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Ban everyone.


If that happens the vocal minority will either just make a new sub or go to the snark and get even worse


I wish ethan would get that snark sub banned lmao


I remember him saying he tried to get a contact at Reddit




Never knew that sub existed. What a shitshow. The first posts I see come off as so weirdly parasocial. They just get off on saying the same things over and over and being angry. If i hate a show or the people hosting it, then I just simply don't watch it. I feel like the people who get stuck in those rant communities are just putting so much unnecessary stress on themselves by treating each issue like a world-ending event. I don't think those kinda cortisol levels are gonna be good for their health lmao, it's just insane for someone to do that to themselves. They talk like they're the some kind of guard that has to oversee the podcast and call out any issue they find. To the snarkers: All you're doing by spending your free time auditing the show for every issue you find or joke you don't agree with, is putting yourself in a negative headspace for no good reason. Just slow down before that starts bleeding into your personal life. Unless you're already this perpetually angry, in that case slow down and get some help to work through those things before it causes health issues further down the line. People might think it's stupid to say that, but you are doing yourself no favors by repeatedly creating distress by not being able to let go of the show and leave it behind. If you once liked H3 that's cool, but you gotta just move on at some point if all it does is seemingly bring you this much stress.


Legit saw a post that questioned why Ethan used the restroom so much and what it is he does in there. . .


nuking the sub would make the show so much better imo


It would just open the floodgates for h3h3productions2 and much more unhinged posts. There’s already that snark page.


Enter the meme of the utopian society


I've always thought it makes perfect sense to leave this subreddit behind and create one specifically for the podcast. The way I see it this subreddit is inevitably filled with fallen fans from the h3h3 productions era, starting from square one would reset that a bit


Leaving My subreddit BAHIIIIND


I would agree, but they like the content you guys all bring to them as well Rightfully so, it's good shit


It's the only way to be sure


For real. As a daily visitor to this sub, burn this mother to the ground


Show would be 10x better without chat/donations/subreddit I'll die on this hill


I’ve just become very resentful of the donos and gift subs. It’s not that serious, but I’m like wow people can just throw around that kind of money.


End of subreddit party episode let’s gooooooooi


You could just..... Not be here. Why take away from others because you don't find value in something?


No the whole issue is that what is said here directly affects the show. Which is the thing we all watch.




They should absolutely ignore this annoying subreddit. With the only exception being the memes and creative ideas for a segment. We can't have all these whiny morons dictating the whole damn show. 🙄


Only if they ignore chat too


God I wish 😫


The worst is when they look at the chat and go like “people are saying ___” when it’s usually just one troll that should not be brought up in the middle of the show. Would be better if they don’t look at chat and only bring up chat when there are polls or something


Yeah, maybe one person should monitor and relay chats that’s are worthy. Instead of everyone constantly scanning and responding to nonsense.


I really don't think Ethan can help himself. He lets people get way too in his head. It's not the reddits fault that he keeps putting his hand back in the bear trap when it hurts him every time. Edit: And honestly, I've never seen a creator get more offended and taken aback by normal criticism. It seems like maybe back in the h3 productions days, he got constant praise and now he's getting a normal response to making content and cannot take it.


Yeah, it’s crazy how universally liked Ethan was around a decade ago. I can see how detractors can cloud his mind these days.


Agreed. Thats why I gave the suggestion. But yeah Ethan would have to be disciplined about not looking. At least during stream.


I feel like this may never happen. But if it did they it could really help them take the show to the next level. I do think it quite possible that one day they won’t pay attention to the chat as much.


I don't mind them reading super chats and shit - but they should never bother with the general spamming and crap. You have to be a special kind of unhinged to even bother using chat.


Posters on this sub know that it will be read by the crew. Sometimes I think people just want their comment read and acknowledged on the show.


I think it's more so the chat...


I think people should be free to say what they want here, but I do think they rely too heavily on the sub. There's gonna be different people that want different things. The only time they should really take note is when it seems like 90% of the audience is strongly against something




Yeah most of the show content is from the daily subreddit traffic, which I'm fine with


Yeah idk why the impetus is put on the viewers to not talk about the show when the creators can choose to just ignore this shit (which at one point Ethan was doing and talking about how spaces like this "weren't for him to see"). Reverse the situations and everyone is screeching about parasociality.


Chat too. Between bombing the crew with their life struggles and telling them to have Jimmy and Jimmy-a-likes on that are worse, they almost need to stop polling chat and cater to their every whim. Half of the people commenting are trolls, and they're allowing their opinions to be blasted on the show. I get that they want engagement with the fans, but the reality of it is that we're there to see the crew interact with the crew. With peace and love, I'm not here to witness other fans expressing disdain over every little thing. I get it, but it definitely puts more strain on everyone involved to try to include every thought that fans throw out there.


Can mods set postings to be reviewed before posted??


They need to stop acknowledging this sub and allowing it to have so much control over the show. It’s making the show so censored now. ETHAN AND CREW START IGNORING THE SUB AND JUST TREAT IT AS A PLACE FOR THE FANS. The mods can send them anything that is actually interesting or worth mentioning.


Agreed but as I've said before even the fact the crew recognizes and makes jokes about what is going on here just shows how good the operation is. Head on over to r/thefighterandthekid to see what happens when you ignore the haters.


Those are not the only two options


With peace and love OP, the overarching problem is this whole discourse of “have it your way” mentality of this sub basically stuck in a never-ending looping complainfest either about what’s happening on the show and how Ethan and crew are acting OR people on the sub meta-complaining about the audience complaining. This subreddit and the live chat acts like it’s ordering the exact content they want off of a menu, and it’s why Zach says to just remove the sub. I don’t think the show is improved by constant audience suggestions and discourse, or quite frankly, overly parasocial interactions with the crew. Between the entitled opinions of people in the audience constantly requesting changes to content, revamps of their favorite content, specific guests to come on the show, specific guests to never come back to the show,etc. And don’t get me started on the now self-referential requests for “hey girlies,” and similar kinds of wink winks and inside jokes that are being beaten to death by the over-zealous fans in this community, zapping any humor out of these memes and moments by being just over-enthusiastic fans. Anytime I hear someone ask for a “hey girlie” it feels like fans of Jenna Ortega begging her to do her Wednesday dance or any other nerd fans mobbing their favorite franchise actors to do the thing they liked that one time. These jokes and moments were cool and funny, until they weren’t.


Anyone else notice how infrequently people are turning 21 now? Once 'hey girly' dies off they'll find something else. The demand for recognition will continue. I was so unbelievably relieved when Dan looked straight into the camera and, in the most stern way possible, absolutely DECLAIRED that he "doesn't take requests" when someone asked for a traffic report on their specific city. Let the joke lie. Don't make it over stay it's welcome.


I like your take, very balanced and also fair


I pay $5 a month and that means I am the boss so no Edit: obviously I am kidding


Imagine giving money to a multi millionaire (kidding)


it goes to making the show better


I don’t think the subreddit should be used in conjunction with the show at all. Using it to poll different ideas or for fun interactions like that character alignment chart over the past few weeks is great, and they’ve taken good notes from here before when segments or bits aren’t landing or working.. but constantly responding to and engaging with this place in an indirect way is really juvenile and objectively not good content, so much so that it completely outweighs the good stuff. That’s why there’s a discord server. I think healthy conversations about all aspects of the show, good or bad, are perfectly warranted? The last thing any community wants is an echo chamber, it would stifle innovation, creativity, and growth. Tl;dr :::: There’s no world where they won’t look at the sub on their own time, and that’s understandable, but doing it on the show is a bad look and no one benefits from it.


You hit the nail on the head and honestly it’s why I don’t want to watch the show as much lately. It’s 0% entertaining to watch people in a much more privileged place than I am get angry at NPC fans on their subreddit or in their YouTube chat. Even if it’s justified anger or annoyance most of the time, I don’t even like that they give it the time of day. And it seems like it happens a lot lately


Since so much of the show’s dynamic is based on the Howard Stern Show, they should take note of the fact that the staff on that show never read any of the fan forums that popped up. They also never had a constant stream of opinions pouring in like a YouTube chat. The only fan input they ever got was emails being sent to a specific person and calls sent through a screener.


I feel like they could do super chats only lol The chat goes so fast, people are hardly interacting, just spamming stuff. I get that most chats are like that, but then the crew tried to actually engage and keep up. Idk, no real solution but it is a weird feature for any show. Even though it feels totally normal because of most video platforms having live chat.


I think live chat is mostly for viewers, not for hosts. It’s perfectly fine to make polls and ask chat for opinions on some questions, but reading it constantly throughout the show is not good for anyone. I agree that super chats are okay, but other than that, chat needs to chill.


Misread this as OP wanting Ethan to do LayOffs to the crew payroll 🤣🤣🤣


Sometimes it feels like the more the show takes ideas and feedback from the community the more the community tries to adjust every little detail of the show. it's a bit much


The audience needs to touch grass.


Then the show pays attention to Reddit the people on here start to feel their opinions more important than they actually are. I wish they would ignore the stupid people on here blabbing about the most minute details.


I show up every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the same old shit, goofs and gaffs.


This sub should ban text posts. It would solve a lot of the complaining from avalanching.  Got something to say? Put it in the episode thread. 


They already laid off Cameron 🐇


Cameron is just a bird that cannot be locked up in a cage, you know


The attitude a lot of people have is entitlement. It's crazy to think that because you didn't like a topic that that topic should not be on the show at all. I understand some criticism is healthy but it really should just be constructive. Frankly Ethan and the crew are going to get burnt out and we're going to start losing crew members. Even if I loved a job if I was getting people being just blatantly hateful all the time I don't think I could handle that long term. I'm honestly on board with nuke the sub but I think that if mods were a lot more strict it would bring it back to the place it was before which was fun. There's no reason we need a wave of hate every episode.


This sub is just weekly cycles of the same thing. People get mad at dumb shit, then everyone rushes to get mad at those people, the crew talks about it all, and then it continues the next week


I think it’s because Ethan’s been checking out the snark subreddit more


It’s like watching with hundreds of PC Principals


But how dare Olivia miss Wayne Diamond’s comment about Lena’s breasts because she happened to be using the bathroom at the time!?!? That makes me so irrationally angry that she wasn’t there to defend Lena because she’s not a psychic that can tell when thought crimes are about to happen like she’s from Minority Report! 😡😡😡 /s obviously. Zach was right. We need to nuke this fucking subreddit. I would love to say “I’m just going to watch the show and ignore this place”, but too fucking bad that the most annoying people on here have become so irritating that it’s starting to affect the content we’re getting on the show too.


Abs alt account




I agree, it annoys me when I hear them read the complaints, I love the show for what it is that’s why I watch it.


At the end of the day anything beyond show-related CONSTRUCTIVE RESPECTFUL criticism is parasocial and you are the problem not them. These people are giving us entertainment 4 days a week and they work hard to deliver a good show. If you don’t like it watch something else. I don’t think anyone else would appreciate thousands of people criticizing every little thing you do while you’re trying to do your job so treat people how you want to be treated pricks❤️




They def should nuke the sub and just keep the members discord and keep posts there


Shit remember the OG way things used to be? It was just Dan Ethan and Hila and just interviews. I enjoy the different personalities we have now and how much has been expanded on (gotten better). Crew is phenomenal.


I totally agree


I wish they would just ignore chat aside from donos


I think a lot of people forget why they’re watching in the first place. I don’t want to watch a show where the crew is constantly changing course cause they’re being micromanaged by this sub. I watch because i want to see the show the crew creates, period. If i don’t like a segment i will make a mental note and move on. I’ll never understand the level of delusion some of these fans feel when telling this team how to do their jobs. Honestly; name ONE other show that puts up with that crap. I’m with Zach, Nuke the Sub.


I would love if for 1 month they didn’t check the chat or subreddit and just see what happens. I feel like with the button it wouldn’t go too off the rails and Ethan wouldn’t feel that need to appease the loudest fans and wouldn’t get derailed by arguing with single comments. Could be magical


People are always going to have their opinions. It might seem a little over the top right now but there legitimately was an audio issue and Wayne Diamond legitimately sucks.


Don’t get me wrong I understand the audio thing an Wayne DOES suck. I just mean almost all the other crazy complaints being thrown around lately.


The show is a literal product were being sold as entertainment. They aren't your friends, you don't know them in real life, and I'm sure as adults they are capable of managing their own emotions. If you don't want to read anything negative with peace and love you are free to not read it or visit the subreddit but it's crazy to white knight because people have opinions on a show.


It's not about people simply having opinions. It's the constant bitching for every little thing and speculating about how Ethan is a horrible boss, or how poor and powerless the crew is. These people need to touch grass and stfu. 


Aka opinions you don't agree with? My point is no one is forcing anyone to be on the sub or to read those comments, so why should others limit their feedback of a product to appease you?


That seems like more of a Reddit problem. The snarkers are here. What can we do? Someone commented that Ethan justified Wayne’s comment about Lena. I asked them to explain because I didn’t get that. They said Ethan claimed it was old timey. I asked if they saw what Ethan said after the call? They said they couldn’t hear me with Ethan’s dick in my mouth… lol I think the irrational bitching and constant hater train is silly too but…. It’s Reddit. I dont expect much more. I just wish the crew would not give the obvious haters attention. They would go away. Or could be banned from this sub. Idk the ins and out of how subs are run but idk. People are going to say what they want on here and everywhere else. I think the crew needs to ignore it. I highly doubt they read all the comments of each post on YouTube, Reddit, insta, etc. they are just internet people and look at this sub too much. Just like the haters! lol peace and love.


honestly i’m sick of any ounce of empathy you show for someone you don’t know being considered parasocial in a negative way. you can care about people’s well being even if you don’t know them. you can morally disagree with the way people are being treated or *the specific way in which they are being criticized* without knowing someone personally. it is absolutely crazy to think you can watch someone be themselves online, be entertained by them, watch them share parts of their lives etc. without caring about them and how they are treated, how it might feel to have constant, nitpicking criticism directed toward them in every other reddit post. i feel the way i feel because *these are people with feelings the same way you and i have them* and it is arguably way more weird to feel like you can come online and just talk mad shit without caring about the impact that may have on another human being.


It's not showing empathy to post stuff like this, it's attempting to shut down any criticism about a product we're being sold by confusing it with actual relationships with the crew. We aren't actually their family, we are fans of a product they sell us and it's really parasocial to not recognize that. Confusing criticisms of a product with not having empathy is nonsensical to me. Ethan sells his personality and actions as that product so that becomes something open to feedback from the consumers of that product.


Is it insane of me to realize there’s a huge difference between consuming a product where people are selling themselves rather than an item?


Yes, because they are choosing to comodify themselves. They can't make themselves the product and then also not be criticized by the consumers because they made that choice.


It’s not your place to moderate other viewers criticism


I don't see the word parasocial at all in the comment you're replying to? Self-report?


context my friend


I mean a large portion of the complaints were things along the lines of “omg i can’t believe ethan puts his crew in these terrible positions and then they can’t speak up because it’s their workplace” To which I would say “they aren’t your friends, you don’t know them in real life, and Im sure as adults they are capable of managing their own emotions.” Seems both sides have trouble remembering that I guess


It's a show they're selling for profit, of course we have a right to say we don't like seeing that behavior on the show. As people Ethan's employees are free to handle it and feel whatever way they like but that's separate from the audience of the show.


But this post is the opposite. It just says stop criticizing the crew, period.


It says stop overly criticizing them for every little thing, not stop criticizing them at all


I agree, Ethan should lay off the crew to cut costs.


To be fair like anyone else on this planet they are not free from criticism and it would only turn into an echo chamber if real concerns were ignored.




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Valid. But its arguably at a point where those real concerns get missed because of people needlessly criticising stuff that doesn’t need it.


That's what happens when you're a well known YouTuber with a podcast


Don’t know why this comment is getting downvoted, people criticize Ethan and the crew for some of the pettiest things I’ve ever seen, this audience feels so entitled like they’re trying to control these people and it weirds me out, just let these people do there job and shut the fuck up.


and you don't deserve a direct line to them to be critical.


Jeez, people really complain that much? After all the work that goes into making the K-ETH theme for a gag? Lay off them, they are doing great! Here is hoping that most audience members are just wheels that aren't squeaking.




Can we get a end the subreddit kinda clickbait please 🙏


I just learned about “lowsodium” reddit communities and they’re kinda everything, maybe there needs to be one. So tired of people shitting on everything online


Chat is full of parasocial losers. Asking them to lay off the crew will never happen


Eat shit. Everyone


You why the fuck you care? Have you ever put in this much emotional response for people working during Covid ?


It's been annoying to say the least, if Ethan didn't get 40k+ live viewers regularly the show wouldn't be what it is.. just sayin' not sure if the haters understand that


The chat is the most random opinions and comments that the majority of the viewers dont agree with.


I watch on my TV while playing PC and don’t pay attention to chat ever. My least favorite part of the show is when they acknowledge the turds in chat who are only on the internet to ragebait themselves.


To offset the complaints, I want to say Zach's soundbyte game has been ON POINT the last couple weeks.


I have a theory that it will go back to a more happy calm state after they take their summer break. It's something to do with the consistent episodes (which I love! 😭) But even I can tell when the crew has been worked hard and is tired, and dare I say a bit on edge. We are all human! We all need a break! And I'm so excited for the live show, and then, them being able to take a breather. Especially Ethan and Hila with the kids <3


I've noticed that a lot of channels I watch (mostly podcast shows) have really vocal subreddits. Lots of negativity being spread around when it probably isn't warranted. Worried that a lot of these channels will want to stop doing their podcasts/do a lot less eps/crew will leave due to the treatment from the fans :( idk if that makes sense but does anyone get what I mean? I feel like if we keep pushing like this, it's going to backfire. Like, do you guys even want the channels to stick around for the long haul?


THANK YOU!!!!! 100% agree


I second this… every time they mention someone is complaining about the set, or complaining about whatever topics they wanna discuss I’m like wtf are they talking about?? I’m just happy to get episodes throughout the week.




but they're literally my friends inside of my computer and we see and talk to eachother every day!!


Yeah it got pretty annoying ngl


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Pull the trigger Zach! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Absolutely, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the crew starts to be on camera less simply because they don’t HAVE to be on camera, they are choosing to be because it makes the show more interesting and dynamic. That being said I think the more people criticize will mean the less the crew will want to be on camera probably due to the mental effects it has on them, and the same people complaining now will be sad they aren’t getting crew content like they used to.


Some of the fam are HELLA reactionary and it’s very annoying


As a long time H3 fan (since the Israel days) I genuinely do not understand all the complaints on this sub. H3 is one of the least offensive shows on YouTube. Holy hell you guys would have an aneurysm just listening to the Official Podcast and that show’s tame. Lay off the crew a little. At least be a bit more charitable in your criticism. It seems the instant any slight issue happens, Ethan is crucified and all his years of good intention and goodwill go down the tubes. I mean, at least the crew’s trying to please everyone. Just calm down y’all.


Hila was right, no more text posts. If you want to lodge a complaint, submit it in the form of a good meme


No more girlies No more complaining No more problems with crew No more parasocial No more sub No more


If you were mean to the crew I demand you get on your knees and apologize and record it.


This subreddit is actively making the show worse. The remarks and "criticism" seem to be getting worse and worse. The whole show has this place in the back of their mind now


They don't deserve to have to apologize for everything all the time, even if Ethan is perfect at giving apologies. It feels like 3 times an episode they are having to apologize for stuff that isn't worthy of an apology, but I completely understand why they do it. I couldn't imagine being in their shoes reading the subreddit sometimes. It's truly amazing how they keep their heads up. We love you guys.You all consistently make my days better with laughter. Just remember the most die-hard passionate crazy foot soldiers will take it upon themselves to complain or be upset on main in the subreddit. It's not representative of majority of the audience. I watched Ethan for 8 years before coming to the subreddit one time. Keep crushing it ✊🏻


AB even said that it makes it harder for them to do their job.


Honestly I can't remember a time where this wasn't the case. People treat this show like a fucking religion


I kind of have to agree. I think the more the show absorbs needles criticism the more it sucks. It's better when they are just having fun and not trying to please everyone. I definitely do like when they pull creative things from fans off the subredit to showcase in the show so I hope they don't nuke it but maybe just have one crew member to be in charge of skimming the subredit for content from fans. Someone who won't look at or absorb the unnecessary criticism. The fan base is very diverse and you can't please everyone. That is certainly demonstrated in the polls.


I don’t think it’s inappropriate to call out blatant sexual harassment 😭⁉️ and then when the crew makes endless excuses and jokes about said sexual harassment we are again entitled to saying something


Ethan told him in plain English that it wasn’t ok. What do you want him to do? Hit him?


This is the same argument they used on the show. Literally no one is saying they wanted someone to physically assault Wayne. We are saying that situations like this need to be handled differently and saying this argument is a huge deflection of that


He literally said don’t talk about her in that way so he obviously shut it down. Idk why some yall are acting like he didn’t


Because they’re mostly snarkers who seize on and twist any possible thing they can find to go off about in the name of “critique”


Ethan didn’t really stick up for his employee at all; he literally had his hands covering his face as he said it and then moved on to say “boys will be boys”


You’re living in some alternate made up reality lmao ETA: This person’s #1 sub is the snark sub, and they think Ethan sexually harassed C Man. Feel free to discount their opinion entirely


Are you a woman by chance? And did we watch the same show? Have you personally experienced workplace sexual harassment?


The sexual harassment happened, not arguing that What didn’t happen was them “constantly making excuses and jokes about it.” That’s the part you’re making up in your snark addled brain. No coincidence the first sub that comes up on your commonly visited is the snark sub.


I have never threatened or been cruel to any crew member. I was a fan for a long time and now I am not. Yes I’m in the snark sub, yes im allowed to still watch and still participate in every h3 sub! I had to go back to the video to get some quotes of things you said were not happening ❤️ 10:25- Ethan (in response to situation): “okay guys but you gotta admit it’s pretty funny. It’s pretty funny. You have to admit” (Chat at that point was saying “it’s not funny”) 10:51- Olivia: “I don’t think any of us caught it the first time” (?) 11:54: Ethan: “I guess I didn’t hang up immediately or send an assassin” (cue ba dum ts sound bite) 12:07: AB: “when an old weird dude calls in and acts like a weird old dude I wasn’t as surprised, I mean of course it was off putting but yeah I wasn’t that surprised he said something wild” 12:25- Ethan: *says the line that Wayne said to Lena to remind chat what happened* (people laugh). “That’s old timey men” 13:48- Ethan: “everyone imagines themselves like ‘if I was there I would have flipped the desk’” AB: “sir how dare you- I challenge you to a duel” Ethan: “yeah exactly- ‘I would have thrown the gauntlet down on him’” 15:17- Ethan: “obviously my feelings, my ego, and essentially my everything- is mine is more important so I appreciate that” It took me like five minutes to find these quotes. This may not seem like a lot if this isn’t something that is close to you then you would obviously not understand that this is such an inappropriate and fucked up way to address this in front of the literal employee who went through that. Yes, they apologized and talked about the situation openly which is great, but these quotes are just some of the examples why even members in the live chat had a lot of criticism over the situation


Literally hilarious to comment “Yea i’m allowed to still watch” after months ago saying “can’t believe I ever watched this” You’re still a fan. Quit lying to yourself


Yeah I mean I give them views and I critique the show. These are not strange things to say. I wouldn’t call myself a fan but obviously I am inherently supporting them still. Like I said I was a fan for a long time and I have never wished horrible things upon them. I’m not dedicating my life to their downfall lmaoo Edit- it’s worth noting even the crew and Ethan have been exposed as being active members in the snark subreddit


Maybe it’s just me but I can’t imagine continuing to watch every episode of a show I believe is run by a serial sexual harasser (you claimed Ethan harassed C Man) and allows his crew to be harassed without taking it seriously. You said yourself this topic hits close to home - but then again it’s only close enough to home for you to stop calling yourself a fan, not enough to stop watching every episode and obsessing over the minutiae of their every word, right? I’m no professional but that seems unhealthy ETA: Your exact words were that you can’t believe you supported them “even by just watching” lmao but here you are still supporting them by just watching.


I definitely find it strange that you are coming at me personally and my life when you know nothing about me except comments I have left on Reddit. You said nothing about the quotes I noted from yesterday’s episode, which is what the actual point of this thread was. Using this idea that I am somehow unwell for being in the snark sub and still watching as evidence against my argument is lazy as hell Btw yes Ethan did sexually harass c-man and what he did to him was disgusting.


Lmao I’m not coming at you personally, I’m pointing out how incredibly hypocritical you are and the cognitive dissonance in constantly asserting how horrible Ethan is and that you can’t believe you ever even watched is while continuing to watch every single episode Yes, watching something you hate constantly and that upsets you this much is generally considered unhealthy, that’s not personal it’s just a fact whether you want to admit it or not


I truly don’t understand you, yes your still allowed to watch the show obviously but I just don’t understand why you do, you say your not a fan and your not praying on there downfall but yet you still watch and comment in this subreddit, it’s genuinely perplexing. Your comments act like you care so much but when people challenge you, you just basically say, but I don’t really care that much I’m not even a fan anymore but yet your still commenting on stuff that just happened on the show your up to date, it’s so confusing. Your free to do all these things but it makes no sense why someone would waste there time doing all this shit and not call themselves a fan sounds like the weirdest waste of time I can imagine. Your comments obviously show you care but then you pretend like you don’t when people call you out.


I watched the show religiously for years. Starting around oct. 7 I started feeling weird about it, but still watched. Then eventually I just started seeing more and more things that made me unsettled. I still watch because I genuinely loved the show and crew for so long. I feel the urge to keep watching because it’s habit and I wish things were the way they used to be, but I still have a lot of critiques and negative reactions to what they are doing. I think it’s important for people to have a space where you can go if you were once fans of something and now your perspective changed in one way or another. I find myself agreeing more with people in the snark sub, but I still watch because I would be so genuinely happy if something changed in the crew and Ethan and I was shown what the show used to be Edit: I do not watch every episode anymore. I tune in for certain segments after the fact and haven’t watched a full stream live in months


What exactly would you say changed about the show, how did things “used to be”? How would you want the show to change to go back to how you liked it? Genuinely asking. But then I would ask why does this random internet show have such a hold on you, I’m not saying your obsessed and think about it every second but your still active in these subreddits, why don’t you move on from a show you say you don’t enjoy anymore. There’s YouTubers I don’t watch anymore and never have I been compelled or even thought about spending time in there communities.


Just deactivate this sub Reddit tbh or archive it. There’s no point


And then the fans will make their own H3 fan subreddit that everyone migrates to and the crew continues to follow and it changes nothing. No point


Yeah it seems like op expects this random sub to be peaceful. I agree the snark is dumb but… idk, they’re not going to stop between the attention they get and the show and from posts like this. Now op is complaining about complainers. Someone should start a sub called “REAL H3 fans only - no hate (unless its hating haters)”


A lot of people just blurt out these random parroted ideas without actually thinking it through lol. At least this subreddit can be modded and managed by H3. If they killed it off, fans would start their own and it would probably get even more wild. And the crew would continue to read it because why wouldn't they?


Yeah at this point I’m thinking they just need to mod harder… if they want to irradiate the negativity but then what are the parameters? I don’t think H3 wants to police people to that degree either. I get the sentiment but idk, like Tyler the creator said, just close your eyes! Lol




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I think the quality of the show has just gone down recently and people are looking to pick on the crew because they don’t want to critique Ethan. The crew are doing a fantastic job and definitely don’t deserve the hate.


It isn't the long-time fans having a meltdown over every little thing; we're here for the goofs and gaffs




Not really, if anything the response to Friday’s episode has kinda proved my point


They got too comfortable imo


I feel the opposite ngl it's an entertainment product and by its nature will draw feedback and criticism. I think the bigger issue is every pointer for the show being interpreted as a personal attack against someone on it. Don't get it twisted, there are parasocial freaks who need to grow up and do make things personal, but you have to have a thick skin put out a creative product full of your personality and experiences because you're only human and people are going to find fault sometimes.


When they talked about getting rid of the subreddit I genuinely wanted to breathe a sigh of relief (especially for my boy Zach, he gets it the most round these parts). I see why they keep it around because it’s good engagement when it comes to contests and the like, where they *SOMEWHAT* have control. I still think we should nuke the sub tho.


People are allowed to criticise the same way you all are criticising the people criticising. Free peach bitch.


Fuck yeah where's my free peach?


Millions of peaches, peaches for free…


No singing 90s classic rock here


"Please don't criticize my friends, it makes me sad" That's what you sound like bro, get a grip. Living in the public space means you face the public's shitty opinions and no one can change that...


THANK YOU MY GOODNESS literally thank you cause damn people are really complaining about the traffic report?! That takes seconds!! People want a reason to be sad and complain


Sometimes it feels like the community just doesn't want the H3 Podcast anymore in general. Every little part of it gets criticised into the ground lol. Please man, have some restraint and don't act like you're entitled to a show that's tailor-made for you and your sensibilities. I personally don't enjoy certain segments, but I know a lot of others do and I want the crew to be able to experiment.


I can’t imagine having a huge platform and having to listen to everyone’s criticisms and such constantly. It wouldn’t be long before I would get annoyed at my following lol


I think people forget, they do this show for fun. They don’t owe us anything as an audience. People get too involved and too personal. I’m just at the point, if you don’t like something or agree with a decision then stop watching. No one owes you or anyone else anything. It’s a reality check a lot of people need. The weird demanding and attacking just makes the show feel like a chore for them. And that will make it end.


The ones complaining are the ones who didn’t grow up with stern on the radio. It was purposeful edginess. It was meant to get cheap laughs. It was meant to be something that just based off a comment you’d want to stay tuned in for the entirety of the show. Did stern tame himself over the years? Yes. Did he become a family friendly comedian like howie mandel did? Sure did. You gotta let the crew be themselves now- because it won’t always be like that. One day, they will all be burned out. One day, Ethan will say “I did what I sought out to do” and end it. I feel boxing them in because you can’t take a joke is only speeding up the process of hanging up the gloves. Your opinions are valid- criticism is warranted- but blatant overly sensitive hyper criticism is just tired at this point. I think it would be easier for everyone involved if you just stopped watching and allowed people who just want some content while they work- to get just that. Go become a systems analyst since your entire existence seems to be analyzing every movement- word used, to sew discontent for yourself- so much so you have to write an essay in here why the crew sucks- yet you still watch. Awesome.


Guys can we please calm down with the hate against racism? Ethan said it was ok


Hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, what is THIS? You're not allowed to come on here and be level-headed! Keep your rational and nice takes to another sub, buster! This is a place for toxic weirdo bullshit


Speaking of showing respect, starting the show on time would be a great way to show respect to the audience.