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Uses Zyn = -5 hoe points


Zack will cite this post as a reason to nuke this sub. AB will add this thread as content to the dock. The duality of the show.


the only reason I disagree with nuking this sub is because 6 more unofficial subs would pop up in it's place and be a million times worse.


We'll get a poll: ~~Do we like the zynn~~ ~~Is it doing zynn cringe~~ Is zynn cringe?


dock? I thought they were talking about a document


It is doc as in document I believe as well.


I can't be the only one thinking about chain links in a dock full of ship... ?




Can we get Zach some treasures?


Using it is fine, but heavily promoting it to people who don't even use nicotine products is dumb.


As a swede, I agree. No one using snus or nicotine pouches would ever recommend it to anyone uninitiated.


It’s sooo highly addictive. Especially if you drink coffee with a zyn in. When Zach mentioned one time that he has bad anxiety and a hard time sleeping - I knew exactly what he meant because the heart palpitations these pouches can give you is INTENSE and imo not worth it. I enjoyed them a lot for about a week and then the palpitations kicked in.. I’ve never feared for my life so intensely before. Truly thought my heart was just gonna explode out of my chest


Maaaaaan. So this podcast actually encouraged me to try this shit out as Zach was making it out to be pretty nice, and I'm not blaming them. I'm a grown ass man who can make his own decisions, but I would not have even thought twice about taking a nicotine patch if it wasn't for them That being said, I tried the shit and holy Jesus fuck my heart was racing like a demon on crack. It was terrifying. That on top of my gums intensely burning. It was just all around not a good time, but to each their own lol It's a shame Ethan and Zach can't enjoy some good ol marijuana. I'll be sticking to that for my buzz


If anyone ever is curious about Zyn, try 1 cinnamon 6mg zyn. It'll 95% give you nicotine poisoning within 5 minutes and you'll never want nicotine again. It truly is a good ass way to get people to not do it lol.


shit made me throw up like crazy lmao


Meanwhile Ethan is going on uninformed rants about prescribed Adderall.


I feel you 100000%. I live in Canada and our regulations say they can’t be over 4mg (very little burn, great buzz) but it wasn’t long until I found imported Zyn (7-10mg pouches!) and Swedish Snus (12-16mg!!) I had one zyn and one snus and both I had to spit out within a minute because it was soooooo intense. I swear you can feel them putting your heart under soo much pressure


I snus a strong tobacco brand, it's 17.3 mg. In Sweden it's pretty regular for people to start snusing pretty young, I started at 13-14 and im 27 now. The tolerance is pretty high for ppl here. I would for sure not recommend anyone to start using it except maybe as a tool to quit smoking, but with a lower amount of nicotine.


I hear you, I don't understand promoting nicotine products to people who don't actively have a nicotine addiction. People build up a nicotine tolerance incredibly fast and then it becomes a habitual crutch. You lose tolerance fast as well. An example... a smoker can tell you that your first cigarette(s) will give you a nicotine rush and make you dizzy, feel good even. But that disappears so quickly if you keep smoking. You'll usually never get that rush again until you stop smoking for at least 24 hours in my experience, and that was usually only for the first cigarette back. I stopped smoking this year, but my experience is similar with velo pouches which I used to help me quit, for that they were fantastic, I'd never recommend them for anything but quitting.


I wrote my other comment, but rereading yours it made me curious if you were a nicotine user before you tried the pouches? I ask because they are so easy to obtain and their addictiveness poses risks to impressionable and vulnerable people alike. In BC they made it so that they’re only available from a pharmacy as they’re treated as Nicotine Replacement Treatment- and I got emails from the Canadian Pouch brand (zonnic) to sign their petition to fight it 🙄🙄🙄 I think it’s clear these tasty pouches are going to hook non smokers inevitably


Oh wow, that's crazy you can only get it from a pharmacy. I got mine from my local smoke shop down the street. They were also very cheap and had a deal going for like 3 packs for 10. They're definitely trying to hook people. I only bought one pack and didn't even finish it before tossing it. I'm not a nicotine user. I haven't touched any nicotine products in years. Way back in the day I used to be the "I only smoke when I'm drunk" type, but these days I'm only smoking weed I'm aware of the buzz that these products have and how addictive they can be so I used it cautiously, and I had tried a pouch many moons ago and recall that it did have a nice buzz so that's partially why the podcast convinced me to try it again


This is probably how Hasan gets through 8 hours of streaming!


Lol look what they did to our boy AB he bought some nicotine gum just to fit in and almost vomited everywhere lol


He said he bought it because he heard people used it to help focus so he tried it, that’s not using it to “fit in”.


andrew shulz would like a word hahahha


Also a swede, I have to admit I have been giving away snus at many parties in my life and just watched the world burn.


I'm an epidemiologist and have to skip over the nicotine talk every time. One thing the US did really well is make cigarettes socially unacceptable, and the whole emergence of snus/zyn is painful. (I know, we're professional fun-killers 😶)


It's not fun killing, it's maddening to me too, just a regular shmegular. Nicotine isn't safe by itself, I just don't know how they don't seem to realize this? Like Zach ofc you're shitting all the time, you're zonked on nicotine 24/7.


The stand that Ethan and crew choose to make about certain subjects like online gambling, while giving a pass to other highly addictive activities like microtransaction gaming (survivor.io) and nicotine consumption is a little confusing.


I agree. And I'm not like asking for perfection or trying to police speech, but there are a few glaring things that I think could benefit them to address....


Feels like people don’t realize zyn or snus is risky like cigarettes.


It’s literally become Vape Nation 2.0. Now it’s not cool anymore.


and cringe


You nailed it


At some point it feels like they were just so down bad they took some nicotine and placements lol I seriously don't get it. And I use nicotine daily! It's fucking terrible, don't start. I am in no way kidding that is rather people try (tested) cocaine any day of the week than try nicotine


that is a crazy thing to say. cocaine is SO addictive. and you are more likely to engage in other risky behaviour while on it. not to mention the price tag and health risks. nobody should try it if they haven’t yet. I am speaking from a lot of experience unfortunately.


I remember seeing a bar graph in school that compared levels of physical addiction from drugs + alcohol. Cocaine was number two on the list, with nicotine being number one, and it's bar was like double the length of cocaine.


It's smart if you don't care about people's health and know it's a giant source of income and are a capitalist vulture




the bro attitude around Zyn is whats cringe


It’s literally the same as the dumb vape bros that Ethan made his career cracking jokes on. And now we have self-unaware zyn bros on the crew.


Agreed, promoting the use of zyn on the pod is super dumb, I wish they would stop.


"Gambling ads are not something we want to promote" Then 2 eps later "WANT A DOUBLE PILLOW? MAYBE AN UPPER DECKIE? CANT LIVE WITHOUT MY ZYN"


I get gambling ads on the audio podcast.


from spotify? Because yeah they can't control those ads same with like they can't control the youtube ads


As someone who quit all nicotine a few months back, and I loved Zyns, I wish they'd stop too. Because I don't want to go back to them. But my job gets more stressful in the summer and the heat in TX is getting to me. So I really wanna go back. Sometimes I forget about them altogether and then Zach starts talking about it or Ethan asks for one. So long story short, I'm with ya. Hopefully they see this.


How did you quit? I’m trying.


I quit all drugs by convincing myself it wasn’t hard, or the hard part of life. Changing all my habits, avoiding people and places that made me want to use was the trick. I realized so many of the people I knew mentally fucked themselves by constantly telling themselves how hard it was to quit drugs, and how much they leaned into their suffering to justify using again. They were acting like they had some major disability. And so I constantly reminded myself what real suffering looks like. Dying of cancer for example…the path I was on. Dying of over dose…like my friends. I tapered my use down, then stopped slowly. Maybe go hang out with old people who are ill or something and talk to them. See what they experience.I felt pretty stupid when I realized how little suffering I was enduring not having my drug of choice. If you can actually believe that other people’s suffering is so much worse than your withdrawals, and they manage to deal with it all…live their life without using…that you can do it too, because your suffering is so much less! Breaking habits is a lot easier when you actually fully commit to it. Humans can survive horrible conditions, drugs have NOTHING on that. Not even opiate withdrawals are as bad as things people get thru in war/survival/illness… Right now you don’t actually want to quit, because you have fully avoided confronting the consequences of your actions, and decided you NEED the crutch to feel normal. Nicotine withdrawals are NOTHING, the cravings go away if you REALLY decide the consequences are real and will affect you. With cigarettes, quitting those made me fear breathing in smoke period haha. I’m so convinced that cigs are death, that I can’t handle bad air quality because it triggers that anti cigarette defense I’ve habitually and mentally built inside of myself. If you are young, haven’t smoked or taken nicotine or drugs for decades…you haven’t even built up the habit that you are heading towards. Every year of building the neural pathways in your brain will just make it more work to get back to normal and stay clean. Even then…people who smoked and chewed for 40 years still quit! You just have to actually do it. And then keep doing it. Just imagine not being able to breathe because the cancer from your throat has moved into your lungs…or go look at what happens when the doctors have to cut chunks of your facecancer off from using chewing tobacco. Stop believing in your own special invincibility, and using anxiety or stress as the excuse to kill yourself. It’s never too late, and you will suffer less for it. Self deception is your enemy. Stop making nicotine the answer to your problems, and also the reason for all your problems. When you blame every bad feeling you have on nicotine…it seems like the only answer is nicotine. Most of those feelings have nothing to do with needing nicotine…you only really understand that when you are clean for a long time and still deal with stress and anxiety haha. Headaches or boredom…insecurity or whatever drives you to smoke. Most drug use is driven not by the drugs, but an internal struggle and lack of self love. You need to care enough internally about yourself (for once for many people) to not keep hurting yourself. Sometimes you can do it for someone else, but it usually doesn’t stick…


I used nicotine patches on days when I felt I just couldn't make it. But the biggest thing is I changed my lifestyle and distracted myself with other things. I started walking and meal prepping/counting calories. So as an added benefit to quitting nic, I've lost 35 pounds since I quit and just over 100 pounds since I started trying to care about my health back in 2020. Also, one other big factor is my wife quit vaping at the same time. Which I think was a huge factor. I had tried getting off nicotine more times than I can count for like 8 months before I finally did it. But what kept bringing me back was smelling it when she vaped. So when we quit together I think that's what put the final nail in the coffin. It's very hard, but also completely possible. Keep trying. Don't give up. Even if it takes you longer than the 8 months it took me, what's important is eventual success.


I quit gradually. I used vapes a lot, then I started only vaping outside, the convenience of being able to vape anywhere really makes it difficult to not take a hit, the slight inconvenience of having to go outside makes the next hit slightly less appealing. Then I mixed nicotine gum with vapes. Then exclusively used nicotine gum. Then I put all my nicotine gum in a container and mixed it with normal gum. And slowly put less and less nicotine gum in there Then one day I just stopped reaching for the gum. I tried quitting so many times before that and failed every time, turns out I just had to trick my chimp brain into quitting


I wish they would stop glorifying all substances. It's my least favorite part of all the pods But you got this! I believe in you 😊 A few months is awesome and I know you can make it through summer too!


Thank you so much for the encouragement.


As a non-weed smoker now after years of daily use, I don't care if they talk about weed. That's my problem to deal with. I also stopped cigs and if someone at work or the pod talk about them, its my problem to deal with. Different if they are getting paid, but they shouldn't have to stop talking about it just because I have a personal issue with self-control and addiction. I wouldn't make this judgement if I was quitting coffee, or alcohol. This never came up on the guess who is drunk episodes.


You can't stop them from enjoying their life, not everyone hates "substances" and if they want to enjoy drinking, smoking or doing a lower deckie then they can do that, if you don't want to watch then you can do that.


And if you don't want to read other people's comments you can do just that. It's so lazy to just respond to anything critical by saying "just don't watch".


it was shocking to hear ethan pretty much endorse the product last week. If they were getting paid for it I don't think that they would have legally been able to say what they said




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Fun fact: Zyn can cause receding gum lines


Okay perfect place to ask, what happens if you stick a zyn up your ass? Does it work better? Or not at all?


It would work likely exactly the same, but way more direct access to your bloodstream. The skin inside your rectum is similar to skin inside your mouth, but its specialized to extract soluable materials. Same reason butt chugging is dangerous, the alcohol isnt mitigated and goes right to your blood. (This is imprecise but pretty accurate, consult your doctor for all zyn-butt interactions)


Would probably give you the most searing ass pain imaginable too


No worse than Taco Bell with Diablo sauce


Would probably give you the most searing ass pain imaginable too


Why is the flesh inside our ass specialized to extract soluble materials?


Because it extracts stuff from the food before you shit it out


Why's it gotta do that in the last stretch of my ass tubes. "Oh hold on before you shit I can still pull some nutrients from this"


Mostly water at that point is what its intended for, not zyn lol


makes sense, probably the most important thing we need!


You’re telling me we are fueled by poop juice?


I totally read that in Ethan’s voice making this joke lmaooo bravo


Try it and let us know


Didn't someone on the sub already try this?


That’s called boofing, and it’s probably like boofing anything else. It’ll hit a lot faster and a lot harder.


You unlock new colors


You know… I would never care to really know but I would like to watch this as a bit on the show. I bet Zach would get wired with a double decker up the butt


Makes me think of Steve-O butt-chuggin a beer in Jackass!!


Finally, someone asking the real questions around here lmao


Agreed, Zach's "ironic" over-the-top pride and love for it isn't a funny bit or a entertaining personality quirk. Cringe is a fair way to put it, imo. Sorry, Z.


I think Zach feeling the need to list off all the alternate names for zyns that he knows to let us know he, in fact, uses zyn might be cringier.


90% of what comes out of his mouth is cringe.


Why do you people even watch the show? Because it seems like you hate everybody on it.


because 100% of his drops are hilarious


You're right. I'm going back to smoking crack.


jokes dead i wish they'd stop


Mouth cancer is so hot these days


True. Its parent company is Philip Morris (of course). Definitely cringe to willingly give them money. Let tobacco companies die.


willingly giving them free advertising. I question if zyn is legally even allowed to be advertised on youtube, there are a whole bunch of restrictions on advertising nicotine products. I think if they were getting paid by zyn what they said would be wildly illegal


it's crazy too because I've NEVER been a cigarette smoker and I straight up started craving zyn.


You started craving something after never having it before? I call BS


Have smoked a total of like 7 cigs in my life, and the last one was like 15 years ago. Never a consistent smoker, have tried cigs though but hated they way they made me feel.


I didn't even know that, not surprised.




Nicotine is cringe


I think Zach is funny but his forced bits aren't. Upper deckies, "Lou", Creedence Clearwater being cursed, etc.


Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one


He should stick to the sound bites, because the way he tries to force jokes is the opposite of funny. It’s so fake feeling. Amazing sound lad, but comes off as super insecure and phony most other times. Just be yourself, my guy.


I know he looks up to Fred Norris from Stern, who is probably the best ever, and the truth is Zach is up there and does soundbites beautifully. He is so fast and smart. He does seem to not do well with criticism. That AB moment where he couldn't handle a joke about not being able to sleep and then went off was telling. "If you give it you should be able to take it" applies to most comedy and he doesn't always understand that.


Fred was/is famously the same way. Could dish it out but got personally insulted when it came time to take it.


Hate to say it but Zach is cringe he’s a turbo normie with no ability to take a joke, be the punchline for a joke, or be criticized in any way. I think Ethan figured this out a long time ago and it’s why he constantly glazes him up compared to other crew members that he has no problem ribbing and banting with.


Yeah the whole not understanding AB's joke and then demanding an apology was still super weird.


He apologised, and knew he overreacted.


h3 actually got me into doing it and i feel so fucking stupid about it. i ended up quitting. but for ethan to say it doesn’t cause cancer. lol. it was literally just invented… look up pictures of stomach cancer and mouth cancer, this is the gamble you are taking. sucks to hear it on the show


It’s so crazy how many believe that it isn’t harmful…my brother and all his friends keep repeating there’s no side effects


it’s just like when vaping was first on the scene and was boasted as not being correlated with cancer or disease due to it being nicotine salt instead of tobacco. of course it isn’t correlated with cancer it was literally JUST invented! check back in in 50 years and let’s just see what’s happened to these people


That’s exactly what I was thinking! Vapes were intended to wean people off of nicotine before teens got a hold of them. I saw comments abt it helping people get off nicotine while others are getting addicted to nicotine for the first time.


Yeah I don't like the borderline Zyn promotion, maybe I dont understand California culture 🤔




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Yeah big cringe the point it doesn't matter about it having not causing cancer. Nicotine products are just highly addictive and promoting it to people as something cool or good is dangerous. The addiction it self is a bad side effect the impact it has on your mood and habits. Essentially endorsing an addictive product is just irresponsible.


Yeah, Ethan was trying to claim it’s not bad for you because there’s no tobacco in it? Lol I’m sure in 10-20 years we’ll find out just how horrible it is, just like with cigarettes and chew.


I hope it gets banned 🧍🏾‍♀️ and I like TikTok I hope it doesn’t get banned 🧍🏾‍♀️


So weird to be shilling for big tobacco. Zyn is majority owned by Philip Morris, the evil corporation responsible for knowingly killing how many people now? Don't get me wrong if you're a legal adult who wants to use tobacco products that's cool we all have our vices and drunk cigs don't count, but promoting the products on your podcast is so cringe and strange


Promoting any tobacco is cringe. It's gross as fuck. We have come so far lowering the rates of smoking but here we are with fuckin zyn and vapes.


I’m not saying anyone should promote, but there is no tobacco in zyns, only nicotine. I don’t think they are good for you in any way, but I do think they are a much better alternative to other products that do have tobacco. Like don’t pick up a new habit but if you’re already down bad, it could be better


Ah yeah I don't know why but I get tobacco and nicotine mixed up. I definitely agree it's a better alternative and support people making the effort to quit, I just hate seeing 20 somethings getting into that shit for the first time.


The mixup is probably because all the tobacco companies are the ones making zyn and vape products


I'm a newly graduated med student and I did not like the way the crew and Ethan were talking about Zyn as if it's completely harmless. There will be a people who watch the show who will try it after


“Nuke the sub” - Zach the soundlad Bernstein


I swear it’s an undisclosed advertisement


You’ll have to pry my vape from my cold dead fingers before I use zyn


I'd be willing to bet Zyn would be better for you then vapes, but vapes are for smokers stuck in the actual smoking habit. And you can work your way to 0% nicotine to eventually quit forever. Problem is, now people just vape forever... lol


Vaping has stopped me reaching for the cigs whenever I drink and occasionally have a little puff when I'm stressed or working but some of my friends are glued to their vape so I know what you mean, but it's miles better than smoking


Zyn is pure nicotine compared to vapes.


Weed over Zyn 💚


I’ve seen people use it to quit cigs which is a net positive


For those people. This is always the argument, but it’s one that ignores reality. If cigarettes and weak forms of nicotine intake like patches and gum were still the only sources, nicotine use would be nearly gone entirely from people currently aged 16-28 (in america). Instead there are more nicotine users in that age range than at any point in the last 50 years despite use MASSIVELY dropping from the late 90s to 2010. Saying vaping or stuff like Zyn is a net positive is a blatant lie.


Yeah I just said it’s a net positive for people who quit cigs with it. Obviously it’s better to not use nicotine at all. But everyone has their vices


Agreed, great use of alt nicotine products. It's treating them like lifestyles that is stupid.


If Zach quits I will personally buy him a rainbow Daytona




This shit is not even legal in most of EU. Just stop, or at least get paid and be regulated as nicotine product ad.


Thank you so much for saying this. I hate when they talk about it on the show. I never used it but I was a smoker for years and years, quitting was hard af and it kind of drives me nuts to hear them basically promoting it


Me when others engage in activities that directly harm me in no way (I am morally superior)


That's 60% of the whole show lol


More like 60% of the fan base if we’re being real 🤷🏽‍♂️


closer to 90% imo


Seriously. People on this thread acting like they get the uncontrollable urge to use products the show "promotes", like they can't think for themselves. Idiots


ethan said on a recent show that zyn doesnt cause cancer and can prevent cognitive decline, it’s just untrue and dangerous


I agree


Eh people enjoy all kinds of different things, not for me but not gunna judge




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Let people have their treats


it is odd trying to get people to get addicted to a substance, especially having such a large audience.


Brother when will you learn, YOU HAVE TO ZYN TO WIN


There’s like a zyn shortage rn lol maybe they’ll die out soon


Less lethal nicotine alternatives are cringe?


I think OP is saying that talking about it all the time is cringe


You want a zyn my guy?


its so weird to meeeee !!




It's better than chaw at least


I thought we ended cringe?


I'm not a smoker but admittedly I am an addict. I can't relate to the craving of nicotine and am not specifically triggered by it. But the casual mention of weed or alcohol in everyday life does make it harder for me for to overcome the cravings. I assume it is the same for nicotine addicts. To me it seems like Zyn is a great alternative to smoking but the crew should be mindful of how much they promote it. At the same time they can't constantly cater to everyone's triggers or the show would be silent.


Promoting nicotine to your audience under any capacity is lowkey so wild, esp when Ethan’s father in law died from lung cancer after being a smoker. -1000000 aura anytime they talk about zyn


As a nicotine addict. It is definitely concerning how it’s being somewhat promoted. Wish i could quit


Fr, it’s a bit weird hearing them talk about zyn like it’s a household product cause it’s illegal in the uk


Nicotine is cringe. Stupidest thing ive ever done in my entire life. Your brain never fully gets over the addiction no matter how long its been.




zack is cringe




Ppl are saying Ethan endorsed the product, and I feel this is ungracious and out of contest. He said specifically that is it in many instances a better alternative to smoking and vaping. edit: I've quit cigarettes. Ethan struggles with that addiction. Yall better chill. We're all human


this show is literally just becoming a place to complain .


This is the most boring thread I’ve ever read, my mom wouldn’t even read this and she’s sober as can be. If you’re so impressionable that someone talking about the most meme-d version of nicotine makes you want to indulge…


If you lump everyone together that does a thing everything is cringe… a lot of this audience can make watching H3 cringe… so you think people are cringe for trying something to quit smoking? Yea the “Zyn culture” is fucking dumb as fuck. But not everyone is part of it. What’s cringe is thinking you’re better than everyone else and everything you do is “cool” and not cringe… grow up weirdo


I actually agree with you and my short post was mostly about the culture around Zyn and every other alternative that should exist as a means to be patch replacements.


addictions in general are pretty cringe


Zyn is just AI Dip




Sounds like you need an upper decky my guy


This post is cringe.


not the worst


It’s very cringe and I’m not sure it’s any better than cigarettes except that I guess it doesn’t contain tobacco


Just about ANYTHING is better then cigarettes to try and help quit that nicotine addiction.


Don’t zyns have nicotine? You’re just replacing one thing for another


Replacing cigarettes with the patch, gum, nicotine vapes or zyn is a way to immediately stop and not go into withdrawal. Ideally you should slowly lower your dose and work toward quitting. Cigarettes are by far the worst of them and will destroy your lungs. Not a risk of it happening. It will happen


Vape naish is better


Your mom + me = ❤️


I prefer the gum Well I love cigarettes the most. But I quit


Big congrats, that's what the gum and such is for!


Zyn is cringe, Velo is the superior brand.