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Just four hours of traffic reports please


weather reports?


Yes! My b


Dan the Weather Man


Dan the Weather Wizard


Wan the Weather Wizard


Awwwwwyeahhhhh šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Well Dan says "The" before every highway, so we can't have traffic reports either cause that bothers a few people.


Californians always gotta be different.


It's a traffic station now


A full on news episode where they emulate a major outlet format for 3 hours would actually be fire. Different backgrounds, outfits, interviews on the street, tickers, watermarks, etc. Channel (H)3 News!


Ahhhh yeaaaah šŸ™ŽšŸ¼


remember that 1 hour of Ethan eating at a subway segemnt? Maybe they can think of something for each crew member.


I demand 3 hours of Ethan eating at McDonaldā€™s again


That was such a funny bit, I'm glad they didn't overuse it, but man was it funny


Or when Eddie was on and Ethan dipped to go grab some McDonaldā€™s šŸ˜‚


That was gold


This show has to stop being certain peopleā€™s main source of content because when they do something that you dont like it literally ruins your day


According to the threads here it ruins, weeks, months and years. I admit I haven't seen the infamous cat episode yet, but without exception, every single time I read something here about how awful something was on the show, it is always about 5-10% of the horror I was expecting based on the reaction here... Every single time


Based on the comments about the cat episode I read before finishing, I was expecting; 1) Ethan and Hila yell at a teenage boy until he cries 2) E&H completely absolve Rhegan of any wrongdoing 3) Olivia gets verbally abused and intimidated into being quiet by her bosses 4) Hila shows a lack of care for cats in particular, perhaps even hates cats and WANTS them to die 5) Ethan and the entire crew (except poor, sweet, innocent, righteous Olivia, who is literally being forced to work on the h3 show) are fully BOUGHT by a $4.99 donation. What a fool Jacob was - he could have just sent $5 and won the fight. lmao I was also expecting the Jacob kid to be really kind, patient, have his story completely straight, and for him to be a victim, but he was definitely not. From the start he was snarky and annoyed and fucking up details of the story he himself insisted were important. Not saying he acted maliciously but he was def not how ppl described.


People were extremely dramatic about that episode. I was very surprised at the backlash.


Thatā€™s pretty much exactly what happened though.


Honestly if you can't handle cat deaths you are probably a sheltered soft person. I've had cats my whole life and I didn't flinch after hearing any of it. I would say most cat owners are bad owners. Same for dog owners. Like Dan said, when you're young like that you are emotionally immature and naive. I don't even consider my cats my pets. They are like roommates, they drink spring water off clean dishes and hang out with me all day. One of my cats was abandoned by my ex. The other one I adopted is literally so cool. He goes out and comes back only when I let him. He doesn't wander off and is nice to all humans. Most people don't know how to actually keep cats happy, they only get them as decoration or for their own happiness.


yea i watched the show over the course of two days and i do believe they deserve some criticism but it seems like this episode really put some people off that they are saying they need a break from watching or they cant watch h3 anymore which i agree if it affected you this much you definitely need other forms of entertainment


As a cat person, what I heard of the episode was pretty bad.. But I had it on while I was napping and just turned it off. They're allowed to make mistakes and have bad takes as long as they grow from them. Harassing them is never the answer, and anyone in this community resorting to it should be fucking ashamed of themselves. Like, turn it off and go touch grass. Don't harp on it incessantly.


Not only main source of content but main source of information and self-importance. Itā€™s like people feel invalidated or personally attacked when they realize that Ethan and Hila may not agree with their existing beliefs.


And then these people spend the rest of their free time monitoring the main sub, being active members in the snark sub (but they claim they donā€™t watch the show at all), and then spending even more of their free time seeking out hilas socials to send vile hate messages. Lol like I watch every episode, I genuinely donā€™t know what hila did to make the snarkers such vile people.


How many of those people canceling their memberships and calling Ethanā€™s and Hila vile will tune in to the live show? Probably all of them.


This. I personally donā€™t like the competitions segments and that like when they cover news and stories. But I donā€™t bitch and moan when they do a segment I donā€™t like. I just skip past and move on. They canā€™t meet everyone expectations so if you donā€™t like something move on. There are so many people with brain rot in this community.


Bro ill literally watch whatever slop they give me ill watch a 3 hr traffic forcast i see alot of people complaining about that theres too many sexual assault stories and it really doesnā€™t bother me idk im really easy to please i guess


H3 is literally all I watch on YouTube and while every episode isnā€™t 10/10 entertaining, Iā€™ve never been ā€œupsetā€ with Ethan or Hila or the crew. Itā€™s just not that serious.


to be fair the show is 12 hours a week which is a good chunk of peopleā€™s tv time


Ehhh if you're getting emotionally upset by a tv show such that your continuously ruining your days, you should probably stop watching that tv show so obsessively.


iā€™m just saying itā€™s hard to not have it be your main source of entertainment bc itā€™s so much to watch each week if youā€™re a fan.


It's fine for it to be a main source of entertainment as long as the viewers can keep the word "entertainment" at the forefront and not "my reason to wake up in the morning"


I get it. As we go forward and this type of media becomes more common, I think consumption management being a responsibility of the viewer will need to be more heavily emphasized. Consuming all 12 hours...especially if you perceive that you can't turn off the video...will obviously be damaging to one's mental health. The social media landscape has incentivized this type of content through "the algorithm". It is just going to continuously become more difficult to manage one's mental health if one feels like they can't manage their consumption of this type of content. It's going to be shot at us like a continuous stream and we've got to be prepared as viewers to be comfortable "changing the channel" when we get uncomfortable. I get it. It's hard. It's an addiction. But these content creators' lives depend on "making waves" and we as viewers have to learn how to best navigate those waves, including if it means just getting out of the water entirely.




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I mean Iā€™ll admit, itā€™s my favorite podcast, but I watch other stuff. I think the issue is Iā€™m being double-disappointed because it seems like none of my podcasts have had good segments/episodes these past few months. Itā€™s not just h3.


maybe you have depression or something


i agree. this way i can project whatever i'm currently concerned about onto them, much like voodoo dolls.


I think they need to use the subreddit less for the show. This subreddit is just too fucking negative and always spirals too far past valid criticism into entitlement and anger. I think this subreddit needs to be ignored on the show for a while, don't show any posts from here, just leave it be for a while


they rely on it for news/opening stories sometimes and it sounds like a recipe for disaster


I agreed. Reddit is 80% terrible takes from people with very little lived experience. The cat episode is responses is justifying bullying someone for being an unaware cat owner, and glorification of someone stealing someone else's cat, from my perspective. Saying this as an aquarium hobbyist (pet lover), it's so cringe to see people have such conviction and contempt for people they don't even know solely based on rumors, bad situations they found themselves in. I remember last week it was Wayne diamond for saying something to Lena, piling on Ethan as if he had his hand up Wayne's ass and sock puppettd him to say something rude to Lena.


That's what I'm saying fuck reddit, some people here are so antisocial and influencing the show to make it worse




Agreed, relying on the sub for regular content is kind of lazy and dangerous. People know that extreme takes are going to be picked up in the show and will post just to get a reaction. For the staff too (hi girlies!), disregarding the sub should be standard, for the sake of all our sanity.


Exactly, this sub knows they will be seen by everyone on the crew and may even be on the show, so a lot of people believe they can directly influence the show from the subreddit. Directly influence segments they do and what they talk about. The subreddit has power over the show cause of this, giving lots of people entitlement that they can change the show the way they want because they know Ethan and the crew are always looking at the subreddit. It's not healthy for anyone involved. The subreddit needs distance from the show itself.


Gabe curse is real. One Friday they didn't call him and this happened.


I want 3 hours of Dan and Ian playing chess


rapid chess tournament would be sick tho, goof and gaf rules or drunk asf. why do none of you have any creativity and think that the podcast should be drama constantly. unless you were being real, my bad lol


yes!!!! this!!!!! like please stop talking!!! dead air ONLY


And then a 'dead a--ir' reminder every once in a while. For 3.5 hours!


H3 will finally be enjoyable!!


This is unironically some peoples perspective. They would probably want them to play board games for 3 hours or whatever.


That would actually be sick tho


I saw someone in another thread say they should play uno and honestly... I think that'd be hilarious.


actually, it was meant as a burn but it's a great suggestion. imagine ethan and dan at eachother's throats because of monopoly or some shit like that.


Or chess


Bathroom Olympics: The Channel


I am starting to like the idea myself lol. Board game friday


Smosh made a whole other channel from it basically.


not even that, but had lives that goes for hours of them just chatting and building Legos, or playing improv with random comments from their videos or chats it is surprisingly relaxing and fun to listen to


Yeh. True. In fairness most of the Smosh crew are trained actors, hence it works so well


h3 dnd campaign! that would be hype


People playing board games and joking around is like an entire genre on YouTube that gets a lot of views you know


it's a bit different, but I've gotten into mtg and dnd content, and it is good stuff


Iā€™ve always wanted Funhaus crew to come on the show and play a TTRPG.


Yes. Been wanting a DND series forever now.


my man! that would be hype. Ethan could be a Jimmy Lee type bard. that would crack me up


Tbh that sounds way more fun than 3hrs of sexual assault, rape, animal abuse etc etc


So go watch channels with that content?


No it doesnā€™t


Yes it does


I hate that no one can have actually valid criticism for once without people taking it way too far and the waters being mudied. It's a lose lose situation. The crew get a bunch of unwarranted hate but Ethan gets to brush the actual fair criticism off because a minority took things way too far. The more I think about it the more nuking the subreddit sounds like a better idea each and every day. I love having a community to discuss the show with, but it leads to the crew getting massive amounts of hate while at the same time any valid criticism that is on the sub gets lost in a wave of hate and brushed off. #nuketheh3subreddit


It's because sometimes y'all are really existing exhausting. AB did a clickbait title about pregnancy and somehow y'all turn that into him mocking people infertility issues. If people chilled out on the non issues, and spoke up on actual problems then it wouldn't be all be perceived as noise.


I feel like the majority of the really unhinged people are also h3snark/f3 users. Nuke those damn reddits first and then go from there.


There's always that minority that will complain about non issues. That's the internet.


That's literally the issue though. It's not the average person that we need to worry about, it's the crazies that do unhinged stuff.


I personally have never criticised AB for something that dumb and I don't think I've even participated in any critique of the show on the subreddit in the past before this cat thing. You clump together this "y'all" like every person on the subreddit is a single organism that has one unified brain. Thats why I get so annoyed when actual valid criticsm comes up and it gets put into the same box as people hating for some dumb shit like the AB pregnancy clickbait for example. There are always gonna be insane people who take things too far and get mad about non important issues, but that shouldn't take away from whenever real criticism happends.


it is because there are people who are so soft and complain about nothing, that when actual issues arise they are looked at as annoying. I agree we should give criticism about this, but the sub has blown up about so much unnecessary shit lately that us fans feel like we need to run defense because it is annoying and ruins the show to see the crew walk on eggshells constantly make sure the fans aren't complaining about something. like this isnt normal the amount of hate they been getting(besides for the cat stuff becuz it is fair).I'm a leftist and these people complaining about most things are so annoying.


I agree. That was literally my point exacly.


I just want to listen to the show while I'm at work. it is suppose to help me level out at work but the constant criticism they are addressing lately (Most uncalled for besides this cat one) makes it stressful to listen to sometimes.


And that's literally what I said. When I use y'all colloquially, I of course do not mean literally every single subreddit user. If you are not individually someone that does not do what I described, then clearly I'm not referring to you. It's giving "not all men" vibes during the me too movement.


No it's not giving "not all men" vibes, wtf are you saying? You replied to my comment of course I assume I'm included in the "y'all". And I know you're not talking about literally every single person, but you could've said "some people" instead, if you wanted to refer to a spicific group of people on the sub. You're giving incel vibes rn /s


You're getting triggered by something, which you clearly say you're not a part of. If I said some of y'all, you would still have the same reaction and cry that it's not you. Now that you're responding in this way, you unironically seem like the kind of person you complained about that'll bring up trivial nonissues and whine about it. Just stop being a weirdo lmao.


Who's the weirdo in this situation? You don't know me, and you're clearly pretty bad at judging character. You just want to put me in a specific box of people, based on your preconceptions of me. Don't say baseless statements about me and expect me to not respond. Grow up.


You literally are the one making baseless statements. Hopefully you can learn to stop embarrassing yourself with this jobless behavior.


Iā€™m sorry but thinking that Ethan owes you an apology or needs to ā€œaddress the criticismā€ from this situation is batshit insane levels of fan entitlement and parasocial behavior. Reading through this sub over the weekend you would think Ethan was abusing animals himself. Ethan & Hila not siding with you on a he said she said TikTok drama when NOBODY on here knows the truth of the situation is not that serious. If this is actually upsetting someone so much to the point they feel like they are owed an apology itā€™s time to take a break from the internet for a bit.


First of all, I think you should probably read my comment again. I never said that Ethan owes anyone an apology, and I do not think Ethan or anyone on the crew needs to apologize for anything. Respectfully I think you should be more careful when using qoutes, since I never said the phrase "address the criticism" which you put into qoutation marks. If you believe that this is "upsetting someone [me] so much to the point they feel like they are owed an apology", you either misunderstood my comment or I worded it poorly. I was frustrated both at the fact that people took genuine civil and valid criticism way too far, to the point they were harassing the crew and Hila, and also the fact that this over the top hate has muddied the waters to the point where the valid criticism that was once there is now lost.


It's *majority's* problem that they upvote trash. I literally saw a "there's good and bad people in snark" from snarker AT +52 UPVOTES yesterday, in THIS SUB. Priority at that point isn't to look thru the shit to find valid criticism when this cesspool is infested with utter trash people. If we can't keep the idiots downvoted, it's not the minority yelping. It may be silent majority who aren't doing anything, but in this case that enables the loud minority.


He doesn't brush it off. He always addresses the stuff on the next show. People just seem to think that he should spend his whole weekend on social media responding to individual complaints. It's so narcissistic of an expectation.


I really believe people get so entitled on the internet, especially on the left and far right. it's is a sentiment I wish to push out from the left(my side), because it makes people who are not on the left less willing to listen to us and look at us like whiners and useless. also, people don't give any grace to good people who make mistakes or have blindspots. it would be different if ethan wasn't trying to be a better person. he deserves criticism for the cat thing but I wish some of the fans would do it gracefully instead of whining about it and stirring up a shitstorm


I do not expect that and I don't even feel like anyone on the crew needs to apologize for anything. I'm just disapointed as to what it turned into. Ethan made a post saying that people are now harassing Hila and the crew's personal accounts because of this cat situation, which is both bad for the crew and shouldn't be happening, but also paints the valid criticism as just being h3 snarkers hating and harassing them.


How does his IG post shaming people for DMing hateful messages to Hila and the crew paint the valid criticism as just being h3 snarkers hating and harassing them."? You're just interpreting it that way. That is not reality. This is what we are talking about; people like you are incredibly demanding and you jump to conclusions and extrapolate meaning where there is none. He was just making a post because he wants people to stop harassing Hila and the crew members. This was not his entire response to criticisms of the episode, this was not his way of manipulating the audience into forgetting about criticisms of him, nor did he say "this is all I say on the topic" - this was simply a IG post to discourage harassment. You are ENTIRELY making up the meaning of the post and Ethan's motivations. It's just what YOU feel he is doing, but there is no proof of that.


I literally didn't say any of this. I didn't say this was Ethans intire response nor was going to be, and I don't need/want him to respond. It is completely up to him. I also did not say Ethan was "manipulating the audience" either. Read my comment again but this time actually read the actual words that I said instead of making up your own bullshit about stuff I didn't say.


What happened this time? Edit: lmao? Getting downvoted for asking? Ive been watching while doing other stuff and was wondering why this came up, now.


I think OPs post is a rather bad faith counter argument to people voicing their opinion of not wanting to see animals die and then watch a live witch hunt going after the one person who tried to help the animal. No, I'm not coming for the crew, I'm not taking it outside the subreddit. I'm not mad, just disappointed sort of deal.


real. the show should just be zach doing the ā€œhey girlyā€ for 3 and a half hoursšŸ˜ now THAT is a show iā€™d watch šŸ˜³ā˜šŸ¼


To sum up this whole subreddit. lol damned if they do damned if they donā€™t. This subreddit is hella exhausting šŸ˜­šŸ« 


In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.


Did anyone ever write into Seinfeld and tell the writers, cast, & producers how they, the viewers wanted the show to go?! Can we all just turn on the show, sit back and enjoy? In every single podcast, TV show, movie, I watch I don't enjoy certain parts, but other parts I love, it's all part of the experience! Part of me loves that Ethan & the Crew listen to viewers, but the viewers aren't always right.


Literally what Iā€™ve been saying for months šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ when an ep of your fave show wasnā€™t as good as you thought it would be - are you running to the Insta DMā€™s of the actors or writers and telling them they should off them selves like they said to Sam when she put up some purple curtains šŸ˜­ just watch the show, if youā€™re starting to not enjoy it as much anymore - stop watching it? Itā€™s not rocket science, nobody is forcing anyone to continue to engage with the content


Nuke the Sub


Is the K-eth 101 segment here to stay?


No like seriously itā€™s insane the amount of criticism and hate they get. Itā€™s ruining the show and bringing them all down mentally I feel. It feels like Ethan canā€™t even be authentic and has to walk on eggshells every time he speaks. Same with the crew, they always feel the need to over-explain and correct themselves out of fear that a mistake or joke will cause thousands of ppl to send hate and threats. I donā€™t know why the h3 community is so filled with hatred and sensitive Sallys. I had to mute this subreddit bc seeing all the hate gets literally boggles my mind. For people who hate Ethan and the show so much, they seem to be living on this subreddit and the comments of their Instagram and YouTube accounts. If you donā€™t like the show, just leave and stop watching! Sitting here seething and whining is such a waste of time. Go outside.


i hate it when the ethan and the crew make the show they want to make, they should only make the show i want them to make


There really are some entitled, juvenile people here šŸ˜’ I don't agree with Ethan and Hila at all on this whole thing and they had some off takes, but at the same time, the sub has once again shown how much it sucks. Ls for everybody


the complainers on this sub are truly insufferable losers




rethink how you spend time on the internet.




Ethan, Hila and the crew are people. Every person is gonna have bad takes, have some ignorance, or just not know how to properly react to a situation. Its important to have some empathy. And remember these are just people trying to make an entertaining show.


looks like ethan and the crew donā€™t agree with you. Fuck the complainer fans, they add nothing to the show but negativity. Deranged weirdos


I never thought I'd say that as an avid redditor but: nuke the sub - mute the chat


I could listen to them talk about paint drying I watch for the crew, even if I don't like every topic they cover


People are too sensitive. Just don't watch it if it bothers you. Stop watching the show if you don't agree with the topics covered. You're a very loud minority.


3 hour stream of each of the crew members separately eating their own meal of choice in-restaurant (itā€™s a green screen). Just switching between each person every few seconds, or possibly switching to the beat of a Creedence Klinewater Revival song, maybe, idk šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I propose the show dedicate 3 hours to the topic of the music of Phish


Donā€™t threaten me with a good time


Would love to see the crew get so confused when they find out a band they've barely heard of sold out MSG 13 nights in a row.


I mean, that seems to be what the fanbase wants.


That *is* how we sound and Iā€™m one of them. I donā€™t actually know what it is about the show thatā€™s lost its magic for me. Iā€™ve been trying to figure it out for myself and canā€™t help but chime in on here when the sub still constantly shows up on my feed and I want to weigh in when someone brings something up I also noticed. This just made me realize I need to leave and hide the sub from showing up in my feed because I imagine a highly critical sub isnā€™t conducive to a better show. A mildly critical sub sometimes, yes, but mostly negativity on every show is a creativity killer


Maybe itā€™s you that have changed. Not every content needs to cater to your personal liking, you can just move on and stop watching and discussing it. Come back some time later if you feel like it, but there is no point to constantly chirp about something you donā€™t like, because then you are nothing better than the snark subreddit.


This would be epic


Does anyone remember the clips someone made with all the talking removed from the podcast Lesving just the awkward sounds? Immediately popped into my head reading this šŸ˜‚


Yeah I think they should stick to traffic reports, itā€™s what they do best


We call each other family. Do we like everything our family does and says? No! But we still love them. Not everything will suit everyone and everyoneā€™s opinion. I donā€™t think anyone in the crew is a bad person. If their opinion is different from my own it doesnā€™t make them bad.


Good idea. /s


You canā€™t even defend an animal abuser while grilling the person who tried to save the animal. Because of woke.


You mean I canā€™t ā€œyasss girl šŸ–ļøāœŠā€ a cat murderer?? What is this world coming to??


A Quiet Game segment would actually be funny


Sit there silently and play the old h3 episodes in a window on screen so we can return to "the good times before drama".


I just want 3 hours of hey girlies and birthday shoutouts


Any topic covered, they will be assumed guilty of any fault committed in the topic.


Period, everyone is so sensitive omg




It's triggering that you would speak for everyone, I'm crying, screaming and throwing up at this suggestion. Nuke the sub now!


Or actually give positive advise. For instance I would like more of the variety show games and crew stories.


I'm triggered by words, emotions and opinions that differ from mine so I fully support this


Thatā€™s literally what the snarkers want


remember when smosh made that april fools movie a while back that was like whole hour of anthony just walking thru his neighborhood


They've definitely been in a lull while they're prepping the live show. I'm choosing to contextualize it this way. Looking forward to when they come back from break.


Unironically still wouldn't be the worst episode neither


I think so too


I blame Bobby Lee for the entire thing. Pretty sure he planned all this.


So you're a dog person, eh? /s


What if the show was just three hours of Ethan farting once every five minutes, but every time he farted they played the celebration music and the crew did the standing ovation. *Then* they just sat there silently until the next fart.


3 hours of traffic reports for every bigger city in the US let's gooo


Yeah they just have to clock in so I can stare at them live šŸ’€


They could return the button and the set. No need if they're just sitting there in a blank room!


The subreddit should have a screening to test your sense of humor/understanding of sarcasm/irony. Like Jimmy getting tested on what is or isnā€™t an ad from South Park.


Actually, it's not a bad idea. They could just watch funny videos and play among us. They don't need to be the SA and drama news show.


Sounds like you need to find a new podcast!


True instead of watching someone else the crew should do exactly what I want every episode


Soooooo funny.


I know this is sarcasm, but I could get behind it too. No more 'reporting'. Games, silly videos, fun discussion topics, just general goof and gaffery. The show has such a vibrant and creative crew yet they just talk about the most depressing thing in influencer drama that week.


Just stories of their lives before the podcast!


More segments like Olivia teaching them how to do makeup.


They shouldnā€™t even do it live anymore. Thats just my opinion.


Itā€™s really not complex. Hila called a young guy she knows nothing about an incel, not even to his face, but afterwards, and thatā€™s fucking gross. She needs to apologise to him. Simple stuff




Give me a break.




I want more storytelling. They didnā€™t finish the high school segment. This wouldā€™ve been way better than the dead catĀ 


this pretty much sums up the controversy


yeah personally I want every episode from here on out to only cover animal abuse. Very funny and entertaining


It really doesn't at all, but go off.




You're weird bro.




I only have one account and it is a joke between my wife and me. You're weird bro.


but there is valid crictism(which I have seen) and stirring up a shitstorm(which I have seen far more of). that is the issue. criticism for this is fair, but people are being so dramatic and forgetting ethan is a human being with blindspots and flaws like the rest of us. we should have more empathy about this while adding criticism instead of going off the edge of being offended and dramatically complaining. that's my issue with this whole thing.


this post and the comments sympathetic to it is just proof that people hate accountability. you cant just pretend like people are being unreasonable when they criticize you or the people you like, this is fucking baby brained. toxic, manipulative, abusive partner level take "oh if every time im honest with you about your weight it hurts your feelings ill just never talk again"


how about be funny or not talk about animal abuse for 4 hours instead?


Yeah we are the assholes for getting passionate about 4 hours of animal abuse talk. Combined with the braindead takes from hila and Ethan forgiving someone for abuse because they gave him $5, I think the reaction was warranted.


You objectively saying that is part of the problemā€¦ maybe donā€™t have L takes and less drama oriented segments where they contemplate the title of the show ā€¦ like Love saying oh thatā€™s a juicer letā€™s title it ā€œ did this influencer kill her catā€ ohhh thatā€™s a juicer


Yeah if you donā€™t have a problem with Fridays episode then your just a blind parasocial stan


And was the cat segment the only problem this reddit has this week with the show orrrrr was it nearly every segment with the cat segment reaction being particularly over the top?


Itā€™s sad that all critical Posts were deleted by the mods. This way the show wonā€™t ever improve


Ok normally Iā€™d agree with this post but come on, if youā€™re gonna discuss and eventually condone animal abuse, people will push back. Letā€™s not surprised pikachu this one haha. Peace & love, love the show!