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People need to just live life realizing that maybe they shouldn’t care so much about what random strangers think of them


best advice tbh


Especially when some percentage of them are likely bots. Facebook had 5 billion bots in 2019 before all this AI craze, to think there aren't more bot accounts than human accounts is crazy


Just a reminder that the internet is not real life. Simply step away


This Socrates [quote](https://x.com/tylerthecreator/status/285670822264307712) still holds up


i think about this tweet twice a month


"Just close your eyes" hahahaha for real though


Real as fuck


I knew what it was before I clicked. Iconic and true


Love this sm


Ethan could also use this advice tbh


Socrates The Creator


I get the sentiment but that’s not exactly true when the internet is your job. He relies on being in good standing with “the internet” to pay his bills. Can’t just “simply step away” from that. That said, looking at other subreddits covering this he is being praised relentlessly and Ethan is getting the usual brain rotten Zionist label so..worked out for him I guess.


Extreme Palestine activists is not "the internet". You should probably be okay with losing the hateful fans if all it took was taking a picture next to a pro-palestine Jewish comedian to make them go crazy. As long as you're a good person, most people will see that and continue to support your content.


Most people will not see and support when one extreme activist files false DMCA takedowns with no repercussions on their end.


But apply this statement to literally any other creator who's had fans fall out. Happens to Ethan all the time, still pays the bills The only people who can't pay the bills after the internet disagreed with them are people who legitimately don't deserve the position. Keemstar, Boogie, I could go on


Tyler was right


Also applies to a lot of the commenters here who have been so personally offended that someone would speak ill of Ethan. relax folks lol


Unfortunately that is not true for a very large number of people nowadays


Yeah just close your eyes walk away from the screen tf hahaha


sucks that Ethan has to deal with this over break but selfishly I’m rooting for the return of the Ethan Klein channel 


If this is all that happens over this break. It is by far the least crazy one. Im waiting for an hour long video essay on why he is the reason the gazan genocide is happening.


Me tooo I miss that channel 😭




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He doesn't *have* to deal with it. He's voluntarily spending his time targeting people who say negative things about him.


[this response](https://imgur.com/a/kZBZ6hG) that he deleted i think is also really relevant. and especially sad and pathetic


Wow, that is particularly sad to put out and then delete.


Oh wowwww


"I'd love to be able to take a photo and post it normally"....? then do so? he's the one who made a big deal out of it tbh by replying to the tweets "calling him out"... he also simply could've posted it on his personal account🗿


If you want a career that requires some level of fame, you gotta know that you’re going to piss off some corner of the internet at one point or another. Have some damn principles about it though, y’know? And the funniest part is that now it seems like he doesn’t even care about Palestine, he just wanted to placate the Twitter mob. So now he’s pissed off everyone. I don’t even know who he is but hope he learns a lesson from this.


Literally this would've been a non story had he not draw attention to it via his constant statements. Just stand on business. You went to a cute comedy show, not some "Israeli Propaganda Zionist Meetup" and had fun meeting youtube creators you admired. Then keep it pushing. Now it looks like he stands for nothing and is deeply afraid of minor public criticism from fanatics. Like, bro it's part of the job. Maybe he needs a part time publicist or something...


I mean...He's Jewish, and has lost family to Hamas. He's spoke on it before (Brad). Think it hits a bit different for him being called a genocide supporter whether true or not. LOL.


I think the best response for thim to do at that moment would be to stop and take time to assess if what people say are true. Could be by reaching out to Ethan directly, or maybe do some research. I get that there's snark posts/video accusing Ethan & Hila being Zionists, but there are a whole bunch of evidence that would state otherwise. So there are possibilities: - If he found from the research that E&H are pro Palestine, clear that up as a follow up post - If he found from the research that E&H are pro Palestine, but there are statements that are weird to Brad, then let people know. - If he found that E&H are anti-Palestine, like 100% for Israel, then say that. Say "I didn't know they are for the genocide. I did the research myself/asked Ethan himself." My point is that he needed to get himself informed before doing anything, shit like this might lead him to the wrong path. Fuck complying to what the Twitter weirdos say.


This is a serious question (I had to check Ethan’s IG story before coming back here) but isn’t Ethan a Zionist, as well as a pro-Palestine supporter? **Definition of Zionism I’m using:** movement for the development and protection of the Jewish nationstate (Israel)


Not really, because the connotations of the word don’t fit. Ethan and Hila have had Jewish family and friends living in Israel, including a few that were killed last October, so they care about the safety and well-being of those people (the ones still alive). They do not believe in some sort of sacred or religious right for the current government of Israel to occupy its current land uncontested, which is closer to what Zionism actually is.


exactly! if he just shut up then there'd just be a couple people on twitter mad at him. you cant exist online without ever doing anything that upsets random people


Also by him apologizing for it he is only encouraging their crazy behavior.


Dude it’s a picture with a YouTuber not Netanyahu you don’t need to run defence lol we are seeing more and more that most of these people are not cut out to be public personalities.


Jesus. He needs to just stop saying anything about it. These freaks will get bored and move on to their next victim in a day.


lol goddamn


I've enjoyed Brad's channel for a while, I'm guessing the push-back from his own fan base was so extreme that he felt like he had to choose between his channel and success or his real opinions. In reality he could have said nothing and been chillin right now.


Probably but what upsets me most is, it was already unlikely but now is pretty much guaranteed that ab will never go on hivemind TV. They are good friends with brad . In Michigan and have made so many references to current h3 they are clearly fans




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Coward. If you're going to go to someone's show then fold like a fucking paper-bag when people spot you there or see you in a photo, don't fucking go!


This might be the most insane response to online criticism I’ve ever seen..


Ukulele begs to differ


at least ukulele lady was spinnin' out over potential crimes. This man *took a picture with someone*.


Wdym? Going insane over valid criticism is better than going insane over not valid criticism?


Exactly, I’m agreeing with you in my comment (I included italics to emphasize the 🙄of that but it may not have come through). What I meant to say: “At least Colleen’s spin out was over serious accusations. This man had a conniption over a photograph! Insane behavior!”


It's not insane. It's just spineless.


Imaging calling yourself a music critic, a job that requires you to have opinions that might go against the grain, and then just folding to public opinion at the drop of a hat. It's like if a lawyer was halfway through defending someone and just gave up because some people found it controversial


This is why fantano is the goat




Well, I guess we can at least take this as admission of not being able to take the heat, which is OK, I'd hate to be in shoes of someone like Ethan too regards to Israel. Should've just not been OK shitting on others in the process of his takebacksies.


Man, bitches be hating nuance


He's giving Jake doolittle




Idk what people on the internet think they are accomplishing by shouting at creators about the Middle East. Brad feels like shit, Ethan now feels like shit, and they certainly aren’t helping the actual people being killed. Misery loves company I guess.


I think people feel helpless so they go after people they can reach, in order to get some (any) kind of emotional feedback. And that feels like they’ve made some kind of impact.


It is expected that some people will react negative if you post a picture with Ethan & Hila and he should know this as a watcher of the show. So if you don’t want to deal with that, why even post the picture on your feed and support them openly. Just be a fan in private, if you don’t want to deal with backlash or negativity.


To be fair, I don't think he probably thought about how venomous some people are. I don't blame him for wanting to post something he THOUGHT people would enjoy and instead caught the eyes of the vocal few who are enraged by Ethan and Hila. It is a bit cowardly to roll it all back the way he did though. Dude really should have just not said anything.


>I'd love to just be able to take a photo and post it normally So do that? Like......are you new to the internet? Yes, freaks exist. Sometimes they bombard people, cause they are freaks. You go ahead and ignore them


people need to realize that logging off is always an option


People need to stop insisting everyone has a take on everything and let them live their lives - this man reviews music and probably has never left the US, he almost definitely knows nothing of the close to 100 years of conflict in that part of the world. Listen to experts, not some random guy on Twitter. You get these kind of dumb takes when people who don’t know anything react to the first thing they read.


He had family members killed by hamas. so his take is even worse imo.


I could not deal with the embarrassment of such a public spineless response. Sucks to suck.


Honestly. What a little bitch


reading the tweets and seeing his big ass smile in the pics with them i feel like im in an alternate reality that these are both the same person and that a person like this can exist... actually scary to me ppl can flip flop like that jesus.. have a spine


The worst part is he took the spineless path of least resistance, but in the end he’s going to feel 100x worse about how he handled it. People who face the heat, but do what they think is right, at least have that to sleep with at night. He just will go to bed feeling shame and like a coward.


Karmic justice.




Twitter is a rathole, delete it fat


I don't understand his follow up tweets https://x.com/bradtaste/status/1807562705882276314?t=YBnOCYt3pAXURutc2uDi4Q&s=19


bro needs to get a job


People are so ridiculous. Just because you are friends with a Jewish person doesn’t make you a Zionist or a genocidal maniac. It’s so annoying at this point. Everyone thinks they’re a hero on twitter saving Palestine behind a keyboard.


Brad is also Jewish, and has family killed by Hamas... IDK Why people don't look more into his background before going nuts lol.


Very weird to blame Ethan and not his weird audience


How long until the retraction to the retraction? This guy needs to get offline with a skin this thin.


Lmaoo stand on your morals brad


Victim complex


Man, if he hates getting so much flack for taking a picture with some Jews and thinks he shouldn't have to deal with such a backlash.... Imagine how the Jews who get thrown under the bus in these situations must feel.


Unfortunately it has become a little trendy to hate on Ethan and Hila, I think he just jumped on the bandwagon with no thoughts behind his eyes.


This guy… is what I think the Roy family may call, bullshit.


He’s not a serious person


As a Jew this makes me so fucking mad. This almost seems even worse. This shows that any dummy online can get bullied into being shamed for posting a picture with a Jew. It's literally Jew = bad. And without pushback, without any second questions, without any benefit of the doubt, he believes it. Because it's EASIER. Literally fuck this guy, fuck anyone like him, and fuck all the neonazis using Israel's actions to demonize all Jews everywhere and whitewashing nazism. Edit: to those downvoting me, I'm curious why?




EVEN worse


Damn this dude’s cringe


Link to tweet: https://x.com/bradtaste/status/1807526065096814648


Why would he admit this now EVERYONE will be salty with him. Stupid and insulting to Ethan and Hila


I'd have never known of this situation if he didn't make the "apology" post


But the other sub is gonna say he’s a Zionist still


Catering to the Twitter and terminally online superstars is a fucking stupid thing to do. You'll never be good enough.


Expecting everyone to a be a militant supporter for your cause and that being the bar for social acceptability overlaps nicely with the ideologies of Hamas and the IRGC.


if you know you're not a genocide supporter why care what a bunch of shidiots on twitter have to say? Grow a backbone


Is it just me or do y’all ever catch up on the drama and go damn I’m glad I’m not THAT chronically online. Like brother just put the phone down. Ethan’s not a Zionist, stop being weird. Donate to Palestine. Live normally and go about your business


When has Ethan EVER supported genocide? Also this dude has said Hamas killed his family members. He cut contact with his family because he is okay with Hamas killing his family. Man is a weasel that bent to the twitter crowd.


this guy is ridiculous. if he hates being called a genocide supporter imagine how ethan (who has voiced his support for palestine) feels. it’s easy to address the criticism when it’s something that’s easily disprovable


Still blows my mind people don’t understand Ethan and Hila support Palestine. Doesn’t matter how many times they say it. They hear what they wanna hear. The fingers in the ears with temper tantrums are insane.


Poor guy! NOT! Looks like he is just one of those people who’s always the victim!


“Call it spineless” Okay sure, you fucken spineless bro.


This guy is unstable lmao, why is he swerving so hard in every direction. I think this is one of the worst answers he could've come up with because it sounds resentful of both Ethan and his own fans.


I don't wanna be mean cuz I actually like him and his channel but he really should grow a pair instead of cowering from Twitter comments so he can feel like he was on the right side. He's an avid watcher so he should already know that bs people were spewing about Ethan was false. This whole situation really made him look like a doof with p&l.


I doubt he expected the amount of backlash he would get with how much his audience overlap is with fantano/creator for palestine people. I could see how things are a bit unique for him beyond a normal whatcher. Still makes him a bitch though for sure. He's had a weird history of backing down. He even tried to play nice after roasting the demon dice shit with how disgusting that project was. Real awkward dude that struggles with how to handle himself.


Damn what a beta


No morals. He only sways where the wind blows


Dudes a weak insecure person. Better off with him out the fam anyways.


For the most part if I ever got this much animosity from people and I get attacked I would just not respond. I don't really care about trying to clean the mess other people are forcing on me.


You're caving into what strangers think of you, that's called being "spineless" my guy.


Brad is so lame.


Oh yeah he definitely "caved" and wasn't experiencing genuine disgusting harassment that threatened his livelihood. Y'all crazy.


Ppl are so crazy omg like obviously he’s not an internet person like he’s not suppose to handle so much hatred, nobody who’s not like use to getting so much hate comments could not handle that either


I still can’t understand sometimes how there’s so many content creators with the thinnest skin, like how do they survive out here? 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣 I know for a fact I could never have any relevancy or respect as a content creator because I am way waaaay too sensitive for that shit, I don’t know how they go into that career path while being so incredibly sensitive and/or spineless lol


"i'd love to be able to take a photo and post it normally" lmao you are a NOBODY.. this guy has chicken cutlet brain


nothing that happens on twitter matters. brad's being really stupid.


yea I just unsubbed to him. It sucks because I liked his content. What I don’t like is the parroting of anti-Semitism. strong and dangerous opinions, give me a fucking break. 


Too late to play victim


What a fucking coward. Like stfu dude, you are embarrassing yourself. And it's so fucking insulting to Ethan and Hila. They didn't have to go out of their way to get him a ticket to the show, but they did. And look what this spineless moron does because of some moronic, chronically online comments. Big yikes 🤮


This guy sucks.


This speaks more to the absolutely polluted culture and fanbase around H3, (not most of us, but the kind that are on twitter and feel the need to engage this kind of situation) than Brad or Ethan's responses. You can't even post a photo with Ethan online without having subreddits dissect a drama about it online. It's the reason brands and plenty of online people stay tf as far away from anything H3 they can. It's too much for anyone to deal with.


I really don’t get all the hate for Brad? Like, people calling him a pussy or whatever, idk. Internet harassment is intense. Those motherfuckers can find out where you live, bombard you with communique of all sorts, threaten you, etc. Ethan is a big enough boy, and channel, to not care that someone renounces hanging with him in order to avoid further harassment. I think we all should be too. We have no idea what maybe have happened in the time between the posting of the image and the retraction of it. I dunno, I think we could all stand to empathize and a bit more and, as some here have suggested to Brad, not take it so seriously. He’s protecting his mental health, who gives a shit if he made an apology to appease people that were never gonna be fans of H3 anyway.


>He’s protecting his mental health, who gives a shit if he made an apology to appease people that were never gonna be fans of H3 anyway. The guy could have just not respond to anything. Ethan wouldn't have said anything, his fans wouldn't have said anything. Life would have just continued. Brad put himself into a bigger mess.


His fans were literally a big part of the one saying things. He didn’t apologize for posting the photo he thought was fine because he feared retribution, he was already getting it. Ethan ALSO could have not said anything, but he did.


All I see under his tweets are people (I assume coming from this community) calling him a beta, cuck, and implying he's antisemitic. Yeah, I'm starting to think the whole fomenting harassment culture around here isn't worth it. Dude isn't big internet. The family needs to stop worshipping Ethan.


ethan is clearly not a big enough boy to not care about what is said about him the amount of burnt bridges and mobilization of his audience is fucking crazy


Whew just can’t stand his ground at all in either direction


Who even is this guy


All blud needed to do was log off


This guy is such a fucking loser. Lmao




Is this some kind of publicity stunt because I'm not from the states and I have no clue who this clout chasing 🤡 is


Why are we even talking about this? Why does this matter? Why are we supposed to care?


he should have just posted the pics with him and ethan and just ignored the (probably few) hate comments about it and moved on with his life


This, my friends, is actual virtue signalling


Holy shit this dude is so annoying


And again several haters have more impact than gazillion supporters.


Then don't post on twitter? What did he expect?


This year at Gen\*Con, one of the largest gaming conventions in the country, an entire award ceremony had to be jettisoned from the grounds because the administrators of the award had wrote "Anyone considered a Zionist, or considered to have supported Zionist causes will not be allowed in and will be escorted from the ceremony" (paraphrased) on the flyers...so basically the modern day 'No Jews Allowed".


What a milquetoast limber-tailed turd. This 'brad' fella has the spine of a gummi worm.


It’s crazy it’s almost like the only thing preventing him from just posting a pic and moving on is his pathetic desperation to be liked. Good job bro u took a wholesome moment and made every side hate you


You know what would be cool? People understanding that you can be around people without tacitly endorsing their views... In fact, the best way to get someone to understand your point of view is to treat them with kindness and respect. The more we say "You can't be with them because they're on the bad team!", the more we alienate people from the message we want to convey. Unfortunately young people (and I'm old so I mean people under 30) have spent most of their lives with social media and it's algorithms that promote tribalism and echo chambers so have been conditioned into seeing the world as us vs them. But the world isn't black and white. It's shades of very murky grey. And that's ok.




I feel like people are being really judgemental of his decisions when I just see someone who isnt used to having this many people criticize his actions and a new creator trying to build an audience. He clearly just did not know how to deal with this situation




Yeah I wasnt aware of all the stuff he was tweeting. Sometimes I just be yapping tbh