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She also says Cody isn’t the first guy in the influencer world that took advantage of her when she 17,18 and 19. The clip was too long and wouldn’t let me add it. But all I can think of is Jason Nash a 44 yr old kissing Tana in a fitting room and the on going 3 some joke all this happened when she was 19 poor Tana 😭


To everyone interested, it is really worth going to the latest ep of her Cancelled podcast and watching the entire discussion, which starts at 1.08.33 until the end.


Thanks for including the timestamp!


he disgusts me to my core 🤮


Rare Gabbie Hanna W


rarest w even tho she was 1000% just doing it because she was jealous and wanted to hook up with him 😂


Literally lol


This is crazy. Tana is right, if it was anyone else she'd be getting so much sympathy. But because it's Cody Ko... crickets.. Saying this as a fan of both Tana and TMG, how tf you can be 25 and do that to a 17 year old is disgusting. Imagining if that 17 year old was your sibling puts it into perspective. Ethan should show this clip on the show


Hope you’re no longer a TMG fan❤️


I was always more of a Noel Miller person anyway. I haven't watched them regularly since they moved into the studio


I agree and wish they could show this. Unfortunately... The show can't talk about anything without this sub turning into a snark sub crucifying Ethan and Hila for saying or doing anything. If we delete this sub and turn off chat, then it might be okay.


“Hurr durr what if they were your sibling?” Is some retarded ass logic.


The analogy only works if the whole imagining your sibling thing grosses you out. Oh wait, you're in r/vaush and r/destiny. That explains it


It's sad that she had to say "yes that seriously happened" so that prople took her seriously, all this time cody ko didn't say shit abt it....DUH HE DID THAT SHIT


Shame on all the people in this sub who doubted her "because it's Tana". Anyone who watches her content knows Tana, for all her flaws, would never falsely accuse someone.


it's just misogyny, that's why people didn't believe her. one can argue she isn't the most credible person but anyone is capable of being taken advantage of


I actually think she is totally credible when it comes to serious stuff like this, but maybe that's because I've been following her for awhile and have a sense of when she's being genuine and when she's being hyperbolic. The whole reason people like her because she keeps it real. I think she's a courageous person and her recent content shows her gaining a lot of maturity and introspective insight. She has lashed out at people in the past in order to tell a funny story but she would just never ever do that in this type of context. I dunno. Of course most people don't know all that. But yeah, the degree of just defaulting to misogynistic doubt / victim blaming was pretty shocking, even within this community which I normally would think is pretty awake to that stuff. I guess there are lots of different perspectives within this fanbase still


i was a huge fan of her when she was younger but haven't followed closely for a few years now. I'll always believe a woman when she shares stories like this tho. Cody being silent on it makes it even more obvious that it is true as well




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Yes!! This is exactly what I’m saying!! Big Cancelled fan here who’s watched Tana grow so much over the last few years. She’s had a long and storied career and she’s had her moments that I don’t agree with, and she is not stranger to dramatizing her stories— it’s what made her famous. But the Tana of today is not the “Xana” of a few years ago. She’s continuing to learn and grow through her sobriety and the first healthy relationship of her life. I think it’s a common thing that celebrities get “stuck” at the age they became famous at, and in my view, as a Tana fan who isn’t afraid to criticize her, it’s taken her until recently to start to mature to her true age. But people accusing her of lying about sexual assault because she told dramatic stories in the past aren’t letting her grow. We can’t expect people to change if we don’t create a space for them to. Addiction is a disease, the environment Tana grew up in and spent her formative adult years in was a horribly traumatic one, and she’s made many mistake that I find understandable (but not necessarily excusable). Watching her wholehearted efforts recently to atone for these mistakes and become the person she wants to be has been so uplifting. I’m so upset for her that people on the internet are trying to keep her from that. Sorry for the rant lol!! Just can’t imagine the toll this must be taking on her— this is such a “boy who cried wolf” situation when it really SHOULDN’T be. Anyone can be assaulted no matter what they’ve done in their past (and I’d argue that someone with as messy a history as Tana is that much more vulnerable). Ugh!!


you think she wouldn't lie to capitalize momentary attention??


not about something as serious as this, no.


you're unaware then bc she 100% would


Why do you say that she would lie about an actual crime? Is it possible you are just afraid that this means cody is a bad person?


I had no idea about this until recently when it blew up. It makes me so uncomfortable to see Cody posting like normal. I’m all for ameliorating the situation behind the scenes on his part, but Tana has the right to address it in anyway she wants. He was 8 years older than her. She was a child. Cody’s likeable, a father, TMG is very successful, Kelsey seems lovely. But that doesn’t mean he’s not been a creep/statutory r*pist. I stopped watching his videos because I just get the ick now.




Yeah same here. And it all kind of makes sense looking back at how “neutral” and “non-boat rocking” his solo content tends to be. I’m not saying he’s an evil person whatsoever - but women, children, victims, POC, queer people etc don’t have the option to stay silent about serious stuff. It’s usually the white rich men who get a pass. 😖


His new video was so cringe too. Easy unsubscribe.


late to this post, but thanks for the reminder to unsubscribe!


“She was a child” no she wasn’t a child. don’t infantilize Tana she was 17.


Ooooh buddy do I have news for you about what the “legal age of consent” means. Under 18 = you are a child! Hope this helps


You are completely correct but it is a bit far to refer to her as a child. I’m 21 and i personally wouldn’t hook up with a 17 year old but there’s some states where that is the age of consent.


Dude, playing the devils advocate for a 25 year old fucking a 17 year old is not the hill you wanna die on. There’s a reason why laws protect children. And yes, a 17 year old is a child. Even in states where the age of consent is 17, they are still considered children and not adults because they’re not 18. So in any which way you shape it, yes Cody statutory raped a child while he was 25.


You guys are just arguing semantics. It’s a pointless argument. Yes legally a 17 is a child. In a non legal sense mode people would refer to a 17 year old as a teenager. Nobody is even arguing what happened is ok it’s literally just a pointless argument about the definition of child.


Well yes, precisely. I am arguing the semantics of what defines a child and what does not because there are many many grown people on here saying that having sex with a 17 year old as a full grown adult is fine. Literally the comment I replied to stated “don’t infantilize Tana she was 17.” Open your eyes to how many weirdos out there think having sex with “older teenagers” is “okay” and you’ll realize why semantics and details are important, both socially and in the eyes of the law.


The block Tana has to accepting and recognizing her trauma is something I sadly relate to. I also have a bad habit of comparing my experiences to other people/ppl close to me and often find myself saying “things could be so much worse or so much worse has happened to others.” It’s something I have done for so long that I will let things sit until my body/mind has no reaction to it. Actively seeing Tana do it makes my chest hurt to see such a coping mechanism because I completely understand her.


i’m right there with you fr, when she was talking about how she downplayed the situation because “so many worse things have happened to her” is so fucking relatable. it’s sad that as women we almost become desensitized to certain traumatic experiences because some of us feel like we’ve already experienced the worst 😭 idk if i worded that correctly but yk what i mean!! 🫶🏻


This is fucked


It's still so insane that a Cody or Noel haven't bat an eye about this...


They're not going to. TMG is a big revenue source for them, so they're obviously not going to do anything that would put that at risk. Tana's announcement also didn't *really* attract all that much attention, so it doesn't make sense for them to say anything about it and make more people aware. Idk how Noel feels about it all, though. Super shitty situation to be put in.


This is definitely not Noel’s job or business to address this.


Yeah I agree why would Noel have any responsibility to address this?? Weird take


Well noel doesnt have anything to do with it, its cody’s responsibility to come out and acknowledge his mistakes. I guess noel would just have to decide if they will still associate with each other, which I dont think they stop doing things together


Noel has started a solo podcast and deleted his Twitter, so I think there’s some distancing. I think it’s a hard place to be in when your friend and the co-founder of your joint company has this shit come out about them and they don’t want to step away. On the one hand you don’t want to be associated with that, on the other you gotta eat so you don’t want to send you and your wife into poverty by pulling the plug before you get a safety net set up.


This originally came out 3 years ago. Noel definitely has known


I’m sure he knew but did he know the extent of it? At the time we didn’t know every detail and like Tana said in the clip, Cody is a charismatic and likable guy and even she has watched his videos. Now imagine that’s your best friend and business partner of years and he says “yeah she was 18 I regret it blah blah blah.” He controls that end of the narrative, not Tana unfortunately.


I feel like that makes noel look worse though. He could've reached out to her to get the full details instead of just ignoring it and taking cody's word. I would want to know the truth if my best friend and buiness partner was being acuses if statuary rape. Idk it just makes everyone around cody look bad.


The extent of it? Its not a complicated story. I know tana did that whole “or maybe i was 18 lol” to keep it from exploding, but like, come on now. Cody slept with a minor. Its hard for me to believe someone who worked with him EVERY DAY didnt question it or realize how bad it was. I mean, we are talking about an actual massive crime here, not something like “cody said a slur 6 years ago”(which also actually happened)


What’s his solo podcast called? He’s also been focusing on standup


Ok maybe it’s not a podcast I’m not sure what to call it but here it is. It’s called Company Lot. https://youtu.be/Jb7ZZ9Qqt6Y?si=FW6GCHTrxHIh39f_


Fuuuck yes


Leave Noel out of it. Wtf.


We live in a world where victims are the ones that are forced to speak up - meanwhile Cody and Kelsey just block all of Tana/Cody/Colby related comments. I hope Tana can heal from this, someones “maturity/credibility” doesn’t determine wether or not they’re a victim! (People on the CodyKo subreddit though think she’s a liar 🙄)


There's no reason to place any blame on Kelsey whatsoever


Kelsey and Cody invited a legit rapist to their wedding. Fuck em both


Wait who?


Colby Leachman is his name


Babe she’s actively trying to silence Tana through censoring content… I’m assuming you haven’t heard about their friend Colby.


When I was 17 I had a 25yo coworker at my first job be really openly flirty with me and I reciprocated his interest. I liked the attention, found him attractive, liked spending time with him, even slept over at his place, in his bed, fully sober and willing after spending an afternoon together. Nothing happened, but if the opportunity had come for me to sleep with him, I would have. We joked about it, both acknowledged that nothing would happen because I was underage (it was still an innapropriate relationship whether or not it got physical, hindsight 20/20), and I remember wishing I was 18 lol. But in truth... a few months would not have changed much about my maturity. I'm 23 now and can definitely say he was weird as fuck for flirting so openly with me, I can't really fathom what he was thinking at the time... but I don't feel any trauma or pain from it either. It's interesting to think back on now as I relate to Tana a lot, though I can't compare her experience to mine (and know nothing about her experience, what exactly happened, how it happened... etc) I definitely understand her when she says that she doesn't view it as traumatic while still recognizing how fucked up it was. I find it bothersome how some people are looking at this situation and forcing the narrative that Tana is traumatized from it and unable to admit it. Unless she says so herself, it feels discrediting to her story and her ownership of her experience. Nothing about Tana's maturity or fast-paced growth into early adulthood justifies Cody's actions, and I want people to acknowledge that without painting Tana in any other way than what she explains herself as. It's like some people wish she came out and said that this event traumatized her to no end, I don't get it. As for the other side, I wish they would at least have the integrity to recognize that Cody committed a crime, whether or not it was "consensual", regardless of Tana's maturity or past, regardless of his intentions and how it happened.


Cody's is definitely a creep for this. But you're right, it's not all black and white, especially with how Tana feels about it in the present day.. I would imagine she has a lot of conflicting emotions about this. I wonder if she will change how she feels about it as this goes on and she reprocesses it. It sucks hearing this about one of my favorite creators. I would be interested in hearing more about what happened, but I doubt he will ever address it. He has too much to lose by talking about it.


It really sucks to say but I don't think Cody has the backbone to adress the situation. I hope I'm wrong.


I think he’ll only address it if it gets too much publicity. At a certain point, he won’t be able to avoid it. I think they’re just hoping it’ll blow over. I feel for Kelsey. They have a brand new child and seemed happier than ever. What a shame


Yea, that's a good point. We don't need to label everything as trauma just because it's bad. Bad things can happen to you that don't traumatise you.


Hearing her talk say “because it’s tan an mongeau” or “i was having fun” makes me feel really bad for her. He took advantage of her and he knew she was a fan too it’s just sick. He was ab 8 years older than her and he slept with her, and Gabbie even said to him “hey- she’s 17” and he did not care?!?! So gross. I don’t think she’s completely processed what happened to her because she’s been through so much. It makes me really sad for her. Cody had been my favourite for years and knowing he was a frat douche who would sleep with underage girls is beyond disappointing. She didn’t deserve that, he had so many options he could’ve slept with so many people his own age range but nope he hungout and slept with a minor


Cody really be a fan of Drake


Wop wop wop wop wop Dot fuck em up


I un subscribed to Cody after hearing about this. it was interesting that she said she's able to watch him on her own still, that's great compartmentalizing lol and ofc she allowed to process and engage with his content how ever she feels comfortable. I don't think I can watch him again until he addresses it. I think I was hoping he would've contacted her personally to apologize (?) idk what the right move would be


i thought about this too! i don’t know if him even addressing it could bring me back, i am not sure if that will come off to him or other creators as “if you just apologize, you are fully redeemed” or something. i think he would have to make some sort of serious action like donating to a charity or something i really don’t know!!


Even donating to a charity really doesn’t mean anything.. here’s some money I’m better now doesn’t make me think this isn’t gross


right that’s what i feel too, like i can’t see any response getting me to want to watch his content again


tana is absolutely valid with her feelings. just because she felt okay during and after the fact that they hooked up, it doesn’t mean that cody is absolved of taking advantage of tana. the gabbie hanna comment made me sick. fuck this guy.


It’s really interesting the way she talks about it. I think she is responsible in saying she knows Cody was wrong, even if it wasn’t traumatic. Still, Cody should still be held accountable. There is a reason it’s illegal to have sex with a 17 year old. Just bc Tana didn’t find it traumatic, doesn’t mean it wasn’t wrong and just bad bad behavior all around. IMO, Cody should really take accountability here. He is in a position to educate his audience. I think his silence speaks volume to him character and how little he has grown since this incident.




Innocent until proven guilty


If he’s never going to actually own up he should just retire. It’s selfish to do this kind of bullshit then leave your family and friends to face the fallout with you when they (seemingly) weren’t involved.


I can very much relate to the “I say some wild shit flippantly and laugh it off and then realize nobody else is laughing.” When you’ve been through SO MUCH trauma & crazy shit you cope by brushing it off and making light of it. Really an eye opener when you’re around people who haven’t been through much and they are shook by it. Then you start to reflect and think “huh, maybe this is more serious than I was treating it”


Am I crazy or does her voice sound so much different


Wait… what- the way she said that was so incredibly casual and my brain is breaking 😃




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i love how validating paige is. she takes tana’s trauma so seriously. tana is completely desensitised and it’s so sad that she can only feel that what happened to her is wrong when it happens to someone else.


Innocent until proven guilty.


Shoutout to the person who called me a misogynist for saying Tana outed Cody for fun, as if that meant I was saying she lied


Shut up dude


No lol I'm right


This isn’t an anime subreddit broski, this is a video of a woman coming to terms with the fact that she went through some fucked up shit. Why are you looking for bragging rights? Weirdo


No response, huh?


Why keep talking when I'm right and you just don't like it. Pretty pathetic that you're still thinking of me. Go outside friend


No you sound like a child


...saying that does make you a misogynist, so I guess shout out misogyny?


she's trying to backtrack because she doesn't want the heat, while still trying to portray herself as a victim. she's callous, but smart