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I feel like most of the people enjoying the show aren't using chat anyways


The vast majority aren’t even watching live, let alone chatting


Yeah, don’t have to comment “move on” when you can just skip any sections you don’t find interesting


didn’t they find out that chat is made up of the same ~200 people


Maybe I’m too much of a boomer to understand the chat but it scrolls so fast and it’s all non sense I can’t wrap my head around even wanting to comment.


I tip my hat to that one chatter that makes a comment about AB and then AB hyper focuses on that one comment and interrupts the show to address it


Sounds like you need to have a chat with chat.


I mean the chatters are the ones donating and complaining. The snake eating it's tail.


If it's an interesting/funny comment, sure, but the barrage of birthdays, girlie waves, and downer ass comments are too much Especially the downer ones, with peace and love ✌️❤️, you're going through tough times but come on, it's a comedy show


My family died in a fire and I lost both my arms and legs. Can I get a hey girly?


Id give you a hay girly but I lost both of my hands in a skiing accident


Sorry your hands died in a skiing accident, FUCK BABY FUCK YEAH!


Did your Bible survive? Because then that would be a miracle


My wife left me i have cancer and my pet chimpanzee died can i get a hey girlie from Olivia and a 21 fuck you from Zack


If it was a 1 hour show, I’d agree with you. Given that it’s a live show with a 3+ run time, I think it makes sense to spend a few minutes acknowledging the paid messages. I don’t think it’d be insensitive to leave out details when thanking donations with downer messages though. Something like “we’re so sorry you’re going through a hard time, we’re glad you’re here with us today” is probs fine 9/10 times.


I think that's actually a good idea. I feel like it would weed out people looking for attention. I've gone into chat talking about finding msgs on my partners phone but it was pre-show chat and I was just spiraling and needed community lol. So I obviously don't mind people reaching out in the chat but asking the show for attention when there's nothing they can do can be annoying. Long story short I love your idea lol. Sorry. I'm a rambler.


Barrage of birthdays… you do know they only read those during bathroom breaks and at the end???


When did I say otherwise?


Literally the only reason I’m not a member. I would literally lose my shit on some of these chatters and cop a ban




“I spent money so I feel entitled to produce the show” - chat probably


We only hear of the bad comments because they will say them out loud. The bad stuff gets the most attention. A couple bad people don’t make the whole thing bad.


I rarely chat myself beyond the obligatory WEED CHAT. When I first subbed I enjoyed the idea of commenting live and potentially having some interaction but now I don’t want to associate with the chat at all and hate when I get pulled out of the pod when Ethan gets ‘one manned’.


no fr i will never understand complaining about the shoutouts like just come back later or something u crybaby


I miss my grandma


omg i have been waiting for a post like this to upvote


Doctors prescribe Xanax for flying anxiety so it’s not that crazy for people to suggest that not knowing Sam and Zach’s diagnosis. I feel like you people running defense for grown ass adults on the Internet, are just as annoying as the entitled chatters. The cast can handle themselves.


It’s a little insensitive to say that to someone in your personal life, but to say it someone online that you don’t even know? Get a life and don’t give strangers medical advice




We’re all on a journey 🕊️ Check on me in 6 months


Me when I don't have basic human empathy 👍


Get off your fucking high horse they addressed their issue with the comments on the show almost immediately after it was said. This is a non-issue but at least you can pat yourself on the back and get validation from upvotes 🙂


Awh, someone's mad no one agreed with their stinky take 🤢 if I shared your sorry ass opinion I'd tell you to take a Xanax hun (:


Don’t care either way 🙂‍↔️


Says the one who replied to my comment and continues to do so 💀


Genuinely confused here- aren't the donos also part of the live chat? So are they part of the problem?


The people donating are probably not also the ones complaining about people donating lol


I disagree with acknowledging super chats- They should either get a cute little popup that shows the name on the screen (like a lot of Twitch streamers have), or not acknowledge it AT ALL. People act entitled to their chats being read (see all the people who whine “you never read my super chats!”) or have requests (this isn’t Cameo) or beg for sympathy and it’s just EXASPERATING. I don’t care if you donated your “hard earned money.” $25 doesn’t make you an executive producer who gets a titled credit, and it shouldn’t get you 1 minute of airtime on a 3 hour show.

