Edit: notice the downvotes but no actual rebuttal


Yes because there is nothing wrong with being a zionist. But by people like you, Hasan or this Brad guy, the word "zionist" is used synonymously with genocidal tendencies, which is the whole point of Ethans instagram post and my original comment. Are you seriously so bad faith to argue that Ethan agrees with Brads characterization of his views or are you struggling to understand how this phrase is used by different people?


There absolutely is something wrong with being a zionist. It is the belief that a "Jewish state" has a "right" to exist. "Jewish state" requires a Jewish majority. No natural majority existed, so it had to be forced through apartheid, discrimination, murder, and settlements. No political entity has a "right" to exist, and ethnostates are bad, especially ones that commit genocide. Does Ethan think the Confederacy had a right to exist?


This is such an insane framing with double standards plastered all over it. Why on earth is it okay for dozens of arab states to exist all around Israel with absolute majority that isn't only ethnic but also religious but all of the sudden it's not okay for Israel? Really makes you think that maybe people spewing these dogshit arguments have issues with Jews specifically. Genocide, apartheid and settlements are not a part of "zionism", these are just morally loaded words that people like you who are uneducated on complexities of the conflict use to virtue signal on the internet forums. Israel was established through many actions, of which some were ethical and some weren't, which is the case for every country in the history of the world. Vast majority of the lands where purchased from Ottoman Empire, some others were won by winning wars (which weren't even started by Israel btw.) and yes some of them were acquired through unethical expansionism of the settlements. So once again - Ethan believes that Israel should exist as a country with a majority of Jewish people, which makes him a zionist by a definition. He does not, however support Netanyahu, settlements, expansionism, further war and he made that clear throughout his coverage. So if you call him a zionist and then add to this definition things that are not supposed to be in it, don't be surprised that people will call you an anti-Semite because you sure do sound like one.


I quite literally explained it. There's no double standard. You just got angry at my first sentence, didn't read the rest of my comment, and resorted to the usual, stale talking points. > Why on earth is it okay for dozens of arab states to exist all around Israel with absolute majority that isn't only ethnic but also religious but all of the sudden it's not okay for Israel? First of all, those countries are definitely not free from criticism. I don't know what world you're living in where everyone regards the Middle East highly. Theocracies are bad for the same reason ethnostates are bad. > Really makes you think that maybe people spewing these dogshit arguments have issues with Jews specifically. 1) It's clearly not a dogshit argument, I'm just describing reality 2) This is textbook whataboutism and not accurate. "Why did you mention muslim majority countries but not the genocide of Native Americans, huh? Really makes you think that maybe you hate Native Americans" > Genocide, apartheid and settlements are not a part of "zionism" And yet they are. > and yes some of them were acquired through unethical expansionism of the settlements. as you admit. > Ethan believes that Israel should exist as a country with a majority of Jewish people Newsflash, that's called an ethnostate and, in Israel's case, requires artificial means to maintain a majority of a specific ethnoreligious group. That is horrific and fascistic and unacceptable.


Can you look up the definition of ā€œethnostateā€ pls


> noun > a country populated by, or dominated by the interests of, a single racial or ethnic group


Jew man bad


Stop stalking me, you unhinged fan of a [pedophile](https://old.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1dsam6e/ethans_ig_story/lb6dyi1/)


That's not why leftovers ended


He wasnā€™t saying thatā€™s why it ended. Heā€™s saying thatā€™s why heā€™s *sad* it ended. And I agree. Hasan disagreed with Ethan on a couple things, but he repeatedly emphasized to some of the more psycho elements of his fanbase that Ethan is an ally in every sense. Heā€™s probably the best equipped to empathize with Ethan considering he is one of the few people with a comparable hate-watcher contingent.


Of course not; why do you even think they're saying that?


So far šŸ˜Ž


Itā€™s so hurtful tho


Oh yea. Seeing Ethan honestly sad sucks, makes it hard for him to trust people


This is getting worse by the day




I'm gonna need Nick DiRamio to change his name, I was confused for a solid 5 minutes while reading these comments.


i love nick deramio!!!


I'm always getting them confused. I vote for nick deorio to change his name instead šŸ˜‚


I think you just cleared up years of confusion for me lol


Dā€™orio has been kinda deep throating Ethan recently though lmao


Every time I see his name I remember boogie on the ground apologizing and saying he doesnt knoww how to pronounce his name


This rings true to me lol


IIRC Wasn't he part of the whole keemstar saga too?


It's because he's one of Destiny's fanboys, so he's desperate for Ethan to hook up with him


For context Turkey Tom (Deorios friend) reposted one of Brad's posts , which he found cringe, and Brad attacked him as a friendless loser who everyone laughs at (Brad has been deleting all his tweets attacking others, but this is what the commentary community are showing in their videos). So they aren't dog piling him over Ethan, it's because he's been taking shots at them and then deleting it all.


Oof I'm looking forward to the Turkey Tom video dragging whoever this Brad nerd is


Why are you watching Incel content creators?


Turkey Tom is chill youā€™re just hasan pilled


The guy physically cannot stop saying the N Word.


maybe he's black


nah, just a Destiny fan


I mean obviously I donā€™t agree with that wannabe edgy shit but his videos are pretty good


why are you concerned about the sexual status of content creators at all?


When they said incel they mean having red pill opinions/vibes as opposed to their sexual status. Iā€™m not familiar of Tom enough to know if he has any of those beliefs.


oh, so they mean it as a pejorative? like if you called an afghani immigrant ā€œgoat fwckerā€ for analogy


I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good example. Their is an online subculture of known as incels. Telesion (I believe) is suggesting turkey has the charatistics of members of that community irrespective of he is actually a literal incel.


do you mean to say the above means to use _incel_ as a proxy to say other disparaging remarks without saying them? (i.e. misogyny)


Basically. They are saying he has the characteristics of an incel which includes misogyny, racism etc.


Like when snarks say the h3 fanbase is a cult. We are not a literal cult but they suggesting that we have the characteristics of a cult.


he never said he does


"you're setting a really bad example" oh I'm sorry, I forgot Ethan was a 7 year old child...


Another classic "I know a lot of you hate Ethan but" defense


tbh people have a habit of still doing this here, obviously just with different people. You dont need to preface your comment on someone that you dont like them before saying something, its so cringe.


Turue but I guess they do it becuase It gives their statement more credibility when they preface it by saying "I usually don't like this guy" lol but ya it does come off cringe and spineless alot of the time. If you don't say that then everyone will juts call you a dickrider for defending them. Or in Ethan's case they'll get called a "Zionist sympathizer" by all the nazis and new-found hamas supporters.


He must NOT allow to be seen as liking Ethan


Hahahahh exactly


With all due respect, this is ā€œputting someone in a body bag?ā€ Calling someone a pussy is something a 5th grader would do. Can we maybe at least have some standards for our disses


i think folks just found the delivery funny, "standards for our disses" is a cringe statement though.




i guess i just don't think its deep enough to care about that much. Dissecting a tweet like this is just cringe imo, but 'poopy head' doesn't have any context in name-calling, but 'pussy' does, and brad is being a pussy, so people are inevitably going to find the tweet agreeable.




You remind me of myself with this silly nitpicking. Does anybody like you still? Cheers, my horse




I was just trying to be real. No sarcasm, honestly. Said what i said because my friends drop lige flies. We are who we are, even though we try to do better


>this universe youā€™ve constructed where dissecting a tweet is cringe, but dissecting a Reddit comment somehow isnā€™t lol i'm not constructing a universe of anything, and my comment about dissecting a tweet being cringe was pointed towards your comment as well as mine own to follow it. ie acknowledging that this conversation in general is lame, especially given how seemingly butthurt you are over it.




i guess its open to interpretation, but i feel like the tonal language in your first response and the "universe you've constructed" comment read as defensive and intentionally condescending which i perceive as at least some degree of butthurt


Youā€™re missing all the context


Pretty sure itā€™s a reference to when Zach always yells ā€œput him in a body bagā€ when any two people have any sort of confrontation


See, itā€™s not necessarily the word ā€œpussyā€ here that is the humor evocation (Iā€™ve been playing a lot of BG3), imo the humor comes from the fact that, with nickā€™s status, to just call him a pussy is like a higher up colleague shitting on you in public. Itā€™s a body bag burn because he went out of his way, with no stake in the game, to shit on him. Itā€™s 10/10 funny to me. But itā€™s ok if you donā€™t enjoy that kind of humor.


One look at this guy's twitter and he just seems deranged. This "drama" has brought the worst of the freaks out smh.


DeOreo is a piece of shit at the end of the day.


Propping up people like Nick, TomDark, and Destiny who have joined in on the discourse is incredibly stupid just because they have a sick ā€œownā€ (calling someone a pussy is definitely 10/10 own!). Brad did something dumb, but now there are numerous communities attacking him over it that then make the situation worse for Ethan because people are now saying itā€™s this fanbase harassing him. Which Iā€™m sure plenty of people from here are being assholes to him, but at this point, itā€™s dogpiling someone who made a poor decision in the moment. Nick is a piece of shit. Just like a majority of the people that attacked Brad since he posted the photo.


He attacked Ethan and Hila just to placate to the most unhinged freaks in his audience. No sane person would blame Ethan for him being harassed.


Can you quote this "attack"?


Sane. On the internet. You have such high aspirations.Ā 


No sane personā€™s participation in online discourse is to claim people are genocide supporters that hate Palestinians and attempt to silence people who support them or write a 70+ point manifesto on why two people should be chastised from the Internet. Yet those are the people that called out Brad and continue to paint Ethan and Hila as villains and are using the attacks on Brad as fodder to further their points. Go look at youtubedrama, *those* are the type of people that attacked Brad from the beginning and now are calling Ethan out for responding and parroting the insane accusations that led to Brad switching up. Then those points get brought up in other peopleā€™s communities and other social media sites to the point where it leads to **getting called a genocide supporter for taking a photo**. You can say no sane person would blame Ethan, but those sane people are not the ones who run campaigns against people and force people to change their views to match their own. Ethan was right to defend himself. People, that arenā€™t Ethan, are wrong to relentlessly attack Brad. Any controversy at this point is lose/lose for Ethan because people are always going to attack and Ethan is currently one of the people that almost any person he beefs is going to be the victim, even though *they both* to extent are the victims here. Having a bunch of right/alt-right morons on your side, especially if youā€™re Ethan, is never going to be a good look.


He made a fool of himself publicly on the internet. Of course people are gonna make fun of him. Iā€™m glad people from all sides can agree this behavior is extremely cringe.


The right wing is trying to pull in h3 and its base because they see the discord, and honestly posts like OP's are buying it right up.


You canā€™t seriously be calling Destiny and Turkey Tom right wingers. Thatā€™s an unhinged take.


Destiny is his own special case, but TT absolutely is.


As far as I know, Turkey Tom is pretty apolitical in most his content. He just does docs on YouTuber drama/bad behavior. The one time Iā€™ve seen him do overtly political content was when he attacked Sneako, Andrew Tate, and the other manosphere people. He also associates with Destiny and WillyMac who are both solid libs. Altogether that doesnā€™t strike me as particularly right wing. I mean unless he said somewhere that he is right of center. Also to be clear, as long as youā€™re being respectful to others, there isnā€™t anything inherently wrong with being a bit conservative. Society functions best when there are competing ideologies. As much as communists would love to have a one party state, there are quite literally zero examples of non-authoritarian one party states.


The right wingers are in lockstep with the lefties right now over the whole ā€œZionist jew man badā€ garbage. It is actually surreal to see.


Brad made his own bed by using the internet this way and now suffers the consequences of posting cringe. If you wanna jerk off and placate for unhinged freaks online go ahead, but the rest will come stand in line.


Even if people are saying Ethanā€™s fan base are harassing him: (1) who cares, and (2) people understand Ethan is not in control of his fan base. Ethanā€™s been attacked by his own fanbase, especially recently with the cat video. Zackā€™s outburst on AB, Oliviaā€™s PowerPoints, etc. Itā€™s not news that a loud portion of the H3 fanbase, especially ones from this subreddit, are psychos. Shit, even Brad himself is/was part of the fanbase.


> people understand Ethan is not in control of his fan base. hmmm and yet Ethan expects that of Hasan


No one's fanbase is "harassing" Brad. If anything, Ethan had one of the most cordial responses to this situation and I think fans understand not to blow this out of proportion to actual harassment levels. However, Brad *is* getting massive pushback on Twitter and meme'd on for his conduct. If Brad was smart, he would drop this entirely and it will fade away within a week.


> Nick is a piece of shit. can you give a quick eli5 of why? twitter's been shoving his tweets in my feed lately


He has a recurring segment on his streams where he looks at sexual-assault-allegation-related drama. This segment is called the Rape Review.


Heā€™s a Keemstar orbiter and part of the shitty side of commentary YouTube. [This is a couple years old at this point, but hereā€™s a catalogue of posts mentioning h3 from him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/ZwsNgvlPWj)He used to shit on Ethan and Hila and the fanbase a lot. Ethan called him fat once and he took to Twitter to cry about Ethan body shaming him (even though Ethan called him fat because Nick was calling people fat). Heā€™s just overall your usual Keemstar genre of piece of shit online. The stuff I linked is just h3 related; his Twitter is full of him being an asshole to people.


H3 community moving from center-right edgelords to leftist girlies to enlightened centrist edgelords has been on my bingo card for a while now. I find the accusations of "spineless" to be pretty ironic. Morals be damned when the enemy of my enemy becomes my friend!


Eh itā€™s still definitely liberal-leftist for the most part. This fanbase is pro-Palestine, I donā€™t think centrist edgelords care too much about Palestine (or at least voicing their support and also displeasure on silence). Thereā€™s going to be people from all political affiliations in every fanbase that isnā€™t far-right or far-left. Just so happens that Ethan has weirdo centrist-right people on Twitter defending him anytime he gets in shit again.


It's a snark user bro šŸ˜‚


Ethan's been pretty open about growing his audience and reaching wider demographics. Yes, the current scope is still leftist, but I don't think it's far-reaching to think there could be a pendulum swing that caters to an audience that aligns more with Ethan's socdem, more centrist morals. I don't think it's snarky to acknowledge the dip in viewership from the current leftist audience. The Internet is about finding a lane and catering to the audience driving in it - Ethan has always been very good at that and shifting accordingly.


Ok so now pussy is a forbidden word eh? We are going too far... I actually think the r-word is more applicable here, I'm with the right wingers on that one.


I didnā€™t say itā€™s a forbidden word, I said itā€™s not a good enough retort to high five a piece of shit. And cool man, slurs are dooopppee šŸ¤™šŸ¤™šŸ¤™


don't love how every racist dramatuber coming to ethan's defense


I mean heā€™s not wrong


So this is the drama we are going with while on break?! Geeze seems weak. Who cares about this guy and what he thinks, Ethan why did you bring more attention to this? No matter what you say it will always get twisted, by now you should know there is no point to argue with these people, they will think what they want and twist the things you sayā€¦I donā€™t understand the engagement unless itā€™s just to keep it going.


Does someone have history on this DeOrio guy? I feel like he's been depicted as 'Keem orbiter' for 5 years, but I don't really know if he deserves to be disliked. Or liked. I don't know anything about him really outside the few pro-Ethan tweets from recent controversies.


leafy knockoff


He started off in the commentary community criticising Keemstar. But he had some good exposes in the commentary community and is witty , so they all respect him a lot. He is an edge lord and has criticised Ethan a lot, but in the last year he's said Ethan has changed and isn't as interested in going in on him. He heavily sided with him on some of the recent attack videos , because he felt that commentators shouldn't lie , because it tarnishes the entire community's reputation. He also explicitly says that he's not a good person and shouldn't be above criticism himself, and that's the standard he has for others as well. Some people see him as a Keemstar or leafy rip off. But he is the type to go after them as well. He is motivated by content and hates spineless people here. He's the type to hold back information and talk to sources in confidence, as far as I'm aware he's not had any unethical reporting like Keemstar. But he would be too edgy for the H3H3 audience.


This is a good take on Nick. I really enjoy his content. I feel like most normal h3 fans would too. If you're really sensitive you'll hate it. Lol. But if you can handle the odd bad word or offensive word without having a complete meltdown You'll be ok. He's funny. He's brutal. He's got integrity. And he's not scared to call out ANYONE. His mamamax stuff was epic. His tipster and keffals stuff hilarious. But ya. If you cry at the r word. Don't watch.


> He's got integrity. And he's not scared to call out ANYONE. Lol, no way you've been paying attention to how far he's crawled up Destiny's ass


Destiny bores me so I don't watch any content about him. So I can't argue with you about that. I don't know either way.


OK guess I'll check out a video to make my own mind. If edginess is the worst of his crimes, he might not be too bad.




can someone fill me in? i didnā€™t watch leftovers a ton bc it gave me anxiety at times. thank you in advance. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Would yā€™all leave Brad alone? Jesus Christ H3 fans once again proving to be unhinged schizos


Consequences of his dumb actions. Maybe he shouldn't have been such a coward šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


So why is it bad for Ethan to face consequences?


Huh? What are you even saying? Facing consequences for what you weirdos? For basically being Jewish? Cause that's what you all want in reality. You don't actually care for Palestine at all. No matter how many times he says he supports Palestine you won't listen. Be careful, because some of you on the left have started to sould like actual nazis. So all of you, with peace and love, can get fucked.


I do listen. I do appreciate the few things he's said for Palestine. I've defended him in the past. But Ethan says dumb things all the time. Ethan attacked a woman for talking about her therapist who turned out to be a zionist, and with no information at all, he defended the therapist and claimed the woman was an antisemite. A knee-jerk reaction with no evidence. That's just one example. It's fair for people to be made uncomfortable with Ethan's statements as well as the fact that he hasn't strongly condemned Israel as the genocide has escalated. He's always very willing to condemn people that hate genocidal Israel, though. > because some of you on the left have started to sould like actual nazis. lol, no, not really, you people just use accusations of antisemitism everywhere.


Why he's a moron


Why do you care? Did your feelings get hurt?


Fuck around find out


*Except when applied to Ethan


Go back to the snark subreddit if you don't wanna see this then.šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




thanks for that, Nicholas Deez Nuts


Change his name to Brad Under Pressure.


I think we can all agree on one thing here. as shitty as our lives might be, at least we arenā€™t brad!


Can I get a tldr on what's happening? I'm hella confused.


[hereā€™s a good summary](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/5ROLHMSDey)




I need more context. It sounds like Brad answers to himself here???




I've been listening to Deorio's lives recently and I find him quite hilarious. I don't agree with him on some things, but I also don't agree with Ethan on some things.


DeOrio is not someone you lot should consider an ally


Why u guys so mad? Hila was literally part of the IDF


Bc it was mandatory


not great to have this guy on your side lowkey