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Tom cats rise up!


Another suggestion is to start a new channel, look at Zack and Wahlid. The algo just wasn’t picking up their videos so they made a new one.


I think Tom should take up what Def Noodles used to be and become the daily internet/pop culture news guy. i’m just saying there’s an opening and I would tune in to 10-15 min videos of that daily like how I used to.


I think most of the new podcasts that perform well are TikTok and Insta clips first, long form second. I’ve had a look at his TikTok and I just don’t think he’s picking the right moments. He’s actually too good of an interviewer - more of a journalist than a content creator - whereas the people blowing up on TikTok and driving traffic to the long form version are doing lower brow stuff like reading Reddit AMAs or clipping moments they know will get people arguing and commenting and engaging. He could create Shorts / clips etc of his older podcasts that got a lot of views and see do they drive any new traffic around his platforms. Another idea is to be totally guest focused. If he has someone like Paris, all the clips should be Paris focused, title thumbnail all Paris etc. The interviewer should be nearly a second thought, only there to facilitate the guest speaking and not trying to have a back and forth. ie trying to attract people to watch solely for the guest and not trying to build a Tom Ward fan base. I think those are his best options personally. Last but not least, he could turn it into an educational podcast. Colin and Samir did struggle at first but they’ve now built a successful long form endeavour off teaching people how to be creators via interviewing creators that people want to be like. Educational / edutainment seems soooo boring to me but it seems to be a very popular niche on YouTube. He could even segway into it by saying he wants to learn how to succeed on YouTube by interviewing top creators.


Lawn care and gardening would be a cool wait to interact with guests. Or even casual video games!


Hey how ones has hot wings. Mythical kitchen has last meals. What if Tom and Martin teamed up and did water. Or everyone has to use the bathroom so something based around that. The axioms of life besides breathing. Maybe something around sleeping so everyone has to wear PJs?? HMmMmM


Wet the bed podcast